
Setting Up a Drum and Wood Boards to Collect Suggestions As the leader of the union of tribes, Yao was open to advice and suggestions from all sides. He set up a drum outside his residence for the people to hit should they wish to offer suggestions in person, and erected wood boards along traffic arteries for the people to write about his defects in state governance. He ruled with political integrity, led the people to a prosperous and contented life, and won respect and obedience from all tribes.

谏鼓谤木 中国上古时期的部落联盟首领尧在位时,为广开言路,听取各方意见,特意在门外设鼓,百姓可以击鼓进谏;又在交通要道旁设立木牌,百姓可以在上面直言他为政的过失。在他的治理下,政治清明,人民安居乐业,四海咸服。

Getting Off the Cart for Self-accusation Yu succeeded Shun in becoming the new leader of the union of tribes thanks to his efforts in taming the floods. One day, when he was on an inspection tour in a cart, he saw guards escorting several criminals. Upon hearing that they had been arrested for stealing rice, Yu did not get angry, but instead burst into tears. He said, “When Yao and Shun were on the throne, all the people abided by law and behaved themselves. But now they hurt others for their own sake after I acceded to the throne. If anyone’s to blame, it’s me.” He had a tortoiseshell carved with a sentence that read, “The guilt of the people lies in me, ” and set the criminals free.

下车泣罪 大禹因治水成功,接替舜成为新的部落联盟首领。一天,他外出巡视,看到有人押着几名罪犯走过。得知他们是因偷盗稻谷被抓,大禹并不生气,反而流下眼泪,说:“尧和舜做首领的时候,百姓都安分守己;我做了首领,百姓却做出损人利己的事情,真正有罪的是我。”他命人在一块龟板上刻“百姓有罪,在予一人”八字,然后将罪犯释放。

Practicing Temperance to Avoid Indulgence Yi Di, who was good at brewing fine wine, offered wine to Yu, who, while agreeing it was rich and mellow, said,“There will come people in later generations who lose their country because of indulgence in wine,” and therefore shunned Yi Di and forbade wine to be served to him.

戒酒防微 有个人名叫仪狄,善于酿造美酒。他把酒进献给大禹,大禹喝了后觉得如饮甘露,说道:“后世必有以酒亡国者。”于是疏远仪狄,再不许他觐见;吩咐左右,御前绝不准出现酒。

Stopping Building the Terrace for Thriftiness The Western Han Dynasty was established as a centralized government after the fall of the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Wen, its fifth ruler, had the idea to build a terrace, but stopped its construction upon hearing that its cost equaled that of the assets of 10 middle-income families, regarding the project as a waste of money and a form of harassment for the people.

露台惜费 西汉(前206—25)是中国历史上继秦朝之后的中央王朝,汉文帝是西汉的第五位皇帝。他在位时,想建造一座露顶高台,得知需要花费百金之资,相当于民间十户中等人家的产业,觉得劳民伤财,于是停止露台之工,再不兴造。 rxRBOQy04UdubFPig9A0bPYA18IBwfa7L3M5TLUhyfyOdFXgr5ejyAMYYf0F8UgD
