音 频
sequential [sɪˈkwenʃl]
adj. 连续的,一连串的 (serial)
记 词根记忆:sequ(跟随)+ent+ial→连续的,一连串的
diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ]
v. (使)减少,缩小 (to make less or cause to appear less, belittle, dwindle)
记 词根记忆:di(分开)+min(小)+ish→缩小
canny [ˈkæni]
adj. 精明仔细的 (shrewd and careful)
记 联想记忆:can(能)+ny→能干的→精明仔细的
reiterate [riˈɪtəreɪt]
v. 重申,反复地说 (to state over again or repeatedly)
记 词根记忆:re(反复)+iter(重申)+ate→重申,反复地说
同 ingeminate, iterate
innate [ɪˈneɪt]
adj. 天生的,固有的 (inborn, inbred)
记 词根记忆:in(进入)+nat(出生)+e→生来就带有的→天生的
例 Unlike Sartre, who was born into a cultivated environment, receiving culture in his feeding bottle, so to speak, the child Camus had to fight to acquire a culture that was not innate .
同 connate, connatural, indigenous
warrant [ˈwɔːrənt]
n. 正当理由 (justification) ;许可证 (a commission or document giving authority) v. 保证;批准
例 Dr. Smith cautioned that the data so far are not sufficiently unequivocal to warrant dogmatic assertions by either side in the debate.
同 certify, guarantee, vindicate
exuberant [ɪɡˈzuːbərənt]
adj. (人)充满活力的 (very lively and cheerful) ;(植物)茂盛的 [(of plant) produced in extreme abundance)]
记 词根记忆:ex(加强)+uber(果实)+ant→全都是果实的→充满活力的;茂盛的
rancor [ˈræŋkər]
n. 深仇,怨恨 (bitter deep-seated ill will; enmity)
例 For someone suffering from stress, a holiday can act as a tonic, dispelling rancor , transforming indecision, and renewing the spirit.
doctrinaire [ˌdɑːktrɪˈner]
n. 教条主义者 (one who attempts to put into effect an abstract doctrine) adj. 教条 的,迂腐的 (stubbornly adhering to a doctrine)
记 来自doctrine ( n. 教条)
同 authoritarian, authoritative, dictatorial, dogmatic
rebuke [rɪˈbjuːk]
v. 指责,谴责 (to criticize sharply; reprimand)
记 词根记忆:re(再次)+buk(看作beat,打)+e→反复打→指责
同 admonish, chide, reproach
flagrant [ˈfleɪɡrənt]
adj. 罪恶昭彰的;公然的 (conspicuously offensive)
记 不要和fragrant ( adj. 芳香的)相混
hypocrisy [hɪˈpɑːkrəsi]
n. 伪善,虚伪 (a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not)
同 cant, pecksniff, sanctimony, sham
派 hypocritical ( adj. 虚伪的)
impassive [ɪmˈpæsɪv]
adj. 无动于衷的,冷漠的 (stolid, phlegmatic)
记 词根记忆:im(无)+pass(感情)+ive→没有感情的;注意不要和impassioned ( adj. 充满激情的)相混
accede [əkˈsiːd]
v. 同意 (to give assent; consent)
记 词根记忆:ac(加强)+cede(走)→一起走→同意
搭 accede to 答应
repugnant [rɪˈpʌɡnənt]
adj. 令人厌恶的 (strong distaste or aversion)
记 词根记忆:re(再)+pugn(打斗)+ant→总是打斗→令人厌恶的
搭 be repugnant to sb. 使某人嫌恶,使某人反感
claustrophobic [ˌklɔːstrəˈfəʊbɪk]
adj. (患)幽闭恐怖症的,导致幽闭恐怖症的 (affected with or inclined to claustrophobia)
subservient [səbˈsɜːrviənt]
adj. 次要的,从属的 (useful in an inferior capacity) ;恭顺的 (obsequiously submissive)
austere [ɔːˈstɪr]
adj. 朴素的 (very plain; lacking ornament)
记 源自古希腊语austeros“苦涩的”,尤指水果、葡萄酒等“使口干舌燥的”,进入英语后用来指人在举止或态度上“严厉的、朴素的”,强调缺乏热情、趣味或情感等吸引人的品质。
sporadic [spəˈrædɪk]
adj. 不定时发生的 (occurring occasionally)
例 These sporadic raids seem to indicate that the enemy is waging a war of attrition rather than attacking us directly.
派 sporadically ( adv. 偶发地)
diverge [daɪˈvɜːrdʒ]
v. 分歧,分开 (to go or move in different directions; deviate)
记 词根记忆:di(离开)+verg(转向)+e→转开→分歧
escalate [ˈeskəleɪt]
v. (战争等)升级 (to make a conflict more serious) ;扩大,上升,增强 (to grow or increase rapidly)
例 The mayor and school superintendent let their dispute over budget cuts escalate to ugly and destructive proportions.
infectious [ɪnˈfekʃəs]
adj. 传染的,有传染性的 (capable of causing infection; communicable by infection)
stringent [ˈstrɪndʒənt]
adj. (规定)严格的,苛刻的 (severe) ;缺钱的 (marked by scarcity of money, credit restrictions, or other financial strain)
记 联想记忆:string(线,绳)+ent→像用绳限制住一样→严格的
例 These regulations are so stringent that we feel we have lost all our privileges.
同 draconian, rigorous
派 stringency ( n. 财政紧缩)
prescription [prɪˈskrɪpʃn]
n. 规定 (something prescribed as a rule)
记 词根记忆:pre(预先)+script(写)+ion→预先写好要求→规定
同 convention, regulation
shrill [ʃrɪl]
v. 尖叫 (scream) adj. 刺耳的 (high-pitched and piercing in tone or sound)
forerunner [ˈfɔːrʌnər]
n. 先行者 (one that announces or indicates the later arrival of another) ;预兆 (a warning sign or symptom)
记 词根记忆:fore(前面)+runner(奔跑者)→跑在前面的人→先行者
同 precursor
heft [heft]
n. 重量 (weight)
搭 the spacecraft’s considerable heft 宇宙飞船的巨大重量
派 hefty ( adj. 很大的;超出一般的;可观的)
sleek [sliːk]
adj. 光滑的,光亮的 (smooth and glossy as if polished)
ethnocentric [ˌeθnəʊˈsentrɪk]
adj. 民族优越感的;民族中心主义的 (characterized by or based on the attitude that one’s own group is superior)
记 词根记忆:ethno(种族)+centr(中心)+ic(…的)→民族中心主义的
搭 ethnocentric belief 民族中心主义的信念
methodology [ˌmeθəˈdɑːlədʒi]
n. 方法论 (a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline)
记 词根记忆:method(方法)+ology(学说)→方法论
wherewithal [ˈwerwɪðɔːl]
n. (做某事的)所需资金 (the necessary means, especially financial means)
displace [dɪsˈpleɪs]
v. 取代 (to take the place of someone/something) ;迫使离开家园 (to force people to move away from their home to another place)
记 词根记忆:dis(除去,剥夺)+place(位置)→被夺去位置→取代
同 obviate
gentility [dʒenˈtɪləti]
n. 文雅,彬彬有礼 (decorum of conduct) ;高贵的身份 (the condition of belonging to the gentry)
记 词根记忆:gentil(看作gentle,温和的)+ity→彬彬有礼
inconclusive [ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv]
adj. 非决定性的;无定论的 (leading to no conclusion or definite result)
例 Given the inconclusive state of the published evidence, we do not argue here that exposure to low-level microwave energy is either hazardous or safe.
elucidate [ɪˈluːsɪdeɪt]
v. 阐明,说明 (to give a clarifying explanation)
记 词根记忆:e(向外)+lucid(照亮)+ate→弄清晰→阐明
frivolous [ˈfrɪvələs]
adj. 轻薄的,轻佻的 (marked by unbecoming levity)
记 词根记忆:friv(愚蠢)+olous→愚蠢的→轻佻的
didactic [daɪˈdæktɪk]
adj. 教诲的 (morally instructive) ;说教的 (boringly pedantic or moralistic)
记 联想记忆:did(做)+act(行动)+ic→教人如何做或行动→教诲的
派 didacticism ( n. 说教)
equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]
adj. 相等的,等值的 (equal in quantity, value, meaning, etc.)
记 词根记忆:equi(平等的)+val(力量)+ent→力量平等的→相等的
搭 be equivalent to 与…相等或等值
voluble [ˈvɑːljəbl]
adj. 健谈的 (talkative) ;易旋转的 (rotating)
派 volubility ( n. 口若悬河)
transitory [ˈtrænsətɔːri]
adj. 短暂的 (transient)
记 词根记忆:trans(改变)+it(走)+ory→走过就变的→短暂的
propriety [prəˈpraɪəti]
n. 礼节 (decorum) ;适当,得体 (appropriateness)
记 词根记忆:propri(恰当的)+ety→举止恰当→礼节;得体
eminent [ˈemɪnənt]
adj. 显赫的,杰出的 (prominent, conspicuous)
记 词根记忆:e(向外)+min(突出)+ent→突出来→显赫的
例 The eminent ambassador was but an indifferent linguist; yet he insisted on speaking to foreign dignitaries in their own tongues without resorting to a translator’s aid.
pedant [ˈpednt]
n. 迂腐之人,学究 (one who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the use of knowledge)
记 词根记忆:ped(教育)+ant→与儿童教育相关的人→学究
interchangeable [ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒəbl]
adj. 可互换的 (incapable of being interchanged)
记 来自interchange ( v. 互换)
派 interchangeably ( adv. 可互换地)
corroborate [kəˈrɑːbəreɪt]
v. 支持或证实 (to bolster; make more certain) ;强化 (to strengthen)
记 词根记忆:cor(加强)+robor(力量)+ate→加强力量→强化
派 corroboration ( n. 证实,支持)
apathetic [ˌæpəˈθetɪk]
adj. 无感情的 (having or showing little or no feeling or emotion) ;无兴趣的 (having little or no interest or concern)
搭 be apathetic about 对…冷淡
approbate [ˈæprəbeɪt]
v. 认可 (to accept as valid)
记 词根记忆:ap(加强)+prob(证明)+ate→一再证明(可行)→批准
派 approbatory ( adj. 认可的;赞赏的)
predate [ˌpriːˈdeɪt]
v. 早于 (to precede in time; antedate)
记 词根记忆:pre(在前,早于)+date(日期)→早于
同 antedate, precede
upshot [ˈʌpʃɑːt]
n. 最后结果,结局 (the final result)
同 outcome, consequence
politic [ˈpɑːlətɪk]
adj. 明智的 (showing sound or pragmatic judgment)
同 advisable, desirable, prudent, judicious
versatility [ˌvɜːrsəˈtɪləti]
n. 多功能性 (the quality of having many different uses)
记 来自versatile ( adj. 用途广泛的)
例 The circumstances under which phase transitions occur would limit the versatility of latent heat as a storage method.
snag [snæɡ]
n. 问题,障碍 (a difficulty or obstacle)
例 One snag is that so far, Web services have turned out to be much harder to deliver than their champions had hoped.
同 hitch
quadrant [ˈkwɑːdrənt]
n. 四分之一圆 (one fourth of the circumference of a circle)
记 词根记忆:quadr(四)+ant→由四个部分组成→四分之一圆
reckless [ˈrekləs]
adj. 鲁莽的 (acting or done with a lack of care or caution; careless or irresponsible)
记 词根记忆:reck(关心,顾虑)+less(无,没有)→毫无顾虑的→鲁莽的
同 daredevil, rash, madcap, temerarious
派 recklessness ( n. 鲁莽,轻率)
hoarder [ˈhɔːrdər]
n. 囤积者 (a person who collects and keeps large amounts of food, money, etc., often secretly)
记 来自hoard ( v. 贮藏)
flippancy [ˈflɪpənsi]
n. 轻率,无礼 (a lack of seriousness often at an improper time)
peculiarity [pɪˌkjuːliˈærəti]
n. 特征 (a notable or distinctive feature or characteristic)
记 词根记忆:peculi(ar)(特殊的)+arity→特征
同 attribute, criterion, diagnostic, differentia, hallmark, particularity
needy [ˈniːdi]
adj. 贫困的 (impoverished)
同 destitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, penurious, threadbare
warble [ˈwɔːrbl]
v. (尤指用颤音高声)唱 (to sing with trills, runs, or quavers)
clique [kliːk]
n. 小集团,小圈子 (a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons)
派 cliquish ( adj. 小集团的)
hypercritical [ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl]
adj. 吹毛求疵的 (excessively critical; captious)
记 词根记忆:hyper(超过)+crit(批评,判断)+ical→批评过头→吹毛求疵的
predation [prɪˈdeɪʃn]
n. 捕食,捕猎行为 (the act of an animal killing and eating other animals)
记 词根记忆:pred(抓,拿)+ation→捕食
unproductive [ˌʌnprəˈdʌktɪv]
adj. 产量少的 (not producing very much) ;效果不佳的 (not producing good results)
记 词根记忆:un(没有)+pro(前,向前)+duct(带来)+ive(…的)→没有成果的→产量少的
例 In science education, it is important to differentiate between inaccurate ideas that are conceptually unproductive and understandings that are inaccurate, and yet can foster learning of more sophisticated understandings.
同 barren
sensation [senˈseɪʃn]
n. 轰动 (very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people) ;感觉 (feeling)
记 词根记忆:sens(感觉)+ation(表行为)→感觉
派 sensational ( adj. 轰动的;引起哗然的);sensationalism ( n. 耸人听闻)
grip [ɡrɪp]
n. 掌握,控制 (ability to function properly or well) ;紧握,紧抓 (the act or manner of holding)
派 gripping ( adj. 引人入胜的)
equanimity [ˌekwəˈnɪməti]
n. 沉着,冷静 (evenness of mind especially under stress)
记 词根记忆:equ(平等)+anim(心神)+ity→冷静
gigantic [dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk]
adj. 巨大的 (extremely large)
记 联想记忆:和giant ( n. 巨人)一起记
pessimistic [ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk]
adj. 悲观的 (a tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view)
同 bearish, defeatist, despairing, downbeat
decay [dɪˈkeɪ]
v. 腐烂 (to be destroyed gradually by natural processes) ;衰败 (to fall into ruin) n. 腐朽 (the process or result of being destroyed by natural causes)
记 联想记忆:和delay ( v. 耽误)一起记
同 deterioration
countermand [ˈkaʊntərmænd]
v. 取消,撤销 (to cancel an order that has been given)
记 词根记忆:counter(相反)+mand(命令)→反命令→撤销
同 annul
hack [hæk]
v. 非法侵入 (to gain illegal access to) ;砍,劈 (to cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows)
tectonic [tekˈtɑːnɪk]
adj. 地壳构造的 (relating to the structure of the Earth’s surface or crust)
派 tectonics ( n. 构造地质学)
clamorous [ˈklæmərəs]
adj. 喧嚷的 (talking loudly or shouting)
记 词根记忆:clam(呼喊,叫喊)+or+ous(多…的)→多喊叫的→喧嚷的
mercenary [ˈmɜːrsəneri]
n. 雇佣兵 (a professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army)
同 hack
evangelist [ɪˈvændʒəlɪst]
n. 布道者 (activist; missionary) ;热情的推动者 (an enthusiastic advocate)
记 联想记忆:ev+angel(天使)+ist(人)→像天使一样布道的人→布道者
reconstitute [ˌriːˈkɑːnstɪtuːt]
v. 重新设立 (to provide with a new structure)
记 联想记忆:re(再,重新)+constitute(建立)→重新设立
同 reconstruct, reorder, reshuffle, retool
snapshot [ˈsnæpʃɑːt]
n. 快照 (a photograph)
记 组合词:snap(抓拍)+shot(照片)→抓拍照片→快照
levity [ˈlevəti]
n. 轻浮 (excessive or unseemly frivolity)
记 词根记忆:lev(举)+ity→轻易就被举起→轻浮
isotope [ˈaɪsətəʊp]
n. 同位素 (one of two or more atoms having the same atomic number but different mass numbers)
记 词根记忆:iso(等,同)+top(位置,地方)+e→同等位置的元素→同位素
搭 heavy isotope 重同位素
hail [heɪl]
v. 赞扬 (to greet with enthusiastic approval)
记 发音记忆:“嘿呦”→向…欢呼→赞扬
同 acclaim
laborious [ləˈbɔːriəs]
adj. 勤劳的 (devoted to labor)
记 词根记忆:labor(劳动)+ious→(付出)大量劳动的→勤劳的
同 arduous
派 laboriously ( adv. 辛苦地)
sparkle [ˈspɑːrkl]
v. 闪烁;闪耀 (glitter)
记 词根记忆:spark(火花)+le→发出火花→闪耀
派 sparkling ( adj. 闪烁的;闪耀的)
fawn [fɔːn]
v. 恭维,讨好 (to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior)
wont [wɔːnt]
adj. 习惯于 (accustomed or used)
搭 be wont to do sth. 习惯于做某事
anodyne [ˈænədaɪn]
adj. 不得罪人的;温和的 (unlikely to cause disagreement or offend anyone)
记 词根记忆:an(不,无)+odyn(痛)+e→止痛药
同 innocuous
anthropomorphize [ˌænθrəpəˈmɔfaɪz]
v. 给(神、动物、物体等)赋予人性 (to ascribe human characteristics to things not human)
记 词根记忆:anthrop(人)+o+morph(形状)+ize→拟人化的
派 anthropomorphism ( n. 拟人化);anthropomorphic ( adj. 拟人化的)
clergy [ˈklɜːrdʒi]
n. 圣职人员,神职人员 (the priests or ministers of a religion)
记 联想记忆:cl(看作clean,净化)+ergy(看作energy,能量)→用信仰的力量净化心灵的人→神职人员
traumatic [trəˈmætɪk]
adj. 痛苦的,极不愉快的 (extremely unpleasant and causing you to feel upset and/or anxious)
记 词根记忆:trauma(痛苦,创伤)+tic(…的)→痛苦的
soothsayer [ˈsuːθseɪər]
n. 占卜者;预言者 (a person who is believed to be able to tell what will happen in the future)
记 组合词:sooth(事实)+sayer(说话的人)→说出事实的人→预言者
atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪr]
n. 大气,大气层 (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth)
记 词根记忆:atmo(气)+sphere(球体)→围绕地球的空气→大气
例 The polar atmosphere is thin, so little energy is required to warm it.
派 atmospheric ( adj. 大气的)
lucubration [ˌluːkjəˈbreɪʃn]
n. 深入研究,刻苦钻研 (laborious study or thought)
记 词根记忆:luc(灯光)+ubr+ation→在灯光下刻苦钻研→刻苦钻研
scaremonger [ˈskermʌŋɡər]
n. 散布恐怖消息的人 (one who spreads frightening rumors; an alarmist)
记 词根记忆:scare(惊吓,恐惧)+monger(贩卖者)→散布恐怖消息的人
lyrical [ˈlɪrɪkl]
adj. 抒情的 (expressing deep personal emotion or observations)
派 lyricist ( n. 歌词作者)
pastoralist [ˈpæstərəlɪst]
n. 牧民 adj. 游牧的 (a person who keeps animals in a way that involves moving them from place to place to find water and food)
记 词根记忆:past(喂养)+or+al+ist(人)→喂牛羊的人→牧民
搭 pastoralist way of life 游牧的生活方式
派 pastoralism ( n. 游牧)
malinger [məˈlɪŋɡər]
v. 装病 (to pretend to be ill/sick in order to avoid duty or work)
记 联想记忆:ma(看作“马”)+linger(逗留)→这匹马装病逗留在马厩→装病
同 goldbrick, shirk
grapple [ˈɡræpl]
v. 努力设法解决 (to try hard to find a solution to a problem)
搭 grapple with 努力应对
layperson [ˈleɪpɜːrsn]
n. 门外汉 (one who is a nonprofessional in a given field) ;非神职人员 (one who is not a cleric)
记 组合词:lay(外行的)+person(人)→门外汉
同 non-specialist
prophetic [prəˈfetɪk]
adj. 先知的,预言的,预示的 (correctly telling of things that will happen in the future)
记 词根记忆:pro(提前)+phe(说)+tic→提前说出来→先知的,预言的
insatiable [ɪnˈseɪʃəbl]
adj. 不知足的,贪得无厌的 (very greedy)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+sati(填满)+able→填不满的→不知足的
compromise [ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz]
v. 妥协 (to settle by concessions) ;危害 (to lay open to danger or disrepute)
记 词根记忆:com(共同)+promise(保证)→相互保证→妥协
ornamental [ˌɔːrnəˈmentl]
adj. 装饰性的 (of, relating to, or serving as ornament)
记 词根记忆:orn(装饰)+ament+al→装饰性的
trenchant [ˈtrentʃənt]
adj. 犀利的,尖锐的 (sharply perceptive; penetrating)
记 联想记忆:trench(沟)+ant→说话像挖沟,入木三分→犀利的
fleet [fliːt]
adj. 快速的 (fast) v. 消磨,疾驰 (to pass or run light and quickly) ;飞逝,掠过 (to fly swiftly)
记 联想记忆:和flee ( v. 逃跑)一起记
派 fleeting ( adj. 短暂的;飞逝的)
prevail [prɪˈveɪl]
v. 战胜 (to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority) ;流行,盛行 (to be frequent)
记 词根记忆:pre(在前面)+vail(看作val,力量)→在力量上胜过他人→战胜
同 conquer, master, predominate, triumph
retain [rɪˈteɪn]
v. 保留,保持 (to keep possession of) ;留住,止住 (to hold in place)
记 词根记忆:re(再)+tain(拿)→一再拿住→保留,保持
awkward [ˈɔːkwərd]
adj. 笨拙的 (ungainly) ;难用的 (difficult to use) ;不便的 (causing inconvenience)
记 发音记忆:“拗口的”→笨拙的;难用的
同 clumsy, gawky, lumbering, lumpish
demur [dɪˈmɜːr]
v. 表示异议,反对 (to object)
记 词根记忆:de(加强)+mur(延迟)→一再拖延→反对
solitary [ˈsɑːləteri]
adj. 孤独的 (without companions) n. 隐士 (recluse)
记 词根记忆:sol(单独)+it(走)+ary→一个人走→孤独的
例 There are no solitary , free-living creatures; every form of life is dependent on other forms.
同 forsaken, lonesome, lorn
histrionic [ˌhɪstriˈɑːnɪk]
adj. 做作的 (deliberately affected) ;戏剧的 (of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater)
记 词根记忆:histrion(演员)+ic→戏剧的;注意不要和historic ( adj. 历史的)相混
同 theatrical, dramatic
anachronistic [əˌnækrəˈnɪstɪk]
adj. 时代错误的 (an error in chronology)
记 词根记忆:ana(错误)+chron(时间)+istic→时代错误的
派 anachronism ( n. 过时的人);anachronistically ( adv. 时间不当地)
solicitous [səˈlɪsɪtəs]
adj. 热切的 (full of desire; eager) ;挂念的 (expressing care or concern)
搭 be solicitous of/for/about 为…操心
disseminate [dɪˈsemɪneɪt]
v. 传播,宣传 (to spread abroad; promulgate widely)
记 词根记忆:dis(分开)+semin(种子)+ate→散布(种子)→传播
imperious [ɪmˈpɪriəs]
adj. 傲慢的,专横的 (overbearing, arrogant)
记 词根记忆:imper(命令)+ious→命令的→专横的
搭 imperious manner 专横的态度
同 magisterial, peremptory
派 imperiously ( adv. 傲慢地;专横地)
trivial [ˈtrɪviəl]
adj. 琐碎的;没有价值的 (concerned with or involving trivia; of little worth)
记 词根记忆:tri(三)+vi(路)+al→三条路的→分支多的→琐碎的
同 paltry, picayune, picayunish, trifling
volatile [ˈvɑːlətl]
adj. 反复无常的 (subject to rapid or unexpected change) ;易挥发的 (readily vaporizable)
记 词根记忆:volat(飞)+ile→飞走的→易挥发的
例 Despite the mixture’s volatile nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize.
同 capricious, fickle, inconstant, mercurial
派 volatility ( n. 挥发性)
denounce [dɪˈnaʊns]
v. 指责 (to accuse publicly)
记 词根记忆:de(向下)+nounc(呼喊)+e→向下喊→指责
例 Although it is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those, who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize spectators for athletic inactivity.
同 lambast
派 denouement ( n. 结局,收场;结果)
suspend [səˈspend]
v. 暂停,中止 (to stop to be inactive or ineffective for a period of time) ;吊,悬 (to hang from above)
记 词根记忆:sus(在下)+pend(挂)→挂在下面→吊,悬
euphemism [ˈjuːfəmɪzəm]
n. 婉言,委婉的说法 (the act or example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive)
记 词根记忆:eu(好的)+phem(讲话)+ism→以好的语言出现→委婉的说法
serendipity [ˌserənˈdɪpəti]
n. 意外发现新奇事物的才能或现象 (the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for)
记 出自18世纪英国作家Horace(荷拉斯)的童话故事 The Three Princes of Serendip ,书中主人公具有随处发现珍宝的本领。
例 Many scientific discoveries are a matter of serendipit y : Newton was not sitting there thinking about gravity when the apple dropped on his head.
halfhearted [ˌhæfˈhɑːrtɪd]
adj. 不认真的,不热心的 (showing little interest, enthusiasm, or heart)
记 组合词:half(半)+heart(心)+ed→只花一半心思的→不认真的
elusive [ɪˈluːsɪv]
adj. 难懂的,难以描述的 (hard to comprehend or define) ;不易被抓获的 (tending to evade grasp or pursuit)
记 词根记忆:e(出)+lus(光)+ive→没有灵光出来的→难懂的
例 The guerrillas were so elusive that the general had to develop various strategies to trap them.
flout [flaʊt]
v. 蔑视 (to mock or scoff at; show scorn or contempt for) ;违抗
记 联想记忆:fl(看作fly,飞)+out(出去)→飞出去→不再服从命令→违抗
同 fleer, gibe, jeer, jest, sneer
quixotic [kwɪkˈsɑːtɪk]
adj. 不切实际的,空想的 (foolishly impractical)
记 来自Don Quixote 《堂·吉诃德》,亦作quixotical
affinity [əˈfɪnəti]
n. 相互吸引 (a mutual attraction between a man and a woman) ;密切关系 (close relationship)
记 词根记忆:af(加强)+fin(范围)+ity→在范围内→密切关系
garrulous [ˈɡærələs]
adj. 唠叨的,多话的 (loquacious, talkative)
同 chatty, conversational, voluble
派 garrulity ( n. 唠叨,饶舌)
obstruct [əbˈstrʌkt]
v. 阻塞(道路、通道等) (to block or close up by an obstacle) ;妨碍,阻挠 (to hinder from passage, action, or operation)
记 词根记忆:ob(反)+struct(建造)→反着建→阻塞
paradigm [ˈpærədaɪm]
n. 范例,示范 (a typical example or archetype)
记 词根记忆:para(旁边)+digm(显示)→在一旁显示→范例,示范
派 paradigmatic ( adj. 典型的;范例的)
antithetical [ˌæntɪˈθetɪkl]
adj. 相反的 (constituting or marked by antithesis) ;对立的 (opposite)
同 contradictory, contrary, converse, counter, reverse
intrepid [ɪnˈtrepɪd]
adj. 勇敢的,刚毅的 (characterized by fearlessness and fortitude)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+trepid(颤抖的)→不颤抖的→勇敢的
obfuscate [ˈɑːbfəskeɪt]
v. 使困惑,使迷惑 (to muddle, confuse, bewilder)
记 词根记忆:ob(加强)+fusc(黑的)+ate→使变成全黑→使困惑,使迷惑
派 obfuscation ( n. 混淆;模糊处理)
extinct [ɪkˈstɪŋkt]
adj. 绝种的,不存在的 (no longer in existence)
记 词根记忆:ex(向外)+tinct(刺)→连根拔起→绝种的
例 Given the ability of modern technology to destroy the environment, it is clear that if we are not careful, the human race may soon be as extinct as the dinosaur.
派 extinction ( n. 消灭,废除)
augment [ɔːɡˈment]
v. 提高,增加 (to become greater; increase)
记 词根记忆:aug(增加)+ment→提高,增加
同 enlarge, expand, heighten, mount, wax
inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]
v. 阻止 (to prohibit from doing something) ;抑制 (to hold in check)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+hibit(拿)→不许拿→阻止;抑制
同 bridle, constrain, withhold
avid [ˈævɪd]
adj. 渴望的 (having an intense craving) ;热心的 (eager)
搭 be avid for 渴望
派 avidity ( n. 渴望;欲望)
fervent [ˈfɜːrvənt]
adj. 炙热的 (very hot) ;热情的 (exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling)
nostalgia [nəˈstældʒə]
n. 思乡 (the state of being homesick) ;怀旧之情 (a sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period)
记 词根记忆:nost(家)+alg(痛)+ia→想家想到心痛→思乡
例 The documentary film about high school life was so realistic and evocative that feelings of nostalgia flooded over the college-age audience.
pseudonym [ˈsuːdənɪm]
n. 假名,笔名 (a fictitious name, especially penname)
记 词根记忆:pseudo(假)+nym(名字)→假名
派 pseudonymous ( adj. 假名的;用笔名写的)
apprehensive [ˌæprɪˈhensɪv]
adj. 害怕的 (anxious or fearful that sth. bad or unpleasant will happen) ;敏悟的 (capable of apprehending or quick to do so)
记 词根记忆:ap+prehen(看作prehend,抓住)+sive→抓住不放→(因为)害怕的
seminal [ˈsemɪnl]
adj. 有创意的 (creative)
记 词根记忆:semin(种)+al→种子的→有创意的
truculent [ˈtrʌkjələnt]
adj. 残暴的,凶狠的 (feeling or displaying ferocity; cruel)
记 词根记忆:truc(凶猛)+ulent→残暴的,凶狠的
abstract [ˈæbstrækt]
n. 摘要 (summary) adj. 抽象的 (disassociated from any specific instance)
记 词根记忆:abs(离开)+tract(拉)→从文章中拉出→摘要
搭 an abstract sense of the concept 对概念抽象的理解
派 abstraction ( n. 抽象概念,抽象)
contradict [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkt]
v. 反驳,驳斥 (to affirm the contrary of a statement, etc.)
记 词根记忆:contra(反)+dict(说话,断言)→说反话→反驳
派 contradictory ( adj. 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的)
summary [ˈsʌməri]
n. 摘要,概要 (an abstract; abridgment) adj. 摘要的,简略的 (converting the main points succinctly)
记 词根记忆:sum(总和)+mary→摘要,概要
同 epitome, recapitulation
contemporary [kənˈtempəreri]
adj. 同时代的 (simultaneous) ;当代的;现代的 (modern, current)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+tempor(时间)+ary(人)→同时代的人→同时代的
搭 contemporary art 现代艺术
pragmatic [præɡˈmætɪk]
adj. 实际的 (relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters) ;务实的,注重实效的 (practical as opposed to idealistic) ;实用主义的 (of or relating to pragmatism)
记 词根记忆:pragm(行为)+atic→以行动为最重的→实用主义的
例 Although skeptics say financial problems will probably prevent our establishing a base on the Moon, supporters of the project remain enthusiastic, saying that human curiosity should overcome such pragmatic constraints.
派 pragmatism ( n. 实用主义);pragmatist ( n. 实用主义者)
speculate [ˈspekjuleɪt]
v. 沉思,思索 (to meditate on or ponder) ;投机 (to assume a business risk in hope of gain)
记 词根记忆:spec(看)+ulate(做)→看得多想得也多→思索
banal [bəˈnɑːl]
adj. 乏味的,陈腐的 (dull or stale; commonplace; insipid)
记 联想记忆:ban(禁止)+al→应该禁止的→陈腐的
同 bland, flat, sapless, vapid
forestall [fɔːrˈstɔːl]
v. 预先阻止,先发制人 (to hinder by doing sth. ahead of time; prevent)
记 组合词:fore(前面)+stall(停止)→预先阻止
同 deter, forfend, obviate, preclude
inimical [ɪˈnɪmɪkl]
adj. 敌意的,不友善的 (hostile, unfriendly)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+im(爱)+ical→不爱的→敌意的,不友善的
exacting [ɪɡˈzæktɪŋ]
adj. 需要付出很大努力的;要求严格的 (making severe demands; requiring great care, effort, or attention)
记 词根记忆:ex(表加强)+act(做)+ing(…的)→努力做的→需要付出很大努力的
同 rigorous, demanding
aridity [əˈrɪdəti]
n. 干旱 (excessively dry)
记 词根记忆:ar(干的)+id(有…性质的)+ity(表名词)→干旱