
4.2 Opening a Store Online

After choosing a platform,you can easily start an online store from scratch in 5 steps.

4.2.1 Selecting a Brandable Name for Your Store Online

If you want to start an online store,and you may already have an idea for a great product to sell,then you should find an online identity so that your online storefront can stand out for the competition and come across as a strong brand.

Here are some tips for a great domain name for your store online:

(1)Short and Easy to Remember

A good name should be short,easy to type or remember,not be clunky words that are difficult to spell and pronounce.


A good name should be definitive relevant and meaningful.

(3)Catchy and Unique

A good name should be unique and innovative .It is good to use alliterations ,clever wordplay or rhymes to make your store memorable.

(4)Related to the Product or Industry

A good name should be descriptive of what you sell and the industry you belong to.

(5)In Line With the Law

The name must obey the laws of the land.

Following are some examples of great names for online stores:

①Death Wish Coffee

With the slogan of "serving the world's strongest coffee",Death Wish Coffee(Figure 4-1)uses its brand name to set a maverick tone for the brand experience.The main color of the website is designed in black,with red and white words as the auxiliary colors.And it uses skeleton as the logo to endow the brand with a rebellious and unruly brand culture.


Figure 4-1 The Website of Death Wish Coffee


②Sock Мarket

Sock Мarket(Figure 4-2)takes a literal brand name,which clearly communicates that it is the "place" for all your needs of socks.This store faces to a wide range of consumers,covering consumers of all ages from babies to adults.It aims to make socks a high-end fashion item.


Figure 4-2 The Website of Sock Market


4.2.2 Create an Account

After selecting a good name for your online store,you can now create an account on a platform.For example,you can go to shopify.com(Figure 4-3)and click on the "Start free trial" button to sign up.


Figure 4-3 The Website of Shopify


4.2.3 Settings

Choose a theme and customize the store.

There are more than 70 free high-quality templates in Shopify theme store,but you need to ensure that the color scheme,logo,font,page layout,buttons,navigation menus,headers and footers,etc.are consistent to keep the design style of your store uniform.

Take Harris Farm Мarkets(Figure 4-4)as a case study.The website of Harris Farm Мarkets is dominated by blue and white,which reminds of a natural scene of blue sky and white clouds.The display area uses a minimalist wall or floor as the backdrop for the products,evoking people the feeling of entering the farm for shopping.


Figure 4-4 The Website of Harris Farm Markets


4.2.4 Add Products

(1)Create Product Categories

Product categories help customers find the suitable product promptly.Take Little Sparrow Tea(Figure 4-5)as a case study.Although the homepage of Little Sparrow Tea looks easy,it perfectly integrates creative elements and soft dots into the page.The website uses different colors to categorize products,which stand out against a simple background so that customers can distinguish the product categories at a glance.


Figure 4-5 The Website of Little Sparrow Tea


(2)Product Title and Description

A persuasive product name and product description can motivate customers to make a purchase.The following aspects should be considered when you draft product description:

·Whom:whom is the product designed for?

·What:what is the basic information about the product?

·When:when is the product used?

·Where:which site or scene is the product used?

·Why:why is your product better than the competitions?

·How:how can people use the product?

Мeanwhile,the selling point of the product can be mined in the product description from the perspective of the brand or product story to improve the persuasiveness of the description.

(3)Add Product Data

The necessary basic information for the product,such as price,stock,etc.should be added.

(4)Upload Product Photos

The next is to take and upload professional product pictures.The customers can choose the products they need according to the pictures.Product details can be displayed from the front,side or top view to facilitate customers to understand the product material.

4.2.5 Create Key Pages

In order to reflect product features,differences and other information,some key pages can be added to the website,such as event descriptions,wonderful comment sharing,buyer messages,etc.,so as to stimulate customers to buy products.

4.2.6 Add the Necessary Customer Service

Common customer services include:①return and refund policy; ②privacy policy;③delivery policy; ④terms of services; ⑤legal notice. 489QADV7vUHwRuLHLHQt9vKKMGENKjm9pJvnWjegqXSP72de14oUfr7nCF1oA+cf
