







[1] 参见(举例)Ewen MacAskill,“Irrational, Illogical, Unpredictable –24 Years On, the World Awaits Saddam’s Next Move,” Guardian , 18 March 2003; Victor Davis Hanson,“The Not-So-Mad Mind of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,” Chicago Tribune , 20 January 2006;Phil Gunson,“Is Hugo Chavez Insane?” Newsweek , 11 November 2001; Kate Kelland,“No Method in Deciphering Gaddafi ’s Mind,” Reuters , 3 March 2011; Mark Bowden,“Understanding Kim Jong Un, the World’s Most Enigmatic and Unpredictable Dictator,” Vanity Fair , 12 February 2015。

[2] Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Stephan Haggard, David A. Lake, and David G. Victor,“The Behavioral Revolution and International Relations,” International Organization 71, no.S1 (2017): 2.

[3] 关于这一点,参见Uriel Abulof,“The Malpractice of ‘Rationality’ in International Relations,” Rationality and Society 27, no. 3 (2015): 359; Kevin Narizny,“On Systemic Paradigms and Domestic Politics: A Critique of the Newest Realism,” International Security 42, no. 2 (2017): 160–161; Alexander Wendt,“Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics,” International Organization 45, no. 2(1992): 391–395. For the claim that the rationality assumption is central to both liberal and realist approaches, see Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,“ Power and Interdependence Revisited ,” International Organization 41, no. 4 (1987): 728. For the claim that it is central to liberal approaches, see Andrew Moravcsik,“Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics,” International Organization 51,no. 4 (1997): 516–521. And for the claim that it is central to realist approaches, see Robert O. Keohane,“Theory of World Politics: Structural Realism and Beyond,”in Neorealism and Its Critics , ed. Robert O. Keohane (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986), 164–165; Jeffrey W. Legro and Andrew Moravcsik,“Is Anybody Still a Realist?” International Security 24, no. 2 (1999): 6, 12; Brian C. Schmidt and Colin Wight,“Rationalism and the ‘Rational Actor Assumption’ in Realist International Relations Theory,” Journal of International Political Theory (forthcoming)。

[4] 关于人们无法在不放弃研究项目本身的情况下放弃或修改其假设的观点,参见Imre Lakatos, The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Philosophical Papers , ed. John Worrall and Gregory Currie (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978), 1:1–101。

[5] 类似定义参见Steven Pinker, Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters (New York: Viking, 2021), 36–37。特别是,史蒂芬·平克写道:“大体符合该词用法的定义是‘利用知识实现目标的能力’。”

[6] 关于描述理性选择和政治心理学研究事业的近期作品,参见Andrew H. Kydd, International Relations Theory: The Game-Theoretic Approach (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015); Alex Mintz, Nicholas A. Valentino, and Carly Wayne, Beyond Rationality: Behavioral Political Science in the 21st Century (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022)。

[7] 显而易见,我们是运用科学现实主义视角对国际关系进行理论化。对我们来说,理论包含反映世界实际运作方式的陈述。因此,支撑这些理论的假设必须准确地反映国际政治的特定方面,并且可以被证明是正确的或错误的。这些假设不仅仅是利于产生有趣理论的有用虚构,一如工具主义者所声称的。在本书当中,这意味着理性的合理定义必须反映出理性的领导人在实际中如何思考。关于科学现实主义与工具主义的区别,参见Paul K. MacDonald,“Useful Fiction or Miracle Maker: The Competing Epistemological Foundations of Rational Choice Theory,” American Political Science Review 97, no. 4 (2003): 551–565; John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt,“Leaving Theory Behind: Why Simplistic Hypothesis Testing Is Bad for International Relations,” European Journal of International Relations 19, no. 3(2013): 432–434;关于科学现实主义,参见Anjan Chakravartty,“Scientifi c Realism,”in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2017 edition), ed. Edward N.Zalta; https:// plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2017/entries/scientifi c-realism/。

[8] 需要说明的是,我们使用“战略理性”这一术语来表示一个国家的战略或政策的理性。理性选择学者对这个术语的使用与我们的不同,他们强调决策的互动性本质。他们关注的是行为者在做出选择时为何必须把彼此的战略考虑进来。参见(举例)David A. Lake and Robert Powell,“International Relations: A Strategic-Choice Approach,”in Strategic Choice and International Relations , ed. David A. Lake and Robert Powell (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999), 3–4。 EbxzVn7P7NqvkRWm8Mnp4P8KbNfzn654a51nY7ieX0v5VQYSS1Hi30JBcWw7RnWM
