


stick / stɪk /

v. 粘贴;随意放置;插入 || n. 枝条;棍;拐杖;条状物;球棒

stick to 坚持

One study finds that even workers who claim to desire gender equality stick to traditional gender roles both at work and at home. 一项研究发现,即使是那些声称渴望性别平等的工人,在工作和家庭中也会坚持传统的性别角色。(2023.12)


resource / rɪˈsɔːs /

n. 资源;物力;财力

I want my students to search out the answers to questions by using all the resources available to them. 我希望我的学生通过使用所有可用的资源来搜寻问题的答案。(2020.7)


domestic / dəˈmestɪk /

a. 国内的;家庭的

For example, the United Nations reported that women do nearly three times as much unpaid domestic work as men. 例如,联合国报告称,妇女从事的无偿家务劳动几乎是男性的三倍。(2021.12)


strike / straɪk /

n. 罢工;不利条件;(军事)打击 || v. 罢工;击打;碰撞;爆发;突然想到

on strike 在罢工

I didn’t really care about my mind and my body until they decided to go on strike . 直到我的身心罢工,我才真正关心起它们。(2021.12)


religious / rɪˈlɪdʒəs /

n. 宗教的;信仰的;虔诚的

She is deeply religious . 她非常虔诚。


rational / ˈræʃnəl /

a. 理性的;合理的

On the other hand, there is a more rational approach to making decisions. 另一方面,还有一种更为理性的决策方法。(2023.12)


fake / feɪk /

a. 伪造的;假的 || n. 赝品;骗子 || v. 伪造;假装

He said many unethical firms would continue to take advantage of the loophole if the authorities did not change their attitude towards fake advertisements. 他说,如果有关部门不改变他们对虚假广告的态度,许多无耻的公司就会继续钻空子。


solution / səˈluːʃn /

n. 解决办法;谜底;溶液

It’s more constructive to think of solutions that continue to evolve over shifts in life and work. 更具有建设性的做法是,思考随生活和工作转变而不断变化发展的解决方案。(2020.9)


worthless / ˈwɜːθləs /

a. 无价值的;一无是处的

A fit brain will efficiently screen out and discard worthless or meaningless data so it can remember what’s important. 健康的大脑会有效地剔除和屏蔽无价值的或无意义的数据,以便其记住重要的数据。


define / dɪˈfaɪn /

v. …… 下定义,解释;界定;使明确

Given curiosity’s complexity, scientists have found it hard to define . 鉴于好奇心的复杂性,科学家们发现很难对其进行定义。(2021.12)


definition / ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn /

n. 定义;解释;清晰度

What’s your definition of happiness? 你对幸福的定义是什么?


expose / ɪkˈspəʊz /

v. 使暴露;揭露;使体验(观念、情感)

be exposed to 接触到;暴露于

Research has also found that white students benefit by being challenged and exposed to new perspectives. 研究还发现,白人学生通过接受挑战和接触新的观点而受益。(2020.9)


complicated / ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd /

a. 复杂的;难懂的

It took us about a week to do an investigation and write a response, which is fairly quick for something that is technically complicated . 我们花了近一周的时间进行调查并写出反馈意见,对于这样一个复杂的技术问题来说算是很快了。


affect / əˈfekt /

v. 影响;侵袭;感染;假装

A number of studies have looked at how family life can affect productivity and satisfaction in the workplace. 许多研究都探讨了家庭生活如何影响工作场所的效率和满意度。(2023.12)


quarrel / ˈkwɒrəl /

n. 争吵;分歧;争端 || v. 争吵;争论

A quarrel had estranged him from his family. 一场争吵使他与家人疏远了。


fantastic / fænˈtæstɪk /

a. 极好的;奇异的;幻想的;极大的

What happened in the next 30 seconds was one of the most fantastic events of the story. 接下来30秒内发生的事情是故事中最奇妙的事件之一。


charm / tʃɑːm /

n. 魅力;魔法 || v. 吸引;使倾倒

Red Rum’s spirit and grace had already begun to charm the leagues of Grand National fans. “红郎姆”的精神和优雅已经开始吸引全国越野障碍赛马的粉丝联盟。(2023.12)


freshman / ˈfreʃmən /

n. (中学或大学的)一年级新生;新手

My family was careful to ask about the chances of financial aid being taken away after my freshman year. 我的家人曾经非常谨慎地询问这些财政补贴是否会在大一之后取消。(2022.12)


enroll / ɪnˈrəʊl /

v. 登记;招收;参加;入会

By the age of 14, he was fully enrolled in the athletic club’s lion dance group. 14岁时,他就正式加入了体育俱乐部的舞狮队。(2023.6)


bark / bɑːk /

v. 犬吠;咆哮 || n. 树皮;犬吠声

one’s bark is worse than his/her bite 刀子嘴,豆腐心

Aid agencies have said a harsh winter has forced people to eat grass and tree bark to survive. 援助机构的人说,严冬使得人们要依靠吃草和树皮来生存。


rely / rɪˈlaɪ /

v. 依赖;信任

rely on 依赖,信任

According to data released in January 2017, 56 percent of bills are paid online, which means that just under half of payments still rely on delivery services to be completed. 根据2017年1月发布的数据显示,56%的账单是通过网络支付的,这意味着有将近一半的支付仍然需要依赖快递服务来完成。(2019.12)


counter / ˈkaʊntə(r) /

n. 柜台;计数器 || v. 抵消;反驳;对抗 || ad. 相反地;对立地

over the counter(买药)不用处方地

Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society. 除非人们找到方法来对抗社会中的物质主义,否则道德滑坡的趋势将无法扭转。


primary / ˈpraɪməri /

a. 首要的;最初的;初等教育的,小学的 || n. 初选

As a parent of two boys at primary school, I worry about the issues associated with teenagers and social media. 作为两个上小学男孩的家长,我很担心与青少年和社交媒体相关的问题。(2023.12)


appoint / əˈpɔɪnt /

v. 任命;指派;约定

He appointed to meet me at the entrance of the theater. 他约定在剧院门口和我见面。


acknowledge / əkˈnɒlɪdʒ /

v. 承认;认可;告知收到;感谢

You must acknowledge the truth of her argument. 你必须承认她论点的真实性。


cruise / kruːz /

n. 航游;乘船游览 || v. 航游;巡航

He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise . 他和妻子那时正计划进行一次环球海上航游。


seize / siːz /

v. 抓住;夺取;没收;逮捕

seize on/upon sth. 抓住;利用

He seized the opportunity of a free flight with both hands. 他急切地抓住这个搭乘免费航班的机会。


superior / suːˈpɪəriə(r) /

a. …… 好的;上级的;有优越感的;优越的 || n. 上级;上司

superior to 优于

Human numerical instincts are not so superior to those of other mammals as is generally believed. 人类的数字本能并不像人们普遍认为的那样优于其他哺乳动物。(2021.6)


observe / əbˈzɜːv /

v. 观察;遵守;评述;注意到

But Pasternak did take note of one unifying factor in all of the healthy societies he observed . 但帕斯捷尔纳克确实注意到,在他所观察到的所有健康社会中,有一个统一因素。(2022.12)


publication / ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn /

n. 出版,发行;出版物;公布

I would write if there were no possibility of publication . 即使没有出版的可能,我也愿意写作。


restrain / rɪˈstreɪn /

v. 阻止;抑制;控制

The issue is potentially important to patients and to health care reformers seeking to restrain costs and reduce reliance on high-priced medical specialists. 这个问题对于患者和寻求控制成本、减少对高价医疗专家依赖的医疗保健改革者很重要。


evidence / ˈevɪdəns /

n. 证据;证明 || v. 证明

in evidence 显而易见 || give evidence(在法庭上)作证

Physical activity does the body good, and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too. 体育活动对身体有好处,而且越来越多的证据表明,它对大脑也有益处。(2016.6)


evaluate / ɪˈvæljueɪt /

v. 评估;评价

Scientists will evaluate the efficiency of each method of sequestering carbon. 科学家会对每一种碳封存方法的有效性进行评估。


accelerate / əkˈseləreɪt /

v. 加快;加速;促进

I accelerated to overtake the bus. 我加速超过了公共汽车。


faulty / ˈfɔːlti /

a. 有缺陷的;不完善的;错误的

It was unclear whether faulty design or poor construction was to blame for its collapse. 还不清楚它的倒塌是由于设计缺陷还是施工不善。


charity / ˈtʃærəti /

n. 慈善机构;慈善事业;赈济物;仁慈

He often led pre-race parades at Aintree Racecourse and was a popular guest at charity benefits and public events. 他经常在安翠赛马场带领赛前游行,也是慈善活动和公共活动的热门嘉宾。(2023.12)


furnish / ˈfɜːnɪʃ /

v. 布置,为(房间或建筑物)配备家具;提供

He planned to offer to retire any debts she might have accrued and to furnish her with education funds. 他打算帮她还清所有债务,并给她提供教育基金。


endless / ˈendləs /

a. 无止境的

Of the endless troubles that come with being driven from one’s home country, losing educational certificates may seem small. 在被逐出祖国所带来的无穷无尽的麻烦中,失去学历证书可能显得微不足道。(2023.3)


depart / dɪˈpɑːt /

v. 离开,动身;违背;出发;启程

dapart from 离开

Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3. 飞往罗马的航班从3号航站楼出发。


departure / dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r) /

n. 离开;出发;动身;离职;背离

Her departure is a great loss to the entertainment world. 她的离开是娱乐圈的一大损失。


victim / ˈvɪktɪm /

n. 受害者,罹难者;牺牲品

fall victim to sth. 成为……的受害者

The victim has not yet been named. 受害人的姓名仍未得知。


instant / ˈɪnstənt /

n. 瞬息;某一时刻 || a. 立刻的;速溶的

When linguist Naomi Baron studied students’ instant messaging even there she found surprisingly rare usage of short forms such as “u” for “you”, and as students got older, they began to write in more grammatical sentences. 语言学家纳奥米·巴伦在研究学生的即时信息时也发现学生们很少使用像用“u”代替“you”这样的缩写形式。而且随着学生年龄的增长,他们开始用更符合语法的句子来写作。(2023.12)


graceful / ˈɡreɪsfl /

a. 优雅的;动人的;有风度的

The white swan—with its long, graceful neck—is among the most beautiful of birds. 有着优雅的长脖子的白天鹅是最美丽的鸟类之一。


ensure / ɪnˈʃʊə(r) /

v. 保证;确保

In order to ensure success, we must have a complete and thorough plan. 为了保证成功,我们必须要有一个完整而周密的计划。


critical / ˈkrɪtɪkl /

a. 关键的;严峻的;危急的;批评的;批判的

Imagine a drug that could enhance a child’s creativity and critical thinking. 设想有一种药可以增强孩子的创造力和批判性思维。(2020.9)


visual / ˈvɪʒuəl /

a. 视觉的,视力的 || n. 视觉材料(展示或说明用的图画、影片等)

They not only slow down your computer, but they also create visual clutter. 它们不仅使你的电脑变慢,还会造成视觉混乱。


admit / ədˈmɪt /

v. 承认;接纳,招收

Although she found another villa in time for their holiday, she admits she was much more cautious. 虽然她及时找到了另一栋别墅供他们度假,但她承认自己更加谨慎了。(2022.6)


mixture / ˈmɪkstʃə(r) /

n. 混合;混合物

The mixture of flour, water, and yeast is then left in a warm place. 然后将面粉、水和酵母的混合物放在温暖的地方。


snap / snæp /

v. 突然折断;(使)啪地突然移动;咬人;厉声说;拍快照;突然发作 || a. 仓促的 || n. 咔嚓声;快照

I like to snap a sunset on the horizon, a flowing river, a blossom in spring. 我喜欢抓拍地平线上的落日、流动的河流和春天的花朵。


purse / pɜːs /

n. 女式手袋;钱包;财力 || v. 撅(嘴)

Whenever I’m hard up for money, he will empty his purse to help me. 每当我手头拮据的时候,他总是倾囊相助。


stream / striːm /

n. 溪流;一股(液体、烟等);流,流动 || v. 流动,流出;照射

a stream of 一连串的

When chemicals applied on your skin, they are absorbed straight into your blood stream without filtering of any kind. 当化学物质涂抹在皮肤上时,它们会直接被吸收进入你的血流中,而不经任何形式的过滤。


shoot / ʃuːt /

n. 拍摄;新芽 || v. 射击;猛冲;拍摄;射门

shoot down 击落 || shoot to fame 迅速(成名)

The problem is that each time I do a shoot with them, I come up with new ideas for how I might make them more dynamic. 问题在于每次我拍摄它们时,我都会冒出新想法,让它们更有活力。


assumption / əˈsʌmpʃn /

n. 假设;假定

All of Mars should be protected as a wildlife preserve where we do everything possible to avoid pollution; on the assumption Martian microbes could exist. 假设火星上存在微生物,我们就应该将其像野生动物保护区一样保护起来,尽一切可能避免污染。


viewpoint / ˈvjuːpɔɪnt /

n. 观点;视角

The viewpoint is very challenging and interesting, and it hints that the life could spread in the interior of the solar system. 这一观点很具挑战性又很有趣,它暗示说生命体可能在太阳系内部传播。


activity / ækˈtɪvəti /

n. 活动;活跃性

Online time has doubled since 2006, and social media use has moved from a periodic activity to a daily one in the same period. 自 2006 年以来,上网时间翻了一番,同期社交媒体的使用也从定期活动变成了日常活动。(2021.12)


govern / ˈɡʌvn /

v. 统治;控制;管理;支配

In contrast, our own lives are governed by numbers. 相比之下,我们自己的生活则受数字支配。(2021.6)



/ kɒnˈvɪkt / n. 囚犯 || / kənˈvɪkt / v. 证明 …… 有罪;宣判 …… 有罪

He has twice been convicted of robbery. 他两次被判犯有抢劫罪。


pregnant / ˈpreɡnənt /

a. 怀孕的;意味深长的

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during the treatment. 请在治疗时告知医生你是否正处于妊娠期或有怀孕的打算。


detail / ˈdiːteɪl /

n. 细节;详情;资料;琐事 || v. 详述;派遣;指示

go into details 逐一说明 || in detail 详细地;全面地

Details of legitimate villas are often stolen from other sites. 合法别墅的详细信息往往是从其他网站窃取的。(2022.6)


gaze / ɡeɪz /

v. & n. 凝视;注视

gaze at 盯住;凝视

Her favorite portrait showed her sitting by Lake Michigan, her hair went blown, her gaze reaching toward the horizon. 她最喜欢的画像是她坐在密歇根湖畔,头发被吹起,凝视着远方。


narrative / ˈnærətɪv /

n. 故事;叙述;叙事

narrative fiction 叙事小说

Neither author was good at narrative . 这两位作者都不擅长叙事。


mysterious / mɪˈstɪəriəs /

a. 神秘的;难以理解的

These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean. 这些神秘的生物生活在海底。


advice / ədˈvaɪs /

n. 意见;劝告

I think your advice will be helpful to those just starting out in business. 我认为你的建议对那些刚刚开始自己事业的人很有帮助。


forth / fɔːθ /

ad. 外出;离开;向外;向前;自 …… 以后

and so forth 等等 || back and forth 反复地;来回地

He paced back and forth . 他来回踱步。


motion / ˈməʊʃn /

n. 运动;动作,手势;动议 || v. 示意

in motion 运转 || go through the motions 敷衍了事

That same rocking motion that puts babies to sleep works wonders for grown-ups too. 让婴儿入睡的摇晃动作同样对成年人也有神奇功效。(2013.6)


combat / ˈkɒmbæt /

n. 战斗;搏斗 || v. …… 战斗;反对;搏斗

She resolved to combat with her bad habits. 她决心与自己的坏习惯作斗争。


invent / ɪnˈvent /

v. 发明;创造;虚构

Whereas other countries back their money on gold and commodities, we back ours on our ability to invent the future. 其他国家靠金子和商品来赚钱,我们用创造未来的能力赚钱。


federal / ˈfedərəl /

a. 联邦(制)的;(与)联邦政府(有关的)

In the absence of Federal legislation, some states in the US have passed laws concerning paid family leave. 在没有联邦立法的情况下,美国的一些州已经通过了有关带薪家庭假的法律。(2023.12)


splash / splæʃ /

v. 泼溅;戏水 || n. 泼溅声;溅上的液体

make a splash 引人注目 || splash out 挥霍

He drove into the water with a loud splash . 他开车驶进水里,激起很大的水溅声。


aid / eɪd /

n. 援助,帮助;辅助物 || v. 援助,帮助;促进

Students’ financial aid remains unchanged even when tuition rises. 即使学费上涨,学生的财政援助也保持不变。(2022.12)


apologize/-ise / ə'pɒlədʒaɪz /

v. 道歉;认错

Second, because conflict and disagreements are an inevitable part of close relationships, people need to be able to apologize to their partner for wrongdoings and receive forgiveness from their partner for their own acts. 其次,由于冲突和分歧是亲密关系不可避免的一部分,人们需要能够为自己所犯的过错向伴侣道歉并得到伴侣的原谅。(2012.6)


apology / əˈpɒlədʒɪ /

n. 道歉;谢罪

You owe him an apology for what you said. 你要为你所说的话向他道歉。


germ / dʒɜːm /

n. 细菌,病菌;萌芽

The germ that causes the disease is transmitted during close contact with infected persons. 该病菌引起的疾病可以通过与感染者密切接触传播。


creep / kriːp /

v. 蹑手蹑脚地移动;爬行;渐渐蔓延 || n. 讨厌鬼

Back I go to the hotel and creep up to my room. 我回到旅馆,蹑手蹑脚进了房间。


neglect / nɪˈɡlekt /

v. & n. 忽略,疏忽

And most people don’t want to spend all their tomorrows working for a living. The earlier neglect of saving, however, makes it difficult not to work when you are older. 大多数人不愿意一辈子总是为了生存而工作,但是,因为年轻时忽略储蓄,他们很难不在老年继续工作。 evk5W98dK/lZHdTjM8G52kvUFqIgKvalM6hLgJ7rAQBDsf6cSVIgQLbwGNQEweee
