


extend / ɪkˈstend /

v. 延伸;伸出;持续;波及;扩展;延长

The stress problem extends beyond mental health when you consider the link between stress, anxiety and heart health. 当考虑到压力、焦虑和心脏健康之间的联系时,压力问题就超出了心理健康的范畴。(2021.12)


extent / ɪkˈstent /

n. 程度;范围

to a large/some extent 在很大/某种程度上

The consequences of doing poorly in the ninth grade can impact more than students’ ability to find a good job. It can also impact the extent to which they enjoy life. 九年级表现不佳的后果不仅仅会影响学生找到一份好工作的能力。这也会影响他们享受生活的程度。(2021.6)


contact / ˈkɒntækt /

v. 联系,联络 || n. 联系,联络;接触;熟人,联系人

in contact with 保持联系

Educational videos may deliver academic content, but they are unable to make eye contact or assess a student’s level of engagement. 教育视频可以传递学术内容,但无法进行目光接触或评估学生的参与程度。(2022.6)


concrete / ˈkɒŋkriːt /

n. 混凝土 || v. 用混凝土浇筑 || a. 具体的;有形的

Now the people of the eight countries will be waiting for concrete action. 现在八个国家的人们将会等待具体行动。


trace / treɪs /

v. 追溯;查出 || n. 痕迹,踪迹

trace back 回忆,追溯

Contrary to parents’ belief, kids try hard to leave as few traces as possible on the web. 与父母的想法相反,孩子们会努力在网络上尽可能少地留下痕迹。(2023.12)


critic / ˈkrɪtɪk /

n. 批评者;评论家;反对者

This argument has its critics , but considering the way chores are undertaken around the world may change people’s thinking. 这种论点有反对者,但如果考虑到世界各地人们做家务的方式,可能会改变这些人的想法。(2020.9)


registration / ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn /

n. 注册;登记

The registration of the university shows a decrease of 15 percent over last year. 这所大学的注册人数比去年减少了15%。


achieve / əˈtʃiːv /

v. (经努力)达到,获得

Without any ambition, you wouldn’t start your own business, set or achieve goals and get far in life. 如果没有雄心壮志,你就不会开始自己的事业,不会设定或实现目标,也不会在生活中取得更大的成就。(2023.6)


simplify / ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ /

v. 简化;使易懂;使简洁

These features can simplify management of the objects and improve overall productivity. 这些特性可以简化对物品的管理,提高整体生产力。


password / ˈpɑːswɜːd /

n. 口令;密码

You can’t gain access to the computer system without entering your password . 不输入密码你是无法进入电脑系统的。


lobby / ˈlɒbi /

n. 游说;游说团体;大厅 || v. …… 进行游说

In pursuit of revealing this complicated reality, Mothering Justice, led by women of color, went last year to the state capital in Lansing, Michigan, to lobby on issues that affect working mothers. 为了揭示这一复杂的现实,由有色人种妇女领导的Mothering Justice组织去年前往密歇根州首府兰辛,就影响职业母亲的问题进行游说。(2020.12)


skate / skeɪt /

n. 冰刀;冰鞋;滑冰 || v. 滑冰

The broad walk of tall plane trees is a favorite with walkers and the skate -boarder. 高大梧桐树下的宽阔步行道最受散步者和滑板一族的喜爱。


contribution / ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn /

n. 贡献;捐款;(向报刊的)投稿

contribution to 对……的贡献

If you want to reduce boredom and increase your sense of meaning, seek work where you can make a unique contribution , or find a cause you can support with your time and talent. 如果你想减少无聊感,增加自己的意义感,那就找一份能让你做出独特贡献的工作,或者找一份你能用时间和才能支持的事业。(2021.6)


destination / ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn /

n. 目的地;终点

It’s the good weather that makes Spain a popular tourist destination . 好天气使得西班牙成为热门旅游目的地。


agent / ˈeɪdʒənt /

n. 代理人;剂;间谍

I paid through a secure third-party site and had phone conversations with the agent . 我通过一个安全的第三方网站付款,并与代理进行了电话交谈。(2022.6)


economic / ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk /

a. 经济的;盈利的;经济学的

Manufacturing is the one system where you have got the biggest source of innovation, the biggest source of economic growth, and the biggest source of great jobs in the past. 制造业是过去最大的创新源泉、最大的经济增长源泉和最大的就业源泉。(2020.12)


assignment / əˈsaɪnmənt /

n. 任务;作业;分配

The company never mentioned anything about improper payments for contracts when it gave her that assignment , she says. 她说公司给她分配那个任务时从未提及任何关于合同不当支付的事项。


unity / ˈjuːnəti /

n. 统一;团结;联合;一致

Unity is the guarantee of victory. 团结是胜利的保证。


chill / tʃɪl /

v. 冷藏;使变冷 || n. 着凉;寒意 || a. (天气)寒冷的

chill out 放松

Chill the yogurt until serving time. 吃之前把酸奶冰镇一下。


lag / læɡ /

v. 落后;赶不上

lag behind 落后于 || jet lag 时差

The restructuring of the pattern of consumption aslo lagged behind. 消费结构的调整也落后了。


miserable / ˈmɪzrəbl /

a. 痛苦的;令人抑郁的;(天气)阴沉的

If you work for a boss who doesn’t trust their employees to do things right, you’ll have a miserable time. 如果你的老板不相信员工能把事情做好,你就会过得很痛苦。(2020.12)


lest / lest /

conj. 唯恐;以免

Be careful lest you fall from the stairs. 要当心,以免从台阶上摔下来。


sufficient / səˈfɪʃnt /

a. 足够的,充分的

After some adjustment and sufficient time, Jill was able to answer the students’ questions correctly 97% of the time. 经过一些调整,并给予足够的时间之后,Jill(虚拟助教)97%的情况下都能正确回答学生们的问题。(2019.12)


concern / kənˈsɜːn /

n. 忧虑;担心;关心的事;(某人)负责的事 || v. 关心;使担忧;涉及;与 …… 有关

concern about 关注,担忧,忧虑

Although many parents believe that paying an allowance for completing chores benefits their children, a range of experts expressed concern that tying allowance very closely to chores may not be ideal. 尽管许多父母认为,因完成家务活而付给孩子们零花钱对孩子有好处,但许多专家担心将零花钱与做家务联系得太紧密可能并不理想。(2020.9)


agenda / əˈdʒendə /

n. 议事日程;议题

on the agenda 列入议程的

It is sure to be an item on the agenda tomorrow. 这一定会成为明天议事日程上的一项议题。


gear / ɡɪə(r) /

n. 排挡;装备;衣服;齿轮

“Having that sort of curiosity is almost like a protective gear from getting into boredom,” she says. “拥有这种好奇心几乎就像是穿上了一种防止无聊的防护装备。”她说。(2021.12)


outlet / ˈaʊtlet /

n. 出口,排放口;发泄途径,表达途径;专卖店;电源插座

A blog provides an outlet to creative individuals who want to share ideas. 博客为渴望分享想法的创意人士提供了一个出口。


crisis / ˈkraɪsɪs /

n. 危机;紧要关头

The Chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 中文的“危机”分为两个字,一个意味着危险,另外一个意味着机会。


magnificent / mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt /

a. 宏伟的,壮丽的;华丽的

Formula One teams race far more technologically advanced vehicles around tracks all over the world—in magnificent events in places like Malaysia, Monaco, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, and on tradition-rich tracks like Silverstone in England and Monza in Italy too. 一级方程式车队在世界各地的赛道上驾驶着更为先进的赛车——不仅在像马来西亚、摩纳哥、新加坡和阿拉伯联合酋长国等地举办的大型赛事中进行比赛,也在像英国银石赛道和意大利蒙扎等有丰富传统的赛道上举行比赛。(2023.6)


fundamental / ˌfʌndəˈmentl /

a. 基础的;根本的;主要的 || n. (常用复数)基本原则;根本法则

As many office workers adapt to remote work, cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-utilized. 随着许多上班族适应远程工作,如果写字楼的利用率仍然不高,城市可能会发生根本性的变化。(2021.12)


spot / spɒt /

n. 斑点;点,滴;少量;地点;场所;固定节目档 || v. 看到;发现

on the spot 现场;当场,立即

He was the first to spot the danger. 他是第一个发现险情的人。


dilemma / dɪˈlemə /

n. (进退两难的)困境

in a dilemma 进退两难,左右为难

You have put me in a dilemma . 你让我左右为难。


protein / ˈprəʊtiːn /

n. 蛋白质

Protein -rich foods will give you longer-lasting boosts to the blood glucose levels in your brain. 富含蛋白质的食物会使你的大脑血糖水平持久提升。


infant / ˈɪnfənt /

n. 婴儿,幼儿 || a. 供婴儿用的;初始的

Hundreds of studies show that infants prefer novelty. 数百项研究表明,婴儿更喜欢新奇的事物。(2021.12)


convey / kənˈveɪ /

v. 表达,传达;运输,运送

Colours like red convey a sense of strength. 红色等颜色传达出一种力量感。


devise / dɪˈvaɪz /

v. 设计;发明;策划;想出

Employees with a growth mindset may be more likely to devise innovative ideas that bridge multiple areas of knowledge to achieve better solutions. 拥有兴趣增长型思维的员工也许更有可能想出创新的想法,在多个知识领域之间架起桥梁,从而实现更好的解决方案。(2021.12)


sensible / ˈsensəbl /

a. 明智的,合理的;理智的;意识到的;耐用的

It wasn’t very sensible of you to give up that chance. 你放弃那个机会很不明智。


component / kəmˈpəʊnənt /

n. 组成部分,成分 || a. 构成的

Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, is a critical component for vibrant skin. 柑橘类水果中的维生素C是使肌肤充满活力的关键成分。


enthusiasm / ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm /

n. 热爱;热情

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm . 没有热情成就不了伟业。


enlighten / ɪnˈlaɪtn /

v. 启发,开导,教化

I thought I’d enlighten you a little bit on that, and also give you some things to think about in your own career. 我想对于这个问题我可以给你一些启示,也可以引导你去好好想想你的职业。


generate / ˈdʒenəreɪt /

v. 造成,引起;产生;发电

After coding and analyzing the ideas they generated , the team found that people with a growth mindset of interest were more likely to bridge programs across the arts and sciences to create new majors like computational economics rather than creating majors that drew from only one of those areas, like computational chemistry. 在对他们产生的想法进行编码和分析后,研究小组发现,具有兴趣增长型思维的人更有可能将艺术和科学课程结合起来,创造出新的专业,比如计算经济学,而不是只从其中一个领域创建专业,比如计算化学。(2021.12)


thorough / ˈθʌrə /

a. 全面彻底的;仔细的;完全的

They did a thorough search of the area but found nothing. 他们仔细搜索了该地区,但一无所获。


permission / pəˈmɪʃn /

n. 允许;许可

Although this image is not perfect, it is one of the few copyright free photos available of this dam—special permission is needed to go near it. 虽然这张照片不够完美,但是这是这座大坝为数不多的几张可用的无版权的照片之一,因为想靠近大坝是需要特别许可的。


qualify / ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ /

v. 使有资格;授权予;取得资格;限制

All players who qualify for the Championships are the best players in the world, so it doesn’t really matter what group you’re in. 所有获得锦标赛资格的选手都是世界上最优秀的选手,所以你被分在哪一组并不重要。


element / ˈelɪmənt /

n. 要素;特点;成分;元素

In a considerable percentage of cases of debt-induced financial stress, credit cards and loans will be a central element . 在相当大比例的由债务引起的财务压力案例中,信用卡和贷款是核心因素。 (2020.9)


angle / ˈæŋɡl /

n. 角;角度;视角;鱼钩

at an angle 成一定角度;倾斜

Three police officers sat across from us, and the police videographer continued to film us from every angle . 三个警官坐在我们对面,警方摄影师继续从各个角度拍摄我们。


reproduce / ˌriːprəˈdjuːs /

v. 复制;重复;再现;繁殖

In those areas with a high level of radiation, living things would tend to sicken or die and fail to reproduce . 辐射水平高的地方,生物更容易生病或死亡,更难繁衍后代。


stir / stɜː(r) /

v. 搅拌;微动;激发;唤起;萌生 || n. 轰动;搅拌

stir sth. up 激起;挑起 || stir the blood 使兴奋

At whatever grade level teachers find themselves, from kindergarten to the final class at medical or law school, few moments stir the emotions as deeply as when former students reappear years and often decades later with an update on where their journey has taken them and what resiliencies have been the pavement on which they’ve traveled. 从幼儿园到医学院或法学院的最后一堂课,无论教师教哪个年级,当昔日的学生在多年甚至几十年后再次出现,讲述自己的成长历程,以及他们所走过的道路是多么坚韧的时候,很少有什么时刻能如此深刻地激发他们的情感。(2022.9)


column / ˈkɒləm /

n. 柱状物;(报纸的)专栏

As before, each column represents an information type, occurring from left to right. 与以前一样,从左到右每一栏表示一种信息类型。


counsel / ˈkaʊnsl /

n. 劝告,建议;忠告;律师 || v. …… 提供建议;劝告

Each side of a case in court has his own counsel . 法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。


organic / ɔːˈɡænɪk /

a. 有机的;器官的

Taking these risks into account, and with recent events in mind, I think organic food producers need to focus on risk management. 考虑到这些风险,再加上最近发生的事情,我认为有机食品的生产者需要着重进行风险管理。


steam / stiːm /

n. 蒸汽 || v. 冒蒸汽;蒸

We took the steam train about a quarter of the way and then had a driver meet us and went by road for the rest. 我们乘坐蒸汽火车走了约四分之一的路程,然后有一个司机来接我们,剩下的路程就走公路了。


functional / ˈfʌŋkʃənl /

a. 实用的;起作用的;功能性的

Of course, it may not be necessary or desirable to build a cat or a human brain, since we already have fully functional cats and humans. 当然,制造一个猫脑或人脑可能没有必要也不可取,因为我们已经有了功能完备的猫和人。


overlook / ˌəʊvəˈlʊk /

v. 俯瞰;忽视;不理会

When it comes to those who have made a difference in our lives, you cannot overlook Henry Ford. 说到那些对我们的生活产生影响的人,那就不能忽略亨利·福特。


paste / peɪst /

n. 面团;糨糊;酱 || v. 粘贴;重击

It’s quicker to cut and paste than to retype. 剪切和粘贴比重新打字要快。


district / ˈdɪstrɪkt /

n. 地区;区域

Some school districts , including San Francisco and Los Angeles, already offer ethnic studies at its high schools. 包括旧金山和洛杉矶在内的一些学区已经在其高中开设了种族研究课程。(2020.9)


click / klɪk /

n. 咔嚓声;点击 || v. 发出咔嚓声;(用鼠标)点击

If you click it, you can watch your trending topic gather steam; and you can hit pause whenever you want. 如果你点击它,你可以看到热门话题的汇聚信息,你还可以随时点击暂停键。


ego / ˈiːɡəʊ /

n. 自我;自负;自尊

Now I had to control my ego and remember not to get carried away by all the praise and positive press. 现在我一定要控制我的自负,牢记不要因为所有赞美和媒体的正面报道而飘飘然。


investigate / ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt /

v. 调查;审查

The government has established committees to investigate past human-rights abuses and corruption. 政府已组建了委员会调查之前的侵犯人权和腐败行为。


consist / kənˈsɪst /

v. …… 组成;在于,存在于

consist in 在于,存在于 || consist of 由……组成;包含

Study should consist of theory and practice. 学习应包含理论与实践。


consistent / kənˈsɪstənt /

a. 一贯的;一致的;符合的

consistent with 与……一致;符合

His action is always consistent with his words. 他的言行始终一致。


manipulate / məˈnɪpjuleɪt /

v. 操纵,控制;操作,使用

For decades, scientists have tried to manipulate the immune system to fight disease, but finding the right tools to crank up or slow down immune cells hasn’t been easy. 几十年来,科学家试着通过控制免疫系统来对抗疾病,但是找到正确的工具来加速或减缓免疫细胞的活动并不容易。


rob / rɒb /

v. 抢劫;剥夺

rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙

Could you describe the man who robbed the bank? 你能描述一下抢银行的那个男人的样子吗?


pardon / ˈpɑːdn /

n. & v. 宽恕;原谅

beg someone’s pardon 请求某人的原谅

Pardon all men, but never yourself. 严于律己,宽以待人。


solemn / ˈsɒləm /

a. 庄严的;郑重的;表情严肃的

I made a solemn promise that I would return. 我郑重承诺我会回来的。


creative / kriˈeɪtɪv /

a. 有创造力的;创新的

We seem to feel that some people are naturally creative , but we don’t know how they got that way. 我们似乎觉得有些人生来就有创造力,但不知道他们是如何做到的。


impose / ɪmˈpəʊz /

v. 强制实行;把(信念等)强加于;征(税);使遭受

She didn’t want to impose her values on her family. 她不想把自己的价值观强加于家人。


jealous / ˈdʒeləs /

a. 妒忌的;嫉妒的

A loving man is always a jealous man. 钟情之人常是妒忌之人。


toll / təʊl /

v. 敲(钟),鸣(丧钟) || n. 通行费,收费;(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数

take its/a toll 造成损失(或伤亡、破坏)

Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nation’s economy and our individual well-being. 这样的事件给我们国家的经济和个人福祉造成了巨大损失。


identify / aɪˈdentɪfaɪ /

v. 认出,识别;确定;发现

Women are advised to identify the specific causes of their stress so that steps can be taken to deal with it. 建议女性找出造成压力的具体原因,以便采取措施加以解决。(2021.12)


thrive / θraɪv /

v. 茁壮成长;兴旺,繁荣

Some companies thrive by embracing new methods of marketing, managing, developing products, and engaging with society. 一些公司通过采用新的营销、管理、开发产品的方法和融入社会而茁壮成长。


experimental / ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl /

a. 实验的,用于实验的;试验性的

Whether or not experimental drugs will come to the patient’s rescue seems hard to predict. 实验药物能否挽救病人似乎还很难预测。


fierce / fɪəs /

a. 凶猛的;激烈的;(天气等)狂暴的

Fierce winds prevented the race from taking place. 狂风致使比赛无法进行。


reunite / ˌriːjuːˈnaɪt /

v. (使)重聚;(使)再联合

People across the country return home to reunite with their families on Thanksgiving Day. 感恩节时全国各地的人们都赶回家和家人团聚。



/ ˌʌpˈdeɪt / v. 更新;使现代化;为 …… 提供最新信息 || / ˈʌpdeɪt / n. 最新消息;更新

The computer files need to be updated . 电脑文件需要更新。 am4X7wrYSClrcqUBxEgDWEzcMj+FmTd+Daq7lk1jJmMBSCfSWutSlW0r4IQ0U3dX
