音 频
extraneous [ɪkˈstreɪniəs]
adj. 外来的 (coming from outside) ;无关的 (not pertinent)
记 词根记忆:extra(外面)+neous→外来的
analogous [əˈnæləɡəs]
adj. 相似的,可比拟的
搭 be analogous to 与…相似
同 akin, comparable, corresponding, parallel, undifferentiated
派 analogue ( n. 相似物;类似事情)
deft [deft]
adj. 灵巧的,熟练的 (skillful in a quick, sure, and easy way; dexterous)
同 adroit, handy, nimble
supple [ˈsʌpl]
adj. 柔软的,灵活的 (readily adaptable or responsive to new situations) ;柔顺的, 顺从的
同 flexible, limber, pliable
incompatible [ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl]
adj. 无法和谐共存的,不相容的 (not able to exist in harmony or agreement)
记 联想记忆:in(不)+compatible(和谐共存的)→无法和谐共存的,不相容的
搭 be incompatible with 与…不相容
同 dissonant, incongruent, incongruous, inconsonant
obligatory [əˈblɪɡətɔːri]
adj. 强制性的,义不容辞的 (binding in law or conscience)
同 compulsory, imperative, mandatory
robust [rəʊˈbʌst]
adj. 健壮的 (having or exhibiting strength)
记 词根记忆:本身为词根,表示“力量”,有力量必然健壮
preternatural [ˌpriːtərˈnætʃrəl]
adj. 异常的 (extraordinary) ;超自然的 (existing outside of nature)
记 词根记忆:preter(超越)+natur(自然的)+al→超自然的
coalesce [ˌkəʊəˈles]
v. 联合,合并 (to unite or merge into a single body, mix)
记 词根记忆:co(共同)+alesc(成长)+e→共同成长→联合
同 associate, bracket, combine, conjoin
pugnacious [pʌɡˈneɪʃəs]
adj. 好斗的 (having a quarrelsome or combative nature)
记 词根记忆:pugn(打斗)+acious(…的)→多打斗的→好斗的
派 pugnacity ( n. 好斗,好战)
spurn [spɜːrn]
n. 拒绝,摈弃 (disdainful rejection)
记 联想记忆:spur(刺激)+n(看作no)→不再刺激,不再鼓励→拒绝,摈弃
dilatory [ˈdɪlətɔːri]
adj. 慢吞吞的,磨蹭的 (inclined to delay; slow or late in doing things)
记 词根记忆:di(分开)+lat(搬运)+ory→分开搬运→慢吞吞的
plausible [ˈplɔːzəbl]
adj. 看似有理的,似是而非的 (superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious) ;有道理的,可信的 (appearing worthy of belief)
记 词根记忆:plaus(鼓掌)+ible→值得鼓掌的→看似有理的,似是而非的
例 Eric was frustrated because, although he was adept at making lies sound plausible , when telling the truth, he lacked the power to make himself believed.
同 believable, colorable, credible, creditable
sanctuary [ˈsæŋktʃueri]
n. 圣地;庇护所,避难所;庇护
搭 wildlife sanctuary 野生动物保护区
vicious [ˈvɪʃəs]
adj. 邪恶的,堕落的 (having the nature or quality of vice or immorality) ;恶意的, 恶毒的 (spiteful, malicious) ;凶猛的,危险的 (dangerously aggressive)
记 词根记忆:vic(e)(邪恶)+ious→邪恶的;恶毒的
authentic [ɔːˈθentɪk]
adj. 真正的,真实的 (genuine, real) ;可信的 (legally attested)
记 联想记忆:authent(看作author,作家)+ic→自己就是作家→真正的
pious [ˈpaɪəs]
adj. 虔诚的 (showing and feeling deep respect for God and religion)
同 devout, pietistic, prayerful, religious
派 piously ( adv. 虔诚地)
sage [seɪdʒ]
adj. 智慧的 (wise, discerning) n. 智者 (a very wise person)
例 The sage , by definition, possesses wisdom; the virtuoso, by definition, possesses expertise.
aghast [əˈɡæst]
adj. 惊骇的,吓呆的 (feeling great horror or dismay; terrified)
记 词根记忆:a(加强)+ghast(看作ghost,鬼)→像看到鬼似的→吓呆的
同 frightened, scared, scary
intimate [ˈɪntɪmət]
adj. 亲密的 (closely acquainted) n. 密友 (an intimate friend or companion)
underscore [ˌʌndərˈskɔːr]
v. 在…下面画线 (to draw a line under) ;强调 (to make evident)
记 组合词:under(在…下面)+score(画线)→在…下面画线
paragon [ˈpærəɡɑːn]
n. 模范,典范 (a model of excellence or perfection)
记 词根记忆:para(超)+gon(角)→超过一般的顶尖人物→模范,典范
rudimentary [ˌruːdɪˈmentri]
adj. 初步的 (fundamental, elementary) ;未充分发展的
记 词根记忆:rudi(无知的,粗鲁的)+ment+ary→无知状态→初步的
disdain [dɪsˈdeɪn]
v. 轻视,鄙视 (to refuse or reject with aloof contempt or scorn) n. 轻视,鄙视 (contempt)
记 词根记忆:dis(不)+dain(看作dign,高贵)→把人弄得不高贵→轻视
搭 disdain for 轻视
同 contemn, despise
invalidate [ɪnˈvælɪdeɪt]
v. 使无效,使作废 (to make invalid)
例 Strindberg’s plays are marked by his extreme misogyny; he felt modern woman needed to dominate man and by subordinating him invalidate his masculinity.
prototype [ˈprəʊtətaɪp]
n. 原型 (an original model; archetype) ;典型 (a standard or typical example)
记 词根记忆:proto(起初)+type(形状)→起初的形状→原型
例 This project is the first step in a long-range plan of research whose ultimate goal, still many years off, is the creation of a new prototype .
undercut [ˌʌndərˈkʌt]
v. 削价(与竞争者)抢生意 (to sell goods or services more cheaply than a competitor)
记 组合词:under(在…下面)+cut(砍)→偷偷把价格砍掉→削价(与竞争者)抢生意
recoil [rɪˈkɔɪl]
v. 弹回,反冲 (to fall back under pressure) ;退却,退缩 (to shrink back physically or emotionally)
记 词根记忆:re(反)+coil(卷,盘绕)→卷回去→退缩
evocative [ɪˈvɑːkətɪv]
adj. 唤起的,激起的 (tending to evoke)
例 The documentary film about high school life was so realistic and evocative that feelings of nostalgia flooded over the college-age audience.
replicate [ˈreplɪkeɪt]
v. 复制 (to produce a replica of itself)
记 词根记忆:re(再)+plic(重叠)+ate→再重叠(一份)→复制
派 replicability ( n. 可复制性)
dubious [ˈduːbiəs]
adj. 可疑的 (slightly suspicious about) ;有问题的,靠不住 的 (questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality)
记 词根记忆:dub(二,双)+ious→两种状态→不肯定的,怀疑的→可疑的
同 disputable, dubitable, equivocal, problematic
astute [əˈstuːt]
adj. 机敏的,精明的 (showing clever or shrewd mind, cunning; crafty)
记 来自拉丁文astus (灵活)
派 astuteness ( n. 精明;狡猾)
divulge [daɪˈvʌldʒ]
v. 泄露,透露 (to make known; disclose)
记 词根记忆:di(二)+vulg(人,人群)+e→在两个以上人中说过→透露
同 betray, reveal
perpetuate [pərˈpetʃueɪt]
v. 使永存 (to make perpetual)
记 词根记忆:per(贯穿)+pet(追求)+uate→永远追求→使永存
solemnity [səˈlemnəti]
n. 庄严,肃穆 (formal or ceremonious observance)
记 来自solemn ( adj. 严肃的)
同 sedateness, solemnness, staidness
onerous [ˈɑːnərəs]
adj. 繁重的,费力的 (burdensome)
记 词根记忆:oner(负担)+ous→负担重的→繁重的
inert [ɪˈnɜːrt]
adj. 惰性的 (having few or no active chemical or other properties) ;呆滞的,迟缓的 (dull, slow)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+ert(动)→不动的→惰性的
派 inertia ( n. 惰性);inertial ( adj. 惯性的)
opportune [ˌɑːpərˈtuːn]
adj. 合适的,适当的 (right for a particular purpose)
记 词根记忆:op(向)+port(搬运)+une→向着某物搬→合适的,适当的
派 inopportune ( adj. 不合时宜的)
conversant [kənˈvɜːrsnt]
adj. 精通的,熟悉的 (familiar or acquainted; versed)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+vers(转)+ant→全方位转→精通的
porous [ˈpɔːrəs]
adj. 可渗透的 (capable of being penetrated) ;多孔的 (full of pores)
记 来自pore ( n. 孔)
intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk]
adj. 固有的,内在的,本质的 (belonging to the essential nature)
例 In his address, the superintendent exhorted the teachers to discover and develop each student’s intrinsic talents.
同 congenital, connate, elemental, inherent, innate
captious [ˈkæpʃəs]
adj. 吹毛求疵的 (quick to find fault; carping)
记 词根记忆:capt(拿)+ious→拿(别人的缺点)→吹毛求疵的
sordid [ˈsɔːrdɪd]
adj. 卑鄙的;肮脏的 (dirty, filthy)
同 foul, mean, seedy
indict [ɪnˈdaɪt]
v. 控诉,起诉 (to make a formal accusation against; accuse)
记 词根记忆:in(进入)+dict(说)→进(法庭)讨个说法→控诉
同 criminate, impeach, incriminate, inculpate
派 indictment ( n. 起诉;控告)
awe [ɔː]
v. 敬畏 (to cause a mixed feeling of reverence and fear) n. 敬畏
记 发音记忆:发音像“噢”→表示敬畏的声音→敬畏
搭 be in awe of 对…望而生畏;对…感到害怕
cryptic [ˈkrɪptɪk]
adj. 秘密的,神秘的 (mysterious, baffling)
记 词根记忆:crypt(秘密)+ic→秘密的
intransigent [ɪnˈtrænzɪdʒənt]
adj. 不妥协的 (uncompromising)
记 联想记忆:in(不)+transigent(妥协的)→不妥协的
例 Always circumspect, she was reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion, she was intransigent in its defense.
同 incompliant, intractable, obstinate, pertinacious
派 intransigence ( n. 不妥协,不让步)
upheaval [ʌpˈhiːvl]
n. 动乱,剧变 (extreme agitation or disorder)
记 来自upheave [ v. (使)发生混乱]
despotic [dɪˈspɑːtɪk]
adj. 专横的,暴虐的 (autocratic, tyrannical)
记 来自despot ( n. 暴君)
insouciance [ɪnˈsuːsiəns]
n. 漠不关心,漫不经心 (lighthearted unconcern)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+souc(担心)+iance→不担心→漠不关心
mean [miːn]
adj. 吝啬的 (selfish in a petty way; stingy)
同 close-fisted, niggardly, miserly, ungenerous
obtuse [əbˈtuːs]
adj. 愚笨的 (dull, insensitive) ;钝的 (blunt)
记 词根记忆:ob(向)+tus(敲击)+e→用钝器敲击→钝的
派 obtuseness ( n. 迟钝;感觉迟钝)
lopsided [ˌlɑːpˈsaɪdɪd]
adj. 倾向一方的,不平衡的 (lacking in symmetry or balance or proportion)
记 组合词:lop(低重)+side(侧面,边)+(e)d→垂向一边的→倾向一方的
nullify [ˈnʌlɪfaɪ]
v. 使无效 (to invalidate) ;抵消 (to cancel out)
记 词根记忆:null(无)+ify(使)→使变成无→使无效
派 nullification ( n. 无效;废弃)
epilogue [ˈepɪlɔːɡ]
n. 收场白;尾声 (a closing section)
记 词根记忆:epi(在…后)+logue(说话)→在后面说的话→尾声
presage [ˈpresɪdʒ] / [prɪˈseɪdʒ]
n. 预感 (an intuition or feeling of the future) v. 预示 (to foreshadow; foretell)
记 词根记忆:pre(预先)+sag(知道)+e→预先知道→预感
offish [ˈɔːfɪʃ]
adj. 冷淡的 (distant and reserved)
记 联想记忆:off(离开)+(f)ish(鱼)→鱼离开了,池塘冷清→冷淡的
gaiety [ˈɡeɪəti]
n. 欢乐,快活 (cheerfulness)
记 来自gay ( adj. 欢乐的)
abate [əˈbeɪt]
v. 减轻,减少 (to make less in amount; wane)
记 词根记忆:a(加强)+bate(减弱,减少)→减轻
abound [əˈbaʊnd]
v. 大量存在 (to be great in number or amount) ;充满,富于 (to be fully supplied or filled of; teem with)
记 词根记忆:ab(加强)+ound(看作und,溢出)→溢出→充满
condemn [kənˈdem]
v. 谴责 (to disapprove of strongly) ;判刑 (to inflict a penalty upon)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+demn(惩罚)→共同惩罚→谴责
prescience [ˈpresiəns]
n. 预知,先见 (foreknowledge of events)
记 词根记忆:pre(预先)+sci(知道)+ence→预知,先见
gargantuan [ɡɑːrˈɡæntʃuən]
adj. 巨大的,庞大的 (of tremendous size or volume)
记 来自法国作家拉伯雷的著作《巨人传》中的巨人Gargantua
同 colossal, enormous, gigantic
chic [ʃiːk]
adj. 漂亮的,时髦的 (cleverly stylish; currently fashionable)
同 modish, posh, swanky
peer [pɪr]
n. 同等之人,同辈 (one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status)
occlude [əˈkluːd]
v. 使闭塞 (to prevent the passage of)
记 词根记忆:oc+clud(关闭)+e→一再关起来→使闭塞
camouflage [ˈkæməflɑːʒ]
v. 掩饰,伪装 (to disguise in order to conceal) n. 伪装
记 联想记忆:cam(看作came)+ou(看作out)+flag(旗帜)+e→扛着旗帜出来→伪装成战士→伪装
prognosis [prɑːɡˈnəʊsɪs]
n. 医(对病情的)预断,预后 (forecast of the likely course of a disease or an illness)
记 词根记忆:pro(预先)+gnos(知道)+is→预先知道→预后
inoculate [ɪˈnɑːkjuleɪt]
v. 注射预防针 (to inject a serum, vaccine to create immunity)
记 词根记忆:in(进入)+ocul(萌芽)+ate→在萌芽时进入→注射预防针
consequential [ˌkɑːnsəˈkwenʃl]
adj. 傲慢的,自尊自大的 (thinking oneself very important; self-important)
同 arrogant
obsolete [ˌɑːbsəˈliːt]
adj. 废弃的 (no longer in use) ;过时的 (out of date; old)
同 old-fashioned
blunt [blʌnt]
adj. 钝的 (without a sharp edge) ;直率的 (frank and straightforward) v. 使迟钝
dispense [dɪˈspens]
v. 分配,分发 (to distribute in portions)
记 词根记忆:dis(分开)+pens(花费)+e→把花费分开→分配,分发
elephantine [ˌelɪˈfæntiːn]
adj. 笨拙的 (clumsy) ;巨大的 (having enormous size; massive)
记 来自elephant ( n. 大象)
burlesque [bɜːrˈlesk]
n. 讽刺或滑稽的戏剧,滑稽剧 (derisive caricature; parody)
solitude [ˈsɑːlətuːd]
n. 孤独 (the quality or state of being alone or remote from society)
例 Contrary to her customary gregarious behavior, Susan began leaving parties early to seek the solitude of her room.
douse [daʊs]
v. 把…浸入水中 (to plunge into water) ;熄灭 (to extinguish)
记 联想记忆:do(做)+use(用)→用水来做→把…浸入水中
abash [əˈbæʃ]
v. 使羞愧,使尴尬 (to make embarrassed)
记 联想记忆:ab+ash(灰)→脸上有灰→使尴尬
派 unabashed ( adj. 不在乎的;不难为情的);unabashedly ( adv. 毫不掩饰地)
snobbish [ˈsnɑːbɪʃ]
adj. 势利眼的 (being, characteristic of, or befitting a snob) ;假充绅士的
记 来自snob ( n. 势利小人)
limp [lɪmp]
v. 跛行 (to walk lamely) adj. 软弱的,无力的 (flaccid, drooping) ;柔软的
同 floppy, loose
idle [ˈaɪdl]
adj. (指人)无所事事的 (avoiding work) ;无效的 (useless) v. 懒散,无所事事 (to do nothing)
记 发音记忆:“爱斗”→无所事事的人才爱斗→无所事事
restrain [rɪˈstreɪn]
v. 克制,抑制 (to keep under control)
记 词根记忆:re(重新)+strain(拉紧)→重新拉紧→克制,抑制
compunction [kəmˈpʌŋkʃn]
n. 懊悔;良心不安 (a sense of guilt; remorse; penitence)
记 词根记忆:com(共同)+punct(点)+ion→浑身像针刺一样难受→懊悔
illustrious [ɪˈlʌstriəs]
adj. 著名的,显赫的 (very distinguished; outstanding)
记 词根记忆:il(表加强)+lustr(光)+ious→光彩照人的→显赫的
grotesque [ɡrəʊˈtesk]
adj. (外形或方式)怪诞的,古怪的 (bizarre; fantastic) ;(艺术等)风格怪异的
记 词根记忆:grot(看作grotto,岩洞)+esque(看作picturesque,图画的)→岩洞里怪诞的图画→(艺术等)风格怪异的
clement [ˈklemənt]
adj. 仁慈的 (merciful) ;温和的 (mild)
搭 clement weather 温和的气候
august [ɔːˈɡʌst]
adj. 威严的,令人敬畏的 (impressive, majestic)
记 联想记忆:八月(August)丰收大地金黄,金黄色是威严的帝王的象征→威严的
impasse [ˈɪmpæs]
n. 僵局 (deadlock) ;死路 (blind alley)
记 词根记忆:im(不)+pass(通过)+e→通不过→僵局;死路
unassuming [ˌʌnəˈsuːmɪŋ]
adj. 不摆架子的,不装腔作势的,谦逊的 (not arrogant or presuming; modest)
记 联想记忆:un(不)+assuming(傲慢的)→谦逊的
malfeasance [ˌmælˈfiːzəns]
n. 不法行为,渎职 (misconduct by a public official)
记 词根记忆:mal(坏的)+feas(做,行为)+ance→坏的行为→不法行为
abolish [əˈbɑːlɪʃ]
v. 废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) (to end the observance or effect of)
记 联想记忆:ab(脱离)+(p)olish(抛光,优雅)→不优雅的东西就应该废除→废除
pellucid [pəˈluːsɪd]
adj. 清晰的,清澈的 (transparent, clear)
记 词根记忆:pel(看作per,全部)+luc(光)+id→光线充足的→清晰的
派 pellucidity ( n. 透明度,透明性)
spontaneous [spɑːnˈteɪniəs]
adj. 自发的 (proceeding from natural feelings) ;自然的 (natural)
记 词根记忆:spont(自然)+aneous→自然产生的→自发的
例 The Battle of Lexington was not, as most of us have been taught, a spontaneous rising of individual farmers, but was instead a tightly organized, well-planned event.
hubris [ˈhjuːbrɪs]
n. 傲慢,目中无人 (overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance)
记 联想记忆:hub(中心)+ris(看作rise,升起)→中心升起→以(自我)为中心→目中无人
同 arrogance
派 hubristic ( adj. 傲慢的)
riveting [ˈrɪvɪtɪŋ]
adj. 非常精彩的,引人入胜的 (engrossing, fascinating)
例 The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so riveting .
intensify [ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ]
v. 使加剧 (to cause to become more intense)
记 来自intense ( adj. 强烈的)
deprivation [ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn]
n. 剥夺 (removal from an office, dignity, or benefice) ;丧失 (the state of being deprived)
记 来自deprive ( v. 剥夺)
habitable [ˈhæbɪtəbl]
adj. 可居住的 (capable of being lived in; suitable for habitation)
记 词根记忆:habit(居住)+able(可…的)→可居住的
integral [ˈɪntɪɡrəl]
adj. 构成整体所必需的 (necessary for completeness) ;完整的 (whole)
记 词根记忆:in(不)+tegr(触摸)+al→未被触摸的→完整的
contiguous [kənˈtɪɡjuəs]
adj. 接壤的;接近的 (near, adjacent)
记 词根记忆:con(共同)+tig(接触)+uous→共同接触→接近的
搭 be contiguous with 与…接壤
abject [ˈæbdʒekt]
adj. 极可怜的 (miserable, wretched) ;卑下的 (degraded, base)
记 词根记忆:ab(去掉)+ject(抛,扔)→被人扔掉→极可怜的
shrewd [ʃruːd]
adj. 机灵的,精明的 (marked by clever discerning awareness)
记 注意不要和shrew ( n. 泼妇)相混
worship [ˈwɜːrʃɪp]
n. 崇拜,敬仰 (strong feelings of love, respect, and admiration) v. 崇拜,敬仰 (to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion)
magnitude [ˈmæɡnɪtuːd]
n. 重要性 (greatness) ;星球的亮度 (the degree of brightness of a celestial body)
记 词根记忆:magn(大的)+itude(表状态)→大的状态→重要性
dismantle [dɪsˈmæntl]
v. 拆除 (to take a part, disassemble)
记 词根记忆:dis(除去)+mantle(覆盖物)→拆掉覆盖物→拆除
culprit [ˈkʌlprɪt]
n. 罪犯 (one who is guilty of a crime)
记 联想记忆:犯罪(sin)的人被称为罪犯(culprit)
assuage [əˈsweɪdʒ]
v. 缓和,减轻 (to lessen, relieve)
记 词根记忆:as(使)+suage(甜)→变甜→缓和
lumber [ˈlʌmbər]
v. 跌跌撞撞地走,笨拙地走 (to move with heavy clumsiness) n. 杂物 (miscellaneous discarded household articles) ;木材 (timber)
obeisance [əʊˈbiːsns]
n. 鞠躬,敬礼 (a gesture of respect or reverence)
记 词根记忆:obeis(看作obed,服从)+ance→服从的态度→敬礼
choleric [ˈkɑːlərɪk]
adj. 易怒的,暴躁的 (having irascible nature, irritable)
记 词根记忆:choler(胆汁)+ic→胆汁质的→易怒的,暴躁的
spate [speɪt]
n. 许多,大量 (a large number or amount) ;(水流)暴涨,发洪水 (flood)
搭 a spate of 一连串,接二连三(通常指不愉快的事物)
invoke [ɪnˈvəʊk]
v. 祈求,恳求 (to implore, entreat) ;使生效 (to put into effect or operation use)
记 词根记忆:in(使)+vok(叫喊)+e→使有发言权→使生效
predilection [ˌpredlˈekʃn]
n. 偏爱,嗜好 (a special liking that has become a habit)
记 词根记忆:pre(在前)+di(分开)+lect(选择)+ion→在之前就做出了选择→偏爱,嗜好
exiguous [eɡˈzɪɡjuəs]
adj. 太少的,不足的 (scanty, meager)
同 scarce, skimpy, sparse
派 exiguity ( n. 稀少;微小)
acumen [ˈækjəmən]
n. 敏锐,精明 (keenness and depth of perception)
记 词根记忆:acu(尖,锐利)+men(表抽象名词)→敏锐,精明
spur [spɜːr]
v. 刺激,激励;用马刺刺马
provenance [ˈprɑːvənəns]
n. 出处,起源 (origin, source)
记 词根记忆:pro(前面)+ven(来)+ance→前面来的东西→起源
redolent [ˈredələnt]
adj. 芬芳的,芳香的 (scented, aromatic)
记 词根记忆:red(看作re,加强)+ol(气味)+ent→散发出浓郁的气味→芳香的
particularize [pərˈtɪkjələraɪz]
v. 详述,列举 (to give the details of sth. one by one)
记 来自particular ( adj. 详细的)
liken [ˈlaɪkən]
v. 把…比作 (to compare to)
记 来自like ( prep. 像)
discern [dɪˈsɜːrn]
v. 识别,看出 (to recognize as separate or different; distinguish)
记 词根记忆:dis(加强)+cern(区别)→一再区别→识别
派 discerning ( adj. 有洞察力的)
accessory [əkˈsesəri]
adj. 附属的,次要的 (additional, supplementary, subsidiary)
jeopardy [ˈdʒepərdi]
n. 危险 (great danger, peril)
搭 in jeopardy 处于危险境地,受到威胁
extinguish [ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ]
v. 使…熄灭 (to cause to cease burning) ;使…不复存在 (to end the existence of)
记 词根记忆:ex(出)+tingu(看作sting,刺)+ish→把刺拔出,刺引申为火焰→使…熄灭
pertain [pərˈteɪn]
v. 属于 (to belong as a part) ;关于 (to have reference)
记 词根记忆:per(始终)+tain(拿住)→始终都拿在手里→属于
liability [ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti]
n. 责任 (the state of being liable) ;债务 (obligation, debt)
记 词根记忆:li(看作lig,捆)+ability→将人捆住→责任
rote [rəʊt]
n. 死记硬背 (a memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without full attention or comprehension)
记 词根记忆:rot(转)+e→摇头晃脑地转着背→死记硬背
fertile [ˈfɜːrtl]
adj. 多产的 (productive, fecund) ;肥沃的
记 词根记忆:fert(看作fer,带来)+ile→带来果实的→多产的
recant [rɪˈkænt]
v. 撤回(声明),放弃(信仰) (to withdraw or repudiate a statement or belief)
记 词根记忆:re(反)+cant(唱)→唱反调→放弃(信仰)
modicum [ˈmɔːdɪkəm]
n. 少量 (a moderate or small amount)
搭 a modicum of 一点,少数
wily [ˈwaɪli]
adj. 诡计多端的,狡猾的 (full of wiles; crafty)
记 来自wile ( n. 诡计)
rabid [ˈræbɪd]
adj. 患狂犬病的 (affected with rabies) ;疯狂的,狂暴的 (going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest or opinion)
记 来自rabies ( n. 狂犬病)
diffuse [dɪˈfjuːs]
v. 散布,(光等)漫射 (to disperse in every direction) adj. 漫射的,散漫的 (spreading out or dispersed)
记 词根记忆:dif(分开)+fuse(流)→使散开流→漫射
gloomy [ˈɡluːmi]
adj. 阴暗的 (dismally and depressingly dark) ;没有希望的 (lacking in promise or hopefulness) ;阴郁的,忧郁的 (low in spirits)
记 来自gloom ( n. 黑暗,阴暗)
同 pessimistic, sullen
cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt]
v. 种植 (to grow from seeds) ;培养(友谊) (to seek to develop familiarity with)
记 词根记忆:cult(培养,种植)+iv+ate(表示动作)→种植
stigma [ˈstɪɡmə]
n. 耻辱的标志,污点 (a mark of shame or discredit)
同 stain
adjudicate [əˈdʒuːdɪkeɪt]
v. 充当裁判 (to serve as a judge in a dispute) ;判决 (to settle judicially)
记 词根记忆:ad(加强)+jud(判断)+icate→不断判断→充当裁判
skullduggery [skʌlˈdʌɡəri]
n. 欺骗,使诈 (underhanded or unscrupulous behavior)
记 联想记忆:skull(头颅,脑袋)+dug(挖)+gery→挖脑袋→想方设法作假→欺骗,使诈
blemish [ˈblemɪʃ]
v. 损害;玷污 (to mar; spoil the perfection of) n. 瑕疵,缺点 (defect)
记 词根记忆:blem(弄伤)+ish→把…弄伤→损害;玷污
派 unblemished ( adj. 毫无瑕疵的;完好的)
exalt [ɪɡˈzɔːlt]
v. 赞扬,歌颂 (to praise; glorify; extol)
记 词根记忆:ex(向上)+alt(高)→向上抬高→赞扬
派 exaltation ( n. 得意,高兴)
parochial [pəˈrəʊkiəl]
adj. 教区的 (of or relating to a church parish) ;地方性的,狭小的 (restricted to a small area or scope; narrow)
派 parochialism ( n. 狭隘)
monolithic [ˌmɑːnəˈlɪθɪk]
adj. 坚若磐石的;巨大的 (huge, massive)
记 词根记忆:mono(单个的)+lith(石头)+ic→单块大石头的→巨大的
vault [vɔːlt]
n. 拱顶 (an arched structure) ;地窖 (an underground storage compartment)
fathom [ˈfæðəm]
n. 英寻 v. 彻底了解,弄清真相 (to understand thoroughly)
派 fathomless ( adj. 深不可测的,无法理解的)
onset [ˈɑːnset]
n. 开始,发作 (beginning, commencement) ;攻击,袭击 (attack, assault)
例 Although adolescent maturational and developmental states occur in an orderly sequence, their timing varies with regard to onset and duration.
feeble [ˈfiːbl]
adj. 虚弱的 (weak, faint)
同 fragile, frail, powerless
indignant [ɪnˈdɪɡnənt]
adj. 愤慨的,愤愤不平的 (feeling or expressing anger)
同 angry
tempestuous [temˈpestʃuəs]
adj. 狂暴的 (turbulent, stormy)
搭 a tempestuous relationship 冲突不断的关系
acclaim [əˈkleɪm]
v. 欢呼,称赞 (to greet with loud applause; hail)
记 词根记忆:ac(加强)+claim(叫喊)→一再喊→欢呼,称赞
搭 universal acclaim 普遍赞誉;广受好评
plentitude [ˈplentɪtuːd]
n. 充分 (the quality or state of being full)
记 词根记忆:plent(满)+itude→充分
flighty [ˈflaɪti]
adj. 轻浮的 (skittish) ;反复无常的 (capricious)
记 联想记忆:f+light(轻的)+y→因为轻而飘浮着→轻浮的
roost [ruːst]
n. (鸟类的)栖息处 (a place where winged animals, especially birds or bats, rest or sleep) v. 栖息 (to rest or sleep on a perch or in a roost)
omnivore [ˈɑːmnɪvɔːr]
n. 杂食动物 (an animal or a person that eats all types of food, especially both plants and meat)
记 词根记忆:omni(全,总)+vor(吃)+e→什么都吃的动物→杂食动物
amplify [ˈæmplɪfaɪ]
v. 放大 (to make larger; extend) ;详述 (to develop with details)
记 词根记忆:ampl(大)+ify→放大