




图3 一个相对平衡的企业业务组合中包含的三种业务类型



在埃里克·施密特的领导下,谷歌甚至制定了一条经验法则:这三种类型的项目之间的比例应该是70∶20∶10,也就是至少要把10%的时间和精力用于真正的登月计划。谷歌把登月计划都放在了其秘密的创新部门谷歌X(Google X)中。谷歌X的运作类似创新工坊。毫不夸张地说,它的使命就是要创造出最终能够成为下一个谷歌的新企业。当谷歌的母公司字母表成立时,拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林甚至提醒利益相关者:“我们肯定会在一些崭新的领域进行小规模的投资,和我们的当前业务相比,这些新项目可能会看上去非常具有投机性,甚至会让你们感到吃惊。” [29] 谷歌X每年会对从清洁能源到人工智能的数百个创意进行评估,但只有其中的一小部分项目会获得人员和资金方面的支持。其中一些种子现在已经长成了参天大树,比如微末(Waymo)就是一家可能会颠覆现有交通运输行业的自动驾驶汽车公司。 [30] 从某些方面来说,谷歌X很像一只内部运作的风投基金。

当然,谷歌X也有自己的痛处。谷歌眼镜就是一个明显的例子。该产品的第一个版本遭到了铺天盖地的嘲讽,并且很快就停产了。然而,与其他公司形成鲜明对比的是,谷歌X的员工会因失败而获得奖励。 [31] 同样,塔塔集团的创始人拉坦·塔塔也在公司内设立了一个最佳失败创意奖。财捷公司(Intuit)不仅给员工颁发“最佳失败奖”,而且还举办“失败派对”。这些公司知道,在它们众多的小赌注中,一次巨大的成功就可能超过所有失败的总和。 [32]

风投式思维已经成功地应用于许多行业。好莱坞就是一个完美的例子。电影行业也是有起有落,与风险投资行业有着惊人的相似性。电影投资也有很高的失败率。 [33] 据信,在好莱坞顶级电影公司购买的每十个电影剧本中,只有一个能够真正获得拍摄并发行。所有上映的电影中只有一半能够收回制作成本。和风险投资一样,影视行业也是一场追逐爆款的竞赛。《权力的游戏》或《纸牌屋》等热门剧集的成功都是压倒性的,排名前20%的电影包揽了整个行业80%的收入。 [34] 电影的制作周期很长:《蜘蛛侠》从获得版权到成为大片,总共耗时17年。 [35] 这是一个超长的时间框架。无独有偶,数据分析软件公司帕兰提尔(Palantir)从创立到成为一家市值达200亿美元的上市公司,也花了整整17年的时间。 [36]

聪明的电影公司高管在寻找潜在大热影片时也会利用风投式思维,他们容忍失败并鼓励尝试。网飞的前首席执行官里德·黑斯廷斯曾批评他的团队成功率过高:“我总是在督促内容团队,我们必须承担更大的风险,必须尝试更多疯狂的事情,因为我们总体上应该有更高的项目取消率。” [37] 不用说,网飞是一家由风险投资公司支持的初创公司。皮克斯前总裁埃德·卡特穆尔也赞同这种做法,指出“在制作这些电影之初,我们根本不知道它们能否成功”,但他补充道:“作为高管,我们必须抵制那种想要规避或尽量降低风险的天然倾向。” [38]





● 在知道一旦成功就能获得10倍甚至100倍巨大收益的情况下,你的组织是否会进行大胆押注?

● 在知道大多数押注会以失败告终的情况下,你的组织是否还会持续进行广泛的小规模押注?

● 你的组织是会不惜一切代价避免失败,还是会将失败视为一种正常的结果?

[1] Fab.com’s story is based on the following sources: Matthieu Guinebault, “Fab.com’s $300 Million Fundraiser,” Fashion Network , May 22, 2013; Alyson Shontell, “Fab Hits 1 Million Users 5 Months After Launch,” Business Insider , November 14, 2011; Seth Fiegerman, “Fab Passes 10 Million Members, Sells 5.4 Products Every Minute,” Mashable , December 31, 2012; Alyson Shontell, “Fab, a Design Site That Raised $156 Million to Compete with Ikea, Now Has 10 Million Members,” Business Insider , December 31, 2012; Leena Rao, “Design-Focused Flash Sales Site Fab.com Raises $40M from Andreessen Horowitz, Ashton Kutcher,” TechCrunch , December 8, 2011; Brian Laung Aoaeh, “Case Study: Fab — How Did That Happen?,” Innovation Footprints , November 27, 2017; Zachary Crockett, “Sh*t, I’m F*cked: Jason Goldberg, Founder of Fab,” The Hustle , October 17, 2017; Christina Chaey, “Fab Now Offers Made-to-Order Products, a Physical Retail Store,” Fast Company , April 30, 2013; Steven Millward, “Fab’s $150M Backers Include Tencent and Itochu, Plans to Launch in China and Maybe Japan,” Tech in Asia , June 19, 2013; Ben Rooney, “Put Emotion at the Heart of E-Commerce, Says Fab Founder,” Wall Street Journal , February 6, 2013. For “emotional commerce,” see Sarah Frier, “Chasing Growth, Fab.com Sheds Executives and Misses Targets,” Bloomberg , July 4, 2013.

[2] Michael Haley, “Jason Goldberg, Best Known for Fab, Has Raised $8 Million in Seed Funding for Virtual Fitness Startup Moxie from Resolute, Bessemer, Greycroft, Others,” Insider , April 8, 2021.

[3] Michael Salfino, “You Can’t Have Home Runs Without Strikeouts,” FiveThirtyEight , June 25, 2019.

[4] Ingrid Lunden, “Apple Closes Its $400m Shazam Acquisition and Says the Music Recognition App Will Soon Become Ad Free,” TechCrunch , September 24, 2018.

[5] Wesley Gottesman, “Thinking of Venture in Bets,” Medium , July 15, 2019.

[6] “Post-its,” Quartz , February 20, 2018; ODP Corporation, “The ODP Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Results,” Business Wire, March 1, 2023.

[7] Alvin Soon, “Dr. Geoff Nicholson, the ‘Father of Post-it Notes,’ on 3M & Innovation,” Hardware Zone , March 22, 2013; Richard Sandomir, “Spencer Silver, an Inventor of Post.it Notes, Is Dead at 80,” The New York Times , May 13, 2021.

[8] 3M Company, A Century of Innovation: The 3M Story , 2002, 17.

[9] Prakash Kolli, “American Stocks Paying 100+ Years of Dividends,” Dividend Power , March 23, 2021.

[10] Brian Hindo, “At 3M, a Struggle Between Efficiency and Creativity,” Inside Innovation — in Depth , June 11, 2007.

[11] Steve Alexander, “3M, the Corporate Inventor, Surpasses 100,000 Patents Worldwide,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune , May 9, 2014.

[12] Shannon Black, “How the 15% Rule Became a Stepping Stone for 3M’s Innovation,” Market Realist , June 22, 2016; Paul D. Kretkowski, “The 15 Percent Solution,” Wired , January 23, 1998.

[13] Dale Buss, “Former GE Executives Successful as CEOs Elsewhere,” InvestmentNews , December 3, 2001.

[14] Don Peppers, “How 3M Lost (and Found) Its Innovation Mojo,” Inc ., May 9, 2016.

[15] Mary Benner and Michael L. Tushman, “Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited,” Academy of Management Review (April 2001): 28, 238–256.

[16] Hindo, “At 3M, a Struggle”; Andrew Haeg, “3M at 100—on the Right Path for Growth?,” Minnesota Public Radio , June 10, 2002.

[17] Mark J. Perry, “Only 52 US Companies Have Been on the Fortune 500 Since 1955, Thanks to the Creative Destruction That Fuels Economic Prosperity,” American Enterprise Institute, AEIdeas , May 22, 2019.

[18] Michael Sheetz, “Technology Killing Off Corporate America: Average Life Span of Companies Under 20 Years,” CNBC Markets , August 24, 2017.

[19] “Why Avoiding Risk Can Be Good for Managers but Bad for Shareholders,” Knowledge at Wharton , December 9, 2014.

[20] Benny Evangelista, “How ‘Amazon Factor’ Killed Retailers Like Borders, Circuit City,” SFGate , July 10, 2015; Valerie Peterson, “Borders Group History — the Creation of a Bookstore Chain,” Live - About , updated February 3, 2020.

[21] New York Times Open Team, “How We Rearchitected Mobile A/B Testing at the New York Times ,” Medium , March 4, 2021; Alexandria Symonds, “When a Headline Makes Headlines of Its Own,” New York Times , March 23, 2017.

[22] Daniel Thomas, “Why Did the Airbus A380 Fail?,” BBC News , February 14, 2019.

[23] “Trouble in Legoland: How Too Much Innovation Almost Destroyed the Toy Company,” Knowledge at Wharton and Time , July 12, 2013; Jonathan Ringen, “How Lego Became the Apple of Toys,” Fast Company , January 8, 2015.

[24] Mat Honan, “Remembering the Apple Newton’s Prophetic Failure and Lasting Impact,” Wired , August 5, 2013.

[25] Ryan Mac, “Live Blog: Amazon Launches First Phone in Seattle,” Forbes , June 18, 2014; Taylor Soper, “Ouch: Amazon Takes $170M Write-Down on Fire Phone,” GeekWire , October 23, 2014; Tricia Duryee, “Amazon Fire Phone Sales Estimated at 35,000—Equal to Just 25% of Employee Base,” GeekWire , August 26, 2014; Tom Warren, “Apple Sold a Record 4 Million iPhones in 24 Hours,” The Verge , September 15, 2014; Jeb Su, “4 Reasons the Amazon Fire Phone Will Fail,” Forbes , June 19, 2014.

[26] Monica Nickelsburg, “Amazon’s Jeff Bezos on the Fire Phone: ‘We’re Working on Much Bigger Failures Right Now,’ ” GeekWire , May 19, 2016.

[27] Charles Duhigg, “Is Amazon Unstoppable?,” The New Yorker , October 10, 2019.

[28] Catherine Clifford, “Jeff Bezos to Exec After Product Totally Flopped: ‘You Can’t, for One Minute, Feel Bad,’ ” CNBC , May 22, 2020.

[29] Larry Page, “G Is for Google,” Alphabet, The Keyword , August 10, 2015, blog.google/ alphabet/google-alphabet.

[30] Oliver Franklin-Wallis, “Inside X, Google’s Top-Secret Moonshot Factory,” Wired , February 17, 2020.

[31] David Grossman, “Secret Google Lab ‘Rewards Staff for Failure,’ ” BBC News , January 24, 2014.

[32] Henry Stewart, “8 Companies That Celebrate Mistakes,” Happy , June 8, 2015, happy.co.uk/blogs/8.companies-that-celebrate-mistakes.

[33] Stephen Follows, “Is the Number of Box Office Flops Increasing?,” StephenFollows.com , December 3, 2018.

[34] Arthur De Vany, Hollywood Economics : How Extreme Uncertainty Shapes the Film Industry (London: Routledge, 2004), 39.

[35] Matthew Jackson, “12 Amazing Facts About Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man ,” Mental Floss , May 3, 2017.

[36] Lizette Chapman, “Palantir Goes Public After 17-Year Wait,” Los Angeles Times , September 30, 2020.

[37] “A Guide to All the Netflix Shows That Have Been Canceled (and Why),” Hollywood Reporter , July 7, 2017.

[38] Karl Cohen, “Is Pixar Losing Its Mojo?,” Cine - Source , July 2, 2013; Polina Pompliano, “The Profile Dossier: Ed Catmull, Pixar’s Creative Genius,” Substack , May 5, 2021, theprofile.substack.com/p/the-profile-dossier-ed-catmull-pixars. 2KhwsCj9uNti//oaQqUI5v0nqHipiHIsM9myZV7dPx475Gl4j4cLFIVpTToR1dnj

