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Beijing's Hutongs
Beijing's hutongs form a distinctive part of the city's alleys and avenues. In early times, the majority of hutongs were orientated from east to west, mostly in straight lines. On either side of the hutongs were courtyards of all sizes, each one next to the other in rows. The passageways between these courtyards were hutongs.Row upon row of these hutongs covered Beijing like a giant net, weaving the city together. The hutongs are unique, varying in width, differing in length, and with a myriad of different names.
The hutongs of old Beijing have, over the centuries, not only witnessed the changing epochs but also recorded the lives of generation after generation of ordinary Beijing residents. Beijingers have a special affection for the hutongs, an emotional tie that can't be broken.
The hutong is not only the main place of activity for ordinary Beijing residents and gateway to the family residence, it is also the stage upon which Beijing's history and culture have evolved. Every household, in the city's maze of hutongs with old trees and brick walls, has an ancient history and tales passed down from generation to generation.