连贯衔接叫作Coherence and Cohesion。这项评分标准要求作文分段合理且连接词使用充分恰当。分段合理,是要求作文的每个主体段长度均匀,行文逻辑自然、前后连贯;连接词使用充分恰当,是要求作文中出现足够多且使用准确的连接词。例如下面一个主体段:
Parental nurturing during formative years is crucial for children, as it teaches them important social values such as manners and discipline, which are applicable throughout their life. Moreover , the family provides a sense of belonging and comfort during tough times. For example , individuals could always rely on their families to soothe their feelings and rejuvenate themselves in the face of adversity. (摘自本书范文2,题目为论证家庭、学校和外部社会对儿童的影响。)
本段中such as,moreover,for example都起到衔接上下文的作用。在范文2中,像这样的段落有三个,也即全文有至少九个连接词,符合高分作文的要求。达不到这些要求,分数不会超过6分。
表1-1-3 连贯衔接分值及解释
表1-1-4 常用的连接词举例