
Word List 09

音 频


abhor [əbˈhɔːr]

v. 憎恨,厌恶 (to detest, hate)


abominate, execrate, loathe

wistful [ˈwɪstfl]

adj. 惆怅的,渴望的 (thoughtful and rather sad)

pensive, yearning

conscientious [ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs]

adj. 尽责的 (careful to do what one ought to do) ;小心谨慎的 (scrupulous)


be conscientious of 对…尽责

ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl]

n. 嘲笑,奚落 (unkind expression of amusement)


Like many other pioneers, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, founder of the New York Infirmary, the first American hospital staffed entirely by women, faced ridicule from her contemporaries but has received great honor posthumously.

adamant [ˈædəmənt]

adj. 坚决的,固执的 (unyielding, inflexible) ;强硬的 (too hard to be broken)


remain adamant in 对…很固执

obdurate, rigid, unbending

imperial [ɪmˈpɪriəl]

adj. 帝王的,至尊的 (of, relating to, or suggestive of an empire or a sovereign)

The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of expediency for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to defend its own continental coastline.

discursive [dɪsˈkɜːrsɪv]

adj. 散漫的,不得要领的 (rambling or wandering from topic to topic without order)


vestige [ˈvestɪdʒ]

n. 痕迹,遗迹 (the very small slight remains of sth.)

relic, trace

innovative [ˈɪnəveɪtɪv]

adj. 革新的,创新的 (introducing or using new ideas or techniques)

来自innovate ( v. 革新,创新)

salient [ˈseɪliənt]

adj. 显著的,突出的 (noticeable, conspicuous, prominent)


Ultimately, the book’s credibility is strained; the slender, though far from nonexistent, web of evidence presented on one salient point is expected to support a vast superstructure of implications.

salience ( n. 显著,突出)

emblematic [ˌembləˈmætɪk]

adj. 作为象征的 (symbolic, representative)

来自emblem ( n. 象征)

braggart [ˈbræɡərt]

n. 吹牛者 (the person who brags)

intuition [ˌɪntuˈɪʃn]

n. 直觉 (the act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes, immediate cognition) ;直觉知识 (knowledge gained by this power)

来自intuit ( v. 由直觉知道)

eloquent [ˈeləkwənt]

adj. 雄辩的,流利的 (marked by forceful and fluent expression)



eloquence ( n. 雄辩,口才)

dictate [ˈdɪkteɪt]

v. 口述 (to speak or read aloud for sb. else to write down) ;命令 (to prescribe or command forcefully)


aggressive [əˈɡresɪv]

adj. 好斗的 (militant, assertive) ;有进取心的 (full of enterprise and initiative)


aggressive entrepreneur 有进取心的企业家

assertory, pushful, self-assertive

trigger [ˈtrɪɡər]

n. 扳机 v. 引发,引起,触发 (to initiate, actuate, or set off)

activate, spark, trip

avaricious [ˌævəˈrɪʃəs]

adj. 贪婪的,贪心的 (full of avarice, greedy)

来自avarice ( n. 贪婪,贪心)

corrosive [kəˈrəʊsɪv]

adj. 腐蚀性的,腐蚀的,蚀坏的 (tending or having the power to corrode)

caustic, erosive

render [ˈrendər]

v. 呈递,提供 (to present or send in) ;给予,归还 (to give sth. in return or exchange)


stingy [ˈstɪndʒi]

adj. 吝啬的,小气的 (not generous or liberal)

chinchy, miserly, niggard, parsimonious, penurious, pinchpenny

umbrage [ˈʌmbrɪdʒ]

n. 不快,愤怒 (a feeling of pique, resentment or insult)


belie [bɪˈlaɪ]

v. 掩饰 (to disguise or misrepresent) ;证明为假 (to prove false)


distort, falsify, garble, misstate

condone [kənˈdəʊn]

v. 宽恕,原谅 (to treat an offence as if it were not serious)


exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt]

v. 使加重,使恶化 (to aggravate disease, pain, annoyance, etc. )


propitious [prəˈpɪʃəs]

adj. 吉利的,顺利的 (auspicious, favorable) ;有利的 (advantageous)


An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more propitious occasion before she announced her plans.

reflective [rɪˈflektɪv]

adj. 反射的,反照的 (capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves) ;深思 熟虑的 (thoughtful)

be reflective of 是…的反映或体现

antithesis [ænˈtɪθəsɪs]

n. 对立;相对 (a contrast or opposition)


erratic [ɪˈrætɪk]

adj. 无规律的,不稳定的 (irregular, random, wandering) ;古怪的 (eccentric, queer)


bizarre, idiosyncratic, oddball

resurrect [ˌrezəˈrekt]

v. 使复活 (to raise from the dead) ;复兴 (to bring to view)


gullible [ˈɡʌləbl]

adj. 易受骗的 (easily cheated or deceived, credulous)

来自gull ( v. 欺骗)

demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt]

v. 证明,论证 (to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence) ;示威 (to make a demonstration)


evince, illustrate

demonstrable ( adj. 明显的,可论证的);undemonstrable ( adj. 无法证明的,难以证明的)

eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]

v. 除去,淘汰 (to remove, eradicate)


debar, exclude, purge

egregious [ɪˈɡriːdʒiəs]

adj. 极端恶劣的 (conspicuously bad, flagrant)


converge [kənˈvɜːrdʒ]

v. 聚合,集中于一点 (to come together at a point) ;汇聚 (to come together and unite in a common interest or focus)


convergent ( adj. 会聚的)

perceptive [pərˈseptɪv]

adj. 感知的,知觉的 (responsive to sensory stimuli) ;有洞察力的,敏锐的 (capable of or exhibiting keen perception)

ethereal [ɪˈθɪriəl]

adj. 太空的 (of or like the ether) ;轻巧的,轻飘飘的 (very light, airy)

来自ether ( n. 太空;苍天)

partisan [ˈpɑːrtəzn]

n. 党派支持者,党羽 (a firm adherent to a party)

来自party ( n. 党,政党)

synthesis [ˈsɪnθəsɪs]

n. 综合,合成 (the combining of separate things or ideas into a complete whole)

Even though the survey was designated as an interdisciplinary course, it involved no real synthesis of subject matter.

intelligible [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəbl]

adj. 可理解的,易于理解的 (capable of being understood; comprehensible)


intelligibility ( n. 可理解性)

cerebral [səˈriːbrəl]

adj. 大脑的 (of the brain) ;深思的 (of the intellect rather than the emotions)


cerebral cortex 大脑皮层

stagnate [ˈstæɡneɪt]

v. 停滞 (to become or remain stagnant)

reactionary [riˈækʃəneri]

adj. 极端保守的,反动的 (ultraconservative in politics)


tepid [ˈtepɪd]

adj. 微温的 (moderately warm) ;不热情的 (lacking in emotional warmth or enthusiasm)

Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy, her first reaction was curiously tepid .

halfhearted, lukewarm, unenthusiastic

complicate [ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪt]

v. 使复杂化 (to make sth. more difficult to do)


entangle, muddle, perplex, ravel, snarl

primitive [ˈprɪmətɪv]

adj. 原始的,远古的 (of or relating to an earliest or original stage or state) ;基本 (assumed as a basis)


Tacitus’ descriptions of Germanic tribal customs were limited by the primitive state of communications in his day, but they match the accounts of other contemporary writers.

original, prime, primeval

counterproductive [ˌkaʊntərprəˈdʌktɪv]

adj. 事与愿违的 (having the opposite effect to that intended)


obdurate [ˈɑːbdərət]

adj. 固执的,顽固的 (stubbornly persistent, inflexible)


If you come to the conference table with such an obdurate attitude , we cannot expect to reach any harmonious agreement.

adamant, dogged

obduracy ( n. 顽固不化;倔强)

tortuous [ˈtɔːrtʃuəs]

adj. 曲折的,拐弯抹角的 (marked by devious or indirect tactics); 弯弯曲曲的 (winding)


unfounded [ʌnˈfaʊndɪd]

adj. 无事实根据的 (groundless, unwarranted)


The true historian finds the facts about Marlowe and Shakespeare far more interesting than people’s unfounded conjectures.

ramshackle [ˈræmʃækl]

adj. 摇摇欲坠的 (rickety)

Most of the settlements that grew up near the logging camps were ramshackle affairs, thrown together in a hurry because people needed to live on the job.

unctuous [ˈʌŋktʃuəs]

adj. 油质的 (fatty) ;油腔滑调的 (oily)

Far from being unctuous , Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent.

greasy, oleaginous

placate [ˈpleɪkeɪt]

v. 抚慰,平息 (to soothe or mollify)


placatory ( adj. 安抚性的;和解的)

indebted [ɪnˈdetɪd]

adj. 感激的,蒙恩的 (owing gratitude)


committed [kəˈmɪtɪd]

adj. (对事业,本职工作等)尽忠的 (devoted to a cause)

来自commit ( v. 忠于某个人或机构等)

endemic [enˈdemɪk]

adj. 地方性的 (restricted to a locality or region, native)


unyielding [ʌnˈjiːldɪŋ]

adj. 坚定的,不屈的 (characterized by firmness or obduracy) ;坚硬的,不能弯曲 (characterized by lack of softness or flexibility)

obviate [ˈɑːbvieɪt]

v. 排除,消除(困难、危险等) (to remove, get rid of)


eliminate, exclude, preclude

comprehend [ˌkɑːmprɪˈhend]

v. 理解 (to understand sth. fully) ;包括 (to include)


comprehensive ( adj. 无所不包的;详尽的)

hostile [ˈhɑːstl]

adj. 敌对的,敌意的 (of or relating to an enemy, antagonistic)


be hostile to/towards 对…有敌意的

inimicable, inimical

hostility ( n. 敌意,敌对状态)

prosaic [prəˈzeɪɪk]

adj. 散文(体)的;单调的,无趣的 (dull, unimaginative)

来自prose ( n. 散文)

He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too prosaic for someone of his talent and creativity.

chagrin [ʃəˈɡrɪn]

n. 失望,懊恼 (a feeling of annoyance because one has been disappointed)


grandiose [ˈɡrændiəʊs]

adj. 宏伟的 (impressive because of uncommon largeness) ;浮夸的 (characterized by affectation or exaggeration)


grandiosity ( n. 宏伟;夸张)

censure [ˈsenʃər]

n. 指责,谴责 (a judgment involving condemnation) v. 指责,谴责 (to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy)

denounce, denunciate, reprehend, reprobate

scrupulous [ˈskruːpjələs]

adj. 恪守道德规范的 (having moral integrity) ;一丝不苟的 (punctiliously exact)

be scrupulous in sth./doing sth. 审慎正直的;恪守道德规范的

conscientious, meticulous, punctilious

obsequious [əbˈsiːkwiəs]

adj. 逢迎的,谄媚的 (showing too great a willingness to serve or obey)


Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.

menial, servile, slavish, subservient

vexation [vekˈseɪʃn]

n. 恼怒,苦恼 (the act of harassing, irritation)


vexatious ( adj. 令人恼火的,使人烦恼的)

circumvent [ˌsɜːrkəmˈvent]

v. 回避 (to bypass) ;用计谋战胜或回避 (to get the better of or prevent from happening by craft or ingenuity)


deluge [ˈdeljuːdʒ]

n. 大洪水 (a great flood) ;暴雨 (heavy rainfall)


civility [səˈvɪləti]

n. 彬彬有礼,斯文 (politeness)


dogma [ˈdɔːɡmə]

n. 教条,信条 (doctrine, principle)

dogmatic ( adj. 教条的;武断的);dogmatism ( n. 教条主义,武断);dogmatic ( adj. 非教条的;非武断的)

vindicate [ˈvɪndɪkeɪt]

v. 辩白 (to free from allegation or blame) ;证明…正确 (to provide justification or defense for)


inconsequential [ɪnˌkɑːnsɪˈkwenʃl]

adj. 不重要的,微不足道的 (unimportant, trivial)


While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not inconsequential , the manufacturer’s spokesperson argued that effective substitutes were simply not available.

circuitous [sərˈkjuːɪtəs]

adj. 迂回的,绕圈子的 (roundabout, indirect, devious)


indiscriminate [ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnət]

adj. 不加选择的 (not marked by careful distinction) ;随意的,任意的 (haphazard, random)

conclusive [kənˈkluːsɪv]

adj. 最后的,结论的,决定性的 (of, relating to, or being a conclusion) ;确凿的, 消除怀疑的 (convincing)

来自conclude ( v. 结束;得出结论)

anomalous [əˈnɑːmələs]

adj. 反常的 (inconsistent with what is usual, normal, or expected) ,不协调的 (marked by incongruity or contradiction)

aberrant, abnormal, deviant, divergent, irregular

uncanny [ʌnˈkæni]

adj. 神秘的,离奇的 (weird, supernatural)


tedious [ˈtiːdiəs]

adj. 冗长的,乏味的 (tiresome because of length or dullness)

The pungent verbal give-and-take among the characters makes the novel tedious reading, and this very inventiveness suggests to me that some of the opinions voiced may be the author’s.

boresome, insipid, irksome, wearisome

acrimonious [ˌækrɪˈməʊniəs]

adj. 尖酸刻薄的,激烈的 (caustic, biting, or rancorous)

indignant, irate, ireful, wrathful, wroth

acrimony ( n. 尖刻,刻薄)

prose [prəʊz]

n. 散文 (written or spoken language that is not in verse form)


venal [ˈviːnl]

adj. 腐败的,贪赃枉法的 (characterized by or associated with corrupt bribery)

involuntary [ɪnˈvɑːlənteri]

adj. 无意的 (done without intention)


quiescent [kwiˈesnt]

adj. 不动的,静止的 (marked by inactivity or repose)


The astronomer and feminist Maria Mitchell’s own prodigious activity and the vigor of the Association for the Advancement of Women during the 1870s belie any assertion that feminism was quiescent in that period.

abeyant, dormant, latent

acute [əˈkjuːt]

adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的 (keen, shrewd, sensitive) ;剧烈的 (characterized by sharpness or severity) ;急性的


simplistic [sɪmˈplɪstɪk]

adj. 过分简单化的 (of, relating to, or characterized by simplism; oversimple)

Our new tools of systems analysis, powerful though they may be, lead to simplistic theories, especially, and predictably, in economics and political science, where productive approaches have long been highly elusive.

provocative [prəˈvɑːkətɪv]

adj. 挑衅的,煽动的 (serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate)

The results of the experiments performed by Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown were provocative not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because they called the prevailing methodology into question.

censorious [senˈsɔːriəs]

adj. 挑剔的 (marked by or given to censure)


gloat [ɡləʊt]

v. 幸灾乐祸地看,心满意足地看 (to gaze or think with exultation, or malicious pleasure)

gloat over 幸灾乐祸地看

fanciful [ˈfænsɪfl]

adj. 幻想的,奇特的 (marked by fancy or unrestrained imagination)

In discussing Rothko’s art, Breslin is scrupulous in keeping to the facts and resisting the temptation of fanciful interpretation.

brevity [ˈbrevəti]

n. 短暂 (shortness of duration)


pernicious [pərˈnɪʃəs]

adj. 有害的 (noxious) ;致命的 (deadly)


decipher [dɪˈsaɪfər]

v. 破译 (to decode) ;解开(疑团) (to make out the meaning)


crack, decrypt

impenetrable [ɪmˈpenɪtrəbl]

adj. 不能穿透的 (incapable of being penetrated) ;不可理解的 (unfathomable, inscrutable)


The First World War began in a context of jargon and verbal delicacy and continued in a cloud of euphemism as impenetrable as language and literature, skillfully used, could make it.

impassable, impermeable, imperviable, impervious

impenetrability ( n. 不可测知;不能贯穿)

circumspect [ˈsɜːrkəmspekt]

adj. 慎重的 (careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences)

balk [bɔːk]

n. 梁木,大梁 (thick, roughly squared wooden beam) v. 妨碍;畏缩不前 (be reluctant to tackle sth. because it is difficult)

baffle, bilk, foil, thwart

pertinent [ˈpɜːrtnənt]

adj. 有关的,相关的 (having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand)


Those interested in learning more about how genetics applies to trees will have to resort to the excellent technical journals where most of the pertinent material is found.


explicate [ˈeksplɪkeɪt]

v. 详细解说 (to make clear or explicit, explain fully)

elucidate, illustrate, interpret

baffle [ˈbæfl]

v. 使困惑,难倒 (to confuse, puzzle, confound)


baffling ( adj. 原因不明的)

pejorative [pɪˈdʒɔːrətɪv]

adj. 轻视的,贬低的 (tending to disparage, depreciatory)


The campus police who monitored the demonstrations had little respect for the student protesters, generally speaking of them in pejorative terms.

fluid [ˈfluːɪd]

adj. 流体的,流动的 (capable of flowing) ;易变的,不固定的 (subject to change or movement)


parody [ˈpærədi]

n. 拙劣的模仿 (a feeble or ridiculous imitation) ;滑稽模仿作品或表演 (a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule)


supersede [ˌsuːpərˈsiːd]

v. 淘汰 (to force out of use as inferior) ;取代 (to take the place, room, or position of)


ambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt]

adj. (对人或物)有矛盾看法的 (having simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward sb. or sth.)

ambivalence ( n. 矛盾情绪)

compliant [kəmˈplaɪənt]

adj. 服从的,顺从的 (complying, yielding, submissive)


ponderous [ˈpɑːndərəs]

adj. 笨重的,(因太重太大而)不便搬运的 (unwieldy or clumsy because of weight and size)


symmetry [ˈsɪmətri]

n. 对称;匀称 (balanced proportions)


incentive [ɪnˈsentɪv]

n. 刺激,诱因,动机 (motive) ;刺激因素 (sth. that incites to determination or action)


Imposing steep fines on employers for on-the-job injuries to workers could be an effective incentive to creating a safer workplace, especially in the case of employers with poor safety records.

goad, impetus, impulse, stimulus

flippant [ˈflɪpənt]

adj. 无礼的 (frivolous and disrespectful) ;轻率的 (lacking proper respect or seriousness)

incendiary [ɪnˈsendieri]

adj. 放火的,纵火的 (pertaining to the criminal setting on fire of property)


puncture [ˈpʌŋktʃər]

v. 刺穿,戳破 (to pierce with a pointed instrument) n. 刺孔,穿孔


imprudent [ɪmˈpruːdnt]

adj. 轻率的 (indiscreet) ;不理智的 (not wise)

It would be imprudent to invest all your money in one company.

weather [ˈweðər]

v. 风化,侵蚀;经受住风雨;平安度过危难 (to come through sth. safely, survive)

profundity [prəˈfʌndəti]

n. 深奥的事物 (something profound or abstruse) ;深刻,深厚 (the quality or state of being profound or deep)

cantankerous [kænˈtæŋkərəs]

adj. 脾气坏的 (bad-tempered) ;好争吵的 (quarrelsome)


a cantankerous man 脾气坏的人

bearish, cranky, irascible, irritable, ornery

paradox [ˈpærədɑːks]

n. 似非而是的理论 (a statement that is seemingly contradictory to common sense and yet is perhaps true) ;矛盾的人或物 (one exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects) ;与通常的见解相反的观点 (a statement contrary to received opinion)


She is an interesting paradox , an infinitely shy person who, in apparent contradiction, possesses an enormously intuitive gift for understanding people.

incisive [ɪnˈsaɪsɪv]

adj. 尖锐的,深刻的 (keen, penetrating, sharp)

incisive comments 深刻的评论

wary [ˈweri]

adj. 谨慎的,小心翼翼的 (marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger)

philistine [ˈfɪlɪstiːn]

n. 庸俗的人,对文化艺术无知的人 (a smug, especially middle-class person who is indifferent to artistic and cultural values)


divergent [daɪˈvɜːrdʒənt]

adj. 分叉的,叉开的 (diverging from each other) ;发散的,扩散的;不同的


disparate, dissimilar, distant, diverse

divergence ( n. 分歧,差异)

anathema [əˈnæθəmə]

n. 令人厌恶的人,被诅咒的人 (one that is cursed) ;诅咒 (a formal ecclesiastical ban; curse)


anathematic ( adj. 厌恶的;憎恶的)

humility [hjuːˈmɪləti]

n. 谦逊,谦恭 (the quality or state of being humble)


wane [weɪn]

v. 减少,衰落 (to decrease in size, extent, or degree; dwindle)


abate, ebb, shrink, slacken, subside

sonorous [ˈsɑːnərəs]

adj. (声音)洪亮的 (full or loud in sound)


derivative [dɪˈrɪvətɪv]

adj. 派生的 (derived) ;无创意的 (not original)

derivate, derivational

paucity [ˈpɔːsəti]

n. 少量 (fewness) ;缺乏 (dearth)


counterfeit [ˈkaʊntərfɪt]

v. 伪造,仿造 (to make an imitation of money, picture, etc. usually in order to deceive or defraud) adj. 伪造的,假冒的 (made in imitation of sth. else with intent to deceive)


impulsive [ɪmˈpʌlsɪv]

adj. 冲动的,由冲动引起的 (arising from an impulse) ;易冲动的 (prone to act on impulse)

Though impulsive in her personal life, Edna St. Vincent Millay was nonetheless disciplined about her work, usually producing several pages of complicated rhyme in a day.

automatic, instinctive, involuntary, spontaneous

impulsively ( adv. 冲动地)

disinterested [dɪsˈɪntrəstɪd]

adj. 公正的,客观的 (impartial, unbiased)

注意区别uninterested ( adj. 不感兴趣的)

be disinterested in 对…客观的、公正的;disinterested attitude 公正的态度

detached, dispassionate, neutral

disinterestedness ( n. 公正无私)

vitiate [ˈvɪʃieɪt]

v. 削弱,损害 (to make faulty or defective, impair)


discretion [dɪˈskreʃn]

n. 谨慎,审慎

circumspection, prudence

extol [ɪkˈstəʊl]

v. 赞美 (to praise highly, laud)


specious [ˈspiːʃəs]

adj. 似是而非的 (having a false look of truth or genuineness) ;华而不实的 (having deceptive attraction or allure)


proliferate [prəˈlɪfəreɪt]

v. 激增 (to increase rapidly, multiply) ;(迅速)繁殖,增生 (to grow by rapid production)


proliferation ( n. 激增;涌现)

instigate [ˈɪnstɪɡeɪt]

v. 怂恿,鼓动,煽动 (to urge on, foment, incite)


abet, provoke, stir

instigation ( n. 煽动,唆使,发起)

candor [ˈkændər]

n. 坦白,率直 (frankness)


Candor may actually enhance one’s standing.

responsive [rɪˈspɑːnsɪv]

adj. 响应的,做出反应的 (giving response) ;敏感的,反应快的

respondent, sensitive

convivial [kənˈvɪviəl]

adj. 欢乐的,快乐的 (having sth. to do with a feast or festive activity)


adverse [ˈædvɜːrs]

adj. 有害的,不利的 (not favorable) ;敌对的 (hostile) ,相反的 (contrary)


precipitate [prɪˈsɪpɪteɪt] / [prɪˈsɪpɪtət]

v. 使突然降临,加速,促成 (to bring about abruptly, hasten) adj. 鲁莽的,轻率的 (impetuous)


precipitate sb./sth. into sth. 使…突然陷入(某种状态)

applaud [əˈplɔːd]

v. 鼓掌;称赞 (to show approval by clapping the hands)


acclaim, commend, compliment

impede [ɪmˈpiːd]

v. 妨碍 (to bar or hinder the progress of, obstruct)


impediment ( n. 妨碍,阻碍物)

certitude [ˈsɜːrtɪtuːd]

n. 确定无疑 (certainty of act or event)


appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt]

v. 欣赏 (to understand and enjoy) ;感激 (to recognize with gratitude)


cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs]

adj. 小心的,谨慎的 (marked by or given to caution)


chary, circumspect, discreet, gingerly, wary

auspicious [ɔːˈspɪʃəs]

adj. 幸运的 (favored by future; successful) ;吉兆的 (propitious)


inauspicious ( adj. 不吉利的;不祥的)

embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs]

v. 拥抱 (to take a person into one’s arms as a sign of affection) ;包含 (to take in or include as a part)


gregarious [ɡrɪˈɡeriəs]

adj. 群居的 (living in herds or flocks) ;爱社交的 (sociable)


Contrary to her customary gregarious behavior, Susan began leaving parties early to seek the solitude of her room.

circumstantial [ˌsɜːrkəmˈstænʃl]

adj. 不重要的,偶然的 (incidental) ;描述详细的 (marked by careful attention to detail)


facilitate [fəˈsɪlɪteɪt]

v. 使容易,促进 (to make easy or easier)

assist, ease, speed

impair [ɪmˈper]

v. 损害,削弱 (to damage, reduce, injure)


blemish, mar, prejudice, tarnish, vitiate

impairment ( n. 缺陷,障碍,损伤)

concede [kənˈsiːd]

v. 承认 (to admit) ;让步 (to make a concession)


initiate [ɪˈnɪʃieɪt]

v. 发起,开始 (to set going by taking the first step, begin) ;接纳 (to admit into membership, as with ceremonies or ritual)


commence, inaugurate, institute, originate

renaissance [ˈrenəsɑːns]

n. 文艺复兴 (a revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor)


caterwaul [ˈkætərwɔːl]

n. (猫)嚎叫 (to make the loud unpleasant noise that is typical of a cat)

联想记忆:cat(猫)+er+waul(嚎叫)→(猫)嚎叫 SRsFAI24Q68k+dU/ISv5FTAd5iznzGpm6FSpZrrhglhk0v7RgIMdJ+2qM9irjQQj
