





[1] (1) Vannucci, A., Flannery, K. M., and Ohannessian, C. M. (2017), ‘Social media use and anxiety in emerging adults’, Journal of Affective Disorders , 207, 163-6. (2) Woods, H. C., and Scott, H. (2016), ‘#Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem’, Journal of Adolescence , 51, 41-9. (一项针对563名年轻人的调查显示,花费在社交媒体上的时间越多,焦虑感越强。) (3) Primack, B. A., Shensa, A., Escobar-Viera, C. G., Barrett, E. L., Sidani, J. E., Colditz, J. B., and James, A. E. (2017), ‘Use of multiple social media platforms and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A nationally-representative study among US young adults’, Computers in Human Behavior , 69, 1-9.(一项针对467名青少年的研究显示,花费在社交媒体上的时间越多,睡眠质量越差,自尊感越低,焦虑和抑郁越严重。) (4) Hoge, E., Bickham, D., and Cantor, J. (2017), ‘Digital media, anxiety, and depression in children’, Pediatrics , 140 (Supplement 2), S76-S80.(一项针对1787名年轻人的调查显示,使用多种社交媒体平台与焦虑和抑郁程度的增加有关。) (5) Demographics of social media users and adoption in the United States . Pew Research Center, Washington, DC (2015): https://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/socialmedia. (皮尤研究中心自2005年以来一直跟踪社交媒体的使用情况。一篇文献综述描述了各种心理健康影响,包括焦虑加剧,不同种类的媒体和社交媒体与心理健康有关联,如今年轻人之间的互动更多是虚拟的。据报道,美国90%的年轻人每天都使用社交媒体,四分之一的青少年“几乎经常”使用社交媒体。)

[2] (1) Segrin, C., Woszidlo, A., Givertz, M., and Montgomery, N. (2013), ‘Parent and child traits associated with Overparenting’, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology , 32(6), 569-95.(父母过度干预的年轻人应对能力较差,焦虑程度更高。) (2) Reed, K., Duncan, J. M., Lucier-Greer, M., Fixelle, C., and Ferraro, A. J. (2016), ‘Helicopter parenting and emerging adult self-efficacy: Implications for mental and physical health’, Journal of Child and Family Studies , 25(10), 3136-49. (年轻人的自我效能感越低,与焦虑和抑郁的相关性就越高。提高自我效能表示年轻人相信自己可以处理好事情,而不是依赖父母。)

[3] (1) Bitsko, R. H., Holbrook, J. R., Ghandour, R. M., Blumberg, S. J., Visser, S. N., Perou, R., and Walkup, J. T. (2018), ‘Epidemiology and impact of health care providerdiagnosed anxiety and depression among US children’, Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics , 39(5), 395-403. (通过比较2003年、2007年、2011年和2012年的全国儿童健康调查数据,可以看出这一趋势。) (2) Most US teens see anxiety, depression as major problems , (2019, February 20). https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2019/02/20/most-u-steens-see-anxiety-and-depression-as-a-major-problem-among-their-peers.(根据皮尤研究中心对920名13—17岁青少年的调查,70%的青少年认为焦虑和抑郁是同龄人中的主要问题。)

[4] Eagan, K., Stolzenberg. E. B., Zimmerman, H. B., Aragon, M. C., Sayson, H. W., RiosAguilar, C. (2016), The American freshman: National norms Fall 2016 , University of California Press. https://www.heri.ucla.edu/monographs/TheAmericanFreshman2016.pdf.(这来自一项对大学新生的调查,这项调查已经持续了50多年,超过1500万名学生参与。)

[5] Mistler, B. J., Reetz, D. R., Krylowicz, B., & Barr, V. (2016), The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors Annual Survey . http://files.cmcglobal.com/Monograph_2012_AUCCCD_Public.pdf.(一项针对400名大学心理咨询主任的调查。)

[6] (1) Cannon, W. B. (1916), B odily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage: An account of recent researches into the function of emotional excitement , D. Appleton and Company, New York.(压力应激反应最早由沃尔特·B. 坎农[Walter B. Cannon]提出,安抚反应由克里斯·康托[Chris Cantor]提出。) (2) Cantor, C. (2005), Evolution and Posttraumatic Stress: Disorders of vigilance and defence , Routledge, East Sussex.

[7] Pinker, S. (2012). The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why violence has declined , Penguin Books, New York.(人们惨遭横死或饿死的可能性比人类历史上任何时候都低。) 1XFqCqHOIA0Ye6a4Tv61+4zIfutR58CKg5M73juoPMf2+Zk/TWznBiaO0h8VDmVi
