
第1节 儿童

1.1 考情分析


表2-1-2 儿童类话题







1.2 词汇积累

1. 尽早入学 early enrollment in school

2. 正式教育 formal education

3. 正式教育 formal schooling

4. 竞争优势 competitive edge

5. 认知能力 cognitive capacity

6. 耐力 stamina

7. 试错成本 trial and error cost(s)

8. 美好的未来 a promising future

9. 蹒跚学步者和青少年 toddler(s) and teenager(s)

10. 儿童成长的关键几年 the vital formative year(s) of a child

11. 家庭和环境的影响 the impact of family and circumstance

12. 外部因素 external factor

13. 原生家庭 the original family

14. 父母的养育 parental nurturing

15. 父母的压力 parental pressure

16. 鼓励和原谅 encouragement and forgiveness

17. 归属感 a sense of belonging

18. 自卑感和不安全感 a sense of inferiority and insecurity

19. 生长和发展的刺激因素 stimulus for growth and development

20. 社交技能 social skill(s)

21. 直接即时的反馈 direct and immediate feedback

22. 重要的社会价值观 important social value(s)

23. 新颖的角度和方法 novel perspective(s) and approach(es)

24. 创新的思维模式 a creative thought pattern

25. 礼仪和规矩 manner(s) and discipline

26. 一个人的眼界 an individual’s horizon(s)

1.3 真题范文

范文1 是否应该7岁前上学?

Some people think young children should get formal study at school as early as possible.However, others believe that children should not go to school until 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2018.8.25)

In today’s competitive world, parents are eager to give their children a competitive edge.This has led to a heated debate about whether children should receive formal education before the age of seven. Personally, I believe that children should have enough time to explore the world before starting formal schooling.

Admittedly, early enrollment in school can benefit a child’s future prospects. Those who are constantly exposed to questions tend to think more frequently, which stimulates brain growth and fosters cognitive capacity and critical thinking. Furthermore, early academic training provides more opportunities for children to assimilate knowledge from various fields. This can help them to discover their talents and interests, thereby exempting them from the trial and error costs.

However, knowledge is not the only factor that contributes to a happy life or a successful career. Firstly, physical health is crucial for success in hard work because it increases one’s stamina for heavy workloads and pressure in the future. Therefore, children should develop the habit of exercising from an even earlier age than seven instead of rushing to school and sitting for long hours. Secondly, a creative mind that is free from existing knowledge frameworks can offer novel perspectives and approaches. Cultivating a creative thought pattern filled with imagination is the foundation of learning and can be even more crucial to success.

In conclusion, having more time to study is undoubtedly essential for a promising future.However, during the vital formative years of a child, developing a habit of exercise and cultivating a creative mind should be given priority. (258 words)





范文2 谁给儿童的影响更大?家庭、学校还是外部社会?

Although family is a great influence in any child’s life, it is influence from outside the home that plays a bigger role in his or her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (2021.6.5)

The impact of family and circumstance on one’s success in life is a topic of continuous debate. From my perspective, a combination of both factors is the most significant ingredient for an individual’s development.

Parental nurturing during formative years is crucial for children, as it teaches them important social values such as manners and discipline, which are applicable throughout their life. Moreover, the family provides a sense of belonging and comfort during tough times. For example, individuals could always rely on their families to soothe their feelings and rejuvenate themselves in the face of adversity.

Similarly, a lack of care or attention from the original family could also deter children’s development because what they obtain from their family might be a sense of inferiority and insecurity instead of encouragement and forgiveness. Specifically, if individuals are not used to trying without any concern and then getting praise or advice for improvements, they will miss plenty of chances to improve, further losing opportunities for personal development.

However, external factors such as circumstances can provide a stimulus for growth and development. Being exposed to a diverse range of strangers and situations outside the home can broaden an individual’s horizons and cultivate their social skills. In the workplace, dealing with colleagues who may not be as supportive as family members can be challenging but can provide an opportunity for growth. Additionally, direct and immediate feedback is available outside the home, which can be harsh but beneficial for personal growth.

To conclude, both family and circumstance play a vital role in an individual’s development.A combination of both factors is necessary for an individual to thrive and succeed in life. (275 words)






1.4 真题汇总

范文1 是否应该7岁前上学?

1. Some people say modern children’s games do not develop a wide range of skills, while traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2018.8.2)

2. Some people think young children should get formal study at school as early as possible.However, others believe that children should not go to school until 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2018.8.25)

3. Some people think that children nowadays have too much freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2020.1.18)

4. Parents should encourage children to spend less time on study and more time on physical activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2021.2.20)

5. Some people think adults should give children freedom to make mistakes. Others think adults should prevent children from making mistakes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2021.8.7)

范文2 谁给儿童的影响更大?家庭、学校还是外部社会?

1. In some countries, many people choose to educate children at home by themselves instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (2018.4.26)

2. Some people think that young people should spend more of their time at home with their families, and spend less time entertaining outside, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2018.10.27)

3. Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development that parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2019.3.23)

4. Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for and allow them to do anything they want. Is it good for children? What could be the consequences when they grow up? (2019.7.27)

5. Although family has a great influence on children’s life, it is the influence of outside the home that plays a bigger part in their development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2019.11.16)

6. Although family is a great influence in any child’s life, it is influence from outside the home that plays a bigger role in his or her development. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (2021.6.5) +JdU3YRPdFpg4yTeU1KPoGijTI+RR7BFvDOvI950l3+aSG2A5Lko0G0kWjHogRFq
