1. With environmental problems turning to inter-generational issues, the suggestion that the present generation should accept a less comfortable life for the sake of the future generation emerges. [2] 随着环境问题演变为代际问题,出现了这样一种建议,即为了下一代,当代人应该接受不那么舒适的生活。(注:每句英文后的数字代表这句话中包含的高分句型数量,下同。)
2. In conclusion, as global interactions among countries continue to deepen, a country’s competitive edge is determined not only by science and technology itself but also by how these advancements are utilized and promoted on a global scale. [2] 总之,随着各国之间的全球互动不断加深,一个国家的竞争优势不仅取决于科学技术本身,还取决于如何在全球范围内利用和推广这些先进技术。
3. Despite the fact that social media today are increasingly used to attract viewers with threatening and exaggerated information about crimes which might create a bit of chaos in the readers’ minds, such reports still play a significant role in promoting local safety and perfecting legal systems. [2] 尽管如今社交媒体越来越多地利用威胁性和夸大性的有关犯罪的信息来吸引观众,这可能会在读者心中造成一些混乱,但这类报道在提升当地的安全性和完善法律制度方面仍然发挥着重要作用。
4. Especially with the advancement of remote work, new dynamics have formed, where employees have more power to negotiate better working conditions and work-life balance,prompting businesses to rethink their approach to hiring and retention. [2] 特别是随着远程工作的开展,新的动态已经形成,员工有更多的权利来协商更好的工作条件和工作与生活的平衡,这促使企业重新思考其招聘和留住员工的方法。
5. Lastly, the habit of hardworking could also reinforce the illusion that diligence is destined to be rewarded, and this mindset could bring enormous depression once anything unexpected happens, destroying people’s hope and motivation thoroughly. [3] 最后,勤奋工作的习惯也会强化勤奋注定有回报的错觉,但是一旦发生任何意外,这种心态就会带来巨大的压抑感,彻底摧毁人们的希望和动力。
6. For instance, in remote areas where the Internet and computers are not yet widespread enough, e-book penetration still trails that of printed ones by a wide margin, meaning that physical books are still the main carrier of knowledge. [3] 例如,在互联网和计算机还不够普及的偏远地区,电子书的普及率仍然远远落后于纸质书,这意味着纸质书仍然是知识的主要载体。
7. As the world progresses at an unprecedented pace, the demand for skilled employees is increasing, creating immense pressure on universities to produce more competent graduates. [2] 随着世界以前所未有的速度向前发展,对有技能的员工的需求与日俱增,这给大学带来了巨大压力,要求它们培养出更多有能力的毕业生。
8. Firstly, when faced with substantial charges, producers and suppliers may increase the prices of their products to alleviate the burden of regulatory costs, thereby shifting the financial pressure onto buyers. [2] 首先,当面临大量收费时,生产商和供应商可能会提高其产品价格,以减轻监管带来的成本负担,从而将经济压力转嫁给买家。
9. In certain developed countries like Japan and Germany, residents are subject to significant disposal fees when disposing of their waste, thereby fostering an understanding of the importance of recycling and valuing personal belongings. [2] 在一些发达国家,如日本和德国,居民在处理垃圾时需要支付高额的处理费,从而培养了人们对回收利用和珍惜个人物品重要性的认识。
10. Moreover, especially when famous people’s image is damaged in the media for any particular reason, they could have repercussions on the charity and the problem itself, downplaying people’s inner motive to focus on any issue. [2] 此外,特别是当名人的形象因某种原因在媒体上受损时,他们可能会对慈善事业和问题本身产生影响,淡化人们关注任何问题的内在动机。
11. What’s more, online meeting also encourages international trade, helping with much of the first-phase preparations even if offline negotiations is inevitable in such processes. [2] 更重要的是,在线会议还鼓励国际贸易,即使线下谈判在这些过程中不可避免,在线会议也能帮助进行大量的前期准备工作。
12. Specifically, if individuals are not used to trying without any concern and then getting praise or advice for improvements, they will miss plenty of chances to improve, further losing opportunities for personal development. [2] 具体来说,如果个人不习惯于毫无顾虑地去尝试,然后在改进后得到表扬或建议,那么他们就会错过很多提高的机会,从而进一步失去个人发展的机会。
13. Weddings and birthdays are occasions where individuals often receive household appliances or digital products as gifts, resulting in brides and grooms receiving multiple vacuum cleaners or projectors for family use. [2] 婚礼和生日是个人经常收到家用电器或数码产品作为礼物的场合,导致新娘和新郎收到多台吸尘器或投影仪供家人使用。
14. Cases can be seen where foreign aid was channelized to the private accounts of government officials, meaning that only a small fraction of the donation could be used for tangible improvements in local communities. [2] 可以看到一些案例:外国援助被转入政府官员的私人账户,这意味着只有一小部分捐款能用于切实改善当地社区。
15. Building more train and subway lines is not an ideal solution to traffic congestion due to the fact that, first of all, it requires a large initial investment and years of time to construct, so it is not suitable for solving the pressing situation of traffic jams at hand. [3] 修建更多的火车和地铁线路并不是解决交通拥堵的理想办法,因为首先,它需要大量的初期投资和多年的建设时间,因此并不适合解决眼下交通拥堵的紧迫问题。
16. In conclusion, further education beyond high school should be deemed rather as an assistance that converts your attempts and struggles into future accomplishments than a promise that you can still achieve what you want even if you are slacking all the time. [4] 总之,高中毕业后的继续教育应被视为一种帮助,将你的尝试和奋斗转化为未来的成就,而不是一种承诺,让你即使一直在懈怠也仍然可以获得你想要的东西。
17. For instance, exposed constantly to advertisements or testimonials inciting a certain lifestyle,people would start to reflect on their own daily routines, which contributes to a higher possibility of being influenced. [3] 举例来说,如果经常接触到煽动某种生活方式的广告或测评,人们就会开始反思自己的日常行为,这就会增加受影响的可能性。
18. Having already invested a significant amount of money in transportation and accommodation,tourists are more inclined to view these expenses as a worthwhile continuation of their overall expenditure, even if they are aware that the experience might be less captivating. [3] 游客已经在交通和住宿方面投入了大量资金,因此他们更倾向于将这些费用视为其整体支出中值得继续投入的部分,即使他们意识到这种体验可能并不那么吸引人。
19. After all, it is only through equitable communication and the exchange of ideas between nations that cultural dialogue flourished, necessitating an ample supply of literature and artworks that represent our own unique perspectives. [3] 毕竟,只有通过平等的沟通和国家间的思想交流,文化对话才能蓬勃发展,这就需要大量代表我们独特观点的文学和艺术作品。
20. However, when living in a virtual world, we are actually creating an artificial environment that we confuse with the real one, causing more inconvenience compared with the alleged benefits. [3] 然而,当我们生活在虚拟世界中时,实际上是在创造一个人工环境,我们将其与真实环境混为一谈,与所谓的好处相比,这造成了更多的不便。
21. For instance, jeans manufacturers use synthetic dyes and thus generate a large amount of toxic wastewater, which is poured into rivers unprocessed, causing severe impact on the aquatic system and the living creatures inside, where strict regulations and fines should be posed on the companies, requiring them to process their industrial wastes before discharging them. [4] 例如,牛仔裤制造商使用合成染料,因此产生了大量有毒废水,这些废水未经处理就被倒入河流,对水生系统和生活在其中的生物产生了严重影响。应该对这些公司进行严格的监管和罚款,要求它们在排放工业废水之前对废水进行处理。
22. Nowadays, there are many people who work in the city centre but live in the suburbs, so taking public transportation would be extremely time-consuming and struggling for them,making private cars the only optimal choice. [4] 现在有很多人在市中心工作,但住在郊区,所以乘坐公共交通工具对他们来说既费时又费力,这使得私家车成为唯一最佳的选择。
23. Besides, youngsters today are more proficient at taking orders on the Internet, which drives their cost of shopping down, shaping a more casual habit of purchasing because of the fact that being brought up by more affluent families compared with their parents, adolescents today hardly have any proper discretion on what’s valuable. [5] 此外,现在的年轻人更善于在网上下单,这使他们的购物成本降低,形成了一种更随意的购买习惯。因为,与他们的父母相比,现在的青少年成长于更富裕的家庭,对什么是有价值的东西几乎没有正确的判断。