现在分词的形式是doing sth.,可以在句子中当名词用,名词在句子中可以作主语或宾语,也就是说doing sth.可以在句子中作主语或宾语。
例句1 Parents could inspire their kids to work hard. 家长可以激励他们的孩子努力学习。
这是一个主谓宾结构的简单句,谓语是could inspire,主语由名词parents充当,表示激励孩子努力学习的是父母。
例句2 Witnessing their parents living fulfilling* lives after years of dedication in the work place could inspire their kids to work hard. 目睹他们的父母多年来在工作岗位上兢兢业业,过着充实的生活,孩子受到激励,努力工作。
例句2本质上是一个主谓宾结构的简单句,和例句1一样,谓语是could inspire,但主语由witnessing sb. doing sth.充当,表示激励孩子努力学习的是父母兢兢业业工作这件事。(fulfilling*为形容词,意为“令人满意的”)
1. Sacrificing for the greater good is a crucial aspect of success, which is essential for career advancement and helps individuals work their way up the corporate ladder. 为大局牺牲是成功的一个重要方面,这对职业发展至关重要,有助于个人在企业里步步高升。
2. In other words, interacting with peers under the guidance and supervision of teachers would give teenagers a sense of security and belonging, which augments their cognitive capacity. 换句话说,在教师的指导和监督下与同龄人交流,会给青少年带来安全感和归属感,从而增强他们的认知能力。
3. Moreover, even when the depletion of natural resources has caused survival problems for future generations, suppressing people’s immediate needs is still not a solution, because it is not sustainable. 此外,即使自然资源的枯竭已经给子孙后代带来了生存问题,压制人们当下的需求仍然不是解决问题的办法,因为这不是长久之计。
4. In conclusion, even if reporting on crimes may, to some extent, teach potential criminals,the positive impacts of such reports outweigh the negative impacts, especially in the current fast-changing digital era. 总之,即使对犯罪的报道在一定程度上可能会教唆潜在的犯罪分子,但这种报道的积极影响大于消极影响,尤其是在当前瞬息万变的数字时代。
5. Specifically, engaging in physical activities indoors or outdoors helps to develop and maintain good physiques, which is essential in modern times where technology has led to sedentary lifestyles and a rise in chronic diseases. 具体而言,参加室内或室外体育活动有助于发展和保持良好的体质,这在社会上是至关重要的,因为现代科技导致了久坐不动的生活方式和慢性疾病的增加。
6. In conclusion, watching too much TV and playing computer games will decrease children’s mental abilities by making them torpid, indifferent and lazy. 总之,过多地看电视和玩电脑游戏会降低儿童的智力,使他们变得迟钝、冷漠和懒惰。
7. Moreover, witnessing their parents living fulfilling lives after years of dedication in the workplace instills in them the belief that they too can lead contented lives in the future. 此外,目睹他们的父母多年来在工作岗位上兢兢业业,过着充实的生活,会让他们相信自己将来也能过上满意的生活。
sacrifice v. 牺牲
interact v. 交流,互动
augment v. 增强
suppress v. 镇压,压制
career advancement 晋升
cognitive capacity 认知能力
depletion n. 耗尽,消耗
physique n. 体格,体魄
sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活习惯
dedication n. 付出
sustainable adj. 可持续的
torpid adj. 有气无力的
contented adj. 满意的
例句1 Dependence on machines will create physical and mental laziness, which is gradually eroding people’s drive to work hard. 对机器的依赖会造成身体和精神上的懒惰,逐渐侵蚀人们努力工作的动力。
本句话包含which引导的定语从句(which is gradually eroding people’s drive to work hard),用来表示主句(Dependence on machines will create physical and mental laziness)正在产生的后果。
例句2 Dependence on machines will create physical and mental laziness, gradually eroding people’s drive to work hard. 对机器的依赖会造成身体和精神上的懒惰,逐渐侵蚀人们努力工作的动力。
例句2由例句1省略which is而来,两句话意思相同。例句2中gradually eroding people’s drive to work hard这个现在分词(doing sth.)的结构,用来表示主句(Dependence on machines will create physical and mental laziness)正在产生的后果,所以是现在分词作结果状语。
换个角度理解,我们认为例句2中的谓语will create表示的动作先发生,而非谓语eroding的动作(侵蚀)后发生,即先产生身体和精神上的懒惰,然后才由此带来工作的动力被侵蚀这一结果。
例句3 Local people may consider local museums boring, assuming that they could offer no exciting experiences. 当地人可能会认为当地博物馆枯燥乏味,认为它们无法提供令人兴奋的体验。
例句3中assuming that they could offer no exciting experiences这个现在分词(doing sth.)的结构,用来表示和主句(Local people may consider local museums boring)几乎同时发生的动作,所以是现在分词作伴随状语。
换个角度理解,我们认为例句3中的谓语consider sth. boring代表的动作和非谓语assuming的动作(假设)几乎同时发生,即人们不分先后地同时觉得,当地博物馆无聊、无法提供刺激的体验。
例句4 Not knowing how to work out the physics problem, he asked the teacher for help. 由于不知道如何解这道物理题,他向老师求助。
例句4中not knowing how to work out the physics problem这个现在分词(doing sth.)的结构,用来表示在主句(he asked the teacher for help)之前发生的动作,所以是现在分词作原因状语。
换个角度理解,我们认为例句4中的非谓语not knowing表示的动作(不知道)先发生而谓语asked的动作(询问)后发生,即因为不知道如何解题,所以向老师寻求帮助。
1. Most importantly, schools offer a platform to experiment, meaning that students could try whatever they want at school and apply the experience gained from these trials to their forthcoming work. 最重要的是,学校提供了一个实验平台,这意味着学生可以在学校尝试任何他们想尝试的事情,并将从这些实验中获得的经验应用到他们将来的工作中。
2. On the other hand, local residents may deem museums and historical relics irrelevant, assuming that their familiarity with their hometown renders such attractions mundane. 而从另一个角度来讲,当地居民可能会认为博物馆和历史文物无关紧要,认为他们对家乡的熟悉度使这些景点变得平淡无奇。
3. Imprisonment serves as a punishment for criminals, making it clear that breaking the law has consequences and deterring potential criminals. 监禁是对罪犯的一种惩罚,使人们清楚地认识到违法的后果,并对潜在的罪犯起到威慑作用。
4. As dependence on machines grows, both physical and mental laziness can ensue, gradually eroding individuals’ inherent drive to effect change. 随着对机器的依赖越来越大,身体和精神上的懒惰也会随之而来,逐渐削弱个人内在的变革动力。
5. In addition, exertions of talking about others’ clothes could also be saved so that employees could focus more on their own tasks, boosting corporations’ morale. 此外,还可以省去谈论他人衣服的时间,使员工更专注于自己的工作,从而提高企业的士气。
6. However, if these students are denied these opportunities, it can lead to resentment and dissatisfaction, putting the overall welfare of the nation at risk. 但是,如果这些学生被剥夺了这些机会,就会引发怨恨和不满,从而危及国家的整体福祉。
7. Cases abound in our lives where college students end up failing to graduate, urging us to reconsider the role colleges play. 在我们的生活中,大学生最终无法毕业的案例比比皆是,敦促我们重新考虑大学所扮演的角色。
render v. 使成为
deter v. 威慑,防止
ensue v. 接着发生,紧跟着出现
abound v. 大量存在,充斥
trial n. 试验,考验
historical relic 历史遗迹,历史文物
familiarity n. 熟悉
imprisonment n. 监禁
exertion n. 努力,费力
morale n. 士气,精神面貌
resentment n. 愤恨
dissatisfaction n. 不满意
irrelevant adj. 不相关的
inherent adj. 内在的,固有的
例句1 However, one’s financial capability is a determinant which is affecting one’s purchas ing habits. 然而,一个人的经济能力是影响其购买习惯的一个决定因素。
例句1主句(Financial capability is a determinant)为主系表结构,定语从句(which is affecting one’s purchasing habits)用来修饰限定先行词determinant,解释这个决定性因素有哪些特点。
例句2 However, one’s financial capability is a determinant affecting one’s purchasing habits. 然而,一个人的经济能力是影响其购买习惯的一个决定因素。
例句2由例句1省略which is而来,两句话意思相同,主句也相同,例句2中affecting one’s purchasing habits这个现在分词(doing sth.)结构用来作定语,修饰前面的名词determinant,因此通常被叫作后置定语(放在名词后面的定语)。
1. It’s fair to say that the quality of employees’ work is of paramount importance to any institution, however, the way employees dress is exactly one of the factors constituting corporate success. 可以说,员工的工作质量对任何机构来说都是至关重要的,然而,员工的着装方式恰恰是构成企业成功的因素之一。
2. Therefore, immediate actions aiming at improving traffic efficiency may be more feasible and useful. 因此,以提高交通效率为目标的立即的行动可能更加可行和有用。
3. Amidst the various advantages stemming from technological progress, the most palpable one is the expanding array of daily commodities that directly impact our lives. 在科技进步带来的各种好处中,最直观的就是直接影响我们生活的各种日用品日益丰富。
4. For instance, appliances displaying instant traffic information and advice could be designed and installed in cars or cellphones to help drivers avoid busy roads on their commute. 例如,可以在汽车或手机中设计和安装显示即时交通信息和建议的设备,以帮助驾驶员在上下班途中避开繁忙的道路。
5. Furthermore, synthetically derived fibres bearing striking* resemblance to animal furs can serve as fundamental materials for clothing, ensuring both warmth and fashionability. 此外,与动物皮毛极为相似的合成纤维可以作为服装的基本材料,既保证了保暖性,又保证了时尚性。 (striking* 为形容词,意为“惊人的,显著的,引人注目的”)
constitute v. 形成,构成
determinant n. 决定因素
purchasing habit 购买习惯
daily commodity 日常用品
appliance n. 电器,应用
resemblance n. 相似之处,相像
feasible adj. 可行的
palpable adj. 直观明显的,易察觉的
例句1 After he is encouraged by his teacher, Tom decided to work hard. 在老师的鼓励下,汤姆决定努力工作。
例句1中的从句(After he is encouraged by his teacher)为主句(Tom decided to work hard)的原因状语,交代了Tom决定努力工作是在被鼓励之后。
例句2 Encouraged by his teacher, Tom decided to work hard. 在老师的鼓励下,汤姆决定努力工作。
例句2由例句1省略After he is而来,两句话意思相同,主句也相同,例句2中Encouraged by his teacher这个过去分词结构(done-prep.-n.)用来作状语,交代主句(Tom decided to work hard)发生的原因,故被称作原因状语。
例句3 In other words, women are often tasked with taking care of the family, based on the notion that they are more sensitive. 换句话说,妇女往往被赋予照顾家庭的任务,基于认为她们更加敏感的观念。
本句中based on the notion that they are more sensitive这个过去分词结构也是用来作状语,交代主句(Women are often tasked with taking care of the family)发生的原因,所以也是原因状语。
1. In addition, manipulated by peer pressure, people would produce an internal desire to imitate their close friends or those whom they admire, which would further shape one’s shop ping preferences unconsciously. 此外,在同伴压力的作用下,人们会产生一种内在的欲望,去模仿自己的好友或自己崇拜的人,这将在不知不觉中进一步塑造一个人的购物偏好。
2. Moreover, content-based algorithms are creating a “bubble” where individuals got fed more of the same thing based on past searches or comments. 此外,基于内容的算法正在制造一个“泡沫”,个人会因为过去的搜索或评论而被推送更多相同的内容。
3. In conclusion, compared with science, art tells more about people’s feelings, what they want and how they would like their wishes to be realized. 总之,与科学相比,艺术更能反映人们的感受、他们想要什么以及他们希望如何实现自己的愿望。
4. Inspired by their parents’ examples, young people are motivated to strive harder to achieve self-sufficiency. 在父母榜样的激励下,年轻人会更加努力,实现自给自足。
5. Enticed by captivating descriptions found in online testimonials, tourists are more eager to explore these places. 受到网络测评中吸引人的描述的引诱,游客更渴望探索这些地方。
6. Namely, inhibited by their disposable income, people could only make affordable purchase decisions, implying that it is your purchasing capacity that determines whether you could lead a frugal life with small brands or an extravagant life with designer brands. 也就是说,受可支配收入的限制,人们只能作出负担得起的购买决定,这意味着你的购买能力决定了你可以过上使用小品牌的节俭生活,还是使用设计师品牌的奢侈生活。
strive v. 努力
entice v. 引诱
preference n. 偏好
self-sufficiency n. 自给自足
testimonial n. 测评
disposable income 可支配收入
internal adj. 内部的
content-based adj. 基于内容的
captivating adj. 迷人的
frugal adj. 节俭的
extravagant adj. 奢侈的,铺张的
unconsciously adv. 无意识地
例句1 It is important to be aware of the risks which are associated with speeding. 了解超速行驶的相关风险非常重要。
例句1主句(It is important to be aware of the risks)为主系表结构,由it作形式主语替代真正的主语(to be aware of the risks),定语从句(which are associated with speeding)用来修饰限定先行词risks,解释这个决定性因素有哪些特点。
例句2 It is important to be aware of the risks associated with speeding. 了解超速行驶的相关风险非常重要。
例句2由例句1省略which are而来,两句话意思相同,主句也相同,例句2中associated with speeding这个过去分词结构(done-prep.-n.)用来作定语,修饰前面的名词risks,因此通常被叫作后置定语(放在名词后面的定语)。
1. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential risks associated with unquestioningly embracing these groundbreaking innovations, as they can be perilous and have adverse effects. 然而,我们必须认识到那些与不加质疑地接受这些突破性创新有关的潜在风险,因为它们可能会带来危险和不利影响。
2. When travelling, individuals tend to be less concerned about the expenses incurred for entrance tickets compared to local residents. 在旅行时,与当地居民相比,人们不太倾向于关注花在门票上的费用。
3. As a result, children accustomed to starting again in the virtual realm may struggle to navigate real-life obstacles. 因此,习惯于在虚拟世界中重新开始的儿童可能会在现实生活中遇到障碍时感到困难。
4. What really perverts people might be the profound despair felt when people are confronted with difficulties endangering their existence but far beyond their own capacities. 真正使人堕落的可能是当人们面对危及自身生存却远远超出自身能力的困难时,所感受到的深深的绝望。
5. Additionally, if factories providing services related to residents’ existence are located intensively, they may become less resistant to sudden changes. 此外,如果把提供与居民生存有关的服务的工厂集中在一起,它们对突如其来的变化的抵抗力可能会降低。
6. For instance, interpersonal bonds established during the years could be converted not only into more working opportunities but also into emotional values, because most of the time feeling accepted could boost efficiency subconsciously, and this is not easily found in other countries. 例如,多年建立起来的人际关系不仅可以转化为更多的工作机会,还可以转化为情感价值,因为大多数时候被接纳的感觉会在潜移默化中提高工作效率,而这在其他国家并不容易找到。
7. Acknowledging the time required for governments to solve these problems, it becomes evident that the process of transforming talent selection within a society is a long-term endeavour. 考虑到政府解决这些问题所需的时间,社会人才选拔的转型显然是一项长期的努力。
incur v. 招致,带来(成本、花费等)
navigate v. 顺利通过
adverse effect 不利影响
virtual realm 虚拟世界
despair n. 绝望
interpersonal bond 人际关系
endeavour n. 尝试,努力
perilous adj. 危险的
accustomed adj. 习惯的
resistant to sth. adj. 抗……的
evident adj. 明显的
subconsciously adv. 潜意识地
to do sth.这样的结构叫作不定式。不定式可以作很多成分,本节我们只强调不定式作目的状语这一种用法。
不定式作目的状语的句型结构是:To do sth.,S+V+O. 意思是“为了做某事/达到某种目的”(do sth.),需要以后面的完整句(S+V+O)代表的事情为前提。
1. To avert this impending disaster, decisive actions must be undertaken to address the issues of over-consumption, resource competition, and lack of awareness. 为了避免这场迫在眉睫的灾难,必须采取果断行动来解决过度消费、资源竞争和缺乏意识等问题。
2. To prevent these scenarios from transpiring, awareness campaigns are crucial. 要防止这些情况的发生,宣传活动至关重要。
3. Instead, to benefit future generations in the long run, it’s better to research and develop alternative resources. 相反,从长远来看,为了造福子孙后代,最好是研究和开发替代资源。
4. To solve the aforementioned problems, clear regulations and a strict scrutiny system for the Internet community must be established, so that no one could post anything or comment haphazardly online. 要解决上述问题,必须对网络社区制定明确的规定和严格的审查制度,使任何人都不能在网上胡乱发布任何内容或评论。
5. Certainly, to attract local visitors, governments and tourist institutions can initiate awareness campaigns among city residents to educate them about the significance of their history. 当然,为了吸引当地游客,政府和旅游机构可以在城市居民中开展宣传活动,让他们了解历史的意义。
6. What’s more, reading on a screen for extended periods would cause eyes to become dry and sore, so to avoid digital eye strain, especially for kids, paper books should be encouraged more, since it is easier for people to focus on books than pixels on the screen. 此外,长时间对着屏幕阅读会导致眼睛干涩和酸痛,所以,为了避免使用数字产品而造成的眼疲劳,尤其是对于孩子们来说,应更多地鼓励阅读纸质书,因为比起屏幕上的像素,人们更容易将注意力集中在书本上。
initiate v. 开展,发起
scenario n. 情况
awareness campaign 宣传活动
scrutiny n. 仔细检查
impending adj. 即将到来的,临近的
alternative adj. 可供替代的
aforementioned adj. 上述的
haphazardly adv. 杂乱地,随意地