例句1 The government should tackle the systematic issues. 政府应解决系统性问题。
本句中the systematic issues作tackle的宾语,代表政府需要解决的问题。
例句2 The systematic issues are hampering people’s well-being. 系统性问题阻碍着人民福祉。
本句中the systematic issues作are hampering的主语,代表上句中政府需要解决的问题,该问题在损害人民福祉。
例句3 The government should tackle the systematic issues that are hampering people’s well-being. 政府应解决阻碍人民福祉的系统性问题。
如果我们把例句1、2结合起来,就会发现the systematic issues重复出现了两次,这时只需合并同类项,并用that来替代重复的部分就可以了,而that are hampering people’s well-being就叫作定语从句,即例句3。
1. Nevertheless, the aforementioned are all systematic issues that could only be effectively addressed by the government, because it is not the parents or the kids that are making the competition for survival so fierce in modern societies. 不过,上述问题都是系统性问题,只有政府才能有效解决,因为现代社会生存竞争如此激烈,不是父母的问题,也不是孩子的问题。
2. The government could start by tackling the systematic issues that are currently hampering people’s well-being, and thus the root cause of crime will be mitigated. 政府可以从解决目前阻碍人们福祉的系统性问题入手,从而缓解犯罪的根源。
3. Not only does it contribute to the well-being of the elderly by promoting better health, but it also creates a more inclusive society that recognizes and accommodates their unique needs. 这不仅能通过改善健康状况来增加老年人的福祉,还能创建一个更具包容性的社会,承认并满足老年人的独特需求。
4. One of the key challenges that authorities face is the difficulty in monitoring individuals’behaviour in sports, especially those that are extremely fast-paced and leave no trace. 当局面临的关键挑战之一是难以监控个人在体育运动中的行为,尤其是那些节奏极快、不留痕迹的运动。
5. Consequently, universities must prioritize cultivating academic excellence while also providing opportunities for students to learn survival skills that will serve them well in the workplace. 因此,大学必须优先培养学生卓越的学术能力,同时也要为学生提供学习生存技能的机会,这些生存技能会在工作场所给他们提供很好的帮助。
6. In conclusion, further education beyond high school should be deemed rather as an assistance that converts your attempts and struggles into future accomplishments than a promise that you can still achieve what you want even if you are slacking all the time. 总之,高中毕业后的继续教育应被视为一种帮助,将你的尝试和奋斗转化为未来的成就,而不是一种承诺,让你即使一直在懈怠也仍然可以获得你想要的东西。
hamper v. 阻碍
mitigate v. 缓和,减轻
accommodate v. 适应,为……提供便利
prioritize v. 优先考虑,确定优先次序
convert v. 转换
slack v. 偷懒,减缓
systematic issue 系统性问题
root cause 根本原因
academic excellence 杰出的学术表现
workplace n. 工作场所
struggle n. 奋斗
accomplishment n. 成就
survival n. 存留,幸存
survival skill 生存技能
fierce adj. 凶猛的,强烈的
inclusive adj. 包容的
例句1 Students from less affluent families need government assistance. 家庭不富裕的学生需要政府援助。
本句中government assistance作need的宾语,代表贫困学生需要的东西。
例句2 Without government assistance the nation’s workforce will face a massive loss. 如果没有政府援助,国家的劳动力将面临巨大损失。
本句中government assistance和介词without一起组成介词短语作句子的状语,意思是如果缺少了上句中贫困学生需要的东西,国家的劳动力市场将会损失掉大量人才。
例句3 Students from less affluent families need government assistance, without which the nation’s workforce will face a massive loss. 家庭不富裕的学生需要政府援助,否则国家的劳动力将面临巨大的损失。
如果我们把例句1、2结合起来,就会发现government assistance出现了两次,这时只需合并同类项,并用which来替代重复的部分就可以了,而without which the nation’s workforce will face a massive loss就叫作定语从句(例句3)。这里需要特别注意,定语从句中放在介词后面的引导词只能是which,不能是that。
1. For instance, employees need to manage their time efficiently, prioritize tasks and even multitask, all of which can be learned through academic learning. 例如,员工需要高效地管理自己的时间,确定任务的优先次序,甚至是多任务处理,这些都可以通过学术学习来掌握。
2. What’s more, a successful, viable institution of higher learning offers partners, affiliates,alumni, and other entities that constitute one’s professional network, all of which will provide more chances for succeeding. 更重要的是,一所成功的、有生命力的高等教育机构为学生提供合作伙伴、附属机构、校友和其他实体,这些构成了一个人的职业关系网络,所有这些都会为成功提供更多机会。
3. Long bus routes could also be broken into shorter pieces, the ends of which are connected in transit hubs so that passengers could enjoy easy transfer. 也可以把长的公交线路分成短的几段,其两端在交通枢纽连接起来,方便乘客换乘。
4. Specifically, some students from less affluent families are as talented as their wealthier counterparts, and they require government assistance, without which the nation’s workforce will face a massive loss. 具体来说,一些家庭不富裕的学生和富裕的学生一样有才华,他们需要政府援助,如果没有政府援助,国家的劳动力将面临巨大的损失。
5. On the other hand, team sports promote the development of interpersonal skills, which are crucial for building better social relationships. 另一方面,团队运动可以促进人际交往能力的发展,这对建立更好的社会关系至关重要。
6. For example, behaviours such as excessive drinking and smoking are accepted despite their dangers, which leaves authorities with no solid grounds to restrict other dangerous activities. 例如,过度饮酒和吸烟等行为尽管有其危险性,但却被人们所接受,这使得当局没有充分的理由来限制其他危险活动。
7. Furthermore, regular exposure to brief, instant pleasure fosters children’s proclivity to passive reception rather than active exploration, which curbs their natural curiosity. 此外,经常接触短暂、即时的快乐,助长了儿童被动接受而不是主动探索的倾向,从而抑制了他们天生的好奇心。
prioritize v. 优先考虑,确定优先次序
multitask v. 同时处理多件事情
foster v. 培养,养育
curb v. 限制
academic learning 学术学习
affiliate n. 附属机构
alumni n. 校友
transit hub 中转站,换乘站
counterpart n. 相当的人,对应物
workforce n. 全体员工,劳动力
interpersonal skill 人际交往能力
exposure n. 暴露,经受,接触
proclivity n. 倾向
viable adj. 切实可行的,能存活的
affluent adj. 富裕的
massive adj. 巨大的
excessive adj. 过量的
passive adj. 被动的