
Word List 12

音 频

resist [rɪˈzɪst]

词根记忆 re(反)+sist(站)→站在对立面→反抗,抵抗

v. 抵制,阻挡;反抗,抵抗

〔真〕 resist the influence of advertisements 抵制广告的影响 // Pat Hardy, who sympathises with the views of the energy sector, is resisting proposed changes to science standards for pre-teen pupils. 帕特·哈迪对能源部门的观点表示赞同,正在抵制针对青春期前的学生的科学标准的修改建议。


〔例〕 I can’t resist your charms. 我难以抗拒你的魅力。

expedition [ˌekspəˈdɪʃn]

词根记忆 ex(出)+ped(足)+ition→走出去→远征

n. 远征,探险,考察

〔真〕 expedition members 探险队员 // That’s why Hayden’s expedition aimed to produce a fuller understanding of the Yellowstone River region, from its hot springs and waterfalls to its variety of flora and fauna. 这就是为什么海登的探险旨在更全面地了解黄石河地区,从温泉和瀑布到各种动植物。


〔例〕 Henry joined an expedition to the North Pole last winter vacation. 去年寒假亨利参加了一个北极探险队。

realistic [ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk]

a. 现实的,实际的,实事求是的

〔真〕 be realistic about the risks 对风险要实事求是 // realistic optimists 现实的乐观主义者 // They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative. 他们往往会把钱袋捂得更紧,将在家就餐看成是现实的选择。

〔派〕 unrealistic ( a. 不切实际的);unrealistically ( ad. 不切实际地)

auction [ˈɔːkʃn]

词根记忆 auc(增加)+tion(名词后缀)→价钱逐渐增加的过程→拍卖

n./vt. 拍卖

〔真〕 auction houses 拍卖行 // art-market auctions 艺术品市场拍卖

〔派〕 auctioneer ( n. 拍卖师,拍卖商)

logical [ˈlɒdʒɪkl]

a. 按照逻辑的,符合逻辑的

〔真〕 logical thinking 逻辑思维 // formulate logical hypotheses 形成逻辑假设


〔真〕 On one hand, that viewpoint is a logical product of America’s evolution. 一方面,这种观点是美国发展的必然产物。

〔派〕 logically ( ad. 逻辑上);illogical ( a. 不合逻辑的)

component [kəmˈpəʊnənt]

词根记忆 com(共同)+pon(放)+ent(物)→放到一起的东西→组成部分,成分

n. 组成部分,成分,部件

〔真〕 Most work-related behaviours have multiple components . 大多数与工作相关的行为都包含多重因素。

a. 组成的,构成的

〔例〕 Computer hardware is a key component part of the new radar system. 电脑硬件是新雷达系统中的一个关键组成部分。

〔同〕 ingredient ( n. 成分);element ( n. 要素,基本部分);constituent ( n. 成分,构成要素 a. 组成的)

〔参〕 opponent ( n. 对手,竞争者)

disturb [dɪˈstɜːb]

词根记忆 dis(分散)+turb(搅动)→搅乱了→打扰,干扰

vt. 打扰,干扰,妨碍

〔真〕 Were it not for opportunities to observe these beautiful, wild creatures close to home, many more people would be driven by their fascination to travel to wild areas to seek out, disturb and even hunt them down. 要不是有机会在离家近的地方观察到这些美丽的野生动物,许多人会因为它们的吸引力而前往野外找寻、打扰甚至猎杀它们。


〔例〕 Tom was disturbed to hear of his mother’s illness. 听说母亲生病了,汤姆感到很不安。

prescription [prɪˈskrɪpʃn]

来自 prescribe[ vt. 开(药、处方)]

n. 药方,处方

〔例〕 The school infirmary doesn’t stock prescription medicines at this time. 学校医务室里现在没有处方药。

〔真〕 prescription drug 处方药 // prescription-drug insurance 处方药保险

governor [ˈgʌvənə]

词根记忆 govern(统治,管理)+or(表人)→统治者

n. 统治者,管辖者, 总督; (美国的)州长

〔真〕 Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州州长查理·贝克 // California Governor Jerry Brown 加利福尼亚州州长杰里·布朗


〔例〕 a school governor 一位学校董事 // a prison governor 一位监狱长


Governor General 总督

Attorney General 首席检察官

Heir Apparent 法定继承人

Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人

Postmaster General 邮政部长

President Elect 总统当选人

delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri]

来自 deliver ( v. 交付,递送)

n. 传递,传送;交付

〔真〕 letter delivery 信件投递 // delivery trucks 送货卡车 // Some newspapers refused delivery to distant suburbs probably because newspapers wanted to reduce costs. 一些报纸拒绝向远郊用户投递,很可能是因为报社想要降低成本。


〔例〕 a difficult delivery 难产

grasp [grɑːsp]

联想记忆 抓住(grasp)一根救命稻草(grass)

vt. 抓住,抓紧

〔真〕 This is a shame—the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. 这是一种耻辱,社区应该抓住机会,提高自己在现实世界中的影响力。


〔真〕 It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself. 这也是为什么当我们尝试用语言来描述音乐时,我们所能做的只是表达出对音乐的感受,却无法领会音乐本身。

n. 抓住,抓紧

〔例〕 Prynne, with Hester’s wrist held in a firm grasp , draws her toward him. 普林紧紧抓住赫斯特的手腕,一把将她拉向自己。


〔真〕 In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories. 事实上,我们很难想象,不清楚加拿大宪法基本特征的记者如何能胜任政治报道工作。

favo(u)rable [ˈfeɪvərəbl]

a. 有利的,有助于…的

〔真〕 Taylor is more likely to support a favorable policy for short-term workers. 泰勒更有可能支持对短期工人有利的政策。


〔真〕 For the most part, the response has been favorable , to say the least. 至少在大多数情况下,人们的反应是积极的。

〔派〕 unfavorable ( a. 不利的;不赞同的)

〔参〕 favor ( vt. 更喜欢,偏袒)

equality [iˈkwɒləti]

来自 equal ( a. 相等的)

n. 平等,均等,相等

〔真〕 a path to equality 通向平等的道路

〔派〕 inequality ( n. 不平等)

wisdom [ˈwɪzdəm]

n. 智慧,才智;明智

〔真〕 boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom 提升他的父性(父亲)智慧


〔真〕 conventional wisdom 传统的看法

characterise/-ize [ˈkærəktəraɪz]

vt. 使…具有特点;是…的特征

〔真〕 He argued that human evolution was characterized by a struggle he called the “survival of the fittest”. 他认为,人类进化的特点是一场他称之为“适者生存”的斗争。

forth [fɔːθ]

ad. 向前 ;向某处

〔真〕 back and forth 反复地,来回地 // and so forth 等等 // bring forth 提出 // go forth and seek out the truth 去探求真理

〔参〕 forthright ( a. 直率的,直截了当的);forthcoming ( a. 即将发生的)

correlate [ˈkɒrəleɪt]

词根记忆 cor(共同)+relate(联系)→共同联系→相互依赖

v. 相互关联影响,相互依赖,和…相关

〔真〕 Economic growth can be correlated with environmental degradation. 经济增长可能与环境退化有关。

〔派〕 correlation ( n. 相互关系,关联)

supplement [ˈsʌplɪmənt] n. [ˈsʌplɪment] vt.

联想记忆 supple(看作supply,供应)+ment(名词后缀)→增补,补充

n. 增补(物),补充(物)

〔真〕 Peer pressure often emerges as a supplement to the social cure. 同伴压力常常作为社会治疗的补充。


〔真〕 For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called “Ask Marilyn.” 在过去的几年里,周日报纸增刊《游行》开设了一个名为“问玛丽莲”的专栏。

vt. 增补,补充

〔真〕 Today, even writers who are fairly well-known often have to do other work to supplement their writing income. 如今,即使是相当知名的作家也常常不得不做其他工作来补充他们的写作收入。

trace [treɪs]

联想记忆 跑(race)道上没有留下蛛丝马迹(trace)

vt. 追踪,发现

〔例〕 The police traced the criminal to Liverpool and arrested him there. 警方追踪罪犯到利物浦,并在那里将其逮捕。


〔真〕 Here, Darwinism seems to offer justification, for if all humans share common origins, it seems reasonable to suppose that cultural diversity could also be traced to more constrained beginnings. 这里,达尔文学说似乎做出了证明,因为如果人类有着共同的起源,那么似乎就有理由认为文化的多样性也可以追溯到更为有限的起源。


〔真〕 In Oliver Twist , Dickens traces an orphan’s progress from the workhouse to the criminal slums of London. 在《雾都孤儿》中,狄更斯描写了一个孤儿从救济院到伦敦犯罪贫民窟的经历。

n. 痕迹,踪迹

〔例〕 The police have been unable to find any trace of the gang. 警方一直未能找到那个团伙的任何踪迹。

philosophy [fəˈlɒsəfi]

词根记忆 philo(爱)+soph(智慧)+y→爱智慧的学问→哲学

n. 哲学

〔真〕 His concern is mainly with the humanities: literature, languages, philosophy and so on. 他所关注的主要是人文科学:文学、语言、哲学等等。

accuracy [ˈækjərəsi]

词根记忆 ac(表加强)+cur(小心)+acy(表性质)→一再小心,力保准确→准确(性)

n. 准确(性),精准(程度)

〔真〕 Accuracy dropped dramatically. 准确度急剧下降。

〔派〕 inaccuracy ( n. 不准确)

depress [dɪˈpres]

词根记忆 de(向下)+press(挤压)→向下压→降低

vt. 使沮丧,使抑郁,使失去信心

〔真〕 depress college students 让大学生感到沮丧


〔例〕 The new economic policy will depress the dollar. 新的经济政策会削弱美元的竞争力。


〔例〕 The recession has depressed the housing market. 经济衰退导致住房市场不景气。

〔派〕 depressed ( a. 沮丧的);depression ( n. 沮丧;经济衰退);depressant ( n. 抑制剂)

architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt]

词根记忆 arch(弓)+i+tect(遮蔽)→弓形遮蔽物的制造者→建筑师

n. 建筑师

〔真〕 Like other modern architects , Mies employed metal, glass and laminated wood. 和其他现代建筑师一样,密斯采用了金属、玻璃和层压木。

combat [ˈkɒmbæt]

词根记忆 com(表加强)+bat(打,击)→打得非常激烈→与…战斗

v. 与…战斗,与…斗争

〔真〕 combat the plastics crisis 与塑料制品危机抗争


〔真〕 combat unnecessary waste 防止不必要的浪费

n. 战斗,搏斗,格斗

〔真〕 Men go to war and are exposed to combat stress. 男性去打仗,面临战斗的压力。

electrical [ɪˈlektrɪkl]

a. 电的,用电的,发电的

〔真〕 electrical signals 电信号 // electrical pulses 电脉冲 // electrical engineering 电气工程

〔参〕 electrify ( vt. 使带电,使通电,使电气化)

cooperate [kəʊˈɒpəreɪt]

词根记忆 co(共同)+oper(工作)+ate→一起工作→合作

vi. (with) 合作,协作

〔真〕 Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with federal colleagues. 国会一直设想由联邦和州共同实施移民法规,明确鼓励州官员共享信息,并能与联邦同僚开展合作。

〔派〕 cooperation ( n. 合作,协作)

overturn [ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn]

来自 词组turn over(翻转)

vt. 推翻,撤销(判决等)

〔真〕 overturn the corruption conviction 推翻贪污案的定罪 // overturn the prior decision ruling 推翻先前的裁决

v. 倾斜,倾覆,翻掉

〔例〕 The car skidded and overturned . 汽车打滑翻倒了。

〔参〕 overtake ( v. 赶上,超过)

variable [ˈveəriəbl]

词根记忆 vari(变化)+able(能…的)→可变的

a. 可变的,可更改的

〔例〕 The total costs of our company include variable costs. 我们公司的总成本中包括变动成本。


〔真〕 Students’ attitudes on the topic are variable and unstable. 学生对该主题的态度是多变且不稳定的。

n. 变量,可变因素

〔真〕 The quality of the teachers is the most important variable . 教师的素质是最重要的可变因素。

possess [pəˈzes]

词根记忆 poss(能)+ess(存在)→能存在→有,拥有

vt. 有,拥有

〔真〕 possess neuron-like cells 拥有类似神经元的细胞


〔真〕 No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. 他认为,不具备一定推理能力的人写不出它(指这本书)。

laboratory/lab [ləˈbɒrətri]/[læb]

词根记忆 labor(工作)+atory(表场所、地点)→工作的地方→实验室

n. 实验室

〔真〕 laboratory reports 实验室报告 // laboratory experiments 实验室实验

recovery [rɪˈkʌvəri]

来自 recover ( v. 康复,痊愈)

n. 痊愈

〔真〕 with the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery 绝大多数患者症状轻微,完全康复


〔真〕 economic recovery 经济复苏


〔真〕 Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one. 为数据安全、数据备份和数据恢复设立恰当的投资标准是管理问题,不是技术问题。

〔派〕 recoverable ( a. 可收回的)

orient [ˈɔːriənt] n. [ˈɔːrient] vt.

词根记忆 ori(升起)+ent→太阳升起的地方→东方→东方国家

n. [the Orient]东方国家

〔例〕 Westerners in ancient times preferred perfumes and spices from the Orient . 古代西方人更喜欢东方的香水和香料。

vt. 朝向,面对,确定方向,使适应

〔真〕 sustainability-oriented values 以可持续发展为导向的价值观 // profit-oriented scientists 以利润为导向的科学家 // “team” -oriented corporate 以团队为导向的企业

〔派〕 oriented ( a. 以…为方向的;重视…的);oriental ( a. 东方的;东方人的)

prejudice [ˈpredʒudɪs]

词根记忆 pre(预先)+jud(判断)+ice→先入为主的判断,容易产生偏见→偏见,成见

n. 偏见,成见

〔真〕 The government needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need. 政府需要把历史的偏见放在一边,采取一些策略解决我们迫切的住房需求。

vt. 使有偏见

〔例〕 The report was held back for fear of prejudicing his trial. 因为担心会使他的审判带有偏见,该报告没有公开。


〔例〕 Smoking will prejudice your health. 吸烟会损害你的健康。

〔派〕 prejudiced ( a. 有偏见的)

progressive [prəˈgresɪv]

a. 进步的,先进的;前进的

〔真〕 progressive public policy 进步的公共政策

n. 进步人士,开明人士,改革派

〔真〕 Progressives often support diversity mandates. 进步人士往往支持多元化规定。

〔派〕 progressively ( ad. 持续稳定地,逐步地)

glory [ˈglɔːri]

n. 光荣,荣耀

〔真〕 The drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome. 戏剧这种文学形式曾给希腊和罗马带来辉煌。

suppress [səˈpres]

词根记忆 sup(下)+press(压)→压下去→镇压,压制

vt. 镇压,压制

〔真〕 suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists 压制新一代的逻辑学家和理性主义者


〔真〕 “Moral licensing” may suppress our desire for success. “道德许可”可能会抑制我们对成功的渴望。


〔例〕 The factory suppressed the unfavorable report about its working conditions. 该厂封锁了有关其工作环境的负面报道。

〔同〕 squash ( vt. 镇压);restrain ( v. 制止;抑制)

universal [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl]

来自 universe ( n. 宇宙)

a. 普遍的,全体的

〔真〕 universal principles 普遍原则


〔真〕 Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here. 世界历史,即人类在这个世界上取得的成就的历史,本质上就是在此努力过的伟人的历史。

〔派〕 universalize ( vt. 使普遍化);universally ( ad. 普遍地;到处)

barely [ˈbeəli]

ad. 仅仅,勉强

〔真〕 During their six- to twelve-week voyage, these travelers subsisted on barely enough food allotted to them. 在六到十二周的航程中,这些旅行者仅靠分配给他们勉强果腹的食物维持生计。


〔真〕 Alvarez’s salary barely covered her household expenses. 阿尔瓦雷斯的工资几乎无法支付她的家庭开销。


〔真〕 in barely more than a decade 在不到十年的时间里

exert [ɪgˈzɜːt]

词根记忆 ex(出)+ert(能量)→努力使出能量→努力,竭力

vt. 施加(影响、压力等);运用(权威)

〔真〕 Interest groups exert self-interested pressure on the USPS’s ultimate overseer—Congress. 利益集团对美国邮政管理局的最终监督者——国会施加利己压力。


innocent [ˈɪnəsnt]

词根记忆 in(无)+noc(伤害)+ent(…的)→无罪的;没有恶意的

a. 清白的,无罪的

〔真〕 Andy Coulson should be held innocent of the charge. 安迪·科尔森应被判无罪。

无害的 ;没有恶意的,无冒犯之意的

〔真〕 While seemingly innocent , this loss of mental focus can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional, social, and personal well-being. 精神无法集中似乎没什么大碍,但它可能会严重影响我们的职业发展、人际交往和个人幸福。


〔真〕 We fear rejection, or that our innocent social advances will be misinterpreted as “weird”. 我们害怕被拒绝,也害怕我们天真的社交举动会被误解为“怪异”。

n. 无辜者

〔真〕 the massacre of innocents 滥杀无辜

vague [veɪg]

词根记忆 vag(漫游)+ue→四处漫游,没有明确的目的→不明确的,含糊的

a. 不明确的,含糊的,不清楚的

〔真〕 A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations. 动荡的商业环境也使得高级经理人行事谨慎,避免让模糊不清的表态给自己的名誉蒙上阴影。

subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi]

n. 津贴,补助金

〔真〕 The townsfolk can’t understand why the Royal Shakespeare Company needs a subsidy . 镇上的居民不能理解为什么皇家莎士比亚剧团需要津贴。

deprive [dɪˈpraɪv]

词根记忆 de(分离)+priv(私人)+e→拿走私人的东西→剥夺,使丧失

vt. (of) 剥夺,使丧失;使不能享有

〔真〕 The commission ignores that for several decades America’s colleges and universities have produced graduates who don’t know the content and character of liberal education and are thus deprived of its benefits. 委员会忽视了这样的事实:几十年来,美国的高等院校培养出的大量毕业生并不了解文科教育的内容和特点,因此这些人无法从中受益。

〔派〕 deprivation ( n. 剥夺)

〔同〕 remove ( vt. 去除;免除)

command [kəˈmɑːnd]

词根记忆 com(表加强)+mand(命令)→命令,指令

n. 命令,指令

〔真〕 make a few simple keyboard commands 在键盘上执行几个简单的指令


〔真〕 They even claimed that plants have “brain-like command centers” at their root tips. 他们甚至声称植物的根尖上有“类似大脑的指挥中心”。


〔例〕 have (a) good command of English 精通英语

v. 控制,拥有…可供使用,掌管

〔真〕 Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. 无论是说还是写,美国人都不再期望公众人物能娴熟地运用英语。


〔例〕 He commanded his men to retreat. 他命令手下撤退。

〔参〕 demand ( n. / v. 要求)

departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə]

n. 离开,起程

〔真〕 the departure to Silicon Valley 前往硅谷


〔真〕 The modern world saw a departure from what it had once known. 现代世界与以往不同。

monarch [ˈmɒnək]

词根记忆 mon(单个)+arch(统治)→个人统治→君主

n. 君主,帝王

〔真〕 Hawaii’s last reigning monarch 夏威夷最后一位在位君主

oblige [əˈblaɪdʒ]

词根记忆 ob(表加强)+lig(绑住)+e→迫使

vt. 迫使,强迫

〔真〕 The integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution. 欧洲共同体的一体化将迫使电视公司在制作与发行方面更加密切地合作。


〔真〕 When an editor, a reviewer, or a support service asks you to add inappropriate references, do not oblige and do report the request to the journal. 当某个编辑、审稿人或支持服务人员要求你添加不恰当的参考文献时,请不要答应,并向本期刊报告。

worldwide [ˈwɜːldwaɪd]

ad. 在全世界,在世界各地

〔真〕 CCTs are already used in dozens of countries worldwide . 全球已有数十个国家实施了CCT项目。

a. 全世界的,世界各地的

〔例〕 a worldwide system 全球系统

shelter [ˈʃeltə]

联想记忆 shel(看作shell,壳)+ter→躲进壳中寻求庇护→庇护处;庇护

n. 遮蔽处,庇护处,避难处

〔真〕 A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter , which is a distinctly animal need. 与栖身之所不同,一处神圣的平和之所,无论其多么简陋,也明显是人类所需要的,而栖身之地显然只是动物的需求。


〔例〕 The people were running for shelter when the earthquake happened. 当地震发生的时候,人们到处找地方避难。


〔真〕 Homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night. 无家可归的人们设法找到一个住所,能给他们提供日间三餐和夜间睡觉的地方。

v. 掩蔽,保护;躲避

〔例〕 The superstar would be embarrassed to shelter tax. 这个超级明星将会为自己的逃税行为感到难堪。

industrial [ɪnˈdʌstriəl]

a. 工业的;产业的

〔真〕 industrial action 劳工行动,(尤指)罢工 // industrial experiments 工业试验 // the Industrial Revolution 工业革命

〔派〕 preindustrial ( a. 工业化前的);industrialism ( n. 产业主义;工业主义)

philosopher [fəˈlɒsəfə]

来自 philosophy ( n. 哲学)

n. 哲学家,哲人

〔例〕 Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.” 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德认为,笑是“对健康非常宝贵的身体锻炼”。

alert [əˈlɜːt]

a. 警惕的,警觉的

〔真〕 stay alert to 对…保持警惕


〔例〕 We must be alert to the possibility of danger. 我们必须认识到危险的可能性。

n. 警戒,戒备,警惕

〔真〕 on the alert 提防,随时准备着 // the middle class on the alert 警惕的中产阶级


〔真〕 A company may leverage “owned” media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site. 企业可以充分利用“自有”媒介,向在其网站上注册过的顾客发送关于公司产品与促销信息的电子邮件通知。

vt. 使意识到,使认识到

〔真〕 Jealousy and anger, for example, may have evolved to alert us to important inequalities. 例如,嫉妒和愤怒可能是为了使我们意识到重要的不平等而进化而来的。

complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]

a. 复杂的,难懂的

〔例〕 The regulations are so complicated that nothing can be made of them by the layman. 这些条例如此复杂,外行根本看不懂。

intensity [ɪnˈtensəti]

来自 intense ( a. 强烈的)

n. 强烈,剧烈

〔例〕 The storm resumed with even greater intensity . 风暴更猛烈地再度肆虐。


〔真〕 Increase time, distance, and intensity gradually. 逐渐增加时间、距离和强度。

simplify [ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ]

联想记忆 simpl(e)(简单的)+ify(使)→简化;使单纯

vt. 简化;使单纯

〔真〕 Science intends to simplify its peer-review process. 《科学》杂志打算简化同行评审程序。

channel [ˈtʃænl]

n. 海峡;水道

〔例〕 the English Channel 英吉利海峡


〔例〕 Ms. Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary. 卡尔女士在学习频道最近的一部纪录片中讲述了她的抗癌经历。


〔真〕 There are also companies like Acquisio, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like Adwords, Bing and social media. 也有像Acquisio这样的公司,负责分析谷歌关键字广告(Adwords)、必应(Bing)和社交媒体等多个渠道的推广表现。

v. 将(资金或资源)专门用于

〔真〕 The capital intended to broaden the export base and secure efficiency gains from international trade was channeled instead into uneconomic import substitution. 这笔资金原本是用于扩大出口基地并从国际贸易中获取效益的,后来却用在了没有经济效益的进口上。

senator [ˈsenətə]

n. 参议员

〔真〕 Massachusetts state Senator 马萨诸塞州参议员

counter [ˈkaʊntə]

n. 柜台

〔真〕 wipe counters 擦拭柜台


〔例〕 Students are not allowed to use counters in this exam. 这次考试不允许学生使用计算器。

v. (with) (对意见、立场等的)反对,反驳

〔真〕 Then I counter with another reasonable argument: that a higher minimum wage will force businesses to employ fewer people for less time. 然后,我用另一个合理的论点来反驳:提高最低工资会迫使企业在更短的时间内雇用更少的人。

ad. (to)相反地

〔例〕 Current attempts to unify Europe appear to run counter to thousands of years of European history. 近期统一欧洲的种种尝试似乎是与欧洲几千年的历史相违背的。

〔参〕 counteract ( vt. 抵消,中和);counterbalance ( n. 平衡力,势均力敌);counterculture ( n. 反主流文化)

nevertheless [ˌnevəðəˈles]

ad. 然而,不过

〔真〕 Nevertheless every hotel in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. 不过,城里的每家酒店似乎都在增加新的侧厅或鸡尾酒廊。

description [dɪˈskrɪpʃn]

来自 describe ( vt. 描述,形容)

n. 描写,形容

〔真〕 Hence the description of America as a “graveyard” for languages. 因此,美国被描述为语言的“坟场”。


〔例〕 The factory produces cars of every size and description . 该工厂生产各种型号和类型的汽车。

acceptance [əkˈseptəns]

n. 接受

〔真〕 passive acceptance 被动接受


〔真〕 But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery. 但是一项(科学)发现声明要变为成熟的(科学)发现,需要经过集体的详细审查和认可。

〔参〕 acceptable ( a. 可接受的;认可的);accepted ( a. 公认的)

lure [lʊə]

vt. 引诱,诱惑

〔真〕 The supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors. 该超市旨在吸引顾客在其门内尽可能多地逗留。

n. 诱惑力,吸引力,魅力

〔例〕 The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years. 200年来,在非洲捕捉大型猎物所带来的刺激一直吸引着欧洲人。


〔参〕 entice ( vt. 引诱);allure ( n. 诱惑力,吸引力);tempta-tion ( n. 诱惑,引诱)

faculty [ˈfæklti]

联想记忆 fac(做)+(c)ult(培养)+y→培养学生做有能力的人→能力;全体教师

n. 才能,能力

〔例〕 Jessica has a remarkable faculty for learning languages. 杰西卡具有非凡的语言学习才能。


〔真〕 A faculty or department grows from five to 20 members within three or four years. 一个院系在三四年内从5人发展到20人。


〔真〕 faculty members and students 全体师生

observation [ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn]

来自 observe ( vt. 观察,看到)

n. 观察,观测 ;监视

〔真〕 Hayden collected his team’s observations into an extensive report. 海登将其团队的观察结果写入了一份全面的报告中。


〔真〕 to make a few general observations about the report 对报告作几点概括性的评论 F6zWrnBgVxQL21Va1OZdusUAYe5huny2mv+mnftsl0tQeaclk2tYSMquuTMv7NOT
