状语从句由引导词加完整句构成,如“Because-S-V-O, S-V-O”或者“S-V-O, because S-V-O”。在学习状语从句的时候,只需留意不同种类的引导词即可。
例句1 While we are embracing the benefits of the Internet, we must remember their negative impacts. 我们在欣然接受互联网带来的好处的同时,必须牢记其负面影响。
所有的状语从句都是由引导词加完整句组成的,本句中while we are embracing the benefits of the Internet就是状语从句,其余部分是主句。
例句2 While embracing the benefits of the Internet, we must remember their negative im pacts. 我们在欣然接受互联网带来的好处的同时,必须牢记其负面影响。
本句和例句1的意思一样,但结构上略有不同。本句中while后面没有we are,而是直接写成“while embracing the...”,这是一条特殊的语法规则:在时间、条件、让步、方式、地点状语从句中,如果主句主语和从句主语一致,且从句谓语是be动词,那么可以将从句的主语和谓语都省略。
在例句1中,主句和从句的主语一致,都是we,且从句的谓语是be动词,所以将从句的we are一起省略掉,便得到了例句2。
1. As the world advances at a pace faster than ever imagined, notions of formal attire have varied a lot over the years. 随着世界以超乎想象的速度发展,多年来(人们对)正式着装的概念发生了很大变化。
2. In the future, as the reserves of natural resources are depleted, international conflicts will likely intensify, and eventually, among individuals. 未来,随着自然资源的枯竭,国际冲突可能会加剧,最终导致个人之间的冲突。
3. As technological achievements and inventions have become central to national strength and well-being, the role of government intervention in scientific research is paramount, in my opinion. 随着科技成就和发明已成为国家实力和福祉的核心,我认为政府在科学研究中的干预作用至关重要。
4. It is essential not to disregard these individuals* when celebrating the exponential increase in output; otherwise, it may profoundly disrupt social stability. 在庆祝产出的指数级增长时,切勿忽视这些人,否则可能会严重破坏社会稳定。( * 原文中指低收入人群)
5. In conclusion, while embracing the benefits offered by automation and robots, we must remain cognizant of their negative impacts. 总之,在欣然接受自动化和机器人带来的好处的同时,我们必须认识到它们的负面影响。
6. When it comes to combating crimes and ensuring the security of citizens, there is often a debate about the appropriate measures to take. 在打击犯罪和确保公民安全的问题上,人们经常会就应采取的适当措施展开辩论。
7. However, attitude varies when faced with the question of which kind of help is the most proper. 然而,面对哪种帮助最合适的问题,人们的态度各不相同。
advance v. 前进,进步
deplete v. 耗尽
intensify v. 增强,加强
attire n. 服装
intervention n. 干涉
stability n. 稳定,稳定性
paramount adj. 首要的,至高无上的
exponential adj. 指数级的
cognizant adj. 认识到……的
profoundly adv. 极大地,极度地
例句1 Locally grown food is more environmentally friendly, since overseas transportation leaves a large carbon footprint. 本地种植的食物更环保,因为海外运输会留下大量碳足迹。
本句包含由since引导的原因状语从句,引导词及其后面紧跟的句子,即since overseas transportation leaves a large carbon footprint为从句。since在本句翻译为“因为”,故本句为原因状语从句。
例句2 Art is valuable to mankind in that it reflects emotions and feelings. 艺术对人类有价值在于它反映了情感和感受。
本句包含由in that引导的原因状语从句,in that在本句翻译为“在于”。学习原因状语从句需要积累不同的引导词,同学们可以结合下面的高分句子积累原因状语从句的引导词及用法。
1. Moreover, well-developed transportation networks could engender rebound effects in that they may further attract more rural residents crowding into cities, which intensifies the traffic jam. 此外,发达的交通网络可能会产生反作用,因为这可能进一步吸引更多的农村居民涌入城市,从而加剧交通拥堵。
2. However, art has irreplaceable value to mankind in that it preserves and reflects emotions and feelings in human history. 然而,艺术对人类具有不可替代的价值,因为它保存并反映了人类历史上的情感和感受。
3. Furthermore, even non-commercial industries prefer individuals who think like businessmen or economists, as they believe making the most out of limited resources is always better. 此外,即使是非商业性行业,也更喜欢像商人或经济学家那样思考的人,因为他们认为让有限的资源发挥最大的作用总是更好的。
4. Additionally, career development is another important factor, as better compatibility with team members and management and a sense of recognition are desirable as well. 此外,职业发展是另一个重要因素,因为与团队成员和管理层之间更好的和谐关系和认可感也是人们所希望的。
5. Moreover, since most challenges in life require individuals to solve problems on their own,individual sports may be more advantageous in this regard. 此外,由于生活中的大多数挑战都需要个人独立解决,因此个人运动在这方面可能更有优势。
6. Moreover, since research and development expenses do not always guarantee immediate positive results, it would be unwise for private companies to bear such significant financial risks. 其次,由于研发费用并不总能保证立即取得积极成果,因此由私营公司承担如此巨大的财务风险是不明智的。
engender v. 导致,引发
guarantee v. 保证
rebound effect 反作用
compatibility n. 和谐关系,兼容性
carbon footprint 碳足迹,碳排放
irreplaceable adj. 不可替代的
non-commercial adj. 非商业的
desirable adj. 可取的,令人向往的
例句1 Women are dealing with so many stresses. 妇女要应对的压力太多了。
例句2 Women are dealing with so many stresses that they become tired more easily. 女性要应对如此多的压力,以至于她们更容易感到疲倦。
在例句1的后面加上状语从句(that they become tired more easily)就构成了例句2这个复杂句。
例句3 Homelessness has reached such proportions that governments must take actions. 无家可归问题已经达到了这种地步,以至于政府必须采取行动。
例句3与例句2不同,例句2去掉状语从句后,剩下的部分(也就是例句1)仍然能完整地表达意思。但例句3如果去掉了状语从句(that governments must take actions),剩下的部分(homelessness has reached such proportions)则显得意思没那么完整,所以这句话不能脱离状语从句而单独存在。
1. Long bus routes could also be broken into shorter pieces, the ends of which are connected in transit hubs so that passengers could enjoy easy transfer. 也可以把长的公交线路分成短的几段,其两端在交通枢纽连接起来,方便乘客换乘。
2. Institutions especially governments should take the lead in guiding the people to do the right thing so that nobody’s kindness is wasted. (公共机构)尤其是政府应该带头引导人们做正确的事,这样才不会浪费任何人的善心。
3. Over-consumption is not always the culprit for environmental damage, so limiting the use of natural resources is not reasonable in this regard. 过度消费并不总是造成环境破坏的罪魁祸首,因此限制自然资源的使用在这方面并不合理。
4. For most cities, traffic congestion occurs during peak commuting times, so providing convenient working arrangements could greatly alleviate this problem. 对于大多数城市来说,交通拥堵发生在通勤高峰期,因此提供便利的工作安排可以极大地解决这一问题。
5. Indeed, homelessness has reached such proportions that local governments can’t possibly cope. 事实上,无家可归问题已经达到了地方政府无法应对的程度。
6. Women’s capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than men’s, however, it’s just that they’re dealing with so many more things that they become worn out from it more visibly and sooner. 然而,女性承受压力的能力可能比男性还要强,只是她们要处理的事情太多了,所以她们会更明显、更早地感到疲惫。
7. Admittedly, different locations specialize in growing certain types of products based on their climate and weather, so overseas food could provide residents with more choices. 诚然,不同的地方会根据其气候和天气专门种植某些类型的产品,因此海外食品可以为居民提供更多选择。
alleviate v. 减轻,缓解
specialize v. 从事专门研究,专攻
over-consumption n. 过度消费
culprit n. 犯错的人,问题的根源
commuting time 通勤时间
proportions (pl.) n. 规模,程度
reasonable adj. 合理的
peak adj. 最高的,高峰期/黄金时段的
1. Accordingly, dressing codes should be adapted for the benefits and convenience of staff as long as they are showing uniformity, and it thus doesn’t matter whether employees are wearing suits with ties or just T-shirts and jeans. 因此,只要显示出统一性,着装要求应该为了员工的利益和方便而调整,因此,员工是穿西装打领带还是只穿短袖衫和牛仔裤就并不重要。
2. Granted, a country should try to produce more local food as long as they are vigilant enough about the possible negative impact. 当然,一个国家只要对可能产生的负面影响保持足够的警惕,就应该努力生产更多的本地食品。
3. However, if universities focus solely on teaching working skills, graduates would be ill-equipped to compete for job opportunities. 但是,如果大学只注重传授工作技能,那么毕业生就没有能力去竞争工作机会。
4. Furthermore, if governmental offices are centralized into a single service complex, residents would have greater autonomy and convenience in dealing with municipal affairs. 此外,如果将政府办公室集中到一个单一服务的楼群,居民在处理市政事务时将有更大的自主权和便利性。
5. Therefore, if removal costs are levied on manufacturers, they will be incentivized to reduce their pollution output in order to minimize their financial burden. 因此,如果向制造商征收清除成本,它们就会有动力减少污染产出,以尽量减轻经济负担。
6. If schools solely focus on teaching science, individuals who are not interested in or proficient in scientific subjects would be disadvantaged by the education system and deprived of the opportunity to lead decent lives. 如果学校只注重科学教学,那么对科学学科不感兴趣或不精通的人就会在教育系统中处于不利地位,被剥夺过上体面生活的机会。
7. If these students receive equal admission opportunities, ideas from different social strata can be exchanged, and the wealth gap can be narrowed. 如果这些学生获得平等的入学机会,不同社会阶层的思想就可以得到交流,贫富差距就可以缩小。
centralize v. 集中
levy v. 征收
narrow v. 缩小
uniformity n. 统一性,一致性
dressing code 着装要求
autonomy n. 自主性
affair n. 事务
removal cost 清除成本
wealth gap 贫富差距
vigilant adj. 警惕的
municipal adj. 市政的
proficient adj. 熟练的,娴熟的
例句1 Online racketeering is a typical example. 网络诈骗就是一个典型的例子。
例句2 Online racketeering is a typical example where a large amount of money could disappear with just a click on a cell phone. 网络诈骗就是一个典型的例子,只需点击一下手机,大量资金就会消失。
在例句1的后面加上where引导的定语从句(where a large amount of money could disappear with just a click on a cell phone)就得到例句2,可以对example的内涵进行解释说明,以表达更加丰富的含义。
例句3 Science and technology has developed to a stage where animal products are no longer needed. 科学技术已经发展到不再需要动物产品的阶段。
例句3和例句2不同。例句3的主句(Science and technology has developed to a stage)虽然在语法结构上完整,但并不能表达完整的意思,所以一定要跟上定语从句(where animal products are no longer needed)来对stage的内涵进行解释说明。
1. Undoubtedly, scientific and technological advancements have reached a stage where substitutes for animal products could sufficiently fulfil various needs in nearly every aspect of life. 毋庸置疑,科学技术的发展已经达到了一个阶段:动物制品的替代品几乎可以充分地满足生活中方方面面的需求。
2. Last but not least, the legal system should be perfected to a level where no one dares to disturb social order to maintain public decency. 最后,法律制度应完善到无人敢扰乱社会秩序的程度,以维护社会公德。
3. Online racketeering is a typical example where a large amount of money could disappear with just a click on a cell phone or a conversation with strangers through smartphone applications. 网络诈骗就是一个典型的例子,只需点击一下手机,或通过智能手机应用软件与陌生人对话,大量资金就会消失。
4. Nevertheless, early exposure to the harsh reality beyond school will put adolescents in unstable and uneasy situations where urges for self-protection instead of learning will be engendered. 相反,过早地接触学校以外的残酷现实,会让青少年处于不稳定和不安的境地,从而产生自我保护而不是学习的冲动。
5. If humans must resort to primitive lifestyles where they have to compete for resources,civilization will collapse, leading to chaos. 如果人类必须采取原始的争夺资源的生活方式,那么文明就会崩溃,导致混乱。
6. This* level of scrutiny is not always present in online media where fake news and misinformation can spread quickly and easily. 这种审查的过程在网络媒体中并不总是存在,在网络媒体中假新闻和错误信息可以迅速和容易地传播。( This* 代指上文提到的纸媒会经历的严格审查)
7. In conclusion, a society where older individuals assert themselves and spend more on personal pursuits benefits all parties involved. 总之,在一个社会中,老年人坚持自我,在个人追求上花费更多,这对所有相关方都有好处。
resort to 借助,诉诸
collapse v. 崩塌
assert oneself 坚持自己的主张
perfect v. 完善,使完美
advancement n. 发展
substitute n. 替代品
public decency 社会公德
racketeering n. 诈骗
exposure n. 暴露,接触
civilization n. 文明
scrutiny n. 审查
misinformation n. 错误信息
personal pursuit 个人追求
unstable adj. 不稳定的
primitive adj. 原始的
sufficiently adv. 充分地
1. In conclusion, sports are far more than just leisure activities because of their physical and mental benefits, although they cannot guarantee a livelihood for every supporter. 总之,体育运动远不止是休闲活动,因为它有益于身心健康,尽管它不能保证每个支持者的生计。
2. Although criticism that employees would feel disconnected might be true, there are easy solutions to this problem that are much more economical than sitting all workers in place at the same time. 虽然关于员工会感到脱节的批评可能是真实的,但这个问题有简单的解决方案,比让所有工人同时坐在一起要划算得多。
3. In conclusion, while economics may be a wiser choice than history when choosing a major, it is not the definitive way to lead societies to prosperity. 总之,在选择专业时,虽然经济学可能比历史学更明智,但它并不是引领社会走向繁荣的决定性方式。
4. When considering whether nations should introduce foreign films and TV shows to their domestic audiences, I firmly believe that while these can be beneficial in enhancing local culture, the development of a country’s own films and TV shows is paramount. 在考虑国家是否应该为国内观众引进外国电影和电视节目时,我坚信,虽然这些节目对提升当地文化有好处,但发展一个国家自己的电影和电视节目才是最重要的。
5. Therefore, it is impossible to develop a course that caters to all students, even if they are in the same major. 因此,即使他们是同一专业的学生,开设一门适合所有学生的课程也不可能。
6. For instance, professions such as lawyers, teachers, cooks, or cashiers are still in demand, even though not everyone can pursue a career in science or engineering. 例如,尽管不是每个人都能从事科学或工程方面的职业,但律师、教师、厨师或收银员等职业仍然很受欢迎。
guarantee v. 保证
leisure activity 休闲活动
livelihood n. 生计,谋生手段
criticism n. 批评,评论
prosperity n. 繁荣
disconnected adj. 不连贯的,疏离的
economical adj. 经济实惠的,节省的
definitive adj. 最终的,最权威的
domestic adj. 国内的
paramount adj. 首要的,至高无上的