


Text 1


1. A group of Labour MPs, among them Yvette Cooper, are bringing in the new year with a call to institute a UK“town of culture”award.

译文: 包括伊薇特·库珀(Yvette Cooper) 在内的诸多工党议员,在迎接新年之际呼吁设立英国“文化之镇”奖。

讲解: 该句是简单句,主谓宾结构,句中“bring in the new year with...”表示“以……迎接新年”。


a group of 一群,一组

labour ['leɪbə(r)] n. (英国)工党;劳动

MP [ˌem'piː] abbr. 国会议员(Member of Parliament)

bring in 带进,带来

call [kɔːl] n. 呼吁;通话

institute ['ɪnstɪtjuːt] v. 制定(政策);实行

town [taʊn] n. 城镇,市镇

culture ['kʌltʃə(r)] n. 文化,文明

award [ə'wɔːd] n. 奖,奖品 v. 授予

2. The proposal is that it should sit alongside the existing city of culture title, which was held by Hull in 2017, and has been awarded to Coventry for 2021.

译文: 他们提议,文化之镇的头衔要与已有的文化之城比肩。获得文化之城头衔的包括“2017英国文化之城”赫尔市(Hull)和“2021英国文化之城”考文垂市(Coventry)。


讲解: 该句是主从复合句。主句是主系表结构,句中that引导表语从句;第二层表语从句中,谓语sit alongside意为“与……比肩”,关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词city of culture title;第三层非限制性定语从句是主谓结构,谓语1和谓语2都是被动式,关系代词which指代先行词作主语,该从句意在说明获得文化之城头衔的两个城市。


proposal [prə'pəʊz(ə)l] n. 提议;求婚

sit alongside 与……并肩而坐

existing [ɪɡ'zɪstɪŋ] a. 现存的;现行的

title ['taɪt(ə)l] n. 头衔;标题

3. Cooper and her colleagues argue that the success of the crown for Hull, where it brought in £220m of investment and an avalanche of arts, ought not to be confined to cities.

译文: 库珀和她的同事认为,“赫尔之冠”的成功不应该局限于城市,这一头衔为赫尔引进了2.2亿英镑的投资,并使其涌现了大量艺术作品。


讲解: 该句的主干是主谓宾结构,宾语是that引导的宾语从句。第二层宾语从句的主干部分是主谓结构,主语是the success,谓语由“情态动词ought + not to be confined”构成,意为“不应当局限于”;该从句中where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的地名Hull。


colleague ['kɒliːɡ] n. 同事,同僚

argue ['ɑːɡjuː] v. 认为;争论

success [sək'ses] n. 成功;成功的人或事

crown [kraʊn] n. 王冠;花冠

investment [ɪn'vestmənt] n. 投资;投入

avalanche ['ævəlɑːnʃ] n. 突然出现的大量事物;雪崩

ought to do 应该做

be confined to 受限于

4. Britain's towns, it is true, are not prevented from applying, but they generally lack the resources to put together a bid to beat their bigger competitors.

译文: 诚然,英国各城镇申请(“文化之镇”的荣誉)并没有受到阻碍,但是它们普遍缺乏资源以合力击败更强的竞争对手。


讲解: 该句为并列句,由but连接,分句1是主谓结构,谓语是被动形式,分句中it is true为插入语,分句2是主谓宾结构,分句中动词不定式短语to beat...作目的状语。


prevent from 阻止;妨碍

apply [ə'plaɪ] v. 申请;应用

generally ['dʒen(ə)rəli] ad. 普遍地;大概

lack [læk] v. 缺乏;需要

resource [rɪ'sɔːs] n. 资源;自然资源

put together 组合;装配

bid [bɪd] n. 努力;出价;投标

beat [biːt] v. 击败;敲打

competitor [kəm'petɪtə(r)] n. 竞争者;参赛者

5. A town of culture award could, it is argued, become an annual event, attracting funding and creating jobs.

译文: 有人认为,“文化之镇”奖可能会成为年度盛事,吸引资金并创造就业机会。


讲解: 该句为主系表结构,句中it is argued作插入语,现在分词短语attracting funding and creating jobs作伴随状语,指状语的动作伴随主句发生。


annual ['ænjJəl] a. 年度的;一年的

event [ɪ'vent] n. 大事;赛事

attract [ə'trækt] v. 吸引;引起

funding ['fʌndɪŋ] n. 资金;专款

6. Some might see the proposal as a booby prize for the fact that Britain is no longer able to apply for the much more prestigious title of European capital of culture, a sought-after award bagged by Glasgow in 1990 and Liverpool in 2008.

译文: 有人可能把这项提议看成一个安慰奖,因为英国已无法再申请更具声望的欧洲文化之都的称号。英国城市格拉斯哥和利物浦分别于1990年和2008年获得了颇受追捧的欧洲文化之都奖。


讲解: 该句为复合句,主句是主谓宾宾补结构,句中介词短语for the fact作原因状语,名词fact后跟that引导的同位语从句。第二层同位语从句是主谓宾结构,将is able to apply for看作复合谓语,从句中介词短语of European capital of culture作后置定语修饰宾语,过去分词短语bagged by...作后置定语修饰名词award。


booby prize 安慰奖,末名奖

apply for 申请,请求

prestigious [pre'stɪdʒəs] a. 有声望的,有威望的

European [ˌjʊərə'piːən] a. 欧洲的;欧洲人的

capital ['kæpɪt(ə)l] n. 首都;资本

sought-after ['sɔːt ɑːftə(r)] a. 受欢迎的

bag [bæɡ] v. 把……装进袋子;抢占;捕获

7. A cynic might speculate that the UK is on the verge of disappearing into an endless fever of self-celebration in its desperation to reinvent itself for the post-Brexit world: after town of culture, who knows what will follow—village of culture? Suburb of culture? Hamlet of culture?

译文: 愤世嫉俗者可能会猜测,英国拼命地重塑脱欧后的形象,将陷入无休止的自我庆贺狂潮:在“文化之镇”后,谁知道还会有什么呢——文化之村?文化郊区?还是文化小村庄?


讲解: 该句的主干是主谓宾结构,that引导宾语从句。第二层宾语从句的主干是“主(the UK)+系(is)+表(on the verge)”结构,从句中介词短语of disappearing into an endless fever作后置定语修饰名词verge,介词短语of self-celebration作后置定语修饰fever,而介词短语in its desperation to reinvent itself for the post-Brexit world作状语;冒号后的句子起解释说明作用,其主干部分是特殊疑问句,who为特殊疑问词,同时作主语,knows是谓语,后面跟what引导的宾语从句。第三层宾语从句是主谓结构,其中连接代词what作主语,破折号后面的三个并列短语分别是三个同位语,对该从句的主语what作了补充说明,其中第三个同位语中Hamlet指那种没有教堂的小村庄。


cynic ['sɪnɪk] n. 愤世嫉俗者;怀疑者

speculate ['spekjJleɪt] v. 猜测;投机

on the verge of 濒临于;接近于

disappear [ˌdɪsə'pɪə(r)] v. 消失;不复存在

endless ['endləs] a. 无休止的;无止境的

fever ['fiːvə(r)] n. 狂热;发烧

celebration [ˌselɪ'breɪʃn] n. 庆祝;庆典

in desperation 绝望地;不顾一切地

reinvent [ˌriːɪn'vent] v. 彻底改造;重新创造

Brexit ['breksɪt] n. 英国脱欧

village ['vɪlɪdʒ] n. 乡村,村庄

suburb ['sʌbɜːb] n. 城郊,近郊

hamlet ['hæmlət] n. 小村庄

8. It is also wise to recall that such titles are not a cure-all.

译文: 这样的头衔并非万能灵药,这种反思也是明智的。


讲解: 该句的主干是主系表结构,句首it是形式主语,真正主语是“不定式短语to recall + that宾语从句”。第二层宾语从句是主系表结构,从句中cure-all是一个合成词,由动词cure与all合成,相当于panacea(灵丹妙药)。


wise [waɪz] a. 明智的;有学问的

recall [rɪ'kɔːl] v. 使想到;记起;召回

cure-all ['kjʊər ɔːl] n. 万能灵药

9. A badly run“year of culture”washes in and out of a place like the tide, bringing prominence for a spell but leaving no lasting benefits to the community.

译文: 运作不佳的“文化之年”就如同潮水一样在一个地方涌进涌出,短时间内给社会带来了知名度,但没能留下持久的利益。


讲解: 该句是主谓结构,其中like the tide为方式状语,修饰谓语。其后跟了两个并列的现在分词短语作伴随状语。


badly ['bædli] ad. 不成功地;严重地;非常

run [rʌn] v. 经营;(使)运转

wash [wɒʃ] v. 洗;(水)漫过

tide [taɪd] n. 潮水;潮流

prominence ['prɒmɪnəns] n. 出名;重要

spell [spel] n. 一段时间;咒语

lasting ['lɑːstɪŋ] a. 持久的;耐久的

benefit ['benɪfɪt] n. 益处;救济金

community [kə'mjuːnəti] n. 社区,社会;社团

10. The really successful holders of such titles are those that do a great deal more than fill hotel bedrooms and bring in high-profile arts events and good press for a year.

译文: 拥有这类头衔的真正成功的城市一年中付出了大量心血,这些心血远不止让酒店客房爆满、提供备受瞩目的艺术活动和良好的新闻报道。


讲解: 该句为复合句,主句是主系表结构,表语those作先行词,后跟that引导的定语从句。第二层定语从句是主谓宾结构,关系代词that作主语,实义动词do作谓语,a great deal more作宾语。


successful [sək'sesf(ə)l] a. 获得成功的;有成效的

holder ['həʊldə(r)] n. 持有者;支托物

a great deal 大量;非常

fill [fɪl] v. (使)充满;填补

high-profile [ˌhaɪ'prəʊfaɪl] a. 备受瞩目的;知名度高的

press [pres] n. 新闻报道;报刊

11. They transform the aspirations of the people who live there; they nudge the self-image of the city into a bolder and more optimistic light.

译文: 他们改变了居住在那里的人们的愿望;他们把城市的自我形象提升得更大胆、更乐观。


讲解: 该句由分号连接两个独立的句子。分句1是主谓宾结构,介词短语of the people作后置定语,修饰宾语1,其中people作先行词,后跟who引导的定语从句;分句2是主谓宾结构,介词短语of the city作后置定语,修饰宾语2,介词短语into a bolder and more optimistic light作状语。


transform [træns'fɔːm] v. 使改观;使变形

aspiration [ˌæspə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 渴望;志向

nudge [nʌdʒ] v. 轻推;达到

self-image [ˌself'ɪmɪdʒ] n. 自我形象

bold [bəʊld] a. 大胆自信的;粗体的

optimistic [ˌɒptɪ'mɪstɪk] a. 乐观的;高估的

12. It is hard to get right, and requires a remarkable degree of vision, as well as cooperation between city authorities, the private sector, community groups and cultural organisations.

译文: 想要不出差错很难,需要有非凡的远见,还需要城市当局、私营部门、社区团体和文化组织之间的合作。


讲解: 该句句首it为主语,并列连词and连接系表结构is hard to get right和谓语requires,requires之后是由as well as连接的两个并列宾语a remarkable degree of vision和cooperation。


require [rɪ'kwaɪə(r)] v. 需要;规定

remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəb(ə)l] a. 非凡的;引人注目的 degree of… ……的程度;……的学位

vision ['vɪʒn] n. 远见卓识;幻想

as well as 也;不但……而且

cooperation [kəʊˌɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 合作;协助

authority [ɔː'θɒrəti] n. 当局;权力

private ['praɪvət] a. 私营的;私下的

sector ['sektə(r)] n. (尤指商业、贸易等的)部门;区域

cultural ['kʌltʃərəl] a. 文化的;与文化有关的

organisation [ˌɔːɡənaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 组织;团体(等于organization)

13. But it can be done: Glasgow's year as European capital of culture can certainly be seen as one of a complex series of factors that have turned the city into the powerhouse of art, music and theatre that it remains today.

译文: 但这是可以做到的:格拉斯哥当选为欧洲文化之都的年份无疑能被视为一系列复杂因素之一。这些因素使格拉斯哥变成了一座集艺术、音乐和戏剧于一身的伟大城市,并延续至今。


讲解: 该句冒号前的句子是主谓结构,冒号后的句子详细解释说明,其主干是主谓主补结构,谓语是被动式can be seen,as one of...作主语补足语,that引导定语从句,修饰先行词factors。第二层定语从句的主干是主谓宾结构,that引导定语从句,修饰先行词the powerhouse。第三层定语从句中,关系代词that指代先行词the powerhouse,作半系动词remains的表语。


certainly ['sɜːt(ə)nli] ad. 无疑;当然

complex ['kɒmpleks] a. 复杂的;组合的 series of 一系列;一连串

factor ['fæktə(r)] n. 因素;等级

powerhouse ['paʊəhaʊs] n. 强大的集团(或组织) theatre ['θɪətə(r)] n. 戏剧;剧场

remain [rɪ'meɪn] v. 保持不变;剩余

14. A“town of culture”could be not just about the arts but about honouring a town's peculiarities—helping sustain its high street, supporting local facilities and above all celebrating its people.

译文: “文化之镇”不仅仅要与艺术相关,更与尊重小镇的特色有关——帮助维持其商业街,支持当地的设施建设,最重要的是要歌颂当地百姓。


讲解: 该句是主系表结构,破折号后是三个动名词短语作同位语,解释说明前面的honouring a town's peculiarities。


honour ['ɒnə(r)] v. 尊重;表彰;信守

peculiarity [pɪˌkjuːli'ærəti] n. 特色,特点 sustain [sə'steɪn] v. 维持;经受

high street 主要街道

support [sə'pɔːt] v. 支持;支撑

local ['ləʊk(ə)l] a. 当地的;地方的

facility [fə'sɪləti] n. 设施,设备;天赋,才能 above all 尤其是;首先

celebrate ['selɪbreɪt] v. 赞扬;庆祝

15. Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, should welcome this positive, hope-filled proposal, and turn it into action.

译文: 文化大臣杰里米·赖特(Jeremy Wright)应该接受这一积极向上、充满希望的提议,并将之付诸行动。


词汇 secretary ['sekrət(ə)ri] n. 大臣;秘书 positive ['pɒzətɪv] a. 积极的;乐观的

action ['ækʃ(ə)n] n. 行动;行为


21. Cooper and her colleagues argue that a“town of culture”award could___________.

[A] consolidate the town-city ties in Britain

[B] promote cooperation among Britain's towns

[C] increase the economic strength of Britain's towns

[D] focus Britain's limited resources on cultural events







consolidate [kən'sɒlɪdeɪt] v. 使巩固;合并

tie [taɪ] n. 关系;领带

promote [prə'məʊt] v. 促进;晋升;推广

economic [ˌiːkə'nɒmɪk] a. 经济的;有利可图的

strength [streŋθ] n. 实力;优势

focus ['fəʊkəs] v. 集中;聚焦

limited ['lɪmɪtɪd] a. 有限的;受限的

22. According to Paragraph 2, the proposal might be regarded by some as___________.

[A] a sensible compromise

[B] a self-deceiving attempt

[C] an eye-catching bonus

[D] an inaccessible target







regard...as 把……当作……

sensible ['sensəb(ə)l] a. 理智的,合理的

compromise ['kɒmprəmaɪz] n. 妥协;妥协方案 self-deceiving [self dɪ'siːvɪŋ] a. 自欺的

attempt [ə'tempt] n. 尝试;努力;企图

eye-catching ['aɪ kætʃɪŋ] a. 引人注目的;显著的

bonus ['bəʊnəs] n. 意外收获;奖金

inaccessible [ˌɪnæk'sesəb(ə)l] a. 不可及的;难到达的 target ['tɑːɡɪt] n. 目标;靶子

23. The author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it___________.

[A] endeavours to maintain its image

[B] meets the aspirations of its people

[C] brings its local arts to prominence

[D] commits to its long-term growth







suggest [sə'dʒest] v. 表明;建议

endeavour [ɪn'devə(r)] v. 努力,尽力

image ['ɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象;图像

aspiration [ˌæspə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 渴望;志向

prominence ['prɒmɪnəns] n. 出名;重要

commit to 致力于;对……做出承诺

long-term [ˌlɒŋ'tɜːm] a. 长期的

growth [ɡrəʊθ] n. 发展;种植

24. Glasgow is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to present ___________.

[A] a contrasting case

[B] a supporting example

[C] a background story

[D] a related topic







mention ['menʃ(ə)n] v. 提到;提名

present ['prez(ə)nt] v. 呈现;现身

contrasting [kən'trɑːstɪŋ] a. 形成鲜明对比的;差异大的

case [keɪs] n. 案例;病例

supporting [sə'pɔːtɪŋ] a. 支持的;辅助性的

background ['bækɡraʊnd] n. 背景;幕后

related [rɪ'leɪtɪd] a. 相关的;有亲戚关系的

topic ['tɒpɪk] n. 题目,主题;总论

25. What is the author's attitude towards the proposal?

[A] Skeptical.

[B] Objective.

[C] Favourable.

[D] Critical.







skeptical ['skeptɪk(ə)l] a. 不相信的,持怀疑态度的

objective [əb'dʒektɪv] a. 客观的;目标的

favourable ['feɪvərəb(ə)l] a. 赞成的;适宜的

critical ['krɪtɪk(ə)l] a. 批判的;极其重要的,关键的

Text 2

1. Scientific publishing has long been a licence to print money.

译文: 科学出版行业一直是棵摇钱树。


讲解: 该句为主系表结构,a licence to print money为习语,表“摇钱树;一本万利;不费劲挣大钱”。


scientific [ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk] a. 科学的;与科学有关的

publishing ['pʌblɪʃɪŋ] n. 出版;出版业

licence ['laɪs(ə)ns] n. 许可证,执照

2. Scientists need journals in which to publish their research, so they will supply the articles without monetary reward.

译文: 科学家们需要期刊来发表他们的研究成果,因此他们无偿提供这些文章。


讲解: 该句是并列句,so为表示结果的并列连词,用来并列两个分句。分句1为主谓宾结构,其中in which to publish their research作后置定语修饰journals;分句2也是主谓宾结构,介词without短语作状语。


scientist ['saɪəntɪst] n. 科学家

journal ['dʒɜːn(ə)l] n. 期刊;日记

publish ['pʌblɪʃ] v. 刊登;出版

supply [sə'plaɪ] v. 提供;补充

monetary ['mʌnɪtri] a. 货币的;金融的

reward [rɪ'wɔːd] n. 奖励;回报

3. Other scientists perform the specialised work of peer review also for free, because it is a central element in the acquisition of status and the production of scientific knowledge.

译文: 其他科学家也免费进行同行评审的专门工作,因为这是获得地位和产生科学知识的核心要素。


讲解: 该句为主从复合句,主句为主谓宾结构,其中介词短语of peer review 作后置定语修饰宾语。for free为介词短语作状语,从句为because引导的原因状语从句。第二层原因状语从句为主系表结构,介词短语in the acquisition of status and the production of scientific knowledge作后置定语,修饰表语。


perform [pə'fɔːm] v. 做,执行;表演

specialised ['speʃ(ə)laɪzd] a. 专门的;特别的(等于 specialized

peer review 同行评审;同业互查

for free 免费

central ['sentrəl] a. 最重要的;中心的

element ['elɪmənt] n. 要素,基本部分;元素

acquisition [ˌækwɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] n. 获取;学得

status ['steɪtəs] n. 地位,身份

production [prə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] n. 制造;产生

knowledge ['nɒlɪdʒ] n. 知识;知道

4. With the content of papers secured for free, the publisher needs only to find a market for its journal.

译文: 由于论文内容可免费获取,出版商只需为其期刊寻找市场。


讲解: 该句为主谓宾结构,介词短语for its journal作状语,句首是with独立主格结构作原因状语。


content ['kɒntent] n. 内容;目录

paper ['peɪpə(r)] n. 论文;报纸

secure [sɪ'kjʊə(r)] v. 获得;确保

publisher ['pʌblɪʃə(r)] n. 出版商;发行人

5. Until this century, university libraries were not very price sensitive.

译文: 直到本世纪,大学图书馆对价格还不是很敏感。



century ['sentʃəri] n. 世纪;一百年

library ['laɪbrəri] n. 图书馆;藏书楼

sensitive ['sensətɪv] a. 敏感的;易受影响的

6. Scientific publishers routinely report profit margins approaching 40% on their operations, at a time when the rest of the publishing industry is in an existential crisis.

译文: 在出版业其他领域陷入生存危机的时候,科学出版商照例报告他们的运营利润率接近40%。


讲解: 该句是主谓宾宾补结构,现在分词短语approaching 40% on their operations作宾语补足语,句中when引导定语从句,修饰先行词time。第二层定语从句中,when作关系副词,指代先行词time,并在从句中充当状语。


routinely [ruː'tiːnli] ad. 惯常地;例行公事地

profit margin 利润率

approach [ə'prəʊtʃ] v. 接近于;靠近

operation [ˌɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 业务;运作;手术

at a time 在某时;一次

the rest of 其余的;剩下的

industry ['ɪndəstri] n. 行业;工业

existential [ˌeɡzɪ'stenʃl] a. 有关存在的

crisis ['kraɪsɪs] n. 危机;危急关头

7. The Dutch giant Elsevier, which claims to publish 25% of the scientific papers produced in the world, made profits of more than £900m last year, while UK universities alone spent more than £210m in 2016 to enable researchers to access their own publicly funded research; both figures seem to rise unstoppably despite increasingly desperate efforts to change them.

译文: 荷兰出版业巨头爱思唯尔公司声称拥有全球25%的科学论文发表量,该公司去年盈利超过9亿英镑,而仅英国的大学2016年就花费超过2.1亿英镑(支付给爱思唯尔)用于支持研究人员获得公共资助研究项目;尽管人们越来越迫切地试图改变,但两个数字似乎都在不停地上升。


讲解: 该句是并列复合句,分句1的主干是“主1+谓1+宾1”结构,其中which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词主语1;分句2由并列连词while连接,此处的while表示前后对比关系,由“主2+谓2+宾2”构成,动词不定式短语to enable...作目的状语;分句3由分号连接,它是主谓结构,句中介词短语despite...作让步状语,此处despite为介词,表示“即使,尽管”。第二层非限制性定语从句是主谓宾结构,其中动词不定式充当宾语,produced in the world作后置定语修饰papers。


Dutch [dʌtʃ] a. 荷兰的;荷兰人的

giant ['dʒaɪənt] n. 大公司;巨人

claim to do sth. 声称要做某事

produce [prə'djuːs] v. 生产,制造;导致

enable [ɪ'neɪb(ə)l] v. 使能够,使可能

researcher [rɪ'sɜːtʃə(r)] n. 研究人员

access ['ækses] v. 获取;访问

publicly ['pʌblɪkli] ad. 公开地;由政府

funded [fʌndɪd] a. 提供资金的

figure ['fɪɡə(r)] n. 数字;人物;身材

seem to do 似乎做;好像做

unstoppably [ʌn'stɒpəbli] ad. 无法(使)停下来地

despite [dɪ'spaɪt] prep. 尽管,即使

desperate ['despərət] a. 不顾一切的;渴望的;绝望的

effort ['efət] n. 努力;力气

8. The most drastic, and thoroughly illegal, reaction has been the emergence of Sci-Hub, a kind of global photocopier for scientific papers, set up in 2012, which now claims to offer access to every paywalled article published since 2015.

译文: 最激烈,且完全违法的反应是2012年成立的Sci-Hub,它就像科学论文全球复印机一样可以获得全球的科学论文,它现在宣称可以访问2015年以来所有已发表的付费专栏文章。


讲解: 该句是复合句。主句由主系表结构构成,句中名词短语a kind of global photocopier for scientific papers作同位语,补充说明Sci-Hub;过去分词短语set up作后置定语修饰Sci-Hub;which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Sci-Hub。第二层非限制性定语从句为主谓宾结构,动词不定式短语to offer access作宾语,介词短语to every paywalled article作后置定语修饰前面的名词access,过去分词published作后置定语修饰article。


drastic ['dræstɪk] a. 激烈的,极端的

thoroughly ['θʌrəli] ad. 彻底地;完全地

illegal [ɪ'liːɡ(ə)l] a. 违法的;违规的

reaction [ri'ækʃn] n. 反应;回应

emergence [ɪ'mɜːdʒəns] n. 出现;崭露头角

photocopier ['fəʊtəʊkɒpiə(r)] n. 影印机;复印机

set up 建立;装配

paywalled [peɪwɔːld] a. 设付费门槛的,收费的

9. The success of Sci-Hub, which relies on researchers passing on copies they have themselves legally accessed, shows the legal ecosystem has lost legitimacy among its users and must be transformed so that it works for all participants.

译文: Sci-Hub的成功依赖于研究人员将他们自己合法获得的副本传递出去,这表明,法律生态系统在Sci-Hub用户中已经失去了合法性,必须对其进行改造,使其为所有参与者服务。


讲解: 该句是复合句。主句为主谓宾结构,The success of Soi-Hub作先行词,后跟which引导的非限制性定语从句,宾语部分由省略了连接词that的宾语从句充当。第二层中非限制性定语从句的主干部分是主谓宾宾补结构,从句中现在分词短语passing on copies作宾补,而名词copies又作先行词,后跟省略关系代词that/which的定语从句;第二层中宾语从句由并列连词and连接两个并列谓语,从句中so that引导目的状语从句。第三层中定语从句是主谓宾结构,省略的关系代词指代先行词copies,在该从句中作accessed的宾语。目的状语从句是主谓结构,for all participants为介词短语作状语。


rely on 依靠,依赖

pass on 传递;去世

copy ['kɒpi] n. 副本;一本

legally ['liːɡəli] ad. 合法地;按照法律

legal ['liːɡ(ə)l] a. 法律的;合法的

ecosystem ['iːkəʊsɪstəm] n. 生态系统

legitimacy [lɪ'dʒɪtɪməsi] n. 合法性,合理性

user ['juːzə(r)] n. 用户;使用者

transform [træns'fɔːm] v. 使改观;使改变形态

participant [pɑː'tɪsɪpənt] n. 参加者,参与者

10. In Britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies.

译文: 在英国,资助机构推动了开放获取出版物的发展。


讲解: 句首介词短语In Britain为地点状语,该句是主谓结构,介词短语towards open access publishing作后置定语,修饰主语。


move [muːv] n. 转变;行动;移动

drive [draɪv] v. 推动;迫使;驾驶

funding body 资助单位;资助机构

11. In some ways it has been very successful.

译文: 在某种程度上这一点非常成功。


12. More than half of all British scientific research is now published under open access terms: either freely available from the moment of publication, or paywalled for a year or more so that the publishers can make a profit before being placed on general release.

译文: 现在,超过一半的英国科学研究(成果)都是在开放获取条款下发表的:要么从发表之时起就可以免费获得,要么是付费一年或更长时间才可获得,以便出版商在成果公开发表前获利。


讲解: 该句是并列复合句,冒号前为分句1,冒号后为分句2。分句1是主谓结构。分句2对open access terms做详细解释,其主干为主系表结构,由于主语和系动词与分句1的主语和部分谓语相同(More than half of all British scientific research is),故省略。either...or...连接两个并列的表语,so that引导目的状语从句;第二层目的状语从句由“主语+谓语+宾语+状语”构成。第一层中paywall 原指付费门槛,即所谓“收费墙”,此处将其动词化,意为“通过收费墙付费”。


term [tɜːm] n. 条件,条款

freely ['friːli] ad. 免费地;自由地;直率地

available [ə'veɪləb(ə)l] a. 可获得的,可用的;有空的

the moment of ……的时刻

place [pleɪs] v. 使处于某种境地;放置

general ['dʒen(ə)rəl] a. 总体的;一般的

release [rɪ'liːs] v. 发布;释放

13. Yet the new system has not worked out any cheaper for the universities.

译文: 然而,对大学而言新的制度算起来并没有更便宜。



work out 算出;制定出;解决

14. Publishers have responded to the demand that they make their product free to readers by charging their writers fees to cover the costs of preparing an article.

译文: 出版商通过向作者收费来支付准备文章出版的费用,从而回应了向读者免费提供文章的要求。


讲解: 该句为复合句,主句为主谓结构,that引导同位语从句,解释说明前面的名词demand,介词by短语作方式状语,修饰谓语动词,动词不定式短语to cover...作目的状语;第二层同位语从句为主谓宾宾补结构。


respond [rɪ'spɒnd] v. 作出反应,回应

charge [tʃɑːdʒ] v. 收费;充电;控告

fee [fiː] n. 费用,酬金

cover ['kʌvə(r)] v. 足以支付;覆盖

15. These range from around £500 to $5,000.

译文: 收取费用从500英镑到5 000美元(约3 832英镑)不等。


讲解: 该句中range from...to...表示“范围从……到……变动”。


range from…to… 范围从……到……

16. A report last year pointed out that the costs both of subscriptions and of these“article preparation costs”had been steadily rising at a rate above inflation.

译文: 去年,一份报告指出,订阅费和这些“文章出版的准备费用”均以高于通货膨胀率的速度稳定增长。


讲解: 该句是复合句,主句为主谓宾结构,其中宾语部分由that引导的宾语从句充当。


point out 指出,指明

subscription [səb'skrɪpʃ(ə)n] n. 订阅

preparation [ˌprepə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 准备

steadily ['stedəli] ad. 稳定地;逐渐地;固定地

rise [raɪz] v. 增加,提高

at a rate 以……速度

inflation [ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n] n. 通货膨胀,通胀率;充气

17. In some ways the scientific publishing model resembles the economy of the social internet: labour is provided free in exchange for the hope of status, while huge profits are made by a few big firms who run the market places.

译文: 在某种程度上,科学出版模式类似于社会互联网经济:人们免费提供劳动力,以换取所期望的地位,而少数经营市场的大公司则赚取巨额利润。


讲解: 该句为并列复合句。冒号前的分句1是主谓宾结构。冒号后的并列分句2解释说明分句1的含义,并由表示对比关系的并列连词while连接两个次级分句,且均为主谓结构。次级分句1中,free为副词作状语,意为“免费地”;次级分句2中,who引导定语从句,修饰先行词big firms。


model ['mɒd(ə)l] n. 模式;模型

resemble [rɪ'zemb(ə)l] v. 像,与……相似

economy [ɪ'kɒnəmi] n. 经济;节省

internet ['ɪntənet] n. 互联网,因特网

labour ['leɪbə(r)] n. 劳动力;劳动;分娩

in exchange for… 作为……的交换

run [rʌn] v. 经营;奔跑

18. In both cases, we need a rebalancing of power.

译文: 在这两种情况下,我们需要重新平衡权力。



case [keɪs] n. 具体情况;病例;案例

rebalance [riː'bæləns] v. 再平衡;调整


26. Scientific publishing is seen as“a licence to print money”partly because___________.

[A] its funding has enjoyed a steady increase

[B] its marketing strategy has been successful

[C] its payment for peer review is reduced

[D] its content acquisition costs nothing







steady ['stedi] a. 稳步的;稳固的

marketing ['mɑːkɪtɪŋ] n. 促销,营销

strategy ['strætədʒi] n. 策略;战略

payment ['peɪmənt] n. 付款;报答

content ['kɒntent] n. 内容;目录

acquisition [ˌækwɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] n. 获取;学得

27. According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, scientific publishers like Elsevier have___________.

[A] thrived mainly on university libraries

[B] gone through an existential crisis

[C] revived the publishing industry

[D] financed researchers generously







thrive [θraɪv] v. 茁壮成长,兴旺

go through 经历;检查;通过

existential [ˌeɡzɪ'stenʃl] a. 有关存在的

revive [rɪ'vaɪv] v. 复兴;重新唤起

finance ['faɪnæns] v. 提供资金;贷款购买

generously ['dʒenərəsli] ad. 慷慨地;丰盛地

28. How does the author feel about the success of Sci-Hub?

[A] Relieved.

[B] Puzzled.

[C] Concerned.

[D] Encouraged.






词汇 relieved [rɪ'liːvd] a. 感到宽慰的,放心的

puzzled ['pʌz(ə)ld] a. 困惑的,迷惑不解的

concerned [kən'sɜːnd] a. 担心的;相关的

encouraged [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒd] a. 受到鼓舞的

29. It can be learned from Paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms___________.

[A] allow publishers some room to make money

[B] render publishing much easier for scientists

[C] reduce the cost of publication substantially

[D] free universities from financial burdens







render ['rendə(r)] v. 使处于某种状态;提供

substantially [səb'stænʃəli] ad. 大量地;大体上;很坚固地

burden ['bɜːd(ə)n] n. 负担;负重

30. Which of the following characterises the scientific publishing model?

[A] Trial subscription is offered.

[B] Labour triumphs over status.

[C] Costs are well controlled.

[D] The few feed on the many.







characterise ['kærəktəraɪz] v. 是……的特征;使……具有特点

trial ['traɪəl] n. 试用,试验;审判

subscription [səb'skrɪpʃ(ə)n] n. 订阅

status ['steɪtəs] n. 地位,身份

triumph over 击败;得胜;成功

control [kən'trəʊl] v. 控制;限制

feed on… 以……为能源;以……为食

Text 3

1. Progressives often support diversity mandates as a path to equality and a way to level the playing field.

译文: 进步人士往往支持多样性指令,认为这是实现平等和创造公平竞争环境的途径。



progressive [prə'ɡresɪv] n. 进步分子,改革派人士

support [sə'pɔːt] v. 支持;帮助;支撑

diversity [daɪ'vɜːsəti] n. 多样性;差异

mandate ['mændeɪt] n. 命令;授权

path [pɑːθ] n. 道路,途径

equality [ɪ'kwɒləti] n. 平等;等式

level ['lev(ə)l] v. 使平等;使相等

2. But all too often such policies are an insincere form of virtue-signaling that benefits only the most privileged and does little to help average people.

译文: 但是,此类政策往往是一种不真诚的德行体现,只惠及最有特权的人,对普通人没有多大帮助。


讲解: 该句为复合句,主句是主系表结构,句首短语all too often,表示“时常,经常是”,介词短语of virtue-signaling作后置定语修饰form。句中that引导定语从句,修饰先行词an insincere form of virtue-signaling。第二层定语从句中由and连接了两个谓语benefits和does,动词不定式to help average people作状语。


insincere [ˌɪnsɪn'sɪə(r)] a. 不诚恳的,虚伪的

virtue ['vɜːtʃuː] n. 德行;美德

signal ['sɪɡnəl] v. 标志;发信号

benefit ['benɪfɪt] v. 使受益;得益于

privileged ['prɪvəlɪdʒd] a. 有特权的

average ['ævərɪdʒ] a. 普通的;平均的;中等的

3. A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure“gender parity”on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.

译文: 马萨诸塞州参议员杰森·刘易斯(Jason Lewis)和众议院临时议长帕特里夏·哈达德(Patricia Haddad)为确保董事会和委员会中“性别平等”而提出的两项法案,就是一个很好的例子。


讲解: 该句是主谓宾结构,主语后的过去分词短语sponsored by sb. and sb.和不定式短语to ensure...作后置定语,修饰主语。


bill [bɪl] n. 议案,法案;账单

sponsor ['spɒnsə(r)] v. 提交;赞助 n. 发起人;资助者

state [steɪt] n. 州;状态;国家

senator ['senətə(r)] n. 参议员

house [haʊs] n. 议院,议会

Speaker Pro Tempore 临时议长

ensure [ɪn'ʃʊə(r)] v. 确保;保护

gender ['dʒendə(r)] n. 性别

parity ['pærəti] n. 平等,相同

board [bɔːd] n. 董事会,理事会;板

commission [kə'mɪʃ(ə)n] n. 委员会;佣金

provide [prə'vaɪd] v. 提供;配备

case [keɪs] n. 实例;病例;案例

in point 恰当的;中肯的;相关的

4. Haddad and Lewis are concerned that more than half the state-government boards are less than 40 percent female.

译文: 哈达德和刘易斯担心,超过半数的州政府委员会中女性比例不到40%。


讲解: 该句是复合句,主句为主系表结构,此处“系动词+表语”相当于谓语,所以后面跟that宾语从句。


concerned [kən'sɜːnd] a. 担心的;相关的

female ['fiːmeɪl] a. 女性的;雌性的

5. In order to ensure that elite women have more such opportunities, they have proposed imposing government quotas.

译文: 为了确保精英女性有更多这样的机会,他们提议实行政府配额制。


讲解: 该句是复合句,主句是主谓宾结构,句首“介词短语in order to do+that宾语从句”作目的状语,表示“为了……”。第二层宾语从句也是主谓宾结构。


elite [eɪ'liːt] a. 出类拔萃的,精锐的

opportunity [ˌɒpə'tjuːnəti] n. 机会,时机

propose [prə'pəʊz] v. 提议;提出;求婚

impose [ɪm'pəʊz] v. 推行,采用;迫使

quota ['kwəʊtə] n. 配额;定额

6. If the bills become law, state boards and commissions will be required to set aside 50 percent of board seats for women by 2022.

译文: 如果这些法案成为法律,那么州理事会和委员会将被要求在2022年前为女性预留50%的理事会席位。


讲解: 该句是主从复合句。主句是主谓主补结构,不定式短语to set aside...作主语补足语,从句是if引导的条件状语从句。


require [rɪ'kwaɪə(r)] v. 要求做;需要

set aside 留出;搁置

seat [siːt] n. 席位;座位

7. The bills are similar to a measure recently adopted in California, which last year became the first state to require gender quotas for private companies.

译文: 这些法案类似于加利福尼亚州最近采纳的一项法案,加州去年成为第一个要求对私营企业实行性别配额的州。


讲解: 该句为复合句。主句为主谓宾结构,句中过去分词短语adopted in California作后置定语修饰measure,which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词California。第二层非限制性定语从句为主系表结构。


be similar to… 与……相似

measure ['meʒə(r)] n. 措施;衡量

adopt [ə'dɒpt] v. 采取;正式通过;收养

private company 私人公司;私营企业

8. In signing the measure, California Governor Jerry Brown admitted that the law, which expressly classifies people on the basis of sex, is probably unconstitutional.

译文: 加利福尼亚州州长杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown)在签署这项法案时承认,该法律明确按照性别对人们进行分类,这可能违反宪法。


讲解: 该句是复合句。主句为主谓宾结构,其中宾语由that引导的宾语从句充当,句首介词短语In signing the measure作时间状语;第二层宾语从句的主干部分是主系表结构,which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰主语the law;第三层非限制性定语从句的关系代词which指代先行词the law,作主语。


sign [saɪn] v. 签署;签名;签约

governor ['ɡʌvənə(r)] n. 州长,省长;理事

admit [əd'mɪt] v. 承认;准许进入

expressly [ɪk'spresli] ad. 明确地;清楚地

classify ['klæsɪfaɪ] v. 把……分类;把……分级

on the basis of… 根据……;基于……

probably ['prɒbəbli] ad. 大概,或许

unconstitutional [ˌʌnˌkɒnstɪ'tjuːʃən(ə)l] a. 违反宪法的

9. The US Supreme Court frowns on sex-based classifications unless they are designed to address an“important”policy interest.

译文: 美国最高法院不赞成性别分类,除非这些分类是为了解决一个“重大的”政策利益问题。


讲解: 该句主干是主谓宾结构,连词unless引导条件状语从句。


Supreme Court 最高法院

frown on 不悦,不满

based [beɪst] a. 以……为基础的

classification [ˌklæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 分类;类别

unless [ən'les] conj. 除非;如果不

address [ə'dres] v. 设法解决,处理;演说

interest ['ɪntrəst] n. 利益,好处;兴趣

10. Because the California law applies to all boards, even where there is no history of prior discrimination, courts are likely to rule that the law violates the constitutional guarantee of“equal protection”.

译文: 因为加州法律适用于所有董事会,即使没有以前的歧视历史,法院也可能裁定该法律违反了宪法对“平等保护”的保障。


讲解: 该句主干是“主谓+ that宾语从句”,句中连词Because引导原因状语从句。第二层中原因状语从句是主谓宾结构,从句中applies to表示“适用于;应用于”,关系副词where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰宾语all boards;宾语从句是主谓宾结构。第三层中非限制性定语从句是there be句型,where在从句中作地点状语。


apply to 适用于;应用于

prior ['praɪə(r)] a. 先前的;优先的

discrimination [dɪˌskrɪmɪ'neɪʃn] n. 歧视;辨别力

be likely to 倾向于,很有可能

rule [ruːl] v. 裁定;统治

violate ['vaɪəleɪt] v. 违反;侵犯

constitutional [ˌkɒnstɪ'tjuːʃənl] a. 宪法的;宪法规定的

guarantee [ˌɡærən'tiː] n. 保证;保修单

equal ['iːkwəl] a. 平等的;相等的

protection [prə'tekʃ(ə)n] n. 保护;保护物

11. But are such government mandates even necessary?

译文: 但是,这种政府指令真的那么必要吗?


讲解: 该句是简单句,为主系表结构的一般疑问句形式。


even ['iːv(ə)n] ad. 甚至;更加;实际上

necessary ['nesəsəri] a. 必要的;必然的

12. Female participation on corporate boards may not currently mirror the percentage of women in the general population, but so what?

译文: 女性在公司董事会中的参与率目前可能无法反映出女性在总人口中所占的比例,但那又如何呢?



participation [pɑːˌtɪsɪ'peɪʃn] n. 参与,参加

corporate board 公司董事会

currently ['kʌrəntli] ad. 现时,当前

mirror ['mɪrə(r)] v. 反映;反射

percentage [pə'sentɪdʒ] n. 百分比;比例

general ['dʒen(ə)rəl] a. 总体的;一般的;综合的

population [ˌpɒpjJ'leɪʃ(ə)n] n. 某领域的人口;人口数量

13. The number of women on corporate boards has been steadily increasing without government interference.

译文: 在没有政府干预的情况下,公司董事会中的女性人数一直在稳步增加。


讲解: 该句为主谓结构,谓语has been increasing是现在完成进行时。


interference [ˌɪntə'fɪərəns] n. 干预,干涉

14. According to a study by Catalyst, between 2010 and 2015 the share of women on the boards of global corporations increased by 54 percent.

译文: 根据Catalyst的一项研究,2010年至2015年间,全球公司董事会中女性的比例增加了54%。



according to 根据;据……所说;取决于

share of… ……的比例;……的份额

global ['ɡləʊbl] a. 全球的;整体的

corporation [ˌkɔːpə'reɪʃn] n. 公司;法人

15. Requiring companies to make gender the primary qualification for board membership will inevitably lead to less experienced private sector boards.

译文: 要求公司选举董事会成员时首先考虑性别,将不可避免地产生经验匮乏的私营公司董事会。


讲解: 该句是主谓宾结构,其中主语部分为动名词短语requiring sb. to do sth.,谓语是will lead to,

宾语为less experienced private sector boards。


primary ['praɪməri] a. 首要的;初级的

qualification [ˌkwɒlɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 资格;技能

membership ['membəʃɪp] n. 成员资格;会员

inevitably [ɪn'evɪtəbli] ad. 不可避免地;必然地

lead to 导致;通向

experienced [ɪk'spɪərɪənst] a. 有经验的,熟练的

sector ['sektə(r)] n. 部门;区域

16. That is exactly what happened when Norway adopted a nationwide corporate gender quota.

译文: 这正是挪威实行一项全国性的企业性别配额时所发生的情况。


讲解: 该句是主从复合句。主句是主系表结构,表语是what引导的表语从句,句中when引导时间状语从句。第二层表语从句的连接代词what作主语,时间状语从句是主谓宾结构。


exactly [ɪɡ'zæktli] ad. 恰好;精确地

Norway ['nɔːweɪ] n. 挪威

nationwide [ˌneɪʃ(ə)n'waɪd] a. 全国性的,全国各地的

corporate ['kɔːpərət] a. 公司的;全体的

17. Writing in The New Republic , Alice Lee notes that increasing the number of opportunities for board membership without increasing the pool of qualified women to serve on such boards has led to a“golden skirt”phenomenon, where the same elite women scoop up multiple seats on a variety of boards.

译文: 爱丽丝·李在《新共和》中指出,只是增加女性在董事会任职的机会,而不增加可以在这些董事会任职的合格女性的后备力量,这导致了“金裙”现象,也就是说,同一批精英女性在不同的董事会中赢得多个席位。


讲解: 该句是复合句。主句是主谓宾结构,宾语部分由that引导的宾语从句充当。第二层宾语从句为主谓宾结构,其中主语是动名词短语increasing...,介词without短语作伴随状语,从句中关系副词where引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词a“golden skirt”phenomenon。第三层非限制性定语从句是主谓宾结构。


republic [rɪ'pʌblɪk] n. 共和国;共和政体

pool [puːl] n. 后备人员;游泳池

qualified ['kwɒlɪfaɪd] a. 有资格的;有限度的

serve on 成为……中的一员;担任……的职位

phenomenon [fə'nɒmɪnən] n. 现象;非凡的人

scoop up (敏捷地)抱起来

multiple ['mʌltɪp(ə)l] a. 多个的;多种的

a variety of 种种;各种各样的

18. Next time somebody pushes corporate quotas as a way to promote gender equity, remember that such policies are largely self-serving measures that make their sponsors feel good but do little to help average women.

译文: 下次有人把企业配额作为促进性别平等的一种方式来推行时,请记住,这些都不过是利己措施,能使提议者感觉良好,但对普通女性的帮助微乎其微。


讲解: 该句为复合句,主句是祈使句(谓语+ that宾语从句),(the)next time意思是“下次”,用作连词时引导时间状语从句,表示“下次做某事的时候”,其中定冠词the可以省略。第二层中next time引导的时间状语从句是主谓宾宾补结构;that引导的宾语从句的主干部分是主系表结构,从句中that引导定语从句,修饰先行词measures。第三层定语从句由but连接两个谓宾结构,其一为主谓宾宾补结构,其二为主谓宾结构,二者主语相同,均由关系代词that充当。


promote [prə'məʊt] v. 促进;晋升;推广

equity ['ekwəti] n. 公平;资产净值

self-serving [ˌself'sɜːvɪŋ] a. 自私自利的


31. The author believes that the bills sponsored by Lewis and Haddad will___________.

[A] help little to reduce gender bias

[B] pose a threat to the state government

[C] raise women's position in politics

[D] greatly broaden career options







gender ['dʒendə(r)] n. 性别

bias ['baɪəs] n. 偏见;偏好;倾向

pose a threat to… 对……造成威胁

raise [reɪz] v. 提升;增加

position [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n] n. 地位;职位

politics ['pɒlətɪks] n. 政治;政治学

broaden ['brɔːdn] v. 变宽,变阔;增长

career [kə'rɪə(r)] n. 职业;事业

option ['ɒpʃ(ə)n] n. 选择,选择权;可选择的事物

32. Which of the following is true of the California measure?

[A] It has irritated private business owners.

[B] It is welcomed by the Supreme Court.

[C] It may go against the Constitution.

[D] It will settle the prior controversies.







irritate ['ɪrɪteɪt] v. 激怒;刺激

owner ['əʊnə(r)] n. 所有人,物主

Supreme Court 最高法院

go against 违反;反对

constitution [ˌkɒnstɪ'tjuːʃ(ə)n] n. 宪法;组成

settle ['set(ə)l] v. 解决;安放

controversy ['kɒntrəvɜːsi] n. 争议,争论

33. The author mentions the study by Catalyst to illustrate ___________.

[A] the harm from arbitrary board decisions

[B] the importance of constitutional guarantees

[C] the pressure on women in global corporations

[D] the needlessness of government interventions







illustrate ['ɪləstreɪt] v. 说明;解释;加插图于

arbitrary ['ɑːbɪtrəri] a. 武断的;任意的

board [bɔːd] n. 董事会,理事会;板

constitutional [ˌkɒnstɪ'tjuːʃənl] a. 宪法的;宪法规定的

guarantee [ˌɡærən'tiː] n. 保证;保修单

pressure ['preʃə(r)] n. 压力;催促

global ['ɡləʊbl] a. 全球的;整体的

corporation [ ˌkɔːpə'reɪʃn] n. 公司;法人

intervention [ˌɪntə'venʃ(ə)n] n. 干预;介入

34. Norway's adoption of a nationwide corporate gender quota has led to___________.

[A] the underestimation of elite women's role

[B] the objection to female participation on boards

[C] the entry of unqualified candidates into the board

[D] the growing tension between labor and management







adoption [ə'dɒpʃn] n. 采用;收养

underestimation ['ʌndərˌestɪ'meɪʃən] n. 低估

elite [eɪ'liːt] a. 出类拔萃的,精锐的

objection [əb'dʒekʃ(ə)n] n. 反对,异议;反对的理由

participation [pɑːˌtɪsɪ'peɪʃn] n. 参与,参加

entry ['entri] n. 进入;加入

unqualified [ˌʌn'kwɒlɪfaɪd] a. 不合格的;不受限制的

candidate ['kændɪdət] n. 候选人,申请者

tension ['tenʃ(ə)n] n. 矛盾;紧张

labor ['leɪbə(r)] n. 劳动力;劳动;分娩(同labour)

management ['mænɪdʒmənt] n. 经营;管理人员

35. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

[A] Women's need in employment should be considered.

[B] Feasibility should be a prime concern in policymaking.

[C] Everyone should try hard to promote social justice.

[D] Major social issues should be the focus of legislation.







infer [ɪn'fɜː(r)] v. 推断;暗示

employment [ɪm'plɔɪmənt] n. 就业;雇用;使用

consider [kən'sɪdə(r)] v. 考虑;认为;体贴

feasibility [ˌfiːzə'bɪləti] n. 可行性,可能性

prime [praɪm] a. 首要的;优质的

promote [prə'məʊt] v. 促进;晋升;推广

justice ['dʒʌstɪs] n. 公平,正义; < > 法官

focus ['fəʊkəs] n. 重点;关注

legislation [ˌledʒɪs'leɪʃn] n. 立法;法规

Text 4

1. Last Thursday, the French Senate passed a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services to consumers or users in France.

译文: 上周四,法国参议院通过了一项数字服务税法案,它将对为法国消费者或用户提供数字服务的大型跨国公司征收一项全新的税收。


讲解: 该句的主干是主谓宾结构,句中关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a digital services tax。第二层非限制性定语从句是主谓宾结构,从句中impose tax on sb.意为“对某人征税”,that引导定语从句,修饰先行词multinationals。第三层定语从句是主谓宾结构,provide sth. to sb.相当于provide sb. sth.(给某人提供某物)。


senate ['senət] n. 参议院;大学理事会

digital ['dɪdʒɪt(ə)l] a. 数字的,数码的

service tax 服务税;劳务税

impose [ɪm'pəʊz] v. 推行,采用;迫使

entirely [ɪn'taɪəli] ad. 完全地;完整地

multinational [ˌmʌlti'næʃ(ə)nəl] n. 跨国公司 a. 跨国的

provide [prə'vaɪd] v. 提供;配备

digital service 数字化服务

consumer [kən'sjuːmə(r)] n. 消费者;顾客

user ['juːzə(r)] n. 用户;使用者


2. Digital services include everything from providing a platform for selling goods and services online to targeting advertising based on user data, and the tax applies to gross revenue from such services.

译文: 数字服务包括从提供在线销售商品和服务的平台到基于用户数据的靶向广告,而且数字服务税适用于此类服务的总收入。

讲解: 该句为并列句,由并列连词and连接两个分句。分句1是“主1+谓1+宾1”结构,介词短语from providing...作后置定语修饰宾语1;分句2是“主2+谓2+宾2”结构,介词短语from such services作后置定语修饰宾语2。


platform ['plætfɔːm] n. 平台;站台

goods [ɡʊdz] n. 商品;私人财产

online [ˌɒn'laɪn] a. 在线的,网上的

target ['tɑːɡɪt] v. 面向,把……对准

advertising ['ædvətaɪzɪŋ] n. 广告;广告活动

base on 基于,以……为根据

gross revenue 收入总额;总营收


3. Many French politicians and media outlets have referred to this as a“GAFA tax,”meaning that it is designed to apply primarily to companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon—in other words, multinational tech companies based in the United States.

译文: 许多法国政界人士和媒体将此称为“GAFA税” ,意思是该税主要适用于谷歌、苹果、脸书和亚马逊等公司——换言之,适用于美国的跨国科技公司。

讲解: 该句的主干是主谓宾宾补结构,“现在分词meaning + that宾语从句”作伴随状语。第二层宾语从句是主谓结构,破折号后的名词短语multinational tech companies作同位语,对前面的谷歌等公司作补充说明,即它们都是跨国科技公司。


politician [ˌpɒlə'tɪʃ(ə)n] n. 政治家;政客

media ['miːdiə] n. 新闻媒体,传媒(medium的复数形式)

outlet ['aʊtlet] n. 出路;折扣品经销店

media outlet 媒体机构

refer to...as 把……称作;把……当作

primarily [praɪ'merəli] ad. 主要地,首要地

tech [tek] n. 科技;技术

4. The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President Emmanuel Macron, who has expressed support for the measure, and it could go into effect within the next few weeks.

译文: 现在,数字服务税法案正在等待法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)签署,他已表示支持这项措施,故该法案可能在未来几周内生效。


讲解: 该句的主干是and连接的两个分句。前一个分句中,介词短语of President Emmanuel Macron

作后置定语修饰宾语,其后跟who引导的非限制性定语从句;后一个分句为主谓宾结构。第二层非限制性定语从句的关系代词who作主语,指代先行词President Emmanuel Macron。


await [ə'weɪt] v. 等待;将发生在

signature ['sɪɡnətʃə(r)] n. 签署;签名

president ['prezɪdənt] n. 总统;负责人

express [ɪk'spres] v. 表达;体现

support [sə'pɔːt] n. 支持;拥护

measure ['meʒə(r)] n. 措施;衡量

go into effect 生效

5. But it has already sparked significant controversy, with the United States trade representative opening an investigation into whether the tax discriminates against American companies, which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France.

译文: 但是,这已经引发了重大争议,美国贸易代表开始调查该税收是否歧视美国公司,进而可能对法国进行贸易制裁。


讲解: 该句的主干为主谓宾结构,句中介词with引导独立主格结构(with +名词+动词现在分词)作伴随状语,该结构中介词into后面跟whether引导的宾语从句,句中which引导非限制性定语从句,关系代词which指代逗号前面所说的“美国贸易代表开始调查该税收是否歧视美国公司”这件事。第二层宾语从句是主谓宾结构,定语从句为主谓宾结构,介词短语against France作后置定语,修饰宾语trade sanctions。


spark [spɑːk] v. 引发;产生火花

significant [sɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt] a. 意义重大的;显著的

controversy ['kɒntrəvɜːsi] n. 争论,争议

trade [treɪd] n. 贸易;行业

representative [ˌreprɪ'zentətɪv] n. 代表,代理人;典型人物

investigation [ɪnˌvestɪ'ɡeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 调查;科学研究

discriminate [dɪ'skrɪmɪneɪt] v. 歧视;区分

in turn 转而;反过来;轮流

lead to 导致;通向

sanction ['sæŋkʃn] n. 制裁;处罚;许可

6. The French tax is not just a unilateral move by one country in need of revenue.

译文: 法国税收不仅仅是一个有税收需求的国家的单边行动。



unilateral [ˌjuːnɪ'lætrəl] a. 单边的;单面的

move [muːv] n. 行动;转变;移动

in need of 需要……

revenue ['revənjuː] n. 税收;收益

7. Instead, the digital services tax is part of a much larger trend, with countries over the past few years proposing or putting in place an alphabet soup of new international tax provisions.

译文: 相反,数字服务税是大势所趋。过去几年,各国提出或实施了一系列以字母为代号的新的国际税收规定。


讲解: 该句为主系表结构,后面是with引导的独立主格作伴随状语。


instead [ɪn'sted] ad. 反而,代替

trend [trend] n. 趋势;时尚

propose [prə'pəʊz] v. 提议;提出;求婚

put in place 实施;安置好

alphabet ['ælfəbet] n. 字母表;基本要素

alphabet soup 代号语言;字母汤

international [ˌɪntə'næʃ(ə)nəl] a. 国际的,国际上的

provision [prə'vɪʒ(ə)n] n. 规定;提供

8. These have included Britain's DPT (diverted profits tax), Australia's MAAL (multinational antiavoidance law), and India's SEP (significant economic presence) test, to name but a few.

译文: 简单举几个例子,这些税收规定包括英国的转移利润税、澳大利亚的跨国公司反避税法和印度的显著经济存在准则。


讲解: 该句为主谓宾结构,句末短语to name but a few是“举例说明”的意思。


divert [daɪ'vɜːt] v. 转移;使转向;娱乐

profit ['prɒfɪt] n. 利润; 利益

antiavoidance ['æntɪə'vɔɪdəns] n. 反避税

India ['ɪndɪə] n. 印度

presence ['prez(ə)ns] n. 存在;出席

to name but a few 简单地举几个例子

9. At the same time, the European Union, Spain, Britain and several other countries have all seriously contemplated digital services taxes.

译文: 与此同时,欧盟、西班牙、英国等多个国家都认真考虑过征收数字服务税。



the European Union 欧洲联盟(EU)

Spain [speɪn] n. 西班牙

several ['sevrəl] det. 几个,数个

seriously ['sɪərɪəsli] ad. 认真地;严重地

contemplate ['kɒntəmpleɪt] v. 深思熟虑;盘算

10. These unilateral developments differ in their specifics, but they are all designed to tax multinationals on income and revenue that countries believe they should have a right to tax, even if international tax rules do not grant them that right.

译文: 这些单边政策在细节上不尽相同,但它们都是为了向跨国公司的净收入和总收益征税,各国认为他们应有征税权,即使国际税收规则没有赋予他们这项权利。


讲解: 该句是并列复合句,由but连接两个分句。分句1是主谓结构;分句2是主谓结构,句中that引导定语从句,修饰先行词income and revenue,连词even if引导让步状语从句。第二层定语从句的主干为主谓宾结构,其中宾语由省略连接词that的宾语从句充当,关系代词that指代先行词income and revenue,作该宾语从句中tax的宾语。第三层让步状语从句为主谓双宾结构。


differ ['dɪfə(r)] v. 不同于;意见有分歧

specific [spə'sɪfɪk] n. 细节,详情

income ['ɪnkʌm] n. 收入,收益

right [raɪt] n. 权利;公正

grant [ɡrɑːnt] v. 授予;承认

11. In other words, they all share a view that the international tax system has failed to keep up with the current economy.

译文: 换句话说,他们都认为国际税收制度已经赶不上当前的经济发展。


讲解: 该句为复合句,主句是主谓宾结构,句中that引导同位语从句,解释说明宾语a view;第二层同位语从句中fail to do sth.表示“未能做某事”,而keep up with sth.表示“跟上,赶得上”。


system ['sɪstəm] n. 制度;系统

fail to do 未能做;失败

keep up with… 赶得上……;和……保持联系

current ['kʌrənt] a. 当前的;通用的

economy [ɪ'kɒnəmi] n. 经济;节省

12. In response to these many unilateral measures, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is currently working with 131 countries to reach a consensus by the end of 2020 on an international solution.

译文: 针对这些单边措施,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)目前正与131个国家合作,争取在2020年底前就国际解决方案达成共识。


讲解: 该句为主谓宾结构,谓语是is working with,介词短语by the end of 2020是时间状语,介词短语on an international solution也作状语成分,表对象。


in response to 响应……;回答;作为回应

organization [ˌɔːɡənaɪ'zeɪʃn] n. 组织;结构;配置

economic [ˌiːkə'nɒmɪk] a. 经济的;有利可图的

cooperation [kəʊˌɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 合作;协助

development [dɪ'veləpmənt] n. 发展;开发

consensus [kən'sensəs] n. 一致看法,共识

solution [sə'luːʃ(ə)n] n. 解决办法;答案

13. Both France and the United States are involved in the organization's work, but France's digital services tax and the American response raise questions about what the future holds for the international tax system.

译文: 法国和美国都参与了该组织的工作,但法国的数字服务税和美国的回应引发了人们对国际税收制度未来前景的质疑。


讲解: 该句是并列复合句,由并列连词but连接两个分句。分句1是主谓结构,分句2是主谓宾结构,句中“介词about + what宾语从句”作后置定语。第二层宾语从句是主谓宾结构,连接代词what作谓语动词holds的宾语。


be involved in… 参与……;涉及……

response [rɪ'spɒns] n. 反应,响应;回复

raise [reɪz] v. 引起;提升;筹募

14. France's planned tax is a clear warning: Unless a broad consensus can be reached on reforming the international tax system, other nations are likely to follow suit, and American companies will face a cascade of different taxes from dozens of nations that will prove burdensome and costly.

译文: 法国计划中的税收是一个明确的警告:除非在改革国际税收制度上达成广泛共识,否则其他国家可能会效仿,美国公司将面临来自数十个国家的一系列不同税收,这些税收将被证明繁重且昂贵。


讲解: 该句是并列复合句,冒号前为分句1,冒号后为分句2,分句2对分句1中的warning进行解释说明。分句1为主系表结构,分句2中unless引导条件状语从句,并且由并列连词and连接两个次级分句。次级分句1是主谓宾结构,其中be likely to do sth.意为“可能做某事”;次级分句2是主谓宾结构,介词短语from...作后置定语,修饰taxes,次级分句2中that引导定语从句修饰先行词taxes。第二层条件状语从句是主谓结构;定语从句是主系表结构,关系代词that作主语,将prove看作半系动词,后跟形容词作表语。


planned [plænd] a. 有计划的;根据计划的

warning ['wɔːnɪŋ] n. 警告;先兆

unless [ən'les] conj. 除非;如果不

broad [brɔːd] a. 广泛的;概括的;宽阔的

reform [rɪ'fɔːm] v. 改革;改造

nation ['neɪʃ(ə)n] n. 国家,民族;国民

follow suit 效仿;跟着做

a cascade of 一连串;一系列

dozens of 几十;许多

prove [pruːv] v. 证明是,结果是;证实

burdensome ['bɜːd(ə)nsəm] a. 负担沉重的,繁重的

costly ['kɒstli] a. 昂贵的;造成严重损失的


36. The French Senate has passed a bill to___________.

[A] regulate digital services platforms

[B] impose a levy on tech multinationals

[C] protect French companies'interests

[D] curb the influence of advertising







bill [bɪl] n. 议案,法案;账单

regulate ['reɡjJleɪt] v. 控制,管理

digital ['dɪdʒɪt(ə)l] a. 数字的,数码的

levy ['levɪ] n. 税款,征收额

multinational [ˌmʌltɪ'næʃ(ə)nəl] n. 跨国公司 a. 跨国的

protect [prə'tekt] v. 保护,防护

interest ['ɪntrəst] n. 利益,好处;兴趣

curb [kɜːb] v. 控制;抑制

influence ['ɪnflJəns] n. 影响,作用;影响力

37. It can be learned from Paragraph 2 that the digital services tax___________.

[A] will prompt the tech giants to quit France

[B] aims to ease international trade tensions

[C] is apt to arouse criticism at home and abroad

[D] may trigger countermeasures against France







prompt [prɒmpt] v. 促使;鼓励

giant ['dʒaɪənt] n. 大公司;巨人

quit [kwɪt] v. 离开;停止

aim to… 旨在……;目标在于……

ease [iːz] v. 缓解;减轻

tension ['tenʃ(ə)n] n. 紧张;紧张局势;矛盾

be apt to… 易于……;倾向于……

arouse [ə'raʊz] v. 引起,激起;叫醒

criticism ['krɪtɪsɪzəm] n. 批评;评论

abroad [ə'brɔːd] ad. 在国外,到国外

trigger ['trɪɡə(r)] v. 引发;触发

countermeasure ['kaʊntəmeʒə(r)] n. 反措施;反抗手段;对策

38. The countries adopting the unilateral measures share the opinion that___________.

[A]the current international tax system needs upgrading

[B]redistribution of tech giants'revenue must be ensured

[C]tech multinationals'monopoly should be prevented

[D]all countries ought to enjoy equal taxing rights







upgrade [ˌʌp'ɡreɪd] v. 升级,改进

redistribution [ˌriːdɪstrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n] n. 重新分配

revenue ['revənjuː] n. 税收;收益

ensure [ɪn'ʃʊə(r)] v. 确保,保证;保护

monopoly [mə'nɒpəli] n. 垄断;专利品

ought to do 应该做

equal ['iːkwəl] a. 平等的;相等的

39. It can be learned from Paragraph 5 that the OECD's current work___________.

[A] is being resisted by US companies

[B] is faced with uncertain prospects

[C] needs to be readjusted immediately

[D] needs to involve more countries







resist [rɪ'zɪst] v. 抵制;抵抗

uncertain [ʌn'sɜːt(ə)n] a. 不确定的;犹豫的

prospect ['prɒspekt] n. 前景;预期

readjust [ˌriːə'dʒʌst] v. 再调整;重新适应

immediately [ɪ'miːdɪətli] ad. 立即;紧靠地

involve [ɪn'vɒlv] v. (使)参加;涉及;包含

40. Which of the following might be the best title for this text?

[A] France Leads the Charge on Digital Tax

[B] France Is Confronted with Trade Sanctions

[C] France Demands a Role in the Digital Economy

[D] France Says“No”to Tech Multinationals







lead the charge 打头阵;带头

be confronted with… 面临……,面对……

sanction ['sæŋkʃn] n. 制裁;处罚;许可

demand [dɪ'mɑːnd] v. 要求;需要


Text 1 解析

21. Cooper and her colleagues argue that a“town of culture”award could_________. 【某人态度题】

22. According to Paragraph 2 icon might be regarded by some as_________ . 【某人态度题】

23. The author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it_________ . 【作者态度题】

24. Glasgow is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to present_________ . 【例子题】

25. What is the author's attitude towards icon ? 【作者态度题】


主旨【主旨词:the proposal(to institute a UK“town of culture”award)。方向:未知】

其他信息:22、25题的题干重复提到“the proposal(提议)”,因此该词为主旨词,为了解“提议”的具体内容是什么,先对其在原文中进行还原。进行S形定位,“the proposal”第一次出现在第1段第2句,由于定冠词the表示特指,即指前面提到的内容,因此第1段第1句中出现的“提议”相关的内容就是“the proposal”所指的具体内容。第1句中的“a call”与“the proposal”表意相近,则“the proposal”的具体内容是“a call to institute a UK'town of culture'award”,意为:设立英国“文化之镇”奖的呼吁。由此可知第21题的题干也提到该提议内容,因此21、22、25题均与主旨沾边,并且均提问某人对该提议或其具体内容的态度,出现了包括作者在内的三批人,那么他们的态度需要根据原文进行具体分析。

I ①A group of Labour MPs, among them Yvette Cooper, are bringing in the new year with a call to institute a UK“town of culture”award.②The proposal is that it should sit alongside the existing city of culture title, which was held by Hull in 2017, and has been awarded to Coventry for 2021. ③Cooper and her colleagues argue that the success of the crown for Hull, where it brought in £220m of investment and an avalanche of arts, ought not to be confined to cities.④ Britain's towns, it is true, are not prevented from applying, but they generally lack the resources to put together a bid to beat their bigger competitors. ⑤A town of culture award could, it is argued, become an annual event, attracting funding and creating jobs.

21. Cooper and her colleagues argue that a“town of culture”award could_________.库珀和她的同事认为,“文化之镇”奖可以_________。

[A] consolidate the_town-city_ties in Britain 巩固英国城镇与城市之间的关系

[B] promote cooperation among Britain's towns 促进英国城镇间合作

[C] increase the_economic_strength of Britain's towns 增强英国城镇的经济实力

[D] focus Britain's limited_resources on cultural events 将英国有限资源集中在文化活动上



题干中“town of culture”award是主旨词中具体内容的一部分,因此本题与主旨沾边。第二步:对选项求同求异

求同:结构上都是do sth.;语义上都提到Britain,说明本篇文章内容与英国有关,所以Britain这个词错不了,并且[A][B][C]中都提到“town”,[D]选项中提到“cultural events”,都与题目“town of culture”award沾边,而题干给出的信息是错不了的,因此这些内容都正确,需要从选项其他内容上放大这四个选项之间的差异。



根据“人+说法+细节”S形定位,缩小范围至第1段第3句,此处出现了“人+说法”(Cooper and her colleagues argue),但没有出现细节,并且本句表达库珀和她同事的观点为“赫尔之冠”的成功不应局限于城市,此处强调该奖项的成功,而题干问的是他们对于这个奖项本身的看法,因此本句并未回答问题所问。由于后面的句子和这句维持方向,所以可以继续看。第5句出现题干细节(a town of culture award),提到了“文化之镇”奖可能会成为年度盛事,与题干所问更加贴合,但此句表达作者观点,通过观察第3句和第5句之间未出现转折,两句话维持方向,由此可知库珀和她同事与作者观点相同,因此出现题干细节的第5句可以回答所问,为精准定位句:A town of culture award could, it is argued, become an annual event, attracting funding and creating jobs.(有人认为,“文化之镇”奖可能会成为年度盛事,吸引资金并创造就业机会。)本句提到吸引资金、创造就业机会,接着对选项进行比错,[A]中“consolidate the town-city ties(巩固城镇与城市之间的关系)”、[B]中“promote cooperation(促进合作)”、[D]中“limited resources(有限资源)”与定位句均不沾边,只有[C]提到了“increase the economic strength(增强经济实力)”与定位句语义沾边,则本题最佳答案为[C]。


II ①Some might see the proposal as a booby prize for the fact that Britain is no longer able to apply for the much more prestigious title of European capital of culture, a sought-after award bagged by Glasgow in 1990 and Liverpool in 2008. ②A cynic might speculate that the UK is on the verge of disappearing into an endless fever of self-celebration in its desperation to reinvent itself for the post-Brexit world: after town of culture, who knows what will follow—village of culture? Suburb of culture? Hamlet of culture?

22. According to Paragraph 2, the proposal might be regarded by some as_________.根据第2段,某些人可能会认为该提议是_________。

[A] a sensible compromise 一个明智的妥协

[B] a self-deceiving attempt 一个自欺欺人的尝试

[C] an eye-catching bonus 一个引人注目的意外收获

[D] an inaccessible target 一个无法实现的目标



本篇文章21、22和25题均与主旨词“the proposal”沾边,21题问库珀和她同事对该提议具体内容(a“town of culture”award)的看法,22和25题问某人“对该提议的看法”,22题是一些人(some)的看法,25题是本文作者的看法,并且通过21题可知库珀和她同事与作者观点相同,因此可判断21与25题方向相同,而题干中并未提到另一些人(others)的看法,可知作者提到一些人(some)是为了表达与自己相反的态度,那么22题中这些人的态度与库珀和她同事以及作者态度相反,形成二分,可以相互暗示。第二步:对选项求同求异









根据“人+说法+细节”S形定位,缩小范围至第2段第1句:Some might see the proposal as a booby prize...此处已经回答问题所问,即,有人可能把这项提议看成一个安慰奖。如果知道“booby prize”的意思是“安慰奖”,则可以判断出方向是不好的,直接得出最佳答案为方向同样是不好的[B]:一个自欺欺人的尝试。

如果不认识“booby prize”,无法判断好坏,可以再继续看本句,“...for the fact that...”表示因果关系(前果后因),前后逻辑一致,维持方向,可以通过接下来的内容进行判断:...for the fact that Britain is no longer able to apply for the much more prestigious title of European capital of culture...(因为英国已经无法再申请更具声望的欧洲文化之都的称号),表明英国再也无法申请这个更具声望的称号了,其语义方向是不好的,句内是维持方向的关系,所以“booby prize”与其方向一致,因此也是不好的方向,而经过选项比错,表示方向不好的只有[B]选项,也可以判断本题最佳答案为[B]。

如果要根据态度方向进行进一步判断,还可以继续看第2段第2句,与第1句也是维持方向,第2句提到A cynic might speculate that...(愤世嫉俗者可能会猜测……).这里也可以看出方向是不好的,因此也可以判断本题最佳答案为方向不好的[B]选项。

III ①It is also wise to recall that such titles are not a cure-all. ②A badly run“year of culture”washes in and out of a place like the tide, bringing prominence for a spell but leaving no lasting benefits to the community. ③The really successful holders of such titles are those that do a great deal more than fill hotel bedrooms and bring in high-profile arts events and good press for a year.④They transform the aspirations of the people who live there; they nudge the self-image of the city into a bolder and more optimistic light. ⑤It is hard to get right, and requires a remarkable degree of vision, as well as cooperation between city authorities, the private sector, community groups and cultural organizations.⑥But it can be done: Glasgow's year as European capital of culture can certainly be seen as one of a complex series of factors that have turned the city into the powerhouse of art, music and theatre that it remains today.

23. The author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it_________.作者认为,头衔获得者只有做到_________才算成功。

[A] endeavours to maintain its_image 努力维护其形象

[B] meets the_aspirations_of_its_people 满足其人民的愿望

[C] brings its_local_arts_to_prominence 使当地的艺术大放异彩

[D] commits to its_long-term_growth 致力于其长期发展

【作者态度题】 第一步:分析题干

题干中出现it,代指“a title holder”,限定了回答问题时需从“a title holder(头衔获得者)”的角度出发。并且题干还出现绝对词“only”,表示“只有”这么做才算成功,暗示我们可以进行取反,也就是:不这么做,就不算成功。


求同:does sth.。



题干中提到“only”,也就是“只有”这么做才算成功,进行取反,即:如果不这么做,就不算成功。先根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第3段第3句:The really successful holders of such titles...(真正成功的头衔获得者……)。这里是“真正成功的”,也就说明前面所说的内容并不是真正的成功,与题目取反之后的语义相同,因此可以看前面的部分进行判断:...such titles are not a cure-all. A badly run“year of culture”washes in and out of a place like the tide, bringing prominence for a spell but leaving no lasting benefits to the community.(这样的头衔并非万能灵药……运作不佳的“文化之年”就如同潮水一样在一个地方涌进涌出,短时间内给社会带来了知名度,但没能留下持久的利益。)通过第1、2句可知这种头衔不是万能的,运作不佳的“文化之年”只带来了短期的好处,“but”之后是要强调的点:但没能留下持久的利益。这部分内容表明的就是“不是真正的成功”,可以理解为:没有持久的利益,就不算成功。再次取反就可以回答题干所问:只有带来持久的利益才能算成功。对选项进行比错,与上述分析沾边的只有[D]致力于其长期发展,其他选项均不沾边,因此可判断本题最佳答案为[D]。



从正面解题难度大时,可以逆向思考,用反向定位法,即利用选项中区别最明显的点回原文定位,并用定位到的这句话进行选项比错,判断信息正误。[A]选项通过“image”S形定位至第4句后半句“they nudge the self-image of the city into a bolder and more optimistic light(他们把城市的自我形象提升得更大胆、更乐观)”,选项中“maintain”与原文“nudge”相悖,选项可以排除;[B]选项通过“the aspirations”S形定位至第4句前半句“They transform the aspirations of the people who live there(他们改变了居住在那里的人们的愿望)”,选项中“meets(满足)”与原文“transform”不符,[B]排除;[C]选项通过“prominence”S形定位至第2句“bringing prominence for a spell...(短时间内给社会带来了知名度)”,并未提到选项中的“local arts(当地艺术)”,[C]选项排除;[D]选项无法定位,但此时[A][B][C]选项都可以排除,根据答案的唯一性,只能选不确定的[D]。


根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第3段第3句:The really successful holders of such titles ...题干用的是单数“a title holder”,而原文这里虽然是复数,但头衔获得者们的做法也可以代表一个头衔获得者的做法,因此是可以回答所问的。接着防止并列句出题,发现第4句也是“they do sth.”的结构,与选项结构(it)does sth.相对应,并且此处的“they”指代的就是上一句提到的“holders”,因此主语也可以与题干对应,所以第3、4句就是回答问题所问的精准定位句。第3句:The really successful holders of such titles are those that do a great deal more than fill hotel bedrooms and bring in high-profile arts events and good press for a year.(真正成功的头衔获得者们一年中付出了大量的心血,远不止让酒店客房爆满、带来备受瞩目的艺术活动和良好的新闻报道。)第4句:They transform the aspirations of the people who live there; they nudge the self-image of the city into a bolder and more optimistic light.(他们改变了居住在那里的人们的愿望;他们将城市的自我形象推向更大胆、更乐观的一面。)对选项进行比错,[A]选项:努力维护其形象,第4句后半句提到了“自我形象”,但不是维护形象(如果不认识“nudge”可以通过后面的比较级bolder and more optimistic判断,使用比较级说明现在与之前是不同的,因此不是“维护”),[A]选项排除;[B]选项:满足其人民的愿望,而第4句表明是改变了人们的愿望,[B]选项排除;[C]选项:使当地艺术大放异彩,第3句提到了备受瞩目的艺术活动,但未表明是当地艺术,[C]选项排除;[D]选项在定位句中未体现,而此时[A][B][C]都被排除,只能选[D]。因此本题最佳答案为[D]。


24. Glasgow is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to present_________.第3段中提到格拉斯哥是为了呈现_________。

[A] a contrasting case 一个相反的案例

[B] a supporting example 一个支持性例子

[C] a background story 一个背景故事

[D] a related topic 一个相关话题






求异:选项含义各不相同,且[D]选项“related topic(相关话题)”相对其他选项最虚。


通过比错,[D]选项中的“related topic(相关话题)”,相比于[A][B][C]是最虚的,不谈具体内容,涵盖范围广,几乎不涉及承载错误的点,只要沾边的内容都可以看作是“相关的话题”,因此可以先预判本题最佳答案为[D]。


根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第3段第6句,可知这是一个段中例:“But it can be done: Glasgow's year...”,But表示前后句是对立关系,态度发生转折,第5句提到:It is hard to get right...(想要不出差错很难……),第6句表明:But it can be done ...(但这是可以做到的),接着冒号之后的例子支撑该观点,具体说明如何做到“不出差错”,因此结合上下文,可以判断第6句出现的例子是一个支持性的例子,选项中只有[B]与其方向相同,所以选[B]。

但例子题的特征是提问作者引用该例子的目的,比如2007年第21题:The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to_________.该题题干问的是这个例子被提到的目的,该题答案是:introduce the topic of what makes expert performance(引入一个……的话题),即例子被提到是为了引入一个话题。本题思路与其相同,首先可以判断本题是段中例,例子与观点句在同一句,观点句即为冒号前的半句:But it can be done,这里确实体现出这是一个支持性的例子([B]选项),但问题问的是作者提到这个例子是为了呈现什么,因此回答问题的不应该是例子本身(不能说引用例子是为了呈现一个例子),应是其观点句,而例子的观点句与主旨沾边,本题[D]选项:一个相关主题/话题,表明意思就是作者引用例子是为了呈现一个文章相关话题,即与主旨沾边,所以可以回答所问。并且[D]选项相对其他选项最虚,能更好地回答问题。综上所述,本题存在争议,从逻辑上来看[D]选项更佳,但官方答案是[B],这种情况较少出现,仅供参考。

IV ①A“town of culture”could be not just about the arts but about honouring a town's peculiarities—helping sustain its high street, supporting local facilities and above all celebrating its people. ②Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, should welcome this positive, hope-filled proposal, and turn it into action.

25. What is the author's attitude towards the proposal?作者对这一提议的态度是什么?

[A] Skeptical. 怀疑

[B] Objective. 客观

[C] Favourable.赞成

[D] Critical. 批判



本题是作者态度题,又因为“the proposal”是主旨词,即本题提问作者对主旨词的态度,因此本题与主旨沾边。







根据题干细节S形定位,最后一段第1句出现“the proposal”的具体内容A“town of culture”,而文章是作者所写,此处描述A“town of culture”的相关内容即表达作者对此提议的态度。本句表达A“town of culture”could be not just about the arts but about honouring a town's peculiarities—helping sustain its high street, supporting local facilities and above all celebrating its people.(“文化之镇”不仅仅要与艺术相关,更与尊重小镇的特色有关——帮助维持其商业街,支持当地的设施建设,最重要的是要歌颂当地百姓。)破折号后面的是三个动名词短语作同位语,对“honouring a town's peculiarities”进行解释说明,并且本句中的动名词都表达积极态度:honouring、helping、supporting、celebrating等,可以看出作者对于该奖项的态度(也就是对这一提议的态度)是正面的,且第2句也出现对该提议的形容:this positive, hope-filled proposal(这一积极向上、充满希望的提议),进一步确定作者对于该提议的态度是积极的、支持的,本题最佳答案为[C]。

Text 2 解析

26 icon is seen as“a licence to print money”partly because_________. 【普通细节题】

27. According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, icon like Elsevier have_________. 【普通细节题】

28. How does the author feel about the success of Sci-Hub? 【作者态度题】

29. It can be learned from Paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms_________. 【推断题】

30. Which of the following characterises the icon model? 【普通细节题】

[A] Trial subscription is offered.

[B] Labour triumphs over status.

[C] Costs are well controlled.

[D] The few feed on the many.

本篇没有主旨题,但第30题题干中出现主旨词,该题考查的内容与主旨沾边,因此可以读九项【26—30题的五个题干+ 30题的四个选项】。



I ①Scientific publishing has long been a licence to print money. ②Scientists need journals in which to publish their research, so they will supply the articles without monetary reward.③Other scientists perform the specialised work of peer review also for free, because it is a central element in the acquisition of status and the production of scientific knowledge.

26. Scientific publishing is seen as“a licence to print money”partly because_________.科学出版行业被视为“摇钱树”,部分原因是_________。

[A] its funding has enjoyed a steady increase 其资金稳步增长

[B] its marketing_strategy has been successful 其营销策略成功了

[C] its payment_for_peer_review is reduced 其为同行评审的付费减少

[D] its content_acquisition costs nothing 其内容的获取不需要任何费用





求同:结构上均为一个句子,都是以its sth.作主语;语义上its指代“科学出版行业的……”,表明回答角度是从科学出版行业的某一方面出发。





根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第1段第1句:Scientific publishing has long been a licence to print money.本句并未表明科学出版行业被认为是摇钱树的原因,只是陈述事实,因此不回答问题所问。所以本题属于定位不明显的题目,需要根据句意间的逻辑做判断,通过语义找到可以回答所问的部分,那么可以通过理解与之紧挨着的第2句的句意来判断是否回答问题:Scientists need journals in which to publish their research, so they will supply the articles without monetary reward.(科学家们需要期刊来发表他们的研究成果,因此他们无偿提供这些文章。)在这两句中带入因果关系,发现句意上是成立的,即:科学出版行业之所以被认为是摇钱树,是因为科学家需要在期刊上发表研究成果,因而向出版行业无偿提供文章内容(也就是科学出版行业获取内容的成本为零)。因此第2句才是真正回答所问的精准定位句。对选项进行比错,只有[D]选项与精准定位句沾边,表达“科学出版行业内容的获取不需要任何费用”,[A]中的“a steady increase(稳步增长)”、[B]中的“marketing strategy(营销策略)”和[C]中的“payment for peer review(为同行评审的付费)”均未在定位句中体现,因此本题最佳答案为[D]。

II ①With the content of papers secured for free, the publisher needs only to find a market for its journal. ②Until this century, university libraries were not very price sensitive. ③Scientific publishers routinely report profit margins approaching 40% on their operations, at a time when the rest of the publishing industry is in an existential crisis.

III ①The Dutch giant Elsevier, which claims to publish 25% of the scientific papers produced in the world, made profits of more than £900m last year, while UK universities alone spent more than £210m in 2016 to enable researchers to access their own publicly funded research; both figures seem to rise unstoppably despite increasingly desperate efforts to change them.

27. According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, scientific publishers like Elsevier have_________.根据第2段和第3段,像爱思唯尔一样的科学出版商_________。

[A] thrived mainly on university_libraries 主要依靠大学图书馆而蓬勃发展

[B] gone through an_existential_crisis 经历了生存危机

[C] revived the publishing_industry 振兴了出版业

[D] financed researchers generously 慷慨资助研究人员





求同:(have)done sth.结构,表示是已经做过的事,也就是事实。求异:见选项下划线部分。




根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第3段,本段只有一句话,并且出现Elsevier did sth.的形式,一般过去时表示过去发生的事,与题干一样都是表示事实,因此第3段是回答所问的精准定位句:The Dutch giant Elsevier...made profits of more than £900m last year, while UK universities alone spent more than £210m in 2016 to enable researchers to access their own publicly funded research; ... [荷兰出版业巨头爱思唯尔公司……去年盈利超过9亿英镑,而仅英国的大学2016年就花费超过2.1亿英镑(支付给爱思唯尔)用于支持研究人员获得公共资助研究项目;……] 本句中包含一个which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The Dutch giant,由于句子主干部分能够比修饰部分更好地表达语义重心,因此我们在读句子时先获取句子主干部分句意,可以先不看这个非限制性定语从句(which claims...),如果通过句子主干部分无法判断选项,再去考虑修饰部分的内容。通过本句中的“alone”可知作者的感情色彩,认为英国的大学花费是比较多的(仅仅英国的大学就花费了这么多钱)。接着对选项进行比错,[A]选项中的“university”和[D]选项中的“researchers”在定位句中提到,选项沾边,[B][C]选项均未体现,可以排除。进一步用句意判断[A]和[D],结合题干理解[D]选项意思是:(像爱思唯尔一样的科学出版商)慷慨资助研究人员,而原文表达的是:英国的大学支持研究人员获得公共资助研究项目,因此[D]选项与原文不符,也排除。此时只剩下[A]选项,提到“mainly”,虽不确定大学图书馆是否是科学出版商蓬勃发展的主要原因,但相对于其他选项,[A]选项出错率最小,且作者认为英国的大学支付给爱思唯尔的费用是较多的,因此[A]选项相对来说也是最符合原文的,所以本题最佳答案为[A]。

IV ①The most drastic, and thoroughly illegal, reaction has been the emergence of Sci-Hub, a kind of global photocopier for scientific papers, set up in 2012, which now claims to offer access to every paywalled article published since 2015.②The success of Sci-Hub, which relies on researchers passing on copies they have themselves legally accessed, shows the legal ecosystem has lost legitimacy among its users and must be transformed so that it works for all participants.

28. How does the author feel about the success of Sci-Hub? 作者如何看待Sci-Hub的成功?

[A] Relieved. 欣慰。

[B] Puzzled. 疑惑。

[C] Concerned. 忧虑。

[D] Encouraged. 受鼓舞。








根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第4段第2句:The success of Sci-Hub, which relies on researchers passing on copies they have themselves legally accessed, ...这里which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The success of Sci-Hub,也就是在描述其相关的具体内容,而问题所问是作者对其态度,因此不用看该部分,直接看后半句写的The success of Sci-Hub表明了什么:...shows the legal ecosystem has lost legitimacy among its users and...(这表明法律生态系统在Sci-Hub用户中已经失去了合法性,……)从这里可以看出作者的态度方向是不好的,对选项进行比错,[B]选项可以直接排除,因为作者对自己的文章内容不会感到疑惑、困惑,而[A][D]选项表达态度都是好的,只有[C]选项表示态度方向是不好的,因此[C]选项与原文最沾边,本题最佳答案为[C]。

V ①In Britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies. ②In some ways it has been very successful. ③More than half of all British scientific research is now published under open access terms: either freely available from the moment of publication, or paywalled for a year or more so that the publishers can make a profit before being placed on general release.

VI ①Yet the new system has not worked out any cheaper for the universities. ②Publishers have responded to the demand that they make their product free to readers by charging their writers fees to cover the costs of preparing an article. ③These range from around £500 to $5,000. ④A report last year pointed out that the costs both of subscriptions and of these“article preparation costs”had been steadily rising at a rate above inflation. ⑤In some ways the scientific publishing model resembles the economy of the social Internet: labour is provided free in exchange for the hope of status, while huge profits are made by a few big firms who run the market places. ⑥In both cases, we need a rebalancing of power.

29. It can be learned from Paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms_________.从第5段和第6段可以得知,开放获取条款_________。

[A] allow publishers some room to make_money 允许出版商有一定的赚钱空间

[B] render publishing much easier for scientists 使科学家的论文出版变得更加容易[C] reduce the cost of publication substantially 大大降低了出版成本

[D] free universities from financial burdens 使高校摆脱财政负担





求同:do sth.。



根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第5段第3句:More than half of all British scientific research is now published under open access terms: either freely available from the moment of publication, or paywalled for a year or more so that the publishers can make a profit before being placed on general release.[现在,超过一半的英国科学研究(成果)都是在开放获取条款下发表的:要么从发表之时起就可以免费获得,要么是付费一年或更长时间才可获得,以便出版商在成果公开发表前获利。]由冒号前内容可知,作者提到“open access terms”时强调是现在的,与题目选项时态相同,接着冒号后面内容对前面的“open access terms”进行解释说明,也就是表达其具体内容,因此冒号后的内容回答问题所问,为精准定位句,用到句型“either... or...”,表示“要么……要么……”,最后出现“so that”表目的,理解大意为:要么免费获得,要么付费更长的时间,以便出版商可以获利。接着对选项进行比错,[B][C][D]的句意均与定位句不符,只有[A]选项提到“允许出版商赚钱”与定位句沾边,因此本题最佳答案为[A]。

30. Which of the following characterises the scientific publishing model? 科学出版模式有以下哪种特点?

[A] Trial subscription is offered. 提供试用订阅。

[B] Labour triumphs over status . 劳动战胜地位。

[C] Costs are well controlled. 成本控制得当。

[D] The few feed on the many. 少数人被多数人养活。



题干中scientific publishing在其他题目重复出现,是主旨词,因此本题虽然不是主旨题,但与主旨沾边,那么读五项时可以浏览本题选项。






根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至最后一段第5句:In some ways the scientific publishing model resembles the economy of the social internet: ...(在某种程度上,科学出版模式类似于社会互联网经济:……)冒号之前提到题干细节,并表示“科学出版模式类似于社会互联网经济”,说明“社会互联网经济”可以看作是题干所问的“科学出版模式的特点”,这里可以回答问题,但通过观察选项,发现选项均与之无关,而冒号后的内容是对前面内容的解释说明,也就是科学出版模式的具体内容,因此冒号后的句子也可以回答问题所问:labour is provided free in exchange for the hope of status, while huge profits are made by a few big firms who run the market places.(人们免费提供劳动力,以换取所期望的地位,而少数经营市场的大公司则赚取巨额利润。)根据以上信息对选项进行比错,[A][C]选项与原文不沾边,可以排除。[B]选项:劳动战胜地位,定位句只提到免费提供劳动来换取地位,无法体现是劳动战胜了地位,[B]选项也排除。此时只剩[D](少数人被多数人养活),该选项句意与定位句提到的“huge profits are made by a few big firms”句意沾边,因此本题最佳答案为[D]。

Text 3 解析

31. The author believes that the bills sponsored by Lewis and Haddad will_________. 【作者态度题】

32. Which of the following is true of the California measure? 【推断题】

33. The author mentions the study by Catalyst to illustrate_________. 【例子题】

34. Norway's adoption of a nationwide corporate gender quota has led to_________. 【普通细节题】

35. Which of the following can be inferred from the text? 【推断题】

[A] Women's needs in employment should be considered.

[B] Feasibility should be a prime concern in policymaking.

[C] Everyone should try hard to promote social justice.

[D] Major social issues should be the focus of legislation.


主旨【主旨词:本篇主旨词不明显,35题[A]选项提到“women”,与34题题干中的“gender”沾边,35题[B]选项中“policymaking”和[D]选项中“legislation”都与31题、32题题干中的“the bills”“the California measure”属于同一范畴,表示“法案、措施”。方向:未知】


I ①Progressives often support diversity mandates as a path to equality and a way to level the playing field. ②But all too often such policies are an insincere form of virtue-signaling that benefits only the most privileged and does little to help average people.

II ①A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure“gender parity”on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.

31. The author believes that the bills sponsored by Lewis and Haddad will_________.作者认为,刘易斯和哈达德提出的法案将_________。

[A] help little to reduce gender_bias 对减少性别偏见帮助不大[B] pose a_threat_to_the_state_government 对州政府构成威胁[C] raise women_'s_position_in_politics 提高女性的政治地位

[D] greatly broaden career_options 大大拓宽职业选择



题干中主句是“The author believes”,“that”引导宾语从句the bills sponsored by Lewis and Haddad,“the bills”在从句中作为主语,表示这些法案。“sponsored by Lewis and Haddad”为过去分词短语修饰前面的名词短语“the bills”,表示这些法案由Lewis和Haddad提出。因此问题所问是“作者认为这些法案将会做什么”。


求同:do sth.。



根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第2段:A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure“gender parity”on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.本句是主谓宾结构:A pair of bills...provide a case in point.(这两项法案是一个很好的例子),过去分词短语sponsored by sb. and sb.作后置定语,修饰A pair of bills,表明这两项法案是这两个人提出的;不定式短语to ensure...作后置定语,同样修饰A pair of bills,表明这两项法案被提出的目的,是为了确保董事会和委员会中的“性别平等”,这里也就回答了问题所问,即“提出法案的目的”也就是“这些法案将要做什么”,定位句表明提出法案的目的是为了确保性别平等,根据内容做题法对选项进行比错,与性别平等沾边的只有[A]:reduce gender bias(减少性别偏见),[B][C][D]均未在定位句中体现,因此本题最佳答案为[A]。

本题通过内容做题法是选[A],但[A]选项意思与原文定位句句意不同,原文表示“为了确保性别平等”,[A]意为“对减少性别偏见帮助不大”,而第2段又表明“这两项法案是一个很好的例子”,所以若要求证[A]选项正确,可以通过向上还原该例子的观点句,判断该法案是什么的例子。第1段:Progressives often support diversity mandates as a path to equality and a way to level the playing field.(进步人士往往支持多样性指令,作为实现平等和创造公平竞争环境的途径。)But all too often such policies are an insincere form of virtue-signaling that benefits only the most privileged and does little to help average people.(但是此类政策往往是一种不真诚的德行体现,只惠及最有特权的人,对普通人没有多大帮助。)通过第1段可知,第2段所提到的法案就是这种政策的例子,是无法做到“平等”的,因此[A]选项:help little to reduce gender bias与原文意思沾边。


IV ①The bills are similar to a measure recently adopted in California, which last year became the first state to require gender quotas for private companies. ②In signing the measure, California Governor Jerry Brown admitted that the law, which expressly classifies people on the basis of sex, is probably unconstitutional.

32. Which of the following is true of the California measure?关于加州的措施,以下哪项是正确的?

[A] It has irritated private_business_owners . 它激怒了私营企业主。

[B] It is welcomed by the_Supreme_Court . 它受到最高法院的欢迎。

[C] It may go_against_the_Constitution . 它可能违背宪法。

[D] It will settle_the_prior_controversies. 它将解决先前的争议。





求同:结构上均为一个句子,主语都是it;语义上it指代the California measure,表明从“加州的措施”的角度回答问题。





根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第4段第1句:The bills are similar to a measure recently adopted in California, ...意为:这些法案类似于加利福尼亚州最近采纳的一项法案。后面的which引导非限制性定语从句:which last year became the first state to require gender quotas for private companies.(去年成为第一个要求对私营企业实行性别配额的州)。通过句意发现该从句修饰的先行词是“California”,因此本句并没有从选项中体现的“加州的措施”这个角度进行表述,所以本句不回答题干所问,接着看下一句也提到题干细节:In signing the measure, California Governor Jerry Brown admitted that the law, ...这里的“the measure”“the law”都特指上一句提到的“a measure recently adopted in California”,本句主语与选项一致,因此本句可以回答所问,是精准定位句,that引导宾语从句,中间加入which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“the law”:which expressly classifies people on the basis of sex, is probably unconstitutional.(该法律明确按照性别对人们进行分类,这可能违反宪法。)对选项进行比错,只有[C]选项提到“可能违背宪法”与定位句沾边,[A][B][D]表达的句意均未在定位句中体现,因此本题最佳答案为[C]。

VII ①The number of women on corporate boards has been steadily increasing without government interference. ②According to a study by Catalyst, between 2010 and 2015 the share of women on the boards of global corporations increased by 54 percent.

33. The author mentions the study by Catalyst to illustrate_________.作者提到Catalyst的研究是为了说明_________。

[A] the harm from arbitrary_board_decisions 董事会任意决策的危害

[B] the importance of constitutional_guarantees 宪法保障的重要性

[C] the_pressure_on_women in global corporations 全球企业中女性面临的压力

[D] the needlessness of government_interventions 政府干预的不必要性







方法:精准定位【例子题—段中例(例子前半句 / 前一句 / 段落首句)】+选项比错

根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第7段第2句,可知本题是一个段中例,且例子与观点句不在同一句时,例子的观点句往往在段落第一句或例子前一句,而本题段落第一句就是例子前一句,因此本题例子的观点句是第7段第1句:The number of women on corporate boards has been steadily increasing without government interference.(在没有政府干预的情况下,公司董事会中的女性人数一直在稳步增加。)接着对选项进行比错,[A]中的“arbitrary board decisions(董事会任意决策)”和[B]中的“constitutional guarantees(宪法保障)”与观点句均不沾边,可以排除;[C]中的“women、corporations”和[D]中的“government interventions(政府干预)”与观点句沾边,因此进一步通过句意判断[C][D]。[C]选项:全球企业中女性面临的压力,观点句中只提到了女性,并未体现女性的压力,选项排除。[D]选项:政府干预的不必要性,与观点句“without government interference(没有政府干预)”在句意上沾边,因此本题最佳答案为[D]。

VIII ①Requiring companies to make gender the primary qualification for board membership will inevitably lead to less experienced private sector boards. ②That is exactly what happened when Norway adopted a nationwide corporate gender quota.

34. Norway's adoption of a nationwide corporate gender quota has led to_________.挪威实行了一项全国性的企业性别配额,导致_________。

[A] the underestimation of elite_women_'s_role 低估精英女性的作用

[B] the objection to female_participation_on_boards 反对女性参与董事会

[C] the entry of unqualified_candidates_into_the_board 不合格的候选人进入董事会

[D] the growing tension_between_labor_and_management 劳资双方的关系越来越紧张








根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第8段第2句:That is exactly what happened when Norway adopted a nationwide corporate gender quota.(这正是挪威实行一项全国性的企业性别配额时所发生的情况。)这里句意上回答题干问题所问,即这个企业性别配额的实行导致了一个情况的发生,但句中用了代词That指代,不知道具体发生了什么,因此需要向前还原该情况:Requiring companies to make gender the primary qualification for board membership will inevitably lead to less experienced private sector boards.(要求公司选举董事会成员时首先考虑性别,将不可避免地产生经验匮乏的私营部门董事会。)也就是“挪威实行企业性别配额,导致了经验匮乏的私营部门董事会的产生”。根据以上句意对选项进行比错,[A]“低估精英女性的作用”、[B]“反对女性参与董事会”和[D]“劳资双方的关系越来越紧张”在定位句中均未体现,只有[C]选项“不合格的候选人进入董事会”与原文定位句沾边,出错概率最小,因此本题最佳答案为[C]。

X ①Next time somebody pushes corporate quotas as a way to promote gender equity, remember that such policies are largely self-serving measures that make their sponsors feel good but do little to help average women.

35. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?文中可以推断出以下哪项内容?

[A] Women_'s_needs_in_employmen t should be considered. 应考虑女性的就业需求。

[B] Feasibility should be a prime concern in_policymaking. 可行性应是决策的首要考虑因素。

[C] Everyone should try hard to promote_social_justice. 每个人都应该努力促进社会公正。

[D] Major_social_issues should be the focus of legislation . 重大社会问题应是立法重点。








方法二:精准定位【推断题—推一段(第一句 / 大写转折 / 最后一句)】+选项比错

由于最后一段未出题,因此可通过其段落主旨进行做题。最后一段只有一句话:Next time somebody pushes corporate quotas as a way to promote gender equity, remember that such policies are largely self-serving measures that make their sponsors feel good but do little to help average women.(下次有人把企业配额作为促进性别平等的一种方式来推行时,请记住,这些不过都是利己措施,能使提议者感觉良好,但对普通女性的帮助微乎其微。)对选项进行比错,[A]选项中“女性的就业需求”在最后一段并未体现,最后一段只提到性别平等、对女性的帮助,切忌主观发散,故排除。[B]选项提到“可行性”,通过最后一段可知企业配额这一决策是有问题的,考虑其可行性与原文沾边,故保留。[C]选项表达“每个人都应该努力促进社会公正”、[D]选项表达“重大社会问题应是立法重点”,两个选项语义与最后一段均不沾边,故排除。综上所述,[B]选项是相对最沾边的,因此本题最佳答案为[B]。

Text 4 解析

36. The icon Senate has passed a bill to_________. 【普通细节题】

37. It can be learned from Paragraph 2 that icon _________. 【推断题】

38. The countries adopting the unilateral measures share the opinion that_________. 【普通细节题】

39. It can be learned from Paragraph 5 that the OECD's current work_________. 【推断题】

40. Which of the following might be the best title for this text? 【主旨题】

[A] icon Leads the Charge on icon

[B] icon Is Confronted with Trade Sanctions

[C] icon Demands a Role in the Digital Economy

[D] icon Says“NO”to Tech Multinationals



其他信息:37题题干中出现“the digital services tax”,40题[A]选项中出现“Digital Tax”,两者进行求同,讲的是“数字税收”,可看作主旨词。

I ①Last Thursday, the French Senate passed a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services to consumers or users in France.②Digital services include everything from providing a platform for selling goods and services online to targeting advertising based on user data, and the tax applies to gross revenue from such services. ③Many French politicians and media outlets have referred to this as a“GAFA tax”, meaning that it is designed to apply primarily to companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon—in other words, multinational tech companies based in the United States.

36. The French Senate has passed a bill to_________. 法国参议院通过的一项法案是为了_________。

[A] regulate digital_services_platforms 监管数字服务平台

[B] impose a_levy_on_tech_multinationals 对跨国科技公司征税

[C] protect French_companies_'_interests 保护法国公司利益

[D] curb the_influence_of_advertising 遏制广告效应



题干结合选项共性是“to do sth.”的结构,这里可能是动词不定式短语作后置定语,也有可能是目的状语,但都是提问这项法案的作用。


求同:do sth.。



通过读九项可知主旨词是“法国”“数字税收”,虽然还不知道全部主旨,但主旨内容一定包括主旨词,而题目都是出自于同一篇文章,因此出现主旨词相关内容的选项出错概率更小。本题中[A]选项出现“digital services platforms(数字服务平台)”,谈论的是这一平台,主旨词“digital services tax(数字服务税收)”,谈论的是税收相关内容,两者表达的意思不同,所以[A]选项中的“digital services platforms”虽然与主旨词很像,但不是主旨词。而选项中只有[B]提到了“levy”,谈论税收的话题,与主旨词“数字税收”沾边,[C][D]选项均未涉及税收相关内容,因此[B]选项出错概率更小,可以预判本题最佳答案为[B]。


根据题干细节S形定位,缩小范围至第1段第1句,提到:...the French Senate passed a digital services tax, which would impose an entirely new tax...此处虽然没有提到题目中的“a bill”,但发现后文没有再出现原词the French Senate has passed a bill的句子,且后面的which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 a digital services tax,表示“它将会征收一种全新的税”,从语义逻辑上,a digital services tax可以理解为是一个法案(a bill),从句子结构上也可判断题目“The French Senate has passed a bill”就对应原文这里提到的“the French Senate passed a digital services tax”,因此说明这个法案(a bill)是与数字服务税收(a digital services tax)有关的,并且这里的非限制性定语从句中出现would do sth.,与题目“to do sth.”的结构都同样表达该法案的作用,因此本句在句意和结构上都与题目对应,表达的就是题目所问的“法国参议院通过的一项法案是为了做什么”,可以判断本句即是回答所问的精准定位句。本句提到:...which would impose an entirely new tax on large multinationals that provide digital services to consumers or users in France.大意为:法国参议院通过了一项数字服务税法案,它将对为法国消费者或用户提供数字服务的大型跨国公司征收一项全新的税收。可知法国参议院通过的这项法案是为了提供一项新的税收。根据以上信息对选项进行比错,只有[B]选项在谈论“征税”,而[A][C][D]均未在定位句中体现,因此本题最佳答案为[B]。

若不知道[B]选项中“levy”的意思是税收,无法判断只有[B]选项与定位句谈论同样内容,可放大选项差异,与定位句进行对比。[A]选项中的“digital services platforms”和[B]选项中的“multinationals”与定位句沾边,而[C][D]选项均未在定位句中体现,可以先排除。进一步用句意判断[A][B]选项,[A]选项中“digital services platforms”与定位句的两处沾边,第一处:...the French Senate passed a digital services tax, 这里表达的是法国参议院通过了一项数字服务税法案,第二处:...large multinationals that provide digital services to...这里表达的是大型跨国公司会提供数字服务,而题目问的是“法国参议院通过的一项法案是为了做什么”,与题目更沾边的是第一处内容,且可以根据其判断这一法案是与“税收”有关的内容,而不是[A]选项中的“数字服务平台(platforms)”,因此[A]选项也可以排除,此时[A][C][D]选项都排除,只能选沾边的[B]选项。因此本题最佳答案为[B]。

II ①The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President Emmanuel Macron, who has expressed support for the measure, and it could go into effect within the next few weeks.②But it has already sparked significant controversy, with the United States trade representative opening an investigation into whether the tax discriminates against American companies, which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France.

37. It can be learned from Paragraph 2 that the digital services tax_________.从第2段可以看出,数字服务税_________。

[A] will prompt the tech giants to quit France 将促使科技巨头退出法国

[B] aims to ease international_trade_tensions 旨在缓解国际贸易的紧张局势

[C] is apt to arouse criticism_at_home_and_abroad 容易引起国内外的批评

[D] may trigger countermeasures_against_France 可能引发对法国的反制措施



题干中出现具体的细节内容“the digital services tax”,因此本题属于推断题中的推细节类型。





进一步分析选项,[A]选项中的“tech giants(科技巨头)”、[B]选项中的“international trade tensions(国际贸易的紧张局势)”以及[C]选项中的“criticism at home and abroad(国内外的批评)”均为具体内容,定位句谈到即对,没谈到即错,这些词本身的出错概率是50%,而[D]选项中“countermeasures against France(对法国的反制措施)”无具体内容,“countermeasures(措施)”一词涵盖范围较广,相关行为都可以看作是“措施”,因此[D]选项中的内容相对最虚,不谈具体内容,涵盖范围广,几乎不涉及承载错误的点,预判本题最佳答案为[D]。


根据题干细节在第2段S形定位,缩小范围至第2段第1句:The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President Emmanuel Macron, ...同时防止并列句出题,第1句后半句中的“it”也代指的是“The digital services tax”:... and it could go into effect within the next few weeks. 第2句出现大写转折“But it ...”,这里的“it”也是代指“The digital services tax”:But it has already sparked significant controversy, with the United States trade representative opening an investigation into whether the tax discriminates against American companies, which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France.所以第2段有三处都提到题目细节“The digital services tax”,再通过观察题目和选项的结构,可笼统理解为“数字服务税做了什么事”,而这三处(第2段第1、2句)表达的也都是“数字服务税做了什么”,因此可判断这三处在结构上都回答问题所问,那么第1、2句都是本题的精准定位句。第一处:The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President, ...(现在数字服务税法案正在等着法国总统的签署…….),并无选项与其沾边;第二处:... and it could go into effect within the next few weeks.(该法案可能在未来几周内生效),这里也没有选项与其沾边,因此只能看第三处(第2句)进行判断选项。另外,由于这三处都看的话需要理解的内容较多,也可以先通过大写转折词But进行取舍,第2句的But前后都在谈论相同内容,那么But后的内容就是重点,所以可以不用看第1句,直接看第2句(回答所问的第三处)。第2句句意为:但是数字服务税法案已经引发了重大争议,美国贸易代表开始调查该税收是否歧视美国公司,进而可能对法国进行贸易制裁。通过理解句意,可判断只有[D]:可能引发对法国的反制措施,与定位句沾边,因此本题最佳答案为[D]。

第2句话较长,如果读不懂,可以根据选项的固有缺陷进行辅助判断。通过分析选项,可以判断[B]选项表达缓解紧张局势,[D]选项表达引发反制措施,也就是增加紧张局势,因此两个选项相反,最佳答案可能在[B][D]中,再回到原文判断哪个选项与定位句最沾边。在第2句中并未提到与[B]选项沾边的“缓解紧张局势”相关内容,而在句末提到了“... could lead to trade sanctions against France.”大概理解为:可能导致……针对法国,而[D]选项“may trigger countermeasures against France”可能引发……针对法国,与第2句沾边,因此,虽然无法判断[B]选项一定错误,但相比之下[D]选项与定位句更沾边,出错概率更小,所以本题最佳答案为[D]。

Ⅲ ①The French tax is not just a unilateral move by one country in need of revenue. ②Instead, the digital services tax is part of a much larger trend, with countries over the past few years proposing or putting in place an alphabet soup of new international tax provisions. ③These have included Britain's DPT(diverted profits tax), Australia's MAAL(multinational antiavoidance law), and India's SEP(significant economic presence) test, to name but a few. ④At the same time, the European Union, Spain, Britain and several other countries have all seriously contemplated digital services taxes.

Ⅳ ①These unilateral developments differ in their specifics, but they are all designed to tax multinationals on income and revenue that countries believe they should have a right to tax, even if international tax rules do not grant them that right. ②In other words, they all share a view that the international tax system has failed to keep up with the current economy.

38. The countries adopting the unilateral measures share the opinion that_________.采取单方面措施的国家都认为_________。

[A] the_current_international_tax_system needs upgrading 现行的国际税收制度需要升级

[B] redistribution_of_tech_giants'_revenue must be ensured 必须保证科技巨头收入的再分配

[C] tech multinationals'monopoly should be prevented 应防止科技跨国公司垄断

[D] all countries ought to enjoy equal_taxing_rights 所有国家都应该享有平等的征税权



题干中“adopting the unilateral measures”是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰“countries”,最后的“that”引导同位语从句,对“opinion”进行补充说明,表明该观点的具体内容。






[A][D]选项都提到主旨词“tax”,出错概率较小,而[B][C]选项中均出现具体内容,在原文中谈到即对,未谈到即错,这些词组本身的错误率为50%,出错概率较大,因此预判答案在[A][D]中。接着进一步对[A][D]进行比错,[D]选项出现绝对化表达“all countries”,同时也是一个具体内容,除非原文也提到,否则选项错误(例如2015年英语一第25题[C]选项出现绝对词all,但文章表达意思与选项相同,则选项正确),所以[D]选项相对于[A]选项出错概率更大,因此预判本题最佳答案为[A]。


在第3、4段S形定位,缩小范围至第4段第2句:...they all share a view that...提到了题目中的“... share the opinion that”,但不确定这里的they是否是指题目中的“The countries adopting the unilateral measures(采取单边措施的国家)”,因此向前还原,至第4段第1句:... that countries believe they should have a right to tax, even if international tax rules do not grant them that right.(各国认为他们应有征税权,……没有赋予他们这项权利。)通过句意可知这里的they、them以及第2句中的they,都代指“countries”,同时第4段第1句前半句出现了题干相关内容“These unilateral developments(这些单边政策)”,以及they are all designed to tax(它们都是为了征税而设计的),可知这里的they指的是“单边政策”,而同一句话中谈论内容的范畴是一致的,第1句前半句谈论“单边措施”,后面谈论“各国”,由此可以判断出第1句中的“countries”以及第2句中的they就是“采取单边措施的国家”,即题目中的“The countries adopting the unilateral measures”,那么第2句“... they all share a view that ...”就是表达“这些采取单边措施的国家都认为…….”,能够回答题目所问,因此本句就是回答问题的精准定位句:they all share a view that the international tax system has failed to keep up with the current economy.【他们(采取单边措施的国家)都认为国际税收制度已经赶不上当前的经济发展。】本句中同位语从句用了现在完成时,表明是已经发生的事,即事实就是已经赶不上了。根据以上信息对选项进行比错,[A]选项:现行的国际税收制度需要升级,其隐含前提就是定位句表达的“国际税收制度已经赶不上当前的经济发展”,所以需要升级,选项沾边,而[B][C][D]选项内容在定位句中均无法体现,因此[A]选项出错概率最小,本题最佳答案为[A]。

V ①In response to these many unilateral measures, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is currently working with 131 countries to reach a consensus by the end of 2020 on an international solution. ②Both France and the United States are involved in the organization's work, but France's digital services tax and the American response raise questions about what the future holds for the international tax system.

39. It can be learned from Paragraph 5 that the OECD's current work_________.从第5段中可以看出,经合组织目前的工作_________。

[A] is being resisted by US_companies 受到美国公司的抵制

[B] is faced with uncertain_prospects 面临着不确定的前景

[C] needs to be readjusted_immediately 需要立即重新调整

[D] needs to involve more_countries 需要更多国家的参与








[A]选项中“US companies”和[D]选项中“more countries”都是具体内容,在原文中谈到即对,未谈到即错,这些词组本身的错误率为50%,而[B]选项中“uncertain prospects”和[C]选项中“be readjusted immediately”都不是具体内容,是比较虚的词,不谈具体内容,涵盖范围广,几乎不涉及承载错误的点。且[C]选项出现绝对词“immediately”,除非原文提到,否则选项错误,错误率较大,因此相对来说[B]选项出错率最小,可以先预判本题最佳答案为[B]。


根据题干细节在第5段S形定位,缩小范围至第1句:the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is currently working with 131 countries to reach a consensus ...出现了题目所问“the OECD's current work(经合组织目前的工作如何)”,可以回答所问,是精准定位句。本句表明OECD目前正在和131个国家合作并达成共识。根据以上信息对选项进行比错,只有[D]选项提到了“countries”,与本句沾一点边,但是本句并无法体现选项所表达的“需要更多国家的参与”,而只是在陈述“OECD目前正在和131个国家合作”这个事实,因此本句虽然在结构上回答问题所问,但是没有对应选项,无法选出答案。注意防止并列句出题,发现本段第2句也提到了“the organization's work”,这里的organization指的就是上一句的the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),并且句子用了一般现在时,表明是现在的工作,所以第2句也是在谈论“经合组织目前的工作”,也可以回答所问,因此第5段第1、2句都是本题的精准定位句。第2句提到:Both France and the United States are involved in the organization's work, but France's digital services tax and the American response raise questions about what the future holds for the international tax system.(法国和美国都参与了该组织的工作,但法国的数字服务税和美国的回应引发了人们对国际税收制度未来前景的质疑。)由此可知美国和法国都是经合组织的成员国,他们的工作也就可以反映该组织的工作,因此本句表明他们的一些做法引发了人们的质疑,即代表该组织的一些工作内容“引发了人们对国际税收制度未来前景的质疑”。根据以上信息对选项进行比错,[A]选项:受到美国公司的抵制,定位句并未提到,可以排除;[B]选项:面临着不确定的前景,与第2句“... raise questions about what the future holds for ...”沾边,“引发了人们对国际税收制度未来前景的质疑”也就对应着“该组织面临着不确定的前景”,故保留;[C]选项:需要立即重新调整,选项出现绝对词“immediately”,但在定位句中并未体现需要立即调整,故排除;[D]选项:需要更多国家的参与,未在定位句中体现,通过第5段第1句可以排除选项。综上所述,本题最佳答案为[B]。

VI ①France's planned tax is a clear warning: Unless a broad consensus can be reached on reforming the international tax system, other nations are likely to follow suit, and American companies will face a cascade of different taxes from dozens of nations that will prove burdensome and costly.

40. Which of the following might be the best title for this text?以下哪项可能是这篇文章的最佳标题?

[A] France Leads the_Charge_on_Digital_Tax 法国率先征收数字税

[B] France Is Confronted with Trade_Sanctions 法国面临贸易制裁

[C] France Demands a Role in the_Digital_Economy 法国要求在数字经济中发挥作用

[D] France Says“No”to Tech_Multinationals 法国对科技跨国公司说“不”






求异:见选项下划线部分。只有[A]选项同时出现了两个主旨词“France”和“Digital Tax”。




文章主旨一般可以通过读九项、题干之间的逻辑、选项共性、前后题共性、研究或实验的结论、作者态度、已做题目的定位句以及最后一段段落主旨等方法来快速寻找,具体采用什么方法依不同的文章而定。通过读九项可知,[A]选项中“France”和“Digital Tax”是主旨词,是错不了的,但不确定是否是“率先征收(Leads)”,因此选项沾边,可以先保留;根据已做题目的定位句可知,[B]选项内容在37题的精准定位句中出现,第2段第2句提到:... which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France.(……进而可能对法国进行贸易制裁。)原文表达的是可能对法国进行贸易制裁,还不确定,表示推测,而选项用的是一般现在时,表示事实语气,也就是表明法国正面临着贸易制裁,这点与原文不符,故排除;[C][D]通过题干之间的逻辑、选项共性、前后题共性以及已做题目的定位句等方法进行判断,发现两个选项内容在文章中均未被提及,可知二者并不是文章重点,不能对文章主旨进行概括,故[C][D]也排除。因此,[B][C][D]选项均排除,本题只能选沾边的[A]选项。


由于最后一段还未出题,而文章最后一段往往反映文章主旨,因此可以利用最后一段段落主旨进行判断。最后一段只有一句话:France's planned tax is a clear warning: Unless a broad consensus can be reached on reforming the international tax system, other nations are likely to follow suit, ...(法国计划征收的税收是一个明确的警告:除非在改革国际税收制度上达成广泛共识,否则其他国家可能会效仿……)本句表明其他国家会效仿法国的税收政策,说明法国就是率先提出数字服务税收政策的,因此才会被效仿。由此可判断[A]选项:法国率先征收数字税,与最后一段主旨沾边,而[B]“法国面临贸易制裁”、[C]“法国要求在数字经济中发挥作用”和[D]“法国对科技跨国公司说'不'”,这三个选项表达的语义均未在最后一段体现,因此[A]错误率最小,本题最佳答案为[A]。 j9XDEMKK66IYY0y5ZAVt+Q+wUth+zGOzqbJ7U0pCFhBe4OU6Dp9RGTTUIXp4dXNn
