卡特福德(1965)在其专著《翻译的语言学理论》(A Linguistic Theory of Translation)中提出了翻译转换(translation shifts)的理论。“翻译转换”就是指翻译过程中发生的语言的改变。卡特福德(1965:73)将“翻译转换”界定为“从原语到目标语翻译过程中在形式对应层面上的偏离”。就翻译而言,卡特福德(1965)区分出了形式对应(formal correspondence)和文本等值(textual equivalence)两个重要概念。“形式对应”是语言系统层面上的概念,指涉的范围更广,即指目标语中的任何范畴(语言单位、语法成分、结构成分等)在目标语系统中占有的地位与其对应的原语中的范畴在原语中占有的地位尽可能相似,如英语中的名词“belongings”与西班牙语中的“efectos personales [personal effects]”;“文本等值”则主要指具体的“原语-目标语”语言对等,即指在具体语境下目标语的一个文本或文本的一部分与原语的一个文本或文本的一部分是等值的,如“he searched through my belongings”在翻译为西班牙语时被译为了“examinó mi bolso [he examined my bag]”。在翻译过程中,当“形式对应”和“文本等值”两个情形中的概念偏离时,就发生了“翻译转换”,如上面所说的“ efectos personales ”与“ bolso ”。
对于翻译转换的类型,卡特福德(1965)指出主要有两类:其一,层级转换(level shift),主要指的是在一种语言中用语法表示的概念,在另一种语言中则用词汇表示出来,如英语中的时、体等在中文中用词汇表示出来;其二,范畴转换(category shift)。范畴转换又可再分为四类:一是结构转换(structural shift),指的主要是语法结构的转换,如英语中“主语代词+动词+直接宾语”的结构“I like jazz”译为西班牙语时转换为了“间接宾语代词+动词+主语”的结构“me gusta el jazz”。这是翻译转换中常用的一类转换。二是词类转换(class shift),指的是译文用不同于原语的词类来进行翻译,如英语中的“a medical student”译为法语时转换为了“un étudiant en médecine”,英语中前置的形容词“medical”被译为了法语中后置的副词性修饰语“ en médecine”。三是等级转换(rank shift),指的是原语和目标语在语言纵向上的句、小句、短语、词、词素等不同层级单位上的转换。四是系统内转换(intra-system shift),指的是原语和目标语虽具有较为相似的系统,但翻译时还需选择一个不对应的成分。例如,法语和英语在“数”和“冠词”系统方面类似,但英语的“数”和“冠词”和法语的“数”和“冠词”并不总是对应的,如英语中的“advice”是不可数名词,但在译为法语时需转换为可数名词“des conseils (复数)”;法语中“ Il a la jambe cassée [he has the leg broken]”的定冠词“la”译为英语时转换为了不定冠词“a”,即“he has a broken leg”。整体而言,卡特福德(1965)认为,在翻译转换中,层级转换占少数,范畴转换占多数。卡特福德(1965)的翻译转换系统如图1 - 1所示。
图1-1 卡特福德的翻译转换系统
The five years since the 18th National Congress have been a truly remarkable five years in the course of the development of the Party and the country.
(The Governance of China)
在此句中,“是”不能直接译为“is”,因为原文中的时间范围是“十八大以来的五年”,描述的是一个从过去的时间点一直持续到现在的时间范围,在英语中应用现在完成时的语法形式来翻译,所以将“是”译为了“have been”。
The ocean is of great significance to the survival and development of human society. It gave birth to life, connects the world, and facilitates development.
( The Governance of China)
When I got the letter my heart began to thump. One of my translations of German short stories had been accepted by a magazine, and I had got a money order for five dollars.
(Nights of Spring Fever,唐笙译)
在此句中,“已经在某杂志上发表了”表示已经完成的动作。英语译文中用语法的表现形式进行了层级转换,使用过去完成时,译为了“had been accepted”。
We have only just begun the modernization drive. We shall probably have made considerable progress by the end of the century and even more notable progress 30 or 50 years after that.
(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)
这段文字摘自1986年10月18日邓小平同志会见美籍华裔学者李政道教授夫妇和意大利学者齐吉基教授夫妇时的谈话。因此,这是从1986年看20世纪末要实现的目标,所以英语译文中用的是将来完成时,即“shall ... have made”。
The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee holds regular study sessions. The sessions are presided over and addressed by the general secretary of the Central Committee, and attended by all members of the Political Bureau. Leaders of relevant departments, experts and scholars are invited to lecture on economics, political science, history, culture, social affairs, science and technology, military and international affairs.
(The Governance of China)
在此例中,中文原文中没有一个“被”字,但在英语译文中有三个地方出现了被动语态“are presided over and addressed by”“attended by”“are invited”。这一段主要是对“中央政治局集体学习”这一名词术语的界定和阐释,因此选“study sessions”做英语句子的主语更能聚焦这一主题,也有利于句子整体的统一性,避免句子内主语的频繁更替(general secretary、members、leaders)。正是因为英语句子的主语选择了宾语性成分,所以后面的三个动词就需使用被动语态的形式。
Procedures and processes must be simplified and time frames must be clarified for all items requiring administrative review, and cuts to government power will be made to boost market vitality.
(Report on the Work of the Government, 2015)
与例1-22同理,中文原文中没有一个“被”字,但英语译文中有三处使用了被动语态:“be simplified”“be clarified”“be made”。
There are 13 years left until 1997. We should start working now to gradually bring about a smooth transition. First, major fluctuations or setbacks must be avoided, and the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong must be maintained. Second, conditions must be created for a smooth take-over of the government by Hong Kong residents. I hope that people of all walks of life in Hong Kong will work towards this end.
(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)
As for foreign loans, we should make a concrete analysis of the question. Some countries have borrowed large amounts of foreign funds. This cannot be regarded solely as a loss; they have gained from it too, rapidly growing from economically backward countries into moderately developed ones.
(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)
解析“作具体分析”不能译为“make concrete analysis”,因“analysis”是可数名词的单数形式,汉译英时需进行层级转换,添加不定冠词。“外债”译为“foreign loans”或“foreign funds”,都使用了复数的语法形式,因一个国家所借的外债往往不止一种,所以需用复数。“失败”在此句话中译为了“loss”,发生了转换,因为要和后文的“gain”对应使用。一旦选择了“loss”,就要注意其单复数之别,借外债这种做法在此用代词“this”指代,因此“loss”需用单数形式,必须添加不定冠词“a”。
In short, this year's economic situation is good, better than we anticipated. The prospects are bright for our reform.
(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)
在此例中,“希望”译为了“prospect”,需转换为复数形式“prospects”。“prospect”既可作单数使用,也可作复数使用。作单数使用时,“prospect”表示的是“将要发生的事(a particular prospect is something that you expect or know is going to happen)”,如:“There was a mixed reaction to the prospect of having new neighbours. (对于将要有新邻居这件事有多种不同的反应)。”作复数使用时,“prospect”才表示“希望”或“前景”,如:“The prospects for peace in the country's eight-year civil war are becoming brighter (.在该国的八年内战中,和平的前景正变得越来越光明)。”
We will apply a full range of monetary policy instruments, maintain basic stability in liquidity, see that market interest rates remain at an appropriate level, and improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. We will encourage a greater flow of financial resources into the real economy, particularly in support of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and small and micro businesses.
(Report on the Work of the Government, 2017)
解析“综合运用货币政策工具”隐含着“会使用多种货币政策工具”的意思,因此英译时“工具”就要用复数形式“instruments”。“金融资源”一般也包含多种资源,所以英译用“financial resources”。“小微企业”在这里指的是全国亿万家小企业,因此理应用复数形式“small and micro businesses”。这些复数形式在中文原文中均没有体现出来,英译时需进行层级转换,以符合英语的语法要求。
由于中文和英文在数的语法范畴方面存在较大差异,汉译英时对数的语法范畴的解读有时也会有差异。下面是李煜的《虞美人 · 春花秋月何时了》这首宋词的两个不同版本的英译。
① The Emperor's Lament
The fair spring flowers,
The autumn moons,
When will they cease to be?
The vanished past,
How much of it
Is wrapped in memory?
Last night the East wind shook
My roof again;
And I,
Beneath the moon,
My hapless kingdom in the South.
The graven parapet,
The terrace of pale jade
Should still be there;
But all the carmine cheeks
Are changed.
You ask,
How much of sorrow is there left
Within my heart?
And I reply
A spring-tide river full
Of water, flowing East.
(The Herald Wind: Translations of Sung Dynasty Poems, Lyrics and Songs, Clara Candlin译)
② Yü mei jen
Spring flowers, autumn moon, when will they end?
Of what once was, what's left?
Upstairs last night there was an east wind
Unbearable, in bright moonlight, to look back.
Carved railings, jade walkways, should be there still;
Only youth has gone.
How much more sorrow is to come?
It is a river, fed by spring rain, flowing east.
(Beyond Spring: Tz'u Poems of the Sung Dynasty, Julie Landau译)
我们看到,在这两则英文译文中,译者对数的层级转换的处理各不相同。例如,对于“春花秋月”,英国译者甘淋(Clara Candlin)译为了“the fair spring flowers, the autumn moons”,都采用了复数,而美国译者兰道(Julie Landau)将“春花”译为了复数“spring flowers”,但将“秋月”译为了单数“autumn moon”。“三春花开,中秋月圆”,勾起了作为阶下囚的词人对往昔美好生活的无限追思,今昔对比,无比惆怅。甘淋将“秋月”译为复数,表达出原文中岁月不断更替、苦难无限的含义,突出了自然永恒与人生无常的强烈对比。对于“东风”,甘淋译为了“the East wind”,使用了定冠词“the”;而兰道则添加了不定冠词“an”,将其译为“an east wind”。对于“雕栏玉砌”,甘淋译为了单数“the graven parapet, the terrace of pale jade”,指代故国华丽的宫殿;而兰道译为了复数“carved railings, jade walkways”,强调宫殿内具体的雕栏玉砌。
The world today is moving towards multi-polarity and becoming more economically globalized, culturally diverse, and IT-driven. All this offers hope to humanity. In contrast, however, instability and uncertainties are mounting, and the global challenges faced by humanity are ever more daunting, calling for joint responses from all countries.
(The Governance of China)
中文原文共两句话,呈并列关系(“同时”)。但在英语译文中,“同时”前后两部分的语法关系转换为了转折关系(“in contrast, however”)。在中文原文中,“需要”本是谓语动词,但在英语译文中转换为了非谓语动词形式,即“calling for”。在中文原文中,“人类社会充满希望”本是第一句话的一部分,但在英语译文中则单独译成一个独立句,这主要是因为话题发生了变化,在英语中需另起一句;此外,该句的主语也由“人类社会”转换为了“all this”,以便与上文承接。因此,整体来说,此段话的英语译文与中文原文发生了较大幅度的结构转换。
During daylight hours, a lone rider out in the wilds or up in the mountains - man, woman, old, or young - can travel undisturbed if he holds a lasso pole, almost as if it were a safe-passage tally given by Tengger.
(Wolf Totem, Howard Goldblatt译)
While recognizing our achievements, we are also very clear about the problems and challenges before us.
(Report on the Work of the Government, 2022)
在此例中,原文中的动词性短语“清醒看到”在英语译文中转换为了形容词性短语“be clear about”;动词“面临”转换为了介词“before”。两处分别将汉语的动态性表达转换为了英语中的静态性形容词或介词表达。
Grandma, a padded jacket over her shoulders, saw them to the edge of the village. “Stop here,” Commander Yu ordered her. She stopped.
(Red Sorghum , Howard Goldblatt译)
① The officials discussed the situation in the Council Chamber and when the Emperor gave audience they all entered the Grand Audience Hall where they all kowtowed together. The appointed minister asked what business there was to bring before the Emperor, and the Prime Minister Chao Che, and the State Chancellor Wen Yen-po stopped forward. The former spoke, “Just now there is a serious pestilence in this Capital, and a great many people have died. I request that in your benevolence an edict be issued pardoning all criminals, reducing all sentences for future crimes, and lessening all taxes. We also beg Your Majesty to offer prayers to Heaven to save the lives of your people.” The Emperor at once agreed to this, and added to the edict that in all temples there should be special prayers to Heaven to stop this great calamity.
(The Water Margin: Outlaws of the Marsh, J. H. Jackson译)
② After the officials had made their obeisances, the chief of ceremonies cried:“If anyone has a petition, let him come forward. If there are none, this court will adjourn.”
Zhao Zhe, the Premier, and Wen Yanbo, his deputy, advanced and said: “The plague is raging unabated in the capital. Victims among the soldiers and the people are many. We hope Your Majesty, in a forgiving and benevolent spirit, will reduce prison sentences and cut taxes, and pray to Heaven that the people be relived of this affliction.”
The emperor at once ordered the Hanlin Academy to draw an edict proclaiming a general amnesty for all prisoners and canceling all taxes. He also directed that every temple and monastery in the capital offer prayers for a termination of the disaster.
(Outlaws of the Marsh, Sidney Shapiro译)
③ Then the master of ceremonies shouted: “If there are matters to report stand forth and declare them; if not, take leave and depart.” Accordingly the Prime Minister, Zhao Zhe, and the Chief Counsellor, Wen Yanbo stepped forward and said: “Your Imperial Majesty, a fearful plague is raging in the capital at the present time. There have been many losses among your subjects, both civil and military. We beseech Your Majesty, of your graciousness, to vouchsafe pardon to transgressors, to relax punishments and reduce taxes, and to offer up prayers and sacrifices for the avoidance of heaven-sent disasters and the delivery of all your people.” The Son of Heaven, on hearing this petition, instructed the Imperial Academy to prepare forthwith an edict proclaiming the remission of prison sentences throughout the empire and the total abolition of general taxes and levies, and at the same time ordering all Buddhist temples and Taoist monasteries in the capital to perform the appropriate rites for the prevention of natural disasters.
(The Marshes of Mount Liang, John and Alex Dent-Young译)
通过对比《水浒传》这一片段的三版译文可以看到,从杰克逊(J. H. Jackson)、沙博理到登特-杨父子(John and Alex Dent-Young)的译文,呈名词化逐步增强的趋势。随着名词化的增强,译文也显得越来越正式,故事的节奏也随之放缓。
英语译文Green symbolizes life and nature.
( Keywords to Understand China: On Eco-civilization)
①[If] Qingqi (Lucid-Qi)descends, it will cause Sunxie (diarrhea with undigested food in it). [If] Zhuoqi (Turbid-Qi)ascends, it will cause abdominal flatulence [or distension].
(Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine,李照国译)
②When clear qi is in the lower [regions of the body], then this generates outflow of [undigested] food. When turbid qi is in the upper [regions], then this generates bloating.
(Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, Paul U. Unschuld&Hermann Tessenow译)
③If the clear yang qi descends instead of rising, problems such as diarrhea occur in the body. If the turbid yin qi becomes stuck at the top and fails to descend, there will be fullness and distension in the head.
(Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Wen, Ilza Veith译)
在此例中,三位译者在处理“在下”与“在上”两个介词性短语的英译时采取了不同的方式。李照国分别译为了动词“descends”“ascends”;文树德(Paul U. Unschuld)与田和曼(Hermann Tessenow)的译文则与原文基本一致,也译为了介词性短语“in the lower”“in the upper”;维茨(Ilza Veith)将“在下”译为了动词“descends”,但将“在上”译为了表变化的状态动词短语“becomes stuck at the top and fails to descend”,进行了内涵阐释。
Second, we made genuine progress in energy conservation, emissions reduction, ecological improvement and environmental protection.
(Report on the Work of the Government, 2011)
在中文原文中,“扎实”作动词“推进”的状语,是副词,但在英语译文中转换为了形容词“genuine”。这主要是因为“推进”译为了“make progress”,有了名词“progress”,就可以用形容词“genuine”修饰。
We made steady progress in the reform and development of the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields.
( Report on the Work of the Government, 2010)
同例1-36,此例中,“推进”前的副词“稳步”在英语译文中也转换为了形容词“steady”,用以修饰“made progress”中的名词“progress”。
We made a sober analysis of conditions in China and summed up our experience. We reaffirmed the great achievements scored in the 30 years from the founding of new China from 1949 through 1978, but that didn't mean that everything we had done was successful.
(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)
在此例中,中文原文中的副词“冷静地”在英语译文中被转换为了形容词“sober”,用于修饰词组“made an analysis of”中的名词“analysis”。
Traditional media and new media will be given full play in helping the public learn about China's true conditions of natural resources and relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection.
(Keywords to Understand China: On Eco-Civilization)
This coincidence made my father look at me and Granddad with intense suspicion in the days that followed, for all the world as if we were the ones who had started the blaze.
(Cries in the Drizzle, Allan H. Barr译)
在此例中,译者将“满腹狐疑地”译为了介词短语“with intense suspicion”,不但准确表达出了该副词的含义,而且使得译文简洁流畅、结构清晰。
I could only leave the room in low spirits and go off in search of Sun Guangping, whose feistiness I admired.
(Cries in the Drizzle, Allan H. Barr译)
在此例中,译者将“垂头丧气地”译为了介词短语“in low spirits”,不仅表达出了“垂头丧气”之意,而且符合英语的表达习惯。
Father's stitches were removed. Mother slipped into the shack where Father was sleeping and tiptoed up to his kang, her cheeks burning.
(Red Sorghum , Howard Goldblatt译)
在英语译文中,中文原文中的两个副词“悄悄地”“轻”分别被译为了动词词组“slipped into”“tiptoed up to”。其中,词组“slip into”中含有“悄悄”之意,“tiptoe up to”中含有“轻轻”之意,因此译文将两个副词译为了动词词组,使译文更加地道。
Particularly the women, who were given to true infatuations of indescribable simplemindedness, would see their man in their dreams if he failed to return within the agreed-upon time. Often they'd envision the boat pull into shore and their man teeter on his sea legs down the gangplank, then come running directly to her side.
(Border Town , Jeffrey C. Kinkley译)
“teeter”意为“(人)踉踉跄跄”,在此例中,译文将副词“摇摇荡荡的”翻译为动词“teeter”,并与介词表达“on his sea legs down the gangplank”进行搭配,不仅能够表达出原文的含义,而且使得译文结构更加清晰、紧凑。
But when she heard the matchmaker say, “Congratulations, congratulations,” at the door, she began to worry. Unwilling to squat by the front door any longer, she pretended to be shooing away the chickens in the vegetable garden. Flailing a bamboo whistling pole in the air, she softly scolded them as she ran toward the white pagoda in back.
(Border Town , Jeffrey C. Kinkley译)
However, we should not gulp any of this foreign material down uncritically, but must treat it as we do our food - first chewing it, then submitting it to the working of the stomach and intestines with their juices and secretions, and separating it into nutriment to be absorbed and waste matter to be discarded - before it can nourish us. To advocate “wholesale westernization” is wrong. China has suffered a great deal from the mechanical absorption of foreign material. Similarly, in applying Marxism to China, Chinese communists must fully and properly integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution, or in other words, the universal truth of Marxism must be combined with specific national characteristics and acquire a definite national form if it is to be useful, and in no circumstances can it be applied subjectively as a mere formula.
(Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung)
在此例的中文原文中,标出了三处副词性状语,译文对这些副词进行了不同的处理。对于“生吞活剥地毫无批判地”,译文省略了“生吞活剥地”,因其义与“毫无批判地”重复;“形式主义地”转换为了形容词“mechanical”;“公式地”转换为了介词短语“as a mere formula”。同时,我们看到,译文还添加了两个原文中没有的副词“first”“then”,增强了译文的逻辑性。此外,译文将原文第一句的最后小句“决不能生吞活剥地毫无批判地吸收”调整到了开头,符合英文先说重点的习惯,这是结构转换法的运用。因此,在翻译段落或语篇时,要综合运用转换译法。越是好的译文,转换应用得越多元、越恰当。
等级转换(rank shift),指的是在不同等级的语言单位上发生的转换,如短语转换为词汇、小句转换为句子等。在汉译英中,常见的等级转换有:短语与小句之间的转换、小句与句子之间的转换。
China was closed for a long time, which handicapped its economic development. Not until the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, held at the end of 1978, did we solve this problem.
(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping)
① As Sagacious was questioning the old monks he got a whiff of something fragrant. He took up his staff and went stealthily to the rear. There, on an earthen stove, steam was seeping through the reed cover of a pot. Sagacious raised the lid. Millet was simmering inside.
(Outlaws of the Marsh, Sidney Shapiro译)
② While Zhishen was making these inquiries, an exciting odour was wafted to his nostrils. Staff in hand, he padded to the back to investigate. What met his eyes was a little earthenware stove with a woven cover, a fragrant steam spiralling up from it. He lifted the cover and there was a pot of gruel bubbling away.
(The Marshes of Mount Liang, John&Alex Dent-Young译)
在此例中,中文原文是一系列并列的小句。在两则英语译文中,我们看到登特-杨父子的版本中小句向短语的等级转换程度更高,有四处,分别是“staff in hand”“what met his eyes”“with a woven cover”“a fragrant steam spiralling up from it”;而沙博理的译文则只有一处小句向短语的等级转换,即“through the reed cover of a pot”。但在小句向句子的等级转换方面,沙博理的译文转换更多,将原文译为了五个独立的句子,相对来说结构较为松散;而登特-杨父子则只将原文译为了四个独立句,结构更为紧凑。
Hong Kong has been part of the territory of China since ancient times; it was occupied by Britain after the Opium War in 1840. On 19 December 1984, the Chinese and British Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, affirming that the Government of the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997, thus fulfilling the long-cherished common aspiration of the Chinese people for the recovery of Hong Kong.
(The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China)
中文原文中由“确认”和“从而实现”所引导的两个小句,在英语译文中转换为了由“affirming”和“thus fulfilling”构成的两个动名词短语。转换之后,也体现出了该法律文本语言上的正式性。
Currently, some prominent problems continue to interfere with China's scientific and technological development; they need to be addressed immediately. Our science and technology vision, framework, innovative capability, resource allocation, system and policies are not yet adapted to the new tasks and requirements set at the 19th CPC National Congress held in 2017.
(The Governance of China)
在此例中,“亟待解决的”在中文原文中只是一个短语,但在英语译文中则升级为了一个小句“they need to be addressed immediately”,起到了强调的作用,以突出解决这些任务的迫切性。中文原文为一个句子,但句内的第二部分在英语译文中单独成句了。
第一条 中华人民共和国为了扩大国际经济合作和技术交流,允许外国公司、企业和其它经济组织或个人(以下简称外国合营者),按照平等互利的原则,经中国政府批准,在中华人民共和国境内,同中国的公司、企业或其它经济组织(以下简称中国合营者)共同举办合营企业。
Article 1 With a view to expanding international economic cooperation and technological exchange, the People's Republic of China shall permit foreign companies, enterprises, other economic organizations or individuals (hereinafter referred to as “foreign joint ventures”)to establish equity joint ventures together with Chinese companies, enterprises or other economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as “Chinese joint ventures”)within the territory of the People's Republic of China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and subject to approval by the Chinese Government.
( The Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures)
中文原文中,有六个小句,但在英语译文中这些小句基本都转换为了介词短语,如“with a view to”“on the principle of”“subject to”。这样,就只保留了主句“中华人民共和国允许……”,主次分明,逻辑清晰,避免歧义,符合法律文本对语言的要求。
Our history developed stage by stage. One dynasty rose; one dynasty fell. There were rises in the falls and falls in the rises. All the political ups and downs, harrying the common people, left them no peace and affected them in their homes, down to their very food, drink, and clothing. But all these upheavals failed to disturb foot binding. From the rule of Li Yu in 961 to the last Emperor Xuantong in 1912, women bound their feet for a thousand years. Even though dynasties changed, emperors changed, women's feet were continuously bound. So what difference does history make? From the empress and imperial concubine to the village girl and fisherman's daughter, from the great poetess Li Qing-zhao to the military heroine Liang Hong-yu, who didn't bind her feet? Only the she-monkeys, I'd guess.
(The Three-Inch Golden Lotus: A Novel on Foot Binding, David Wakefield译)