
Word List 01

音 频

state [steɪt]

n. 状态,状况,情况

〔例〕 The President spoke about the state of the country’s economy in the meeting. 总统在会上谈到了国家的经济状况。



vt. 陈述,说明

〔真〕 Next time you state your position, formulate an argument for what you claim and honestly ask yourself whether your argument is any good. 下次当你表明立场时,为你的主张提出论据,并诚实地问问自己,你的论据是否有说服力。


〔例〕 The price of such product was stated by the government. 此类产品的价格是由政府规定的。

〔派〕 stated ( a. 确定的,固定的);overstate ( vt. 夸大,言过其实)

a. 州的;邦的

〔真〕 state public schools 各州的公立学校

paragraph [ˈpærəgrɑːf]

词根记忆 para(在旁边)+graph(写)→写在文字旁边→段;短评

n. 段,段落

〔例〕 The writer gave his opinion in the last paragraph of the article. 作者在文章最后一段给出了自己的观点。


〔例〕 I am reading a paragraph about football now. 我正在看一篇关于足球的短评。

author [ˈɔːθə]

n. 作者

〔例〕 The author is accused of lifting a chapter from another writer. 该作者被指控剽窃了另一位作家的一章内容。


〔例〕 The author of the party died last week. 该党的创始人上周去世了。

〔派〕 co-author ( n. 合著者)

social [ˈsəʊʃl]

词根记忆 soci(社会)+al(属于…的)→社会的

a. 社会的

〔真〕 social status 社会地位 // social recognition 社会认同


〔例〕 My parents are going to attend a social gathering tonight. 我爸妈今晚要参加一个社交聚会。

〔派〕 socially ( ad. 在社交方面;在社会上);

socialization ( n. 社会化;适应社会的过程);

sociability ( n. 社交性;好交际)

according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə]

prep. 依照,按照,根据;据(…所说);按(…所报道)

〔真〕 According to a study by Catalyst, between 2010 and 2015 the share of women on the boards of global corporations increased by 54 percent. 根据Catalyst的一项研究,2010年至2015年间,全球公司董事会中女性的比例增加了54%。

being [ˈbiːɪŋ]

n. 生物

〔真〕 human beings 人


〔例〕 Historians assume that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture. 历史学家认为,历法是随着农业的出现而产生的。

system [ˈsɪstəm]

n. 体系,制度,体制

〔例〕 A majority of the citizens wanted to revert the country to the previous system . 大多数公民要求国家恢复原来的体制。


〔例〕 The electricity failure paralyzed the computer system . 电力故障使计算机系统陷入瘫痪。


〔真〕 nervous system 神经系统 // immune system 免疫系统


〔真〕 underground pipe system 地下管道系统

〔派〕 supersystem ( n. 超系统;超级体系)

technology/tech [tekˈnɒlədʒi]/[tek]

词根记忆 techn(技艺)+ology(…学)→工艺

n. 工艺,技术,科技

〔真〕 advances in technology 科技的进步 // Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all. 科学和技术将解决人类所有的问题,为所有人带来充满满足感和机遇的生活。

〔派〕 technological ( a. 科技的);technologist ( n. 技术专家);

biotechnology ( n. 生物科技)

likely [ˈlaɪkli]

ad. 很可能

〔例〕 As likely as not, Joe’s forgotten all about the matter. 乔很可能把这件事忘得一干二净了。

a. 可能的,有希望的

〔例〕 On the whole, ambitious students are more likely to succeed in their studies than those with little ambition. 总的来说,有上进心的学生比没什么上进心的学生更有可能在学习上取得成功。

〔派〕 likeliness ( n. 可能,可能性);unlikely ( a. 不大可能发生的;难以相信的)

economic [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk]

a. 经济的,经济上的,经济学的

〔真〕 During the decade before the economic crisis, spending on legal services in America grew twice as fast as inflation. 在经济危机爆发前的十年里,美国人在法律服务上的花费增长速度是通货膨胀增长速度的两倍。

〔派〕 uneconomic ( a. 不盈利的,不赚钱的;不节俭的,不经济的)

〔参〕 socioeconomic ( a. 社会经济的)

influence [ˈɪnfluəns]

n. (on) 影响,作用

〔真〕 High school students who have had a strong positive influence on their community through an extracurricular activity may impress a college and win a scholarship. 那些通过课外活动对社区产生强烈、积极影响的高中生可能会给大学留下深刻印象,并获得奖学金。


〔例〕 The minister used his influence to get his son a good job. 部长利用自己的权势为儿子谋了份好差事。


〔真〕 another homegrown influence on the “less is more” trend 对“少即是多”趋势的又一个本土影响

vt. 影响,对…起作用

〔例〕 It’s clear that the artist’s painting was influenced by Picasso. 那位画家的画作显然受了毕加索的影响。

federal [ˈfedərəl]

联想记忆 FBI(联邦调查局)中的F就是federal的首字母

a. 联邦制的

〔例〕 The U.S. is a federal organization of states. 美国是一个由各个州组成的联邦制国家。

〔派〕 federally ( ad. 联邦地,联邦政府地)

〔参〕 federation ( n. 联邦,联盟)

issue [ˈɪʃuː]

n. 问题;重要议题,争论点

〔真〕 the issues around AI art and copyright 人工智能艺术作品及版权问题


〔例〕 Mr. White was reading an old issue of Newsweek . 怀特先生在看一份过期的《新闻周刊》。

vt. 宣布,公布,发出

〔例〕 The warning issued by the government wasn’t accepted by the public. 政府发出的警告没有被公众所接受。

〔真〕 issue a report 发布一份报告 // issue an unusual order 发布一项不寻常的命令


〔真〕 issue visas 发签证 // issue patents 授予专利


〔例〕 They issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion. 他们特别发行了一套纪念该活动的邮票。

medium [ˈmiːdiəm]

词根记忆 medi(中间)+um→中等的,适中的

a. 中等的,中号的,适中的

〔例〕 There are three sizes available for the clothes—small, medium and large. 衣服有三种尺码——小号、中号和大号。

n. ([pl.] media 或 mediums) 媒介;途径,方法,手段

〔真〕 At the same time AI can also be used to generate content for social media posts and chat sites. 同时,人工智能还可以用来为社交媒体上的帖子和聊天网站生成内容。

〔参〕 medium-sized ( a. 中等大小的,中型的)

benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt]

词根记忆 bene(善,好)+fit→好处

n. 利益,益处,好处

〔真〕 environmental benefits 环境效益 // for the benefit of 为了…的利益/好处

福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金) ;(公司提供的)福利;(保险公司支付的)保险金

〔真〕 We’re doing these things because we know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster. 我们正在做这些事情,是因为我们知道这样能帮助人们远离救济金,并且帮助那些依靠救济金生活的人更快地找到工作。

vt. 有益于,对…有好处

〔例〕 Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people instead of harming them. 发展核科学应该使人们受益,而不是伤害他们。

vi. (from/by) 得益,获利

〔真〕 Shoppers also benefit from seeing exactly where—and to who—their money is going. 这也有利于购物者确切地知道自己的钱去了何处,到了何人之手。

product [ˈprɒdʌkt]

n. 产品;产物

〔真〕 digital products 数字产品

〔参〕 producer ( n. 生产者;制作者)

focus [ˈfəʊkəs]

v. (on) 集中(注意力、精力等于)

〔真〕 Our studies focused on the impact of zoo experiences on how people think about themselves and nature. 我们的研究关注的是动物园体验对于人们如何看待自己和认识自然的影响。

n. 焦点,中心点(指人或事物)

〔例〕 Jimmy always wants to be the focus of attention. 吉米总想成为被关注的焦点。

publish [ˈpʌblɪʃ]

v. 出版,发行;刊登

〔真〕 These men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness. 这些人大量撰写、出版书籍,在新旧世界都拥有读者,这给新英格兰带来了浓郁的求知氛围。


〔派〕 publisher ( n. 出版者,发行人)

concern [kənˈsɜːn]

vt. 涉及,牵涉

〔例〕 Leave alone such questions as do not concern any of us. 别讨论这些与我们任何人都无关的问题了。

〔真〕 as/so far as sb. is concerned 在某人看来


〔真〕 be concerned with 关心,挂念;从事 // concern oneself with 关心


〔真〕 There are new rules concerning the amount of glazing used in extensions, and any new windows or doors must be highly insulated. 关于扩建房屋使用的玻璃数量有了新的规定,任何新的门窗都必须高度隔热。

n. [U] 关爱,关心

〔例〕 parents’ concern for their children 父母对子女的关爱

[U,C] 担心,忧虑

〔例〕 concerns about health care 对卫生保健状况的担忧

[C] (对人、组织等)重要的事情

〔真〕 a substantial labour-rights concern 一个重大的劳工权益问题 // health concern 健康问题

〔派〕 concerned ( a. 关切的,关注的);

unconcerned ( a. 不关心的,无兴趣的)

process [ˈprəʊses] n. [prəˈses] vt.

词根记忆 pro(前,向前)+cess(走)→向前走的过程→过程,进程

n. 过程,进程

〔真〕 in the college admissions process 在大学录取的过程中 // a process known as “cognitive offloading” 一个被称为“认知卸载”的过程


〔例〕 The company developed a new process of printing. 这家公司开发了一种新的印刷工艺。

vt. 加工;处理

〔例〕 The workers are processing watch chips in the workshops. 工人们正在车间里加工手表芯片。

〔真〕 process background checks 进行背景调查

〔派〕 processor ( n. 处理器)

challenge [ˈtʃæləndʒ]

n. 挑战,艰巨任务

〔真〕 One of the biggest challenges in keeping unsafe aging drivers off the road is convincing them that it’s time to turn over the keys. 要阻止不安全的老年司机上路,最大的挑战之一就是让他们相信是时候该交出车钥匙了。

vt. 向…挑战

〔例〕 Tom challenged me to play another tennis game. 汤姆向我发起挑战,要我跟他再打一场网球比赛。


〔真〕 Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not: challenge the constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant running. 相反,该公司的所作所为恰恰是它很早就曾承诺不会做的事情——在联邦法庭上质疑佛蒙特州的各项规定是否符合宪法,这是它为拼命保证佛蒙特洋基核电站能够正常运行所做的努力的一部分。

〔派〕 challenging ( a. 挑战性的;不赞同的);

unchallenged ( a. 不被怀疑的,没有异议的)

financial [faɪˈnænʃl]

来自 finance ( n. 资金;财政,金融)

a. 财政的,财务的,金融的

〔真〕 financial assistance 财政援助 // financial crisis 金融危机 // It’s not just a financial decision, but an emotional one. Many people believe they can’t retire.这不仅仅是一个财务上的决定,更是一个情感上的决定。许多人认为他们不能退休。

〔派〕 financially ( ad. 财政上,金融上)

essay [ˈeseɪ]

联想记忆 光说(say)不写非文章(essay)

n. 文章,短文

〔例〕 Some people like to open his or her essays with dictums. 有些人喜欢用格言作为文章的开头。

fund [fʌnd]

n. 专款,基金;[pl.]资金,现款

〔真〕 raise funds 筹集资金 // federal funds 联邦资金

vt. 拨款;资助

〔派〕 funding ( n. 基金,资金);overfunding ( n. 过度资助);underfunding ( n. 资金不足)

〔参〕 government-funded 政府拨款的 // publicly-funded 公办的 // privately-funded 私人投资的

involve [ɪnˈvɒlv]

词根记忆 in(使)+volv(卷)+e→使卷入,牵连,牵涉

vt. (in) 使卷入,牵连,牵涉

〔真〕 Both of these books are published next week by Penguin Random House (PRH), a company currently involved in a stand-off with Waterstones. 这两本书都将于下周由企鹅兰登书屋出版,而该公司目前正与水石书店僵持不下。


〔真〕 Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number of every kind of professional in a country as large as ours and where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations. 另外,在像我们这么大的一个国家里,经济覆盖这么多州,又涉及这么多国际公司,这种模式不可能培养出所需数量的各类专业人员。

(in) (使)参加,加入

〔真〕 Both France and the United States are involved in the organization’s work. 法国和美国都参与了该组织的工作。

〔派〕 involved ( a. 参与的,涉及的;复杂难懂的);

involvement ( n. 参与,加入)

rate [reɪt]

n. 速度;比率

〔例〕 Last year marked the third year in a row that Indonesia’s bleak rate of deforestation has slowed in pace. 去年是印度尼西亚森林砍伐率连续第三年放缓。

〔真〕 at the rate of 以…的速度 // interest rate 利率 // divorce rate离婚率 // unemployment rate 失业率


〔例〕 How much is your telephone rate this month? 你这个月的电话费是多少?

〔真〕 at any rate 无论如何,至少 // At any rate , you really ought to talk to your parents about what you’re thinking. 无论如何,你的确应该和父母谈谈你的想法。

vt. 估价,评估,评价

〔真〕 Then they rated the degree to which they had used intuition (“gut feelings,” “hunches,” “my heart”). 然后参与者对他们使用直觉的程度(“本能”“预感”“我的心”)进行评估。

individual [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]

词根记忆 in(不)+divid(分)+ual→不可再分的→个体

a. 个人的;单个的,单独的

〔真〕 individual interest 个人利益 // individual facts and memorization 单个事实和记忆


n. 个人,个体

〔真〕 I think individuals being able to rent out their second home is a good thing. 我认为个人能够出租第二套房是件好事。

〔派〕 individuality ( n. 个性,个人特征);

individually ( ad. 分别地,单独地)

argue [ˈɑːgjuː]

v. 争论,争吵,争辩

〔例〕 We’re always arguing with each other about trifles. 我们总是为琐事争吵。


〔真〕 More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong—and yet most did little to fight it. 更意味深长的是,他们提出理由说明,许多开国元勋知道奴隶制是错误的,但是大多数人都几乎没有采取行动去反对它。


〔例〕 Jane argued her husband out of his decision of resign. 简劝说丈夫放弃辞职的决定。

tend [tend]

记忆 本身为词根:伸→趋向

vi. (to) 趋向,趋于;往往会

〔例〕 People tend to think that the issue will never affect their daily life. 人们往往认为这个问题不会影响他们的日常生活。

vt. 照料,照管

〔例〕 Nurses often devote their whole lives to tending the sick. 护士们通常毕生致力于照顾病人。

〔派〕 tendency ( n. 趋向,趋势)

〔参〕 attend ( vt. 出席);contend ( v. 竞争);extend ( v. 延伸);intend ( v. 打算);pretend ( vt. 假装)

behavio(u)r [bɪˈheɪvjə]

n. 行为,举止

〔例〕 The behavior and thoughts of people change according to circumstances. 人们的行为和思想随着环境的改变而变化。


〔例〕 the behaviour of dolphins 海豚的习性

〔派〕 behavioral ( a. 行为方面的);behaviorist ( n. 行为主义者)

pressure [ˈpreʃə]

词根记忆 press(压)+ure(名词后缀)→压力;压强

n. 压力,挤压;压强

〔真〕 And stay alert to serious symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure , severe shortness of breath or dizziness, or faintness. 警惕胸痛或胸闷、严重的气短或头晕、昏厥等严重的症状。


〔真〕 peer pressure 同伴压力 // put pressure on 给…施加压力

vt. 对…施加压力

〔真〕 pressure those officials 对那些官员施压

〔参〕 press ( v. 压);suppress ( vt. 镇压;抑制);impress ( vt. 使铭记,留下印象);depress ( vt. 使消沉);compress ( vt. 压缩);express ( vt. 表达)

economy [ɪˈkɒnəmi]

n. 经济,经济情况

〔真〕 keep up with the current economy 跟上当前的经济形势 // the digital economy 数字经济


〔例〕 By various little economies , the couple managed to save some money. 那对夫妇采用各种小的节约措施,攒下了一些钱。


a. 便宜的,经济的

〔派〕 economist ( n. 经济学家)

comment [ˈkɒment]

词根记忆 com(共同)+ment(思考)→一起思考→评论

v. (on) 发表意见,作出评论

〔例〕 Everyone was commenting on the new policy. 大家都在评论这项新政策。

n. 议论,评论,解释

〔例〕 The readers have made various comments on Jim’s works. 读者对吉姆的作品评论不一。

〔派〕 commentator ( n. 评论员;解说员)

describe [dɪˈskraɪb]

词根记忆 de(表加强)+scrib(写)+e→写得很全面→描述

v. 描述,形容

〔真〕 Not everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes . 并不是每个人都经历了阿尔瓦雷斯描述的那种严重的持续性压力。

impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. [ɪmˈpækt] v.

n. (on) 巨大影响,强大作用

〔真〕 have a negative impact on our wellbeing 对我们的健康有负面影响 // have a lasting impact 有持久的影响


〔例〕 The boxer collapsed under the full impact of the blow. 那名拳击手受重击倒下了。

v. 对…造成影响,产生影响

〔真〕 In his Case Study House, Ralph Rapson may have mispredicted just how the mechanical revolution would impact everyday life. 拉尔夫·拉普森在他的房屋个例研究中可能错误地预估了机械革命会怎样影响日常生活。

fashion [ˈfæʃn]

n. 流行款式;时尚,时兴

〔例〕 Short skirts are in fashion here. 现在这里很流行短裙。


〔例〕 after the fashion (of) 模仿… // Tom behaved in a very strange fashion today. 今天汤姆的举止很奇怪。

vt. 使成形,制作,塑造

〔真〕 Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones. 亚利桑那州试图制定州政策,欲与已存在的联邦政策并驾齐驱。

〔参〕 old-fashioned ( a. 旧式的)

patent [ˈpætnt]

a. 有专利的;专利生产的

〔例〕 These patent drugs must not be sold in other stores. 这些专利药物不得在其他商店销售。

n. 专利;专利证书;专利权

〔真〕 patent holder 专利持有者 // patent office 专利局

vt. 获得专利权

〔例〕 The company has patented many new inventions. 这家公司已获得许多新发明的专利权。

〔参〕 potent ( a. 有力的)

claim [kleɪm]

记忆 本身为词根:呼喊,叫喊→声称;索要

v. 声称,断言

〔例〕 Tom claimed that he hadn’t lied, but I didn’t believe him. 汤姆声称自己没有说谎,可是我不相信他。


〔例〕 The victim claimed a large amount of money against the driver. 受害人要求司机赔偿一大笔钱。

n. 声明,宣称, 断言

〔真〕 This claim was false. 这种说法是错误的。


〔例〕 Claims for personal injury continue to increase. 因人身伤害而引起的索赔案在不断增加。


〔例〕 Sam has set up a claim to a portion of the estate. 萨姆已对房产的一部分提出了所有权要求。

〔参〕 proclaim ( vt. 宣布,声明);reclaim ( vt. 要求归还)

local [ˈləʊkl]

词根记忆 loc(地方)+al(…的)→地方的

a. 地方的,当地的

〔真〕 the local housing market 当地房地产市场 // local governments 地方政府


〔例〕 The doctor gave me a local anesthetic before stitching my wound. 在缝合伤口之前,医生给我进行了局部麻醉。

n. 当地人,本地人

〔真〕 While some locals opposed the designation, the decision was largely accepted. 虽然一些当地人反对这一规划,但这一决定还是被广泛接受了。

〔派〕 locally ( ad. 在本地,在当地)

survey [səˈveɪ] vt. [ˈsɜːveɪ] n.

vt. 查看,审视

〔例〕 Have the house surveyed before you offer to buy it. 你出价买那栋房子前要好好调查一下。


〔真〕 which surveyed 2,000 adults between 40 to 79对2000名40至79岁的成年人进行了调查


〔真〕 Typically, they survey and sample (make test excavations on) large areas of terrain to determine where excavation will yield useful information. 典型的做法就是通过勘测和抽样分析(实验性挖掘)大面积土地来确定在哪里挖掘会获取有用的信息。

n. 民意调查,民意测验

〔真〕 In a recent survey , it was found that only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied with school life. 近期的一项民意调查表明,只有24.5%的日本学生对学校生活感到非常满意。


〔例〕 The first thing to do was to make a grand survey of the country. 首先要做的事情就是对这个国家进行一次整体勘测。

intelligence [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns]

n. 智力,才智

〔真〕 intelligence test 智力测验 // intelligence level 智力水平 // Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. 对动物智力的研究总是让我对人类有多聪明感到好奇。


〔例〕 The stupid enemy forces are still analyzing those pieces of false intelligence information. 愚蠢的敌军还在分析那几条假的情报信息。

〔真〕 intelligence analysis 情报分析 // military intelligence 军事情报

account [əˈkaʊnt]

词根记忆 ac(表加强)+count(计算)→算账→账目

n. 账目;账户

〔例〕 keep accounts 记账 // I have to check the balance of my bank account and withdraw some money. 我得查一下银行账户的存款余额,然后取一些钱出来。

描述, 叙述;解释,说明

〔真〕 by/from all accounts 据说,根据报道 // take...into account 考虑 // on account of 因为,由于 No citizen should be denied the right to serve on a jury on account of race, religion, sex, or national origin. 不得因种族、宗教、性别或民族血统而剥夺任何公民担任陪审员的权利。

vi. (for) 是…的说明(或原因);解释,说明

〔真〕 What might account for this strange phenomenon? 是什么原因导致了这种奇怪的现象?

(for) (在数量、比例方面)占

〔例〕 Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population. 非裔美国人占美国人口的12%。

(for) 导致,引起

〔例〕 The drought accounted for the poor harvest. 干旱导致了歉收。

〔派〕 accountability ( n. 可说明性;有责任)

decade [ˈdekeɪd]

词根记忆 deca(十)+de→十年

n. 十年,十年期

〔例〕 This kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades . 这种电子谍报活动已经存在几十年了。

access [ˈækses]

词根记忆 ac(近)+cess(走)→走近→进入

n. (to) 进入;(使用或见到的)机会,权利

〔例〕 An intruder used a superuser account, which gave him access to our whole system. 一名入侵者使用一个超级用户的账号进入了我们的整个系统。

(to) 入口;通道

〔例〕 They blocked the access to the factory. 他们封锁了通往工厂的通道。

v. 访问,存取(计算机文件)

〔真〕 We often hear media reports that an unauthorized hacker has been able to access a computer database and to alter information stored there. 我们常常听到媒体报道,说某个黑客能够非法入侵电脑数据库并篡改存储在里面的信息。


〔派〕 accessible ( a. 可接近的,可进入的);

inaccessible ( a. 难以达到的)

legal [ˈliːgl]

a. 法律的,与法律有关的

〔例〕 legal affairs 法律事务 // China has developed a legal system to promote technology transfer. 中国已经制定出了一套促进技术转让的法律制度。


〔例〕 What the company has done is perfectly legal . 这家公司所做的事情是完全合法的。

〔派〕 legally ( ad. 法律上;合法地);

illegal ( a. 违法的,非法的)

profit [ˈprɒfɪt]

n. 利润,收益

〔例〕 I’m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment. 我无法确定自己能否从这项投资当中获利。

〔真〕 the profit motive 追求利润的动机

v. (by/from) 得到好处,获益 ;对…有用(或有益)

〔例〕 One can profit by reading. 阅读可以使人受益。

approach [əˈprəʊtʃ]

词根记忆 ap(表加强)+proach(接近)→接近

v. 靠近,接近,临近

〔例〕 Let up on the gas as you approach an intersection. 开车接近十字路口时,要减小油门。


〔例〕 approach the issue in a practical way 务实地处理这个问题


〔真〕 A publishing firm approached Dickens to write a story in monthly installments. 一家出版公司找到狄更斯,希望他写一个按月连载的故事。

n. 方法,方式,态度

〔真〕 Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas. 很大程度上是在博厄斯众多学生的影响下,“历史特殊论”成为美国人类学文化研究的主导方法。


〔例〕 The club has made an approach to an international firm for sponsorship. 该俱乐部已向一家国际公司寻求赞助。



〔同〕 near ( vi. 接近);method ( n. 方法)

remain [rɪˈmeɪn]

词根记忆 re(一再)+main(留)→遗留

vi. 仍然是,保持不变

〔真〕 Some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power. 一些美国人担心,生活在美国的一些移民在某种程度上仍然不受这个国家同化力量的影响。


n. [pl.] 剩余物,剩饭菜


〔例〕 The archaeologists were studying the remains of the old city. 考古学家正在研究这座古城的遗迹。


〔真〕 buried remains 被掩埋的遗骸

attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd]

n. (to/towards) 态度,看法

〔真〕 His political view changed his attitude towards slavery. 他的政治观点改变了他对奴隶制的态度。


〔例〕 It would be very tired to sit so long in one attitude . 如此长时间保持一种坐姿会很累的。

evidence [ˈevɪdəns]

词根记忆 e+vid(看见)+ence(名词后缀)→看见的情形→证据

n. 根据,证明,证据

〔真〕 The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was irrelevant to the issue at hand. 法官做出了证据不被采纳的裁决,理由是所提供的证据与正在审理的案件无关。


〔真〕 evidence of good character 良好品格的证据

vt. 证明,表明,作为…的证据

〔真〕 There is no doubt that gardens evidence an impossible urge to create, express, fashion, and beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge. 毫无疑问,花园证明了一种创造、表达、塑造和美化的不太可能实现的诉求,而自我表达是人类的一种基本诉求。

adult [ˈædʌlt]

n. 成年人

〔真〕 The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different. 针对成年人和儿童的测试内容和形式可能有所不同。

a. 成年人的,发育成熟的

〔例〕 Dolly was cloned from an adult sheep. 多利是从一只成年的绵羊克隆而来的。

〔派〕 adulthood ( n. 成年)

argument [ˈɑːgjumənt]

来自 argue ( v. 争论,争辩)

n. 争论,争辩,辩论

〔例〕 After a long argument , we decided where to go for our holiday. 经过长时间的争论,我们把度假的地方定了下来。


〔例〕 Support your argument by quote, please. 请引用事实来支持你的论点。

response [rɪˈspɒns]

词根记忆 re(回)+spons(允诺)+e→允诺回去→回答

n. (to) 回答,答复

〔例〕 The judge asked the witness for his response . 法官要求证人作答。

(to) 反应,响应

〔真〕 a more immediate response 一个更直接的反应

promote [prəˈməʊt]

词根记忆 pro(向前)+mot(动)+e→向前动→促进

vt. 促进,推动

〔真〕 We have to suspect that continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don’t force it. 我们不得不猜想,即使政府不大力加强教育,持续的经济增长也会促进教育的发展。


〔例〕 Hard as Ben worked, he never got promoted . 尽管本工作很努力,但是从未得到提升。


〔真〕 The parliament also agreed to ban websites that “incite excessive thinness” by promoting extreme dieting. 议会也同意禁止那些宣传极度节食来“鼓动过度瘦身”的网站。

〔派〕 promotion ( n. 促进;提升;广告宣传);promotional ( a. 推销的,广告宣传的)

career [kəˈrɪə]

n. 职业

〔真〕 With thousands of career -related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming. 因为互联网上和职业相关的网站有数千个,所以想找到有希望的职位空缺很耗时。


〔真〕 Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future. 讨论你自己职业生涯的乐趣和弊端,鼓励你的孩子们对自己的未来形成一些想法。

infer [ɪnˈfɜː]

vt. 推论,推断

〔真〕 infer from 从…来推断


〔参〕 inferior ( a. 级别低的;较差的,次的)

justice [ˈdʒʌstɪs]

词根记忆 just(正义;法律)+ice→公平,公正

n. 公平,公正 ;公道,合理

〔真〕 Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. It provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice , democracy and freedom. 法律是一门鼓励进行责任判断的学科。它为分析像公平、民主和自由这样的概念提供了机会。


〔例〕 The criminals were finally brought to justice . 罪犯们最终受到了法律的制裁。


〔真〕 the Supreme Court justices 最高法院的法官

plastic [ˈplæstɪk]

n. 塑料;塑料制品

〔例〕 Plastics are widely used in our daily lives. 塑料制品在我们的日常生活中使用得十分广泛。

a. 塑料的,塑胶的

〔例〕 In order to protect the environment, we should use plastic bags as few as possible. 为了环保,我们应尽量少用塑料袋。


〔例〕 Shape the wax figure while it is still warm and plastic . 趁蜡像还温热可塑的时候塑形。

intellectual [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl]

词根记忆 intel(中间)+lect(选择)+ual(形容词后缀)→能从中选择的→有才智的

a. 智力的,理智的

〔真〕 intellectual powers 智力 // I personally have never seen all that much intellectual value in memorizing things. 就我个人而言,我从不认为死记硬背有什么智力价值。


n. 知识分子

〔例〕 People who work in this domain are regarded as the highly qualified intellectuals . 在这个领域工作的人被视为高级知识分子。

〔派〕 intellectualism ( n. 智力发展,智力活动);

intellectually ( ad. 知识上地;智力上地)

〔参〕 intellect ( n. 智力;才智)

finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ]

n. [pl.] 调查发现,调研结果

〔例〕 Our latest research findings were presented in the meeting. 会上公布了我们的最新研究成果。

〔真〕 poll findings 民意调查结果

security [sɪˈkjʊərəti]

n. 保护措施,安全工作;安全,平安

〔真〕 security alarms 安全警报 // sense of security 安全感 // Yet this enormous resource is not contributing enough to today’s global challenges including climate change, security , sustainable development and health. 然而,这一巨大的资源对于迎接现今的全球性挑战——包括气候变化、安全问题、可持续发展与健康——并没有起到足够的作用。

〔派〕 insecurity ( n. 不安全)

executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv]

联想记忆 Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官),缩写为CEO

a. 有执行权的,实施的,行政的

〔例〕 Our manager is a man of great executive ability. 我们的经理是个执行能力非常强的人。

〔真〕 Executive Office Building 行政办公楼 // executive director 执行董事


〔真〕 the executive suite 贵宾套房

n. 经理;主管领导;管理人员

〔真〕 well-paid executives 待遇优厚的高管们 // senior executives 高级主管

decline [dɪˈklaɪn]

词根记忆 de(向下)+clin(倾斜)+e→向下倾斜→下降

v. 下降,减少;衰落

〔例〕 The tariffs of these home appliances have declined by 36 percent. 这些家用电器的关税下调了36%。


〔真〕 Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or decline it. 根据收到的反馈,编辑将决定是发表该论文还是退稿。

n. 下降;衰落,衰退;减少

〔真〕 on the decline 在衰退中 // in decline 下降 // There are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline . 没有出现会使其总体人口数量下降的主要威胁。

〔派〕 declining ( a. 倾斜的;衰退中的)

〔参〕 recline ( v. 斜倚);incline〔 v. (使)倾斜〕

factor [ˈfæktə]

联想记忆 fact(事实,论据)+or→重要论据→要素

n. 因素,要素

〔真〕 a crucial factor 一个关键因素 // multiple factors 多种因素

〔参〕 factual ( a. 事实的)

ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə]

词根记忆 en(使)+sur(确信)+e→使确信→确保,保证

vt. 确保,保证

〔真〕 Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic growth is translated into meaningful improvements for its citizens. 在确保经济增长转变成对民众有意义的增长这方面,在163个被评估的国家中,英国是表现得最差的几个国家之一。 FIUW57+kWESJA07OIim0PXwzuj7D4jw/gXKExcv7u0oKnjFkU9FHjP7y8ofPNZq3
