音 频
malodorous [ˌmælˈəʊdərəs]
adj. 恶臭的 (having an unpleasant smell)
记 词根记忆:mal(坏,恶)+odor(气味)→恶臭的
同 noisome
派 malodor ( n. 恶臭;臭气)
limpid [ˈlɪmpɪd]
adj. 清澈的 (marked by transparency) ;清晰的 (clear and simple in style)
同 pellucid
contour [ˈkɑːntʊr]
n. 外形;轮廓 (the outer edges of something; the outline of its shape or form)
记 联想记忆:con(表加强)+tour(转)→转一圈,就知道大概外形了→外形
divest [daɪˈvest]
v. 使脱去 (to remove clothes) ;丢弃 (to get rid of something) ;使摆脱 (to take something away from someone/something)
记 词根记忆:di(分开)+vest(穿衣服)→脱去(衣服)→使脱去
同 strip
malign [məˈlaɪn]
v. 中伤 (to make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about)
记 词根记忆:mal(坏,恶)+ign→恶意的
bypass [ˈbaɪpæs]
v. 绕过,避开 (to go around or avoid a place)
记 词根记忆:by(在旁边)+pass(通道)→从旁边通道走过→绕过
同 circumvent, skirt
ebullient [ɪˈbʌliənt]
adj. 充满自信的,热情洋溢的 (full of confidence, energy and good humor)
记 词根记忆:e(向外)+bulli(冒泡)+ent(…的)→向外冒泡的→热情洋溢的
agglomerate [əˈɡlɑːməreɪt]
v. (使)成团,聚结 (to form into a mass or group)
记 词根记忆:ag(表加强)+glomer(球)+ate(使…)→使团成一个球→(使)成团
megalomania [ˌmeɡələˈmeɪniə]
n. 自大狂 (a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur)
记 词根记忆:megalo(自大的)+mania(发狂)→自大狂
派 megalomaniacal ( adj. 自大狂的)
foreground [ˈfɔːrɡraʊnd]
v. 强调,突出 (to indicate the importance of by centering attention on)
记 联想记忆:fore(前面)+ground(地面)→前面的地面比较显眼→突出
glut [ɡlʌt]
n. 过量 (an excessive quantity)
记 联想记忆:胶水(glue)用过量(glut)了
同 surfeit, plethora
派 glutton ( n. 贪吃者;吃得过多的人;饕餮)
metamorphose [ˌmetəˈmɔːrfəʊz]
v. (使)变形 (to change into a different physical form especially by supernatural means)
记 词根记忆:meta(改变)+morph(形状)+ose→(使)变形
同 transform, transmute
sophistic [səˈfɪstɪk]
adj. 诡辩的 (of, relating to, or characteristic of sophists)
记 词根记忆:soph(聪明)+istic→聪明的人擅诡辩→诡辩的
派 sophisticate ( v. 使…精致;使老于世故)
persona [pərˈsəʊnə]
n. 表面形象 (one’s public image or personality, as distinguished from the inner self)
搭 public persona 公共形象
retrograde [ˈretrəɡreɪd]
adj. 倒退的 (moving or tending backward)
记 词根记忆:retro(向后)+grad(步,级)+e→倒退的
同 backward, receding, regressive
disquisition [ˌdɪskwɪˈzɪʃn]
n. 专题演讲,专题报告 (a formal inquiry into or discussion of a subject)
记 词根记忆:dis(分开)+quis(询问)+ition→到处问,最终输出一份专题报告→专题报告
symbiotic [ˌsɪmbaɪˈɑːtɪk]
adj. 共生的 (characterized by or being a close, cooperative, or interdependent relationship)
记 词根记忆:sym(共同)+bio(生命)+tic(…的)→共生的
搭 symbiotic relationship 共生关系
flummox [ˈflʌməks]
vt. 使困惑,使糊涂 (to confuse)
同 confound
plutocratic [ˌplʊtəˈkrætɪk]
adj. 财阀的 (of or relating to or characteristic of a plutocrat)
记 词根记忆:pluto(财富)+crat(统治)+ic(…的)→统治财富的→财阀的
搭 plutocratic society 财阀社会
loquacious [ˌləˈkweɪʃəs]
adj. 话多的 (very talkative)
记 词根记忆:loqu(说话)+acious(多…的)→话多的
同 garrulous, chatty, gabby, talkative, voluble
magisterial [ˌmædʒɪˈstɪriəl]
adj. 权威的 (having or showing power or authority)
记 来自拉丁语magister“行政长官”
lucid [ˈluːsɪd]
adj. 易懂的 (clearly expressed; easily understood) ;有光亮的 (suffused with light) ;神志清醒的 (thinking or expressing oneself clearly; clearheaded)
记 词根记忆:luc(照亮)+id→照亮的→有光亮的
派 lucidity ( n. 清晰;清醒)
insensible [ɪnˈsensəbl]
adj. 无知觉的 (incapable or bereft of feeling or sensation)
记 联想记忆:in(不,非)+sensible(有感觉的)→无知觉的
派 insensitive ( adj. 未意识到的,漠不关心的)
kindred [ˈkɪndrəd]
adj. 类似的 (of a similar nature or character) n. 亲属,家人
同 alike, identical
resolve [rɪˈzɑːlv]
v. 解决 (to find a solution to) ;决定 (to cause to reach a decision) n. 决心 (a determination or decision)
记 词根记忆:re(重新)+solv(松开)+e→重新放松→解决
派 resolute ( adj. 坚决的);resolution ( n. 决议;正式决定)
exile [ˈeksaɪl]
v. 流放,放逐 (to force to leave a country) n. 流亡,放逐 (the period of self-imposed absence from one’s country or home)
记 联想记忆:ex(出)+i+le(音似“了”)→出国了→放逐,流放
preeminence [ˌpriːˈemɪnəns]
n. 卓越,杰出 (the quality or state of being preeminent)
记 词根记忆:pre(在前)+e(向外)+min(伸出,突出)+ence→在前面表现突出的→杰出
派 preeminent ( adj. 卓越的)
deflate [dɪˈfleɪt]
v. 放气 (to release contained air or gas from) ;使缩小,使减少 (to reduce or lessen the size or importance of)
记 词根记忆:de(去掉)+flat(吹)+e→不吹了→放气
例 The preliminary analysis being on the whole, reassuring its confirmation would deflate concerns about the dangers of project.
同 soothe
peccadillo [ˌpekəˈdɪləʊ]
n. 过失 (a small sin or fault)
例 People who are reluctant to oppose a court nominee straightforwardly on ideological grounds often search for any sort of peccadillo to serve as a pretext for their opposition.
malignant [məˈlɪɡnənt]
adj. 恶性的,致命的 (tending to produce death or deterioration)
记 词根记忆:mali(坏,恶)+gn(出生)+ant(具有…性质的)→恶性的
concoct [kənˈkɑːkt]
v. 调制 (to make something by mixing different things) ;编造 (make up)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+coct(煮)→放到一起煮→调制
manuscript [ˈmænjuskrɪpt]
n. 手稿;原稿 (a handwritten or typed document, especially a writer’s first version of a book)
记 词根记忆:manu(手)+script(写)→手稿
cowardice [ˈkaʊərdɪs]
n. 胆小,懦弱 (fear or lack of courage)
记 联想记忆:coward(胆小鬼)+ice(表性质)→胆小
shackle [ˈʃækl]
v. 束缚 (to restrict, confine, or hamper)
例 The uniquely human ability to rethink and revise our social arrangements is a weird blessing, allowing us to create systems that are as likely to shackle us as to liberate us.
同 trammel
faction [ˈfækʃn]
n. 派系 (a group of people acting together within a larger group)
记 词根记忆:fac(做)+tion→一帮人一起做→派系
appealing [əˈpiːlɪŋ]
adj. 有吸引力的 (attractive, interesting)
记 词根记忆:ap(加强)+peal(看作pel,推动)+ing(…的)→有动力去推的→有吸引力的
派 appealingly ( adv. 吸引人地)
inexpressible [ˌɪnɪkˈspresəbl]
adj. 难以言传的 (impossible to express)
记 联想记忆:in(不)+expressible (可形容的)→不可形容的→难以言传的
encomium [enˈkəʊmiəm]
n. 赞词,颂词 (glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise)
记 词根记忆:en(进入…之中)+com(宴会)+ium→在宴会中发表赞词→赞词
同 tribute
mockery [ˈmɑːkəri]
n. 嘲笑 (scornfully contemptuous ridicule; derision)
同 derision
combustion [kəmˈbʌstʃən]
n. 燃烧 (an act or instance of burning)
记 词根记忆:com(加强)+bust(燃烧)+ion→燃烧
例 The world is at present accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from two well-known sources: the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation.
ramification [ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]
n. 结果,后果 (consequence)
记 来自ramify ( n. 分支,分叉),引申词义“后果”,特指难以预料的结果。
degenerate [dɪˈdʒenəreɪt]
v. 退化,恶化 (to become worse)
记 词根记忆:de(向下)+gener(产生)+ate(做)→生产质量逐渐变差→退化
派 degenerative ( adj. 退化的)
mandatory [ˈmændətɔːri]
adj. 强制的 (required or commanded by authority)
记 词根记忆:mand(命令)+atory→命令性的→强制的
同 compulsory, imperative, incumbent, involuntary, obligatory
underpin [ˌʌndərˈpɪn]
v. 加强,巩固 (to support from below)
记 组合词:under(在下面)+pin(别针,固定)→在下面用别针再固定一下→加强
disregard [ˌdɪsrɪˈɡɑːrd]
v. 不理会,漠视 (to pay no attention to; treat as unworthy of regard or notice)
记 词根记忆:dis(否定)+regard(关注)→不关注→不理会
同 defy
telling [ˈtelɪŋ]
adj. 有效的,显著的 (effective)
搭 the most telling evidence 最有力的证据
meager [ˈmiːɡər]
adj. 数量很少的 (deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent)
同 insufficient, paltry
assumption [əˈsʌmpʃn]
n. 假设 (something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof)
记 词根记忆:as(表加强)+sumpt(拿)+ion→假设是有人拿走了→假设
例 Unlike herbivores and omnivores, predators have traditionally been thought not to balance nutrient intake because of the assumption that animal tissue as a food source varies little and is nutritionally balanced.
同 supposition
contingent [kənˈtɪndʒənt]
adj. 依情况而定的 (depending on something that may or may not happen)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+ting(接触)+ent(…的)→(根据)大家接触到的情况而定→依条件而定的
同 circumstantial
decadent [ˈdekədənt]
adj. 堕落的,贪图享乐的 (low moral standards and are interested mainly in pleasure)
记 词根记忆:de(向下)+cad(落下)+ent(…的)→堕落的
nomenclature [ˈnəʊmənkleɪtʃər]
n. (尤指某学科的)命名法 (the act or process or an instance of naming)
记 词根记忆:nomen(名字)+clat(呼叫)+ure→命名法
meretricious [ˌmerəˈtrɪʃəs]
adj. 俗气的 (attracting attention in a vulgar manner)
同 gaudy, tawdry
scenario [səˈnæriəʊ]
n. 设想;场景 (one of several possible situations that could exist in the future)
cachet [kæˈʃeɪ]
n. 威信,声望 (a special quality that people admire and approve of)
记 联想记忆:要抓住(catch)你的声望(cachet),不要轻易失去
同 prestige
sterling [ˈstɜːrlɪŋ]
adj. 优秀的,杰出的 (of excellent quality)
搭 sterling reputation 卓越的声誉
yield [jiːld]
v. 屈服,让步 (to concede) ;产生,提供 (to produce or furnish as return)
搭 yield to 屈服;让步
同 succumb; engender, output
meticulous [məˈtɪkjələs]
adj. 小心谨慎的 (showing or acting with extreme care and concern for details)
同 thorough, painstaking
psychiatry [ˌsaɪˈkaɪətri]
n. 精神病学 (a branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders)
记 词根记忆:psych(精神)+iatry(治疗)→精神病学
派 psychiatric ( adj. 精神病的;精神病学的)
deadpan [ˈdedpæn]
adj. 面无表情的 (without any expression or emotion)
记 组合词:dead(无生气的)+pan(俚语指“脸”)→脸上没有生气的→面无表情的
搭 deadpan dialogue 面无表情的对话
personable [ˈpɜːrsənəbl]
adj. 英俊潇洒的 (pleasing in appearance; attractive)
记 来自person ( n. 人)
同 alluring, appealing, captivating, charismatic, enchanting
transmogrify [ˌtrænzˈmɑːɡrɪfaɪ]
v. 使完全改变 (to change thoroughly)
mediocre [ˌmiːdiˈəʊkər]
adj. 普通的 (of ordinary or undistinguished quality)
同 average, commonplace, medium, ordinary
chronology [krəˈnɑːlədʒi]
n. 年表 (a list of these events in order)
记 词根记忆:chron(时间)+ology(…学)→按照时间记录→年表
overextend [ˌəʊvərɪkˈstend]
v. 过分扩展 (to extend or expand beyond a safe or reasonable point)
记 组合词:over(过度,过分)+extend(扩展)→过分扩展
vociferous [vəʊˈsɪfərəs]
adj. 喧嚣的,大叫大嚷的 (expressing your opinions or feelings in a loud and confident way)
记 词根记忆:voci(看作voc,声音)+fer(带来)+ous→带来声音的→喧闹的
同 blatant, clamorous
派 vociferously ( adv. 喊叫地,吵闹地)
morphology [mɔːrˈfɑːlədʒi]
n. 形态学 (a study of structure or form)
记 词根记忆:morph(形状)+ology(…学)→形态学
搭 architectural morphology 建筑形态学
bisect [baɪˈsekt]
vt. 平分,二等分 (to divide into two usually equal parts)
记 词根记忆:bi(二,两)+sect(切)→切成两半→平分
untether [ʌnˈteðər]
v. 脱离 (to disconnect) ;从系绳(或系链)上解下,放开 (to free from restraints)
记 词根记忆:un(解开)+tether(栓绳)→从系绳(或系链)上解下
同 divorce
vaccinate [ˈvæksɪneɪt]
v. 给…接种疫苗 (to administer a vaccine to usually by injection)
记 来自vaccine( n. 疫苗)
搭 vaccinate sb. against sth. 给某人接种疫苗以预防某种疾病
例 In the years prior to the Civil War, Philadelphia’s African American press encourage readers to be vaccinated against smallpox.
sacrosanct [ˈsækrəʊsæŋkt]
adj. 神圣不容更改的 (regarded as sacred and inviolable)
同 hallowed, holy, inviolable, sacred, unassailable
cataclysm [ˈkætəklɪzəm]
n. 大灾难,大动乱 (a sudden disaster or a violent event)
记 词根记忆:cata(向下)+clys(猛冲)+m→向下猛冲→大洪水→大灾难
派 cataclysmic( adj. 灾难性的)
inextricable [ˌɪnɪkˈstrɪkəbl]
adj. 无法分开的 (incapable of being disentangled or untied)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+ex(向外)+tric(琐事)+able(可分开的)→无法从琐事中脱身→无法分开的
派 inextricably ( adv. 密不可分地)
minute [maɪˈnuːt]
adj. 极小的 (very small)
搭 minute detail细节
同 inconsiderable, insignificant, little, minor, negligible, nugatory, slight, trifling
permafrost [ˈpɜːrməfrɔːst]
n. 永冻层,(寒带)永冻土层 (permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas)
记 缩写自permanent frost“永久性霜冻”
bombardment [bɑːmˈbɑːrdmənt]
n. 轰炸 (a continuous attack on a place with guns or bombs)
记 词根记忆:bomb(炸弹)+ard(烧)+ment→用炸弹烧→轰炸
例 It has been estimated that without this shield, Earth would have experienced bombardment by comet-sized impactors a thousand times more frequently than has actually been recorded during geological time.
castigation [ˌkæstɪˈɡeɪʃn]
n. 惩罚;谴责 (severe criticism of somebody or something)
记 词根记忆:cast(纯洁的)+ig(去做)+ation→采取措施,使其恢复纯洁→惩治,谴责
discontinue [ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː]
v. 停止,中断 (to break the continuity of) ;停产 (to stop making a product)
记 联想记忆:dis(不)+continue(继续)→不继续→中断
派 discontinuity ( n. 不连贯;不连续)
mimic [ˈmɪmɪk]
v. 模仿 (to imitate closely)
记 来自mime ( n. 模仿)
同 camouflage, replicate
cloak [kləʊk]
v. 掩盖 (to cover or hide something)
记 联想记忆:时钟(clock)被斗篷(cloak)遮盖住了
undue [ˌʌnˈduː]
adj. 不适当的 (not just, proper, or legal) ;过分的 (excessive)
记 词根记忆:un(不)+due(合适的)→不适当的
vernacular [vərˈnækjələr]
n. 方言,土语 (the language spoken by ordinary people in a particular country or region)
同 dialect
backhanded [ˌbækˈhændɪd]
adj. 间接的;拐弯抹角的 (having a meaning that is not directly or clearly expressed)
记 联想记忆:back(向后)+hand(手)+ed→把手背在后面,不直接给对方看→拐弯抹角的
同 roundabout
verisimilitude [ˌverɪsɪˈmɪlɪtuːd]
n. 貌似真实;逼真 (the quality of appearing to be true or real)
记 词根记忆:veri(真实)+simil(一样)+itude→看起来一样真实→貌似真实
同 realism
categorical [ˌkætəˈgɔːrɪkl]
adj. 明确的,绝对的 (absolute)
记 来自category ( n. 种类)
同 definite, unalloyed
派 categorically ( adv. 绝对地;直截了当地)
anthropology [ˌænθrəˈpɑːlədʒi]
n. 人类学 (the scientific study of humans)
记 词根记忆:anthrop(人)+ology(…学)→人类学
例 Anthropology should stop striving to build a better database about cultural behavior and should turn to developing a more humanistic interpretation of cultures.
派 anthropologist ( n. 人类学家);anthropological ( adj. 人类学的)
declamatory [dɪˈklæmətɔːri]
adj. 慷慨陈词的 (expressing feelings or opinions in a strong way)
记 词根记忆:de(表加强)+clam(叫喊)+atory→说话时大声喊叫的→慷慨陈词的
ad hoc [ˌæd ˈhɑːk]
adj. 特别的 (formed for or concerned with one specific purpose) ;临时的 (improvised and often impromptu)
budding [ˈbʌdɪŋ]
adj. 开始发展的,崭露头角的 (being in an early stage of development)
记 来自bud ( n. 芽;苞)
同 nascent
laconic [ləˈkɑːnɪk]
adj. 简洁的 (using or marked by the use of few words)
记 来自斯巴达人居住的地方laconia(拉科尼亚),因为斯巴达人说话简洁,人们就用形容词laconic(拉科尼亚式的)来表示“简洁的”。
同 terse, curt
enigmatic [ˌenɪɡˈmætɪk]
adj. 神秘的 (mysterious) ;令人困惑的 (puzzling)
同 perplexing
loath [ləʊθ]
adj. 不情愿的 (unwilling or reluctant; disinclined)
同 disinclined, indisposed, reluctant
magnanimous [mæɡˈnænɪməs]
adj. 宽宏大量的 (showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit)
记 词根记忆:magn(大)+anim(精神;心神)+ous→宽宏大量的
派 magnanimity ( n. 宽宏大量)
astringent [əˈstrɪndʒənt]
adj. 严厉的 (critical in a severe or clever way)
记 词根记忆:a(表加强)+string(拉紧)+ent(…的)→拉得非常紧的→严厉的
catastrophic [ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk]
adj. 灾难性的 (disastrous)
记 词根记忆:cata(下去)+stroph(e)(转)+ic→彻底翻转、颠覆→天翻地覆→灾难性的
搭 catastrophic events 灾难性事件
anatomy [əˈnætəmi]
n. (动植物的)结构,解剖 (structural makeup especially of an organism or any of its parts)
记 词根记忆:ana(在旁边)+tom(切)+y→切开→解剖
派 anatomically ( adv. 解剖学上);anatomize ( v. 剖析)
trifling [ˈtraɪflɪŋ]
adj. 琐碎的;微不足道的 (of little worth or importance)
记 来自trifle ( n. 小事,琐碎)
同 trivial
consilience [kənˈsɪliəns]
n. 符合,一致 (the agreement of two or more inductions drawn from different sets of data)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+sili(跳)+ence→一起跳→一致
sediment [ˈsediment]
n. 沉淀物 (the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid)
搭 marine sediments 海洋沉积物
rapacity [rəˈpæsəti]
n. 掠夺;贪婪 (greed)
记 词根记忆:rap(e)(掠夺)+acity→掠夺
sketchy [ˈsketʃi]
adj. 粗略的,概略的 (rough)
记 联想记忆:sketch(梗概,轮廓)+y(…的)→给出大概轮廓的→粗略的
例 Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is sketchy .
maelstrom [ˈmeɪlstrəm]
n. 混乱 (a violent or turbulent situation) ;大漩涡 (a whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence)
同 vortex, whirlpool
necessitate [nəˈsesɪteɪt]
v. 使成为必要 (to make necessary or unavoidable)
记 来自necessary ( adj. 必要的,必需的)
retinue [ˈretənuː]
n. 随行人员 (the retainers or attendants accompanying a high-ranking person)
同 entourage, followers
slapdash [ˈslæpdæʃ]
adj. 仓促马虎的 (careless)
记 组合词:slap(拍,掴)+dash(猛冲)→猛冲过去拍→毛躁的
同 slipshod
unerring [ʌnˈɜːrɪŋ]
adj. 万无一失的 (unfailing)
记 词根记忆:un(不)+err(错误)+ing(…的)→不犯错误的→万无一失的
同 settled
synergy [ˈsɪnərdʒi]
n. 协同作用 (combined action or operation)
记 词根记忆:syn(共同)+erg(工作)+y→一起工作→协同作用
trumpet [ˈtrʌmpɪt]
v. 大肆宣扬 (to talk about something publicly in a proud or enthusiastic way)
probabilistic [ˌprɑːbəbəˈlɪstɪk]
adj. 基于概率的 (of, relating to, or based on probabilism)
记 来自probability ( n. 概率)
mercurial [mɜːrˈkjʊriəl]
adj. 多变的 (characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood)
同 volatile, inconstant
tactful [ˈtæktfl]
adj. 圆滑的;得体的,不得罪人的 (considerate and discreet)
记 词根记忆:tact(得体)+ful(…的)→得体
同 diplomatic
派 tactless ( adj. 言行不得体的;得罪人的)
retroactive [ˌretrəʊˈæktɪv]
adj. (决定或行为)有追溯效力的 (influencing or applying to a period prior to enactment)
记 词根记忆:retro(向后,往回)+ active(有效力的)→往回(追溯)有效力→有追溯效力的
派 retroactively ( adv. 追溯地)
decode [diːˈkəʊd]
v. 解(码);破译(尤指密码) (to discover the underlying meaning of)
记 词根记忆:de(去掉)+code(密码)→去掉密码→破译
erroneous [ɪˈrəʊniəs]
adj. 错误的 (not correct)
记 词根记忆:err(错误)+one+ous(…的)→错误的
同 inaccurate
purview [ˈpɜːrvjuː]
n. (组织或活动的)范围,权限 (the general scope and coverage of an organization or activity)
记 词根记忆:pur(穿过)+view(看)→在视线所及的范围之内→范围
immaterial [ˌɪməˈtɪriəl]
adj. 不重要的 (of no importance or relevance) ;无形体的 (having no material body or form)
记 联想记忆:im(不)+material(物质的,重要的)→无形体的,不重要的
同 inconsequential
unassailable [ˌʌnəˈseɪləbl]
adj. 不容置疑的 (not liable to doubt, attack, or question)
记 词根记忆:un(不)+assail(攻击)+able(可…的)→不可攻击的→不可战胜的
例 Although the claim that no one knows what dark matter is remains unassailable , some scientists dispute the parallel assertion that dark matter has not been detected.
同 sound
maudlin [ˈmɔːdlɪn]
adj. 伤感的 (effusively sad or full of self-pity; extremely sentimental)
同 lachrymose, mawkish, mushy, overemotional, sentimental, tearful
largesse [lɑːrˈdʒes]
n. 慷慨解囊 (liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior) ;赠款 (money or gifts bestowed)
boorish [ˈbʊrɪʃ]
adj. 粗鲁讨厌的,粗野的 (very unpleasant and rude)
记 来自boor ( n. 粗鲁讨厌的人)
同 churlish
quirky [ˈkwɜːrki]
adj. 古怪的 (odd or unpredictable in appearance, character, or behaviour)
同 unconventional
antediluvian [ˌæntidɪˈluːviən]
adj. 陈旧的;过时的 (old, old-fashioned) ;大洪水之前的 (occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood)
记 词根记忆:ante(在…之前)+diluvi(大洪水)+an(…的)→大洪水之前的
同 archaic
unruly [ʌnˈruːli]
adj. 难以控制的,难以驾驭的 (difficult to control or manage)
派 unruliness ( n. 任性)
seizure [ˈsiːʒər]
n. 夺取,占领 (the act of using force to take control of a country, town, etc.)
记 来自seize ( v. 夺取,占领)
conceal [kənˈsiːl]
v. 隐藏,掩盖 (hide)
记 词根记忆:con(表加强)+ceal(隐藏)→隐藏,隐瞒
同 cache
avowal [əˈvaʊəl]
n. 声明,公开宣布 (an open declaration or acknowledgment)
记 词根记忆:a(表加强)+vow(承诺)+al→在公众面前承诺→公开宣布
同 avouchment, assertion
派 avow ( v. 承认;宣布);disavowal ( n. 否定,否认)
exponentially [ˌekspəˈnenʃəli]
adv. 迅速增长地,成倍数增长地 (in a way that becomes faster and faster)
记 来自exponent ( n. 指数)
mesmerize [ˈmezməraɪz]
vt. 迷住,吸引 (to spellbind; enthrall)
记 来自18世纪70年代,奥地利医生麦斯梅尔(Mesmer),他提出了以催眠来治疗精神病的治疗法。
scholarly [ˈskɒləli]
adj. 好学的 (learned) ;学术的 (academic)
记 来自scholar ( n. 学者)
例 Despite the great scholarly gains made behind the rallying cry, herstory’s popular myth — particularly about the lack of women who have recorded history — require revision.
spiteful [ˈspaɪtfl]
adj. 恶意的;居心不良的 (behaving in an unkind way)
记 来自spite ( n. 恶意)
同 malicious
ministration [ˌmɪnɪsˈtreɪʃn]
n. 帮助 (the act or process of serving or aiding)
记 来自拉丁语ministrer“服务”
apprehend [ˌæprɪˈhend]
v. 逮捕;拘押 (to catch someone and arrest them)
记 词根记忆:ap(表加强)+prehend(抓)→(被)抓住→逮捕
派 apprehension ( n. 忧虑;担心;逮捕)
hindsight [ˈhaɪndsaɪt]
n. 事后聪明,事后的领悟 (perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred)
记 组合词:hind(后面的)+ sight(看)→事后才看见→事后聪明
multitudinous [ˌmʌltɪˈtuːdɪnəs]
adj. 大量的 (very numerous; existing in great numbers)
记 来自multitude ( n. 许多,大量)
同 numerous, beaucoup, multifold
braggadocio [ˌbræɡəˈdəʊtʃiəʊ]
n. 傲慢;自负 (behaviour that seems too proud or confident)
记 联想记忆:brag(吹牛)+ga+do(做)+cio(首席信息官)→傲慢的首席信息官吹牛说找到Lady Gaga做代言→傲慢
demonize [ˈdiːmənaɪz]
v. 把…描绘成魔鬼(或危险人物等);将…妖魔化 (to convince someone that a person is evil)
记 来自demon ( n. 魔鬼)
派 demonization ( n. 妖魔化)
pedagogue [ˈpedəɡɑːɡ]
n. 教师 (a schoolteacher; an educator)
记 词根记忆:ped(儿童;教育)+agog(引导)+ue→引导并教育的人→教师
搭 instructor, preceptor
派 pedagogical ( adj. 教学法的)
canned [kænd]
adj. 无新意的 (used repeatedly with little or no change) ;罐装的,听装的 (preserved in a can)
记 来自can ( n. 罐)
同 formulaic
maladroit [ˌmæləˈdrɔɪt]
adj. 笨拙的 (lacking adroitness)
记 词根记忆:mal(坏,不良)+adroit(灵巧的)→不灵巧的→笨拙的
同 awkward, bumbling, clumsy, fumbled, gauche, heavy-handed
alluvial [əˈluːviəl]
adj. 冲积的,淤积的 (of, relating to, or found in alluvium)
记 词根记忆:al(表加强)+luv(洗,冲洗)+ial→冲积的
detritus [dɪˈtraɪtəs]
n. 残余物 (disintegrated or eroded matter; debris)
记 联想记忆:de(向下)+trit(摩擦)+us→向下摩擦产生的物质→残余物
同 debris, residue
disgorge [dɪsˈɡɔːrdʒ]
v. 大量涌出,倾泻出 (to pour something out in large quantities)
记 词根记忆:dis(分离)+gorg(喉)+e→与喉咙分离→呕出→大量涌出
同 eject, belch
detached [dɪˈtætʃt]
adj. 单独的 (not joined to another house on either side) ;冷漠的 (indifferent) ;客 观的 (impartial)
记 词根记忆:de(表否定)+tach(钉)+ed→不钉在一起的→单独的
migratory [ˈmaɪɡrətɔːri]
adj. 迁徙的 (characterized by migration; undergoing periodic migration)
记 来自migrate ( v. 迁徙)
同 mobile, nomadic
seditious [sɪˈdɪʃəs]
adj. 煽动性的 (intended to encourage people to oppose a government)
记 词根记忆:sed(坐)+it(走)+ious(…的)→让坐着的人走起来→煽动性的
同 agitational, instigative, provocative
magnify [ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ]
v. 放大 (enlarge) ,扩大;增强;夸大
记 词根记忆:magni(大)+fy(使)→放大
派 magnificent ( adj. 壮丽的)
germane [dʒɜːrˈmeɪn]
adj. 有密切关系的,恰当的 (relevant)
记 词根记忆:germ(种子)+ane(…的)→同种的→关系密切的
同 apposite
rehash [ˌriːˈhæʃ]
v. 重复 (to talk over or discuss again) ;老调重弹 (to present or use again in another form without substantial change or improvement)
antelope [ˈæntɪləʊp]
n. 羚类动物 (an African or Asian animal, like a deer)
记 联想记忆:源于拉丁语ant(h)alus,表示“鹿或野牛”
bemoan [bɪˈməʊn]
v. 哀怨,悲叹 (to express deep grief or distress over)
记 词根记忆:be(使…)+moan(抱怨)→哀怨
shelve [ʃelv]
v. 搁置,停止(计划) (to decide not to continue with a plan)
记 来自shelf ( n. 搁板,架子)
同 delay, remit, defer
prodigy [ˈprɑːdədʒi]
n. 天才 (a person with exceptional talents or powers)
同 genius
kinetic [kɪˈnetɪk]
adj. 运动的 (relating to or exhibiting kinesis) ;运动引起的 (of, relating to, or produced by motion)
记 来自kinesis ( n. 运动)