

Preface of Silk Road Research Series

In recent years, conducting research on the Silk Road has become a popular trend in the international academia. Without a doubt, this is directly related to China’s Belt and Road initiative. At the same time, we notice that this particular trend is also a reflection of how the academia in the East and the West leverage the topic and engage in dialogue. Furthermore, this represents efforts by scholars in the post-Cold War world to promote direct dialogue on issues that are of common interest, rather talking about the past with each other.

There are two senses about the Silk Road. The narrow sense is about economic and cultural exchanges between ancient China and countries in Central Asia, South Asia, West Asia, and the Mediterranean region. On the other hand, the broad sense refers to all kinds of exchanges between the East and the West. As such,understanding of the Silk Road in the academia has long been tilted towards the popular narrative, and a majority of Silk Road research,in fact, caters to the taste of the general public.

Nevertheless, the Silk Road epitomizes all kinds of exchanges of material and spiritual cultures across a vast area, from China to Rome, and from the Equator to the North Pole.

As such, the development of Eastern and Western civilizations and their interactions in Asia and Europe can be understood within the Silk Road framework. In this vein, many far-sighted scholars have long ago started making use of this broad concept to consolidate the many common points that emerged from a variety of academic research. This also leads to the emergence of many issues that are of interest to both the East and the West. In particular, many archaeological relics unearthed at old Silk Road towns have become the focal points in the Silk Road research, as these relics exemplify the intermixture of Eastern and Western civilizations. Silk Road towns like Chang’an, Dunhuang, Turpan, Bamiyan, Ai-Khanum,Samarkand, and Palmyra have attracted the attention of scholars,and the related Silk Road research is also linked to a wide variety of disciplines, such as archaeology, history, Dunhuang studies, Iranian studies, and classical studies.

Over the years, there have been many scholarly works on the Silk Road. Yet, on its own, Silk Road is not an official academic discipline. Therefore, the relevant research results are classified under the related disciplines. In China, they are often seen through the lens of history of Sino-Western communications, history of Sino foreign relations, or history of cultural exchange between China and the world. That said, we understand that a stringent Silk Road research requires a scholarly journal about the Silk Road.


In the past, due to the popularization of concepts relating to the Silk Road, most magazines dealing with the topic were focused on content that were of popular interest. In fact, only a few titles were scholarly in nature. In the early 1990s, Silk Road Art andArchaeology , a journal published by the Institute of Silk Road Studies, which was in turn founded by Ikuo Hirayama, played an active role in advancing scholarly research on the Silk Road.Unfortunately, the passing away of Ikuo Hirayama had dealt a severe blow to the journal, as it was unable to continue operation.On the other hand, the Silk Road , supported solely by the American scholar Professor Daniel C. Waugh since 2000, has also become unsustainable despite its rich content.

Fortunately, under China’s Belt and Road initiative, the academia and publishers in China have shown a great deal of interest in Silk Road research. Within the past two to three years, we have seen the birth of numerous scholarly journals bearing the“Silk Road”name. Among them is Silk Road Research Series , a large-scale and comprehensive scholarly journal edited by Li Xiao and published by Sanlian Bookstore. The first volume, in Chinese, has already been published, and it deals with wide ranging subject matters, such as archaeology, history, the arts, language, religion, and culture.

Now, we are launching the English version of Silk Road Research Series , and the content is sourced from the Chinese version as well as fresh contributions. The majority of the authors in the English version are Chinese scholars, and in some senses, this represents the contributions of Chinese authors to this field of study.We also hope that we can engage in dialogue with our international counterparts through this medium to advance research on the Silk Road. As the mother tongue of the authors and editors is not English,it is a challenge for them to publicize their works in this language.We hope that through our concerted efforts, this English-language journal will be more refined in the not-so-distant future.





过去,因为“丝绸之路”的概念被通俗化,因此有关丝绸之路的杂志也大多数是以通俗内容为主,纯学术的刊物并不多见。20世纪90年代初,日本平山郁夫创办的丝绸之路研究所创刊大型西文学术专刊 Silk Road Art and Archaeology (《丝绸之路艺术与考古》),发表丝绸之路沿线有关考古与艺术方面的论文,极大地推动了丝绸之路的学术研究。但可惜随着平山郁夫先生的去世,这个杂志也无法经营下去。而2000年以来美国学者Daniel C. Waugh(丹尼尔·沃)教授一人支撑的 The Silk Road (《丝绸之路)》杂志,虽然内容更加灵活,但目前也难以为继。



(2019年2月10日完稿。英文本载 Silk Road Research Series ,Springer and SDX Joint Publishing Company, 03 April 2020。中文本载《国际汉学研究通讯》第21期,2020年6月由北京大学出版社出版。) HF222/e6lE43gu/sDc7JeMEpp4wS5JYYiB6EWn+e70QKocFyT4hk3qZFWqrTW/GM
