






Question 1 : You are teaching Chinese abroad in the new semester. This is the first time for that school to set up a Chinese class, and you have to start everything from scratch. Please state some biggest challenges you might immediately face before you start it.

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

To many Chinese teachers, opportunities coexist with challenges if they first teach abroad. But there seems to have more dificulties in the very beginning. I can picture what a tough situation I would get into if I were to take such a job.

To me, the first challenge might be the unfamiliarity with new educational environment. I need to take time to learn the function of local educational system, local educational principles and learn how to local Chinese language teaching in such a schooling system.

Second, how to get along with new colleagues and how to seek their help might be other challenge to me. I must be good at using local language or English fluently and decently to access more teaching resources.

Undoubtedly / However, the biggest challenge comes from the students. Students'motivations for learning Chinese might vary greatly and their learning habits might be of great difference from Chinese students' . I need to identify their learning motivations, so as to analyze curriculum better and design course syllabus, including teaching objectives,approaches and assessments.

What' s more, selecting or preparing appropriate teaching materials might be a top priority to prepare a new Chinese course in the beginning.

All in all, teaching Chinese abroad is always challenging to some Chinese teachers new to the foreign surroundings. We need to keep all these points in our minds and carefully handle them before and in our teaching.

That' s all, thank you.



1.semester [səˈmestə(r)] n.学期(一学年分两个学期);学期制;半年;一学期

2.start everything from scratch 一切从头开始

3.coexist [ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪst] v.共存;(尤指)和平共处

4.unfamiliarity [ˌʌnfəˌmɪliˈæəti] n.不熟悉;外行;无经验可循

5.a schooling system n.学历制度;学校系统;学校制度

6.get along with sb. v.与某人相处;和某人相处;与……相处

7.undoubtedly [ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli] adv.无疑;毋庸置疑地;毫无疑问地

8.decent [ˈdiːs(ə)nt] adj.像样的;相当不错的;体面的;得体的;合适的

9.access [ˈækses] v.进入;〈正式〉到达;获得

10.identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v.鉴定;确认;发现;识别;辨认

11.curriculum [kəˈrɪkjʊləm] n.(学校等的)全部课程;课程表;课程安排

curricula [kəˈrɪkjʊlə] (复数形式)

12.syllabus [ˈsɪləbəs] n.教学大纲;课程提纲;课程纲要

13.a teaching objective n.教学目标

14.a top priority n.重中之重

15.surroundings [səˈraʊndɪŋz] n.环境;周边环境;周围环境

16.keep points in your minds v.将这些要点牢记于心


To many Chinese teachers, opportunities coexist with challenges if they first teach abroad. But there seems to have more dificulties in the very beginning. I can picture what a tough situation I would get into if I were to take such a job.




Question 2 : Miss. Li teaches Chinese abroad, and the classroom atmosphere is usually dull. One day, after class. Miss. Li shared with her students a small problem she had encountered. Knowing this, the students volunteered to help solve the problem. Since then, the classroom atmosphere has been more positive. So if you were the teacher Miss Li, what would you do next?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

In this scenario, as an international Chinese language teacher, if I were Miss Li, I would handle the situation in the following manner:

First of all, I would sincerely express my gratitude to the students for their willingness to help me. This can not only foster an inclusive, harmonious, supportive and open-minded classroom learning atmosphere, but also facilitate a good teacher-student relationship.

Second, I would encourage and facilitate consistent collaboration among students by providing opportunities for them to work together. Peer-to-peer learning style can facilitate a better and engaging learning atmosphere.

Meanwhile, I would maintain open lines of communication with my students,encouraging them to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. I would create a welcoming and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves. This can facilitate a stronger sense of belonging and agency.

Third, I would incorporate interactive teaching methods, like group works, discussions,and hands-on activities into my lessons to promote students' engagement, collaboration, and critical thinking skills. In this way, my students can keep their interest and motivation.

Last but not least, I would regularly seek feedback from students on their learning experiences to further improve the positive atmosphere. This can help me tailor my teaching approach and create a student-centered learning environment. Meanwhile, I would reflect on the experience and identify areas for improvement. Through consistent reflection, I will be able to deal with similar challenges flexibly in the future.

All in all, by implementing these strategies, I can not only create a positive and interactive classroom atmosphere, but also cultivate a harmonious teacher-student relationship with my students in my future teaching work. In classroom management, I should remember that sincerity and understanding are always the best skills.

That' s all, thank you.



1.abroad [əˈbrɔːd] adv.国外;海外;出国;到国外

2.dull [dʌl] adj.枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的;不明亮的;乏味的

3.volunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)]



4.atmosphere [ˈætməsˌfɪə(r)] n.大气;气氛;气压;大气层;氛围

learning atmosphere n.学习氛围

5.scenario [səˈnɑːrioʊ] n.方案;前景;(可能发生的)情况;剧本;情节

in this scenario 在这样的情况下

real-life scenarios 真实生活的场景

6.gratitude [ˈɡrætɪˌtjuːd] n.感激之情;感谢

7.inclusive [ɪnˈkluːsɪv] adj.包含全部费用的;包容广阔的

8.harmonious [hɑː(r)ˈməʊniəs] adj.友好和睦的;和谐的;协调的;谐调的

harmonious coexistence n.和谐共生

harmony [ˈhɑː(r)məni] n.和谐;协调;和声;和睦;融洽

9.supportive [səˈpɔː(r)tɪv] adj.给予帮助的;支持的;鼓励的;同情的;支持性的

10.open-minded [ˈəʊpənˈmaɪndɪd] adj.愿意考虑不同意见的;思想开明的;虚心的

11.facilitate [fəˈsɪləteɪt] v.促进;促使;使便利;帮助;推动

12.agency [ˈeɪdʒ(ə)nsi] n.服务机构;经销机构;(政府的)专门机构;代理商

a sense of agency n.一种力量感;自我行动意识;自主意识;主体感

13.incorporate [ɪnˈkɔː(r)pəreɪt] v.包含;吸收;将……包括在内;使并入

incorporate into v.把……并入;纳入

14.feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] n.(on)反馈;反馈意见

15.flexible [ˈfleksəb(ə)l] adj.能适应新情况的;灵活的;可变动的;有弹性的

flexibly [ˈfleksəbli] adv.灵活地;可变动地;弹性地

flexibility [.fleksəˈbɪləti] n.灵活性;弹性;适应性

16.implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v.实施;执行;贯彻;使生效;履行

implement these strategies v.执行这些策略

17.strategy [ˈstrætədʒi] n.策略;战略;策划;谋略;计谋


On this issue / In this scenario, as an international Chinese teacher, if I were Miss Li,I would answer my student' s question / handle the situation as follows / in the following manner:



Last but not least, I would regularly seek feedback from students on their learning experiences to further improve the positive atmosphere. This can help me tailor my teaching approach and create a student-centered learning environment. Meanwhile, I would reflect on the experience and identify areas for improvement. Through consistent reflection, I will be able to deal with similar challenges flexibly in the future.




Question 3: Teacher Wang teaches Chinese in Europe. In his Chinese culture class, when it comes to Asian culture, the Asian students in the class always interrupt his class and discuss endlessly. This caused dissatisfaction among other European students, who complained that Teacher Wang always asked Asian students to discuss problems.If you were Teacher Wang,what would you do ?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

In this scenario, as an international Chinese language teacher, if I were Teacher Wang, I would handle the situation in the following manner:

First of all, at the beginning of the course, I would clearly explain the rules and expectations regarding class participation and discussions. I would emphasize the importance of respect and fairness, reminding all students that everyone should have an equal opportunity to discuss and learn.

Second, I would listen to and understand the complaints of the European students. I would acknowledge their concerns and assure them that their participation and input are valuable as well.

Meanwhile, I would initiate a separate conversation with the Asian students to understand their perspective and intentions. I would emphasize the importance of balanced participation and encourage them to remain engaged while also being mindful of other students' needs for a fair learning environment.

Third, after the conversation, I would set clear guidelines, such as raising hands or taking turns, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to discuss and learn. I would also encourage group work and pairings that mix/involve all the students. This would allow them to collaborate and learn from each other, sharing diferent perspectives and cultural insights. Peer-to-peer learning style can facilitate a better,engaging learning atmosphere.

Last but not least, I would regularly check in with all students to address any concerns they may have and to evaluate the overall learning environment. This would enable me to address any ongoing issues promptly and apply appropriate measures to maintain a constructive and inclusive classroom learning atmosphere.

In conclusion, by implementing these strategies, I believe I can create a harmonious and open-minded classroom where students from different cultural backgrounds can learn and grow together.

That' s all, thank you.






1.interrupt [.ɪntəˈrʌpt] v.打扰;插嘴;打岔;打断;妨碍

interruption [.ɪntəˈrʌpʃən] n.打扰;打岔;打断;障碍物

2.dissatisfaction [dɪs.sætɪsˈfækʃ(ə)n] n.不满意;不快;不悦;不满足

3.complain [kəmˈpleɪn] v.抱怨;投诉;埋怨;发牢骚;诉苦;申诉

complain about sth. v.对……不满

complain to sb. v.向……投诉;向……诉苦

complaint [kəmˈpleɪnt] n.投诉;抱怨;控告;不满的原因;诉苦

4.regarding [rɪˈɡɑː(r)dɪŋ] prep.关于;至于;关于;对于

5.participate in [pɑː(r)ˈtɪsɪpeɪt] v.参与;参加;参与项目

participation [pɑː(r)ˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n] n.参与;参加;参与性

participant [pɑː(r)ˈtɪsɪpənt] n.参与者;参加者

6.emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz] v.强调;重视;着重;使突出

7.remind [rɪˈmaɪnd] v.提醒;使想起

8.input [ˈɪnpʊt] n.投入;投入物

9.valuable [ˈvæljʊb(ə)l] adj.很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的;珍贵的

10.intention [ɪnˈtenʃ(ə)n] n.意图;打算;目的;意愿;动机

11.be mindful of v.留意;注意;留心

12.guideline [ˈɡaɪdˈlaɪn] n.指导方针;指南;准则

13.mix [mɪks] v.融合;配制;交往;调配

14.involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v.需要;包含;牵涉;影响;使卷入

15.collaborate [kəˈlæbəreɪt] v.合作;协作;通敌;勾结敌人

collaboration [kə.læbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] n.合作;协作;合作成果(或作品);通敌

collaborative [kəˈlæb(ə)rətɪv] adj.合作的;协力完成的

a collaborative mindset 合作意识

16.insight [ˈɪnsaɪt] n.洞察力;了解;洞悉;领悟;顿悟

17.evaluate [ɪˈvæljueɪt] v.评价;评估;估计

18.ongoing [ˈɒnˌɡəʊɪŋ] adj.持续存在的;不断发展的;进行中的

19.apply [əˈplaɪ] v.应用;使用;涂;敷

20.appropriate [əˈprəʊpriˌeɪt] adj.恰当的;合适的;适合的


First of all, at the beginning of the course, I would clearly explain the rules/disciplines and expectations regarding class participation and discussions. I would emphasize the importance of respect and fairness, reminding all students that everyone should have an equal opportunity to discuss and learn.


Third, after the conversation, I would set clear guidelines, such as raising hands or taking turns, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to discuss and learn. I would also encourage group work and pairings that mix/involve all the students. This would allow them to collaborate and learn from each other, sharing diferent perspectives and cultural insights.Peer-to-peer learning style can facilitate a better engaging learning atmosphere.





Question 4 : Teacher Wang teaches Chinese in a university abroad. In a Chinese culture course, a student asked sick leave and did not come to class. Then, Teacher Wand sent the relevant materials to the student, later more and more students ask Teacher Wang for class materials, and more and more students do not come to class. If you were Teacher Wang, what would you do?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

On this issue, as an international Chinese teacher, if I were Teacher Wang, I would handle the problem as follows:

First, during the next class, I would emphasize the benefits of attending lectures and actively participating in discussions. Then, I would create an open and inclusive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions during class. By encouraging active participation, I aim to foster a sense of responsibility for their own learning and reduce the reliance on course materials alone. I would explain to the class that the materials shared with the absent student were meant to help them catch up on what they had missed, rather than as a substitute for attending class.

Second, I would remind students of any university policies regarding attendance and responsible behavior. This can serve as a gentle reminder that regular attendance is expected and that relying solely on shared materials may not be suficient for academic success. Then,I would encourage students to utilize other available resources such as lecture recordings,textbooks, or supplementary reading materials. This would ensure that students have access to a variety of/various resources that can support their learning and understanding of the course material.

If the issue persists, I may consider adjusting my approach to sharing materials. This could include limiting distribution to only those students with a valid reason for missing class, or exploring other ways to address students' needs without compromising the value of attending lectures. And also, I would consider involving my students into the process of making these rules, this can increase their sense of agency and ownership of their actions.

All in all, by implementing these strategies, I aim to promote the importance of attending class while still providing necessary support and resources to students who may have missed a session. In classroom management, I should remember that sincerity and understanding are always the best skills.

That' s all, thank you.





1.sick leave n.病假;病假期

2.relevant [ˈreləv(ə)nt] adj.紧密相关的;切题的;有意义的;相应的

3.material [məˈtɪəriəl] n.材料;原料;素材;布料

4.create [kriˈeɪt] v.创建;创造;造成;创作

create a personal connection v.创建个人之间的联系

creation [kriˈeɪʃ(ə)n] n.创作;创造;创建;作品;创新

creative [kriˈeɪtɪv] adj.创造的;有创新性的;富创造力的

5.responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti] n.责任;职责;负责;义务

a sense of responsibility n.责任感;责任心

6.rely on [rɪˈlaɪ] v.依靠;信赖;依仗;凭借

reliance on/upon [rɪˈlaɪəns] n.依赖;依靠;信任

7.absent [ˈæbs(ə)nt] adj.没有;无;离开;缺勤的

8.attendance [əˈtendəns] n.参加;出席;出勤

9.catch up on v.补上;补上某事;弥补

10.substitute [ˈsʌbstɪˌtjuːt]



11.suficient [səˈfɪʃ(ə)nt] adj.足够的;充足的;充分的

12.academic [ækəˈdemɪk] adj.教学的;学术性的(与实践性、技术性相对)

academic integrity n.学术诚信;学术操守

academic performance n.学业上的表现;学习成绩;学业成绩

13.available [əˈveɪləb(ə)l] adj.可获得的;有空的;可利用的

14.supplementary [ˌsʌplɪˈment(ə)ri] adj.增补性的;额外的;追加的

15.variety [vəˈraɪəti] n.品种;变化;多样化;变体

a variety of=various

various [ˈveəriəs] adj.各种不同的;各种各样的;多姿多彩的;多方面的

16.adjust [əˈdʒʌst] v.调整;调节;使适应;习惯;校准

adjustment [əˈdʒʌs(t)mənt] n.调节;(行为、思想的)调整;校正;适应

17.valid [ˈvælɪd] adj.(法律上)有效的;(正式)认可的;有根据的

a valid reason 正当的理由

18.compromise [ˈkɒmprəmaɪz]



make a compromise 做出妥协/让步


In classroom management/cross-cultural communication, I should remember that sincerity and understanding are always the best skills.

That' s all, thank you.





Question 5 : Teacher Wang just started teaching Chinese in a foreign school, and a teacher in the school told him that there was a student in his class who was particularly naughty and undisciplined, and always complained about the teacher behind his back. As an international Chinese teacher, if you were Teacher Wang, how would you deal with such a situation?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

In this scenario, as an international Chinese teacher, if I were Teacher Wang , I would handle this situation as follows:

First of all, I should acknowledge the issue and thank the colleague for his feedback.This shows respect and encourages further disclosure and can facilitate a good workplace relationship.

Second, during teaching, I would observe the student' s behavior and gather evidence to support the complaints. This can help me understand the situation better and make informed decisions. After this, I would talk to the student privately and express my concerns in a non judgemental and empathetic manner. This can help me understand the student' s perspective and address any underlying issues. After the conversation, I will set clear expectations and consequences for the student' s behavior. This can help the student understand the importance of following rules and the consequences of not doing so.

Third, I would collaborate with the school administration and other teachers to develop a plan to support the student' s behavioral and academic growth. This can help ensure that the student receives the necessary support and resources to succeed.

Last but not least, I would encourage the student to participate in various activities that align with his interests and strengths. This can help the student develop a sense of belonging and self-esteem. I can also provide the student with positive reinforcement and recognition for his efforts and achievements. This can help the student develop a sense of pride and motivation.

In summary, as an international Chinese teacher, it is important to address issues of student behavior in a proactive and supportive manner. By implementing these strategies, I believe that I can establish a better teacher-student relationship and foster an inclusive and harmonious classroom learning atmosphere. In classroom management, I should remember that sincerity and understanding are always the best skills.

That' s all, thank you.





1.naughty [ˈnɔːti] adj.顽皮的;淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的

2.undisciplined [ʌnˈdɪsəplɪnd] adj.无组织纪律的;缺乏管教的

3.feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] n.(on)反馈;反馈意见

4.disclosure [dɪsˈkləʊʒə(r)] n.公开;揭露;透露;透露的秘闻

5.workplace [ˈwɜː(r)kˌpleɪs] n.工作场所;车间;工作地点;职场

6.observe [əbˈzɜː(r)v] v.观察;看到;庆祝;监视;注意到

7.private [ˈpraɪvət] adj.私有的;私用的;自用的

in private=privately adv.私下

8.non-judgemental adj.非评判;非批判;不批评的态度

9.empathy [ˈempəθi] n.共鸣;同情;同感;移情

empathetic [empəˈθetɪk] adj.(美学上)移情作用的;设身处地;感同身受

10.underlying [ˌʌndə(r)ˈlaɪɪŋ] adj.根本的;潜在的;基础的;基本的

11.expect [ɪk' spekt] v.期望;预计;期待;指望;预料

expectation [.ekspekˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n.期望;预期;希望;展望

12.consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] n.后果;结果;推论;结局

13.align with [əˈlaɪn] v.结盟;与……结盟;与……一致

14.self-esteem n.自尊(心);自我尊重;自负

15.reinforcement [ˌriːɪnˈfɔː(r)smənt] n.强化;援军;加强;加固

positive reinforcement n.正面强化;积极的强化

16.recognition [.rekəɡˈnɪʃ(ə)n] n.识别;认识;承认;认可;赏识

public recognition n.公开表扬;公开认可

17.achieve [əˈtʃiːv] v.完成;实现;获得;取得

achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] n.成就;成绩;功绩;成就感;成果

18.proactive [ˌprəʊˈæktɪv] adj.积极主动的;主动出击的;先发制人的

19.establish [ɪ' stæblɪʃ] v.建立;确立;设立;确定

20.foster [ˈfɒstə(r)] v.培养;促进;鼓励;助长;营造


After this, I would talk to the student privately and express my concerns in a non judgmental and empathetic manner. This can help me understand the student' s perspective and address any underlying issues. After the conversation, I will set clear expectations and consequences for the student' s behavior. This can help the student understand the importance of following rules and the consequences of not doing so.




Question 6: Teacher Li teaches Chinese abroad. In a Chinese class, a girl found that she had lost her textbook. The girl kicked up a row in class and demanded to check other students'bags. As an international Chinese teacher, if you were Teacher Li, how would you deal with such problems?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

On this issue, as an international Chinese teacher, if I were Teacher Li, I would handle the situation as follows:

First of all, I should remain calm and composed even in the face of the student' s outburst.It is important to set a positive example for the rest of the class and maintain control of the situation.

Then, I should listen carefully to the student' s concerns and frustrations. I would show my empathy and acknowledge the student' s feelings, this can help defuse tension and establish a supportive atmosphere.

Second, after this, I would speak with the student in private. During the conversation,I would emphasize that everyone' s belongings should be respected. I can discuss potential solutions with the student, such as reporting the lost textbook to the school administration or other alternative solutions.

Third, after the conversation, I would set clear guidelines with my students, to ensure an inclusive, safe, harmonious and open-minded learning atmosphere. It is essential to involve the student in the process to increase their sense of agency and ownership of their actions.

If the challenges persist, I would seek guidance from experienced colleagues, mentors, or school resources. Their insights and experience can provide valuable perspective on handling such situations efectively.

Last but not least, I would reach out to parents or guardians to communicate the importance of their support in addressing such behavior at home. Through regular updates and involvement in their child' s progress, parents can reinforce the value of respect and motivate their children to actively engage in the class.

All in all, by implementing these strategies, I can efectively manage the situation and create a positive learning environment for all students. In classroom management, I should remember that sincerity and understanding are always the best skills.

That' s all, thank you.






1.kick up a row v.大吵大闹;吵闹;大声吵闹

2.composed [kəmˈpəʊzd] adj.镇静;镇定;平静

3.outburst [ˈaʊtˌbɜː(r)st] n.迸发;(活动的)激增;(态度的)激化

4.concern [kənˈsɜː(r)n] n.关心;忧虑

5.frustrate [frʌˈstreɪt] v.挫败;使懊丧;使懊恼;使沮丧

frustrated [frʌˈstreɪtɪd] adj.沮丧的;失败的

frustration [frʌ' streɪʃ(ə)n] n.沮丧;受挫;挫败;懊丧

6.defuse [diːˈfjuːz] v.平息;缓和;拆除(炸弹)的引信;化解

defuse tension 缓和紧张气氛

7.tension [ˈtenʃ(ə)n] n.张力;拉伸;矛盾;紧张局势(或关系、状况)

8.potential [pəˈtenʃ(ə)l] adj.潜在的;可能的

9.administration [əd.mɪnɪ' streɪʃ(ə)n] n.行政;行政部门;施行;执行;行政管理

10.alternative [ɔːlˈtɜː(r)nətɪv] adj.可供替代的;非传统的;另类的

11.ownership [ˈəʊnə(r)ʃɪp] n.所有权;产权;拥有;拥有权

a sense of ownership n.主人翁意识;

12.persist [pə(r)ˈsɪst] v.保持;固执;维持;顽强地坚持

13.experience [ɪkˈspɪəriəns] v.体会;体验;经历 n.体验;经历;阅历

experienced [ɪkˈspɪəriənst] adj.有经验的;有阅历的;有见识的;老练的

14.mentor [ˈmentɔː(r)] n.导师;顾问;良师益友;指导者

15.reach out to sb.=contact sb. v.接触;联系某人

16.guardian [ˈɡɑː(r)diən] n.守卫者;保护者;(尤指双亲已故孩子的)监护人

17.reinforce [ˌriːɪnˈfɔː(r)s] v.加固;加强;充实;增强;强化

reinforce your confidence v.坚定信心

18.motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] v.激励;激发;促动;促使;鼓励

19.engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ] v.雇用;吸引住(注意力、兴趣);订婚;使从事于

engage in v.从事;参加;忙于

engage with v.与……交战;与……接洽;交流


If the challenges persist, I would seek guidance from experienced colleagues, mentors, or school resources. Their insights and experience can provide valuable perspective on handling such situations efectively.

Last but not least, I would reach out to parents or guardians to communicate the importance of their support in addressing such behavior at home. Through regular updates and involvement in their child' s progress, parents can reinforce the value of respect and motivate their children to actively engage in the class.





Question 7: Ms. Xu, a Chinese teacher at a secondary school in Australia. In her class,there were several students who were not doing their homework or participating actively in extracurricular activities. They failed grades in the exams. However, their parents complained that it was Ms. Xu' s responsibility for this issue. If you were Ms. Xu, how would you respond it?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question. On this issue, as an international teacher,I would handle the situation in the following manner:

First of all, I would reach out to the parents and initiate a conversation to understand their concerns and explain the expectations and responsibilities for both students and teachers. This will help in building a mutual understanding and finding ways to collaborate in the student' s education. Then, I would reflect on my teaching methods and strategies and assess if there are any areas where improvements can be made.

Second, I would provide individual support and guidance to students who are struggling.This could involve extra one-on-one sessions, providing additional resources or simplifying complex concepts to ensure their understanding.

If necessary, I would seek advice and guidance from experienced colleagues, mentors,or school leaders. Their insights and experience can provide valuable perspective on handling such situations efectively. I would also regularly communicate with the parents. Building a strong partnership with parents is crucial in achieving academic success.

Last but not least, I would work with the students to understand their interests, goals,and aspirations. By connecting their learning to their personal interests and setting achievable goals, we can foster intrinsic motivation and a sense of ownership in their education, so they can develop essential life skills and become more accountable for their academic success. In cross-cultural communication, I should remember that sincerity and understanding are always the best skills.

That' s all, thank you.







1.secondary [ˈsekənd(ə)ri] adj.次要的;从属的;辅助的;中学

a secondary school 中学

2.extracurricular [ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə(r)] adj.正课以外的;业余的;课程以外的

extracurricular activities 课外活动

3.fail grades v.(考试)不及格

4.initiate [ɪˈnɪʃieɪt] v.开创;开始;提出;制定

initiate a conversation v.发起一段对话

5.mutual [ˈmjuːtʃuəl] adj.相互的;彼此的;共有的;共同的

mutual respect 彼此尊重

mutual trust 彼此信任

mutual understanding 彼此理解

6.reflect [rɪˈflekt] v.反映;映出(影像);反省;反思

reflect on yourself v.反省;自省

7.assess [ə' ses] v.评估;估算;评价;估价

assessment [ə' sesmənt] n.评价;评定;判定;看法;估价;评量

8.individual [.ɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]



individual preferences n.个人偏好

9.one-on-one tutoring/sessions n.一对一辅导;个别辅导;课外培训

10.simplify [ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ] v.使简化;使简易;简单化

11.concept [ˈkɒnsept] n.概念;观念;设想;观点

12.partnership [ˈpɑː(r)tnə(r)ʃɪp] n.伙伴关系;合作;合作关系;合伙人身份

13.aspiration [æspɪˈreɪʃ(ə)n] n.渴望;抱负;志向;志愿

14.achievable [əˈtʃi:vəbl] adj.做得成的;可实现的;可完成的

15.intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk] adj.固有的;内在的;本身的;真正的

intrinsic motivation n.内在动力;内在激励

16.accountable [əˈkaʊntəb(ə)l] adj.(对自己的决定、行为)负有责任;负责的


First of all, I would reach out to the parents and initiate a conversation to understand their concerns and explain the expectations and responsibilities for both students and teachers. This will help in building a mutual understanding and finding ways to collaborate in the student' s education. Then, I would reflect on my teaching methods and strategies and assess if there are any areas where improvements can be made.




Question 8: Teacher Wang teaches Chinese abroad. Once, Teacher Wang was temporarily notified by the school to substitute/cover for the class. Because he was not prepared for the teaching content, and during the class, he found that the Chinese level of the students was very low, so Teacher Wang did not complete the teaching task. As an international Chinese teacher,if you were Teacher Wang, how would you deal with such problems?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

On this issue, as an international Chinese language teacher, if I were Teacher Wang, I would handle the situation as follows:

First of all, I should admit that in teaching work, it is quite normal for a teacher to encounter such unexpected situation. I should stay calm and not panic. This can help me think more clearly and make efective decisions.

Second, before the class, I would assess the students' language proficiency level.Understanding their current abilities will help me recognize their needs and make plans accordingly.

After these, I would quickly revise my original lesson plan and simplify the content.I would focus on basic knowledge that are appropriate for their level. I can use visual aids,gestures, and simple examples to enhance the students' understanding.

Third, I would tap into my students' existing interests to develop a personal connection to Chinese language and culture, making it more meaningful and relevant to their lives.

Meanwhile, I would create a safe and inclusive class environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves in Chinese, even if their proficiency is still developing. I would encourage a non-judgmental atmosphere and promote peer support, because peer-to peer learning style can facilitate a better, engaging learning atmosphere.

Last but not least, after the class, I would reflect on the experience and identify areas for improvement. Through consistent reflection, I will be able to deal with similar challenges flexibly in the future.

In conclusion, by implementing these strategies, I would aim to address the challenges of being a substitute teacher and enhance low level students' motivation to learn Chinese.

That' s all, thank you.







1.temporary [ˈtemp(ə)rəri] adj.短暂的;暂时的;临时的

temporarily [ˈtemprərəli] adv.短暂地;暂时;临时地

2.cover for v.掩护;代替;顶替

3.encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)] v.遭遇;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;与……邂逅

4.unexpected [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd] adj.出乎意料的;始料不及的;突然的

unexpectedly [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪdli] adv.意外地;出乎意料地;无意

5.panic [ˈpænɪk] adj.恐慌的;恐惧;惊慌的

6.proficiency [prəˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi] n.熟练;精通;娴熟;(语言)能力

proficiency in Mandarin 普通话流利;精通普通话

proficient [prəˈfɪʃ(ə)nt] adj.熟练的;精通的

7.current [ˈkʌrənt] adj.现在的;现行的;通用的;现在有效的

8.existing [ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ] adj.现存的;现行的;现有的;目前的

9.revise [rɪˈvaɪz] v.修改;复习;改变;温习

revision [rɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n] n.修订;修改;复习;温习

10.focus on [ˈfəʊkəs] v.聚焦于;集中于;专注于

11.visual [ˈvɪʒʊəl] adj.视力的;视觉的

visual aids 视觉辅助

visual features 视觉特征;影像特征

12.gesture [ˈdʒestʃə(r)] n.手势;表示;动作;举动

kind gesture 善举

13.enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] v.提高;增强;增进

14.meaningful [ˈmiːnɪŋf(ə)l] adj.重要的;意味深长的;有意义的

15.consistent [kən' sɪstənt] adj.一致的;始终如一的;持续的;前后一致的

16.address [əˈdres] n.地址;住址;演说;称呼 v.演说;处理;演讲;对付

address conflicts v.解决冲突


First of all, I should admit that in teaching work, it is quite normal for a teacher to encounter such unexpected situation. I should stay calm and not panic. This can help me think more clearly and make efective decisions.


Last but not least, after the class, I would reflect on the experience and identify areas for improvement. Through consistent reflection, I will be able to deal with similar challenges flexibly in the future.




Question 9: Suppose you are a Chinese teacher at the primary school abroad. The principal has asked you to be in charge of the Chinese theme wall in the school corridor. And the theme is supposed to be changed on a monthly basis. How do you think this wall should be designed.

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

On this issue, as an international Chinese language teacher, I would handle the situation in the following manner:

First of all, I would sincerely show my gratitude to the principal to give me this valuable opportunity to showcase our Chinese culture. This would facilitate a good workplace relationship between me and the principal.

Then, I would plan a monthly theme for the Chinese theme wall to showcase diferent aspects of Chinese culture, language, history, festivals, traditions, and famous figures. Each theme could be tied to relevant holidays, events, or educational topics. I can also incorporate colorful and eye-catching displays on the theme wall to attract attention and spark interest.

Third, to make the Chinese theme wall more interactive, I would include elements that encourage participation and learning, such as interactive quizzes, language games, puzzles, or cultural events related to the monthly theme. I would encourage my students to involve in the design and creation of the Chinese theme wall. This can foster a sense of ownership and pride.

I can also incorporating multimedia elements, such as QR codes linked to Chinese language videos, songs, or online resources. This can enhance the learning experience and provide additional opportunities for exploration.

Last but not least, it is important to ensure that the Chinese theme wall is regularly updated with fresh content and designs. In this way ,I can not only maintain my student' s interest and curiosity, but also keep attracting people' s attention.

All in all, by implementing these strategies, I believe the Chinese theme wall in the school corridor can serve as a dynamic and educational platform that celebrates Chinese language and culture, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and enriches the overall learning environment for students and the school community.

That' s all, thank you.







1.primary [ˈpraɪməri] adj.主要的;最重要的;基本的;最初的

a primary school n.小学

2.principal [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l] n.本金;委托人;中学校长;负责人

3.in charge of 负责;主管;掌管

4.theme [θiːm] n.主题;主旋律

5.relationship [rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp] n.关系;联系;情爱关系;亲属关系

6.showcase [ˈʃəʊˌkeɪs]



7.aspect [ˈæspekt] n.方面;层面;外观;方位

8.festival [ˈfestɪv(ə)l] n.节;节日;节庆;喜庆日

Duanwu Festival 端午节

Lantern Festival 元宵节

the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

Spring Festival 春节

the Spring Festival Travel rush 春运

9.eye-catching adj.惹人注意的;引人注目的;吸引眼球

eye-catching displays 引人注目的展览

10.display [dɪ' spleɪ] v.显示;展示;陈列;展出 n.展示;陈列;表现;展览

11.interactive [.ɪntərˈæktɪv] adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的

engaging interactive activities 有趣的互动性活动

12.element [ˈelɪmənt] n.要素;原理;元素;元件

13.quiz [kwɪz] n.小测验;知识竞赛;智力游戏;随堂测验

a classroom quiz n.随堂小测试

14.puzzle [ˈpʌz(ə)l] n.谜;疑问;智力游戏

15.cultural [ˈkʌltʃ(ə)rəl] adj.与文化有关的;文化的;教养的

cultural events 文化活动;文化盛事

16.related to [rɪˈleɪtɪd] adj.相关的;有联系的;有亲属关系的

17.multimedia [ˌmʌltiˈmiːdiə] adj.多媒体的;使用多媒体的

multimedia materials n.多媒体材料

18.QR codes=quick response codes 二维码

19.update [ʌpˈdeɪt]



20.dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] n.动力;动力学


classroom dynamic n.课堂纪律;课堂动态

21.celebrate [ˈselə.breɪt] v.庆祝;庆贺;赞美;颂扬;表扬

celebration [.seləˈbreɪʃ(ə)n] n.庆祝;庆典;庆祝活动;颂扬

22.enrich [ɪnˈrɪtʃ] v.使丰富;充实;改进;使得到发展;使富裕;使肥沃


Third, to make the Chinese theme wall more interactive, I would include elements that encourage participation and learning, such as interactive quizzes, language games, puzzles, or cultural events related to the monthly theme. I would encourage my students to involve in the design and creation of the Chinese theme wall. This can foster a sense of ownership and pride.

I can also incorporating multimedia elements, such as QR codes linked to Chinese language videos, songs, or online resources. This can enhance the learning experience and provide additional opportunities for exploration.



All in all, by implementing these strategies, I believe the Chinese theme wall in the school corridor can serve as a dynamic and educational platform that celebrates Chinese language and culture, fosters cross-cultural understanding, and enriches the overall learning environment for students and the school community.




Question 10: Miss Zhang teaches Chinese at a primary school abroad. In the class, she often uses multimedia to teach, and the effect is very good. However, the principal once showed his concerns that the excessive use of multimedia video materials would harm the eyesight of the students. If you were Miss Zhang, what would you do?

Suggesting answer:Thanks for your question.

In this scenario, as an international Chinese language teacher, if I were Miss Zhang, I would handle the situation in the following manner:

First of all, I should admit that in teaching work, it is quite normal for a teacher to encounter such unexpected situation. I should stay calm and not panic. This can help me think more clearly and make efective decisions.

Then, I need to pick a convenient time when both I and the principal are relatively relaxed and have some privacy. This will ensure that the conversation is not rushed or interrupted.Communication is the key in addressing any concerns and finding solutions.

After the conversation, I would review my current approach in the classroom and assess the usage of video materials. Based on the principal' s concerns, I would consider reducing the time spent on multimedia materials or incorporating more interactive and hands-on activities to balance screen time.

I would explore alternative teaching methods that minimize screen use, such as role playing, group discussions, and hands-on activities. By these means, I can cater to diferent learning styles and reduce reliance on multimedia.

If necessary, I would seek advice and guidance from my experienced colleagues, mentors,or school leaders. Their insights and experience can provide valuable perspective on handling such situations efectively.

Last but not least, I would maintain open lines of communication with my students,encouraging them to provide feedback on the teaching methods, materials, and their learning experiences. This ongoing dialogue would enable me to make adjustments and improvements based on their specific needs and concerns.

Overall, by implementing these strategies, I can create a balanced and supportive learning environment that prioritizes both educational efectiveness and students' well-being.

That' s all, thank you.







1.excessive [ɪk' sesɪv] adj.过分的;过度的;过多的;极度的

2.convenient [kənˈviːniənt] adj.实用的;便利的;方便的;省事的

convenience [kənˈviːniəns] n.方便;便利;适宜;便利的事物(或设施)

3.relatively [ˈrelətɪvli] adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地

4.relaxed [rɪˈlækst] adj.放松的;冷静的;镇定的;安静的

5.privacy [ˈprɪvəsi] n.隐私;私密

6.rushed [rʌʃt] adj.仓促而就的;草率的;匆忙的;贸然的

7.review[rɪˈvjuː] n.回顾;述评;审查;评论 v.回顾;复习;审核;反思

a review class/ session n.一堂复习课

8.usage [ˈjuːsɪdʒ] n.使用;利用;利用率;惯用法;使用方法

9.hands-on activities n.实操;动手操作;以动手操作

10.minimize [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz] v.降低;贬低;使最小化

11.role-playing=role plays n.角色扮演;角色排演;情景训练

12.cater [ˈkeɪtə(r)] v.承办餐宴;迎合;投合;满足

cater to one' s needs v.满足……的需求

13.maintain [meɪnˈteɪn] v.维护;保持;坚持;维修;保养

14.communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] v.沟通;传达;传播;传染

communicate with sb. v.与……沟通

communication [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n.通信;交际;交流;信息

in cross-cultural communication 在跨文化交际中

15.specific [spə' sɪfɪk] adj.明确的;具体的;特定的;特有的

16.prioritize [praɪˈɒrɪtaɪz] v.给……排出优先级;优先处理;重点发展;优先化

priority [praɪˈɒrəti] n.优先;优先权;重点;优先事项

a top priority n.头等要务;重中之重

17.well-being n.健康;安乐;福利;幸福;福祉


After the conversation, I would review my current approach in the classroom and assess the usage of video materials. Based on the principal' s concerns, I would consider reducing the time spent on multimedia materials or incorporating more interactive and hands-on activities to balance screen time.

I would explore alternative teaching methods that minimize screen use, such as role playing, group discussions, and hands-on activities. By these means, I can cater to diferent learning styles and reduce reliance on multimedia.


我会探索减少屏幕使用的替代教学方法,例如角色扮演、小组讨论和实践活动。通过这些方法,我可以提供不同的学习方式,减少对多媒体材料的依赖。 4mHdhPV3aqaqxvszO6WavEdyJtp8HKoNz7agY0ke1Ia2+8HKinByVp4iJerHRk4V
