
Word List 10

音 频

relieve [rɪˈliːv]

vt. 减轻,解除,缓和

〔真〕 ways to relieve the tension of busy life 缓解忙碌生活紧张情绪的方法 // relieve the ministers of responsibilities 解除部长们的责任

integrate [ˈɪntɪgreɪt]

词根记忆 integr(完整)+ate(使)→使完整→使成为一体

v. (into/with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并

〔例〕 We all think that transport planning should be integrated with energy policy after discussion. 经过讨论,我们都认为交通计划应该与能源政策相结合。

〔派〕 disintegrate ( vt. 分裂;瓦解);integrated ( a. 完整统一的);integration ( n. 一体化)

substantial [səbˈstænʃl]

来自 substance ( n. 物质,实质)

a. 大量的;价值巨大的;重大的

〔真〕 substantial profits 可观的利润 // substantial cost reductions大幅度成本降低


〔例〕 Corson observed the castle, a substantial 17th century mansion. 科森观察着这座城堡——一栋17世纪的坚固官邸。

〔派〕 substantially ( ad. 非常;基本上,大体上)

distribute [dɪˈstrɪbjuːt]

词根记忆 dis(分开)+tribut(交给)+e→分配

v. 分发,分配 ;分销

〔真〕 He asked Jackson to print out large copies and distributed them. 他要求杰克逊打印出大量副本并分发出去。

使散开; 使分布,分散

〔真〕 The African savanna elephant, also known as the African bush elephant, is distributed across 37 African countries. 非洲草原象,又称非洲丛林象,分布在37个非洲国家。

〔派〕 distribution ( n. 分配;分布;散布)

foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃn]

n. 根据,依据;基本原理

〔真〕 “Elephants never forget”—or so they say—and that piece of folklore seems to have some foundation . “大象从不会忘记”——他们是这么说的——这则传闻似乎是有些依据的。


〔真〕 Knight Foundation 骑士基金会 // the Nobel foundation 诺贝尔基金会


〔例〕 The story of the foundation and rise of Temple University is inspiring. 坦普尔大学创立和崛起的故事鼓舞人心。


economics [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks]

n. 经济学

〔真〕 basic economics 基础经济学 // agricultural economics 农业经济学


〔真〕 In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics . 仅仅大约一代人的时间,数百万的母亲都去上班了,这改变了基本的家庭经济情况。

foster [ˈfɒstə]

联想记忆 促进(foster)更快(faster)成长

vt. 促进,助长;培养

〔真〕 foster political and social unrest 加剧政治和社会动荡 // foster corporate cooperation 促进企业合作 // foster problem-solving skills 培养解决问题的能力


〔同〕 nurture ( vt. 养育,培养);cultivate ( vt. 培养;培育)

launch [lɔːntʃ]

vt. 推出,发布(新产品)

〔真〕 Recent research from the Organization for the Review of Care and Health Applications found that 350,000 health apps were available on the market, 90,000 of which launched in 2020 alone. 护理和健康应用审查组织最近的研究发现,市场上有35万个健康应用程序,其中仅2020年就推出了9万个。


〔真〕 Michelle Obama has launched a high-visibility campaign against childhood obesity. 米歇尔·奥巴马发起了一项备受瞩目的防止儿童肥胖运动。


〔例〕 China launched its first manned rocket in October 2003.中国于2003年10月发射了第一枚载人火箭。

n. 发射;下水;上市;发起

〔例〕 The launch of their new saloon car received much media coverage. 他们投产的新轿车得到了媒体的广泛报道。

entitle [ɪnˈtaɪtl]

联想记忆 en+title(题目,标题)→给…命名

vt. 使享有权利;使符合资格

〔真〕 Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community and, if its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance. 然而,这些生物是生物群落的成员,如果生物群落的稳定性取决于其完整性,那么它们就有权继续生存下去。


〔例〕 This book is entitled The Child’s Guide . 这本书被命名为《幼儿指南》。

〔派〕 entitlement ( n. 权利,资格)

productive [prəˈdʌktɪv]

来自 product ( n. 产品)

a. 生产力高的

〔真〕 productive forestry 生产性林业 // The Japanese workforce is more productive . 日本劳动力的生产力更高。


〔真〕 Only when humanity began to get its food in a more productive way was there time for other things. 只有当人类开始更有效率地获取食物后,他们才有时间去考虑其他事情。

〔派〕 productively ( ad. 有结果地,有成果地)

〔同〕 fruitful ( a. 富有成效的)

〔反〕 unproductive ( a. 产量少的;效果不佳的)

reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns]

n. 信赖,依靠

〔真〕 American papers have long been highly unusual in their reliance on ads. 长期以来,美国报纸对广告的依赖一直很不寻常。

〔参〕 reliant ( a. 信赖性的;依靠的);self-reliance ( n. 自立)

subtle [ˈsʌtl]

词根记忆 sub(下面)+tle→暗藏于下面不易被察觉的→细微的

a. 精巧的,巧妙的

〔例〕 The customer liked the subtle style of the room’s decor. 顾客喜欢这个房间精巧的装潢风格。

〔真〕 a subtle and intelligent little book 一本构思巧妙、充满智慧的小书


〔真〕 subtle balance 微妙的平衡 // the subtle cues 细微的暗示

〔派〕 subtly ( ad. 巧妙地;精细地)

〔同〕 delicate ( a. 微妙的;精细的)

reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃn]

来自 reduce ( vt. 减少,缩小)

n. 减少,降低;缩小

〔真〕 a reduction of revenue 收入减少


〔例〕 a 10% reduction 九折 // reductions in/of prices 降价

cognitive [ˈkɒgnɪtɪv]

词根记忆 cogni(知道)+tive(表状态)→认知的

a. 认知的,感知的

〔真〕 cognitive functions 认知功能 // cognitive exercise 认知练习 // In a very practical way, the Internet is becoming an external hard drive for our memories, a process known as “ cognitive offloading.” 互联网正在以一种非常实用的方式变成我们记忆的外接硬盘,这个过程被称为“认知卸载”。

recognition [ˌrekəgˈnɪʃn]

来自 recognize ( vt . 认出;承认)

n. 认识,识别,认出

〔例〕 The town has changed out of all recognition since I was last here. 自我上次来过之后,小镇已经变得完全认不出来了。

〔真〕 visual recognition 视觉识别


〔例〕 As a recognition of their bravery, the soldiers were given a medal. 战士们被授予军功章,作为对他们英勇的认可。

〔真〕 social recognition 社会认同 // public recognition 公众认可


interview [ˈɪntəvjuː]

词根记忆 inter(相互)+view(看)→面对面相互看→采访;面试

vt. 采访

〔真〕 Some of the soldiers Pyle interviewed portrayed themselves in the film. 派尔采访过的一些士兵在电影中描述了自己(在战争中的经历)。


n. 采访

〔真〕 a brief interview 一次简短的采访


〔真〕 the results of interviews 面试结果


〔例〕 a personal interview 一次私人会晤 // have an interview with sb. 会见某人

〔派〕 interviewer ( n. 采访者;主持面试者)

resident [ˈrezɪdənt]

词根记忆 re(重新)+sid(坐)+ent(表人)→重新坐下的人→安定下来的人→居民

n. 居民,常住者

〔真〕 local residents 当地居民

a. (in) 居住的

〔例〕 You have been resident in my house for three months. 你在我家已经住了三个月了。

〔派〕 residential ( a. 住宅的)

〔参〕 president ( n. 总统;会长)

domestic [dəˈmestɪk]

词根记忆 dom(房屋)+estic(…的)→家庭的

a. 家用的;家庭的;家务的

〔真〕 perform domestic duties 履行家庭职责 // domestic washing machines 家用洗衣机


〔真〕 domestic flight 国内航班 // domestic wood supply 国内木材供应


〔例〕 North American bison differ from domestic cattle in the number of their ribs. 北美野牛和驯养牛的肋骨数目不一样。

audience [ˈɔːdiəns]

词根记忆 audi(听)+ence(名词后缀)→听众

n. 听众;观众;读者

〔例〕 Thirty thousand audience crowded the concert hall. 三万名听众挤满了音乐大厅。

〔真〕 a broader audience 更广泛的受众


audience 观众 crew 机组人员 committee 委员会

company 公司 council 理事会 class 班级

crowd 人群 family 家庭 jury 陪审团

staff 职员 team 队 union 联盟

dilemma [dɪˈlemə]

发音记忆 “地雷嘛”→身陷雷区,进退两难→困境

n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境

〔例〕 It is important to say it’s not a dilemma that science can solve. 指出这一点很重要——这不是科学所能解决的窘境。

〔真〕 in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地

legitimate [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət]

词根记忆 legitim(=legis,法律)+ate→合法的;合理的

a. 合法的

〔例〕 That girl is the legitimate heir to the property. 那个女孩是财产的合法继承人。

〔真〕 legitimate right 合法权利


〔例〕 There’s no legitimate reason for prescribing this medication to a pregnant woman. 给孕妇开这种药是不合理的。

intelligent [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt]

词根记忆 intel(在…之间)+lig(选择)+ent(…的)→能够从中选择的→聪明的,有才智的

a. 聪明的,有才智的;有智力的

〔例〕 The designers tested the device by using the most intelligent and resourceful person they could find. 设计者们用他们能够找到的最聪明、最机智的人来检测这个装置。


〔真〕 intelligent machine 智能机器

〔派〕 intelligently ( ad. 聪明地);unintelligent ( a. 不聪明的,愚笨的)

luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri]

词根记忆 luxur(大量,挥霍)+y→奢华

n. 奢侈的享受,奢华

〔例〕 They live in luxury in a very big house. 他们在一所很大的房子里过着奢侈的生活。

〔真〕 luxury goods 奢侈品


〔例〕 A week by the sea is a luxury they can no longer afford. 去海边度假一周成了一种奢侈,他们再也负担不起了。


〔例〕 As adults we also have the luxury of being able to set our own schedules. 作为成年人,我们也可以自由制定自己的时间表。

democracy [dɪˈmɒkrəsi]

词根记忆 demo(人民)+cracy(统治)→由人民统治→民主;民主制

n. 民主;民主制;民主国家

〔真〕 direct democracy 直接民主 // representative democracy 代议制民主 // liberal democracy 自由民主 // Egalitarian sentiments were often tempered by fears that the mass of the population was unprepared for self-rule and democracy . 平等主义情绪往往因担心人民大众没有做好自治和民主的准备而有所缓和。

error [ˈerə]

词根记忆 err(犯错)+or(表情况)→错误

n. 错误,差错

〔真〕 make up for errors 弥补错误 // Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors . 当你一心一意地表达观点,而不是小心翼翼地寻找错误时,好的文章往往就诞生了。

loyal [ˈlɔɪəl]

联想记忆 对皇家(royal)有一颗忠诚的(loyal)心

a. (to) 忠诚的,忠实的

〔例〕 be loyal to one’s duty 忠于职责 // Betty was loyal to her faith. 贝蒂忠于自己的信念。

evaluate [ɪˈvæljueɪt]

词根记忆 e(出)+valu(价值)+ate→估计出价值→估计,评估

vt. 估计,评价,评估

〔例〕 The research project has only been under way for three months, so it’s too early to evaluate its success. 这个研究项目才进行了三个月,所以要对它的成绩做出评价还为时过早。

〔派〕 evaluation ( n. 评价,估计)

contract [ˈkɒntrækt] n. [kənˈtrækt] v.

词根记忆 con(共同)+tract(拉,拖)→合同将双方拉到一起→合同

n. 契约,合同

〔真〕 approval of a contract 合同的批准 // review contracts 审查合同

v. 与…订立合同(或契约)

〔例〕 You have to contract with us for this business. 您必须与我们签订这项业务合同。


〔真〕 Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles reacted enthusiastically to funny cartoons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown. 观看滑稽的动画时,那些被强迫锻炼自己笑肌的人比那些蹙眉绷嘴者表现得更为兴高采烈。

〔参〕 contact ( vt./n. 联系,联络);contrast ( vt./n. 对比,对照)



mere [mɪə]

a. 仅仅,只不过

〔真〕 So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. 所以,当一只猴子用一个代币换回一颗葡萄时,第二只猴子不情愿用自己的代币只换回一片黄瓜。


〔例〕 The mere fact that they were prepared to talk was encouraging. 他们愿意商谈,这就是鼓舞人心的。

inherent [ɪnˈhɪərənt]

词根记忆 in(向内)+her(黏附)+ent→骨子里带来的→固有的,内在的

a. 固有的,内在的

〔真〕 Good governance rests on an understanding of the inherent worth of each individual. 善政良治有赖于对每个人内在价值的把握。

〔派〕 inherently ( ad. 固有地,内在地)

renaissance [rɪˈneɪsns]

词根记忆 re(重新)+nai(出生)+ss+ance(名词后缀)→重新出生→复兴

n. (某一学科或艺术形式等衰落后的)复兴

〔真〕 Hawaiian culture is not a relic of the past; it is a living culture undergoing a renaissance today. 夏威夷文化不是过去的遗迹;它是今天正在复兴的鲜活文化。


〔真〕 From the earliest days of the Renaissance , the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men. 从文艺复兴初期开始,书写历史就意味着叙述伟人的模范人生。

〔同〕 revival ( n. 复苏;复兴);renewal ( n. 复兴;恢复)

〔反〕 collapse ( n./v. 倒塌;崩溃);decline ( n./v. 衰退;减少)

tension [ˈtenʃn]

来自 tense ( a. 紧张的;绷紧的)

n. (情绪上的)紧张

〔例〕 Road politeness goes a long way towards relieving the tensions of motoring. 在公路上礼貌谦让对缓解驾车的紧张很有帮助。


〔真〕 During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family.在另外一次观察中,她发现电话已经成为导致家庭关系紧张的一个原因。


〔例〕 Because there was too much tension on the cable, it disrupted. 缆绳因为承受的拉力过大而绷断了。

〔参〕 intension ( n. 内涵)

fiction [ˈfɪkʃn]

n. 小说

〔真〕 speculative fiction 推理小说 // science fiction 科幻小说


〔真〕 Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace. 数字原生代的年轻人确实越来越善于在网络空间中区分事实和虚构。

rigid [ˈrɪdʒɪd]

词根记忆 rig(刚硬)+id(…的)→僵硬的

a. (规则、方法等)死板的,僵硬的;过于严格的

〔真〕 a rigid moral code 一项死板的道德准则 // rigid management 严格的管理 // Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. 今天,我们对待移民太过苛刻。


〔例〕 rigid attitudes 固执的态度


〔例〕 We fixed a rigid metal bar for hanging clothes. 我们装了一根坚硬的金属杆来挂衣服。

〔派〕 rigidly ( ad. 坚硬地;严格地)

snap [snæp]

联想记忆 s+nap(小睡)→小睡一会儿再拍照→拍照

v. 拍照,摄影

〔真〕 snap the first-ever shots of iconic landmarks 拍摄标志性地标的第一张照片


〔例〕 When I pressed the button, the box snapped open. 我按了一下按钮,盒子啪地弹开了。


〔例〕 Michael snapped his father a sharp reply. 迈克尔不耐烦地用尖锐的话回复父亲。


a. 仓促的,匆忙的

〔真〕 snap decisions 仓促的决定

n. 啪嗒声,咔嚓声

〔例〕 The fragment breaks loose with a snap . 啪嗒一声,碎片彻底散架了。


〔例〕 Scarlet took a snap of the friends all sitting in the garden. 斯卡利特拍了一张朋友们都坐在花园里的照片。

dose [dəʊs]

联想记忆 玫瑰(rose)对于生气中的女孩是一剂(dose)良药

n. (药的)一服,一剂

〔例〕 The patient forgot to take the second dose of his medication. 病人忘了服第二剂药。


〔真〕 It is important to get the right dose of activity. 适当的运动量是重要的。

〔派〕 dosage ( n. 剂量)

〔参〕 doze ( vi. 打瞌睡 n. 小睡)

stem [stem]

n. 茎,(花或叶的)梗

〔例〕 As the axe cut through the stem , the tree fell. 斧子砍断了树干,树倒了下来。

vi. (from) 起源于,是…的结果

〔真〕 Marriage breakup stems from sex inequalities. 婚姻破裂源于性别不平等。

vt. 阻止,遏制

〔真〕 Stemming climate change, for example, is as much about changing consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy. 例如,遏制气候变化不仅需要开发清洁能源,同样也需要我们改变消费模式和推动人们接纳税收政策。

resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns]

来自 resist ( v. 抵制,阻挡)

n. 抵抗力,抗力;阻力

〔真〕 disease resistance 抗病能力 // increase resistance and vary your muscle use 增加阻力,改变肌肉使用方式

(to) 反对,抵制,抗拒;反抗

〔真〕 resistance to fake grass use 抵制人造草的使用 // arouse strong resistance 引起强烈抵抗// Quebec’s resistance to a national agency is provincialist ideology. 魁北克对国家机构的抵制是地方主义意识形态。

ambiguous [æmˈbɪgjuəs]

词根记忆 ambi(四处)+gu(带领)+ous(形容词后缀)→带领着四处走→模棱两可的

a. 模棱两可的;不明确的

〔真〕 convey an ambiguous message 传达模棱两可的信息

〔派〕 unambiguous ( a. 明确的)

〔同〕 obscure ( a. 鲜为人知的;费解的);inexplicable ( a. 无法解释的,费解的)

likewise [ˈlaɪkwaɪz]

ad. 同样,也;照样地

〔真〕 Likewise among the elderly, being somewhat overweight is often an indicator of good health.同样,在老年人中,略微超重往往是健康的指标。

rarely [ˈreəli]

ad. 很少,不常,罕有

〔真〕 Although we try our best, sometimes our paintings rarely turn out as originally planned. 尽管我们尽了自己最大的努力,但有时我们的绘画作品很少达到最初构想的那种效果。

hijack/highjack [ˈhaɪdʒæk]

vt. 劫持

〔例〕 The airliner was hijacked by a gang of terrorists. 这架班机被一伙恐怖分子劫持了。


〔真〕 By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace. 克莱因指出,通过以极低的价格出售流行服装,这些品牌已经控制了时尚流行周期,动摇了该行业长久以来流行周期随季节而变化的节奏。

submit [səbˈmɪt]

词根记忆 sub(下面的)+mit(送)→下级给上级送文件→呈递,提交

vt. (to) 呈递,提交

〔真〕 A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal. 在实验室工作的研究团队将向期刊提交他们的研究成果。


〔真〕 No one, he submits , could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. 他认为,如果没有一定的推理能力,是不可能写出这本书的。

vi. 顺从,屈服

〔例〕 After many times of failure, I submitted to fate. 多次失败后,我向命运屈服了。

〔派〕 submissive ( a. 顺从的,听话的);submissiveness ( n. 柔顺;服从)

latter [ˈlætə]

a. 后者的 ;末尾的

〔真〕 the latter group 后一组

n. (the latter) 后者

〔真〕 A lesson from the latter is applicable to the former. 从后者吸取的教训适用于前者。

〔参〕 later ( a. 后来的;晚年的 ad. 后来,以后);latest ( a. 最近的);lately ( ad. 最近)

extent [ɪkˈstent]

词根记忆 ex(出)+tent(延伸)→延伸出的范围→范围

n. 程度,限度

〔真〕 How we read a given text also depends to some extent on our particular interest in reading it. 如何阅读一个特定文本在一定程度上也取决于我们是否对阅读本身产生了特别的兴趣。


〔例〕 You can’t see the full extent of the beach from here. 你从这里看不到海滩的全貌。

proportion [prəˈpɔːʃn]

词根记忆 pro(前)+portion(部分)→比例;部分

n. 比例

〔例〕 His earnings are not in proportion to his expenditures. 他的收入和支出不成比例。


〔例〕 There is a high proportion of sugar in this crop. 这种农作物的含糖量很高。


〔例〕 The two windows are in admirable proportion . 这两扇窗户的比例十分协调。

[pl.]面积;体积; 规模;程度

〔例〕 a food shortage that could soon reach crisis proportions 可能会很快达到危机程度的食品短缺

〔派〕 proportionately ( ad. 相称地;成比例地);

disproportionate ( a. 不成比例的)

coach [kəʊtʃ]

n. 教练;辅导教师

〔真〕 executive mental coach 高级心理培训师 // university sports coaches 大学体育教练


〔例〕 We traveled to Shanghai by coach . 我们乘长途汽车去上海。

vt. 辅导;指导,训练

〔例〕 I’ll coach you at home if you like. 如果你愿意,我可以在家里辅导你。

hinder [ˈhɪndə]

联想记忆 hind(后面的)+er→使人落在后面→阻止,妨碍

vt. (from) 阻止,妨碍,阻碍

〔真〕 The provisions may hinder business development. 这些规定可能会阻碍业务发展。

〔同〕 impede ( vt. 阻碍,阻止);encumber ( vt. 阻碍,妨碍);hamper ( vt. 妨碍,阻碍)


hinder 阻碍 admit 承认 appreciate 欣赏

avoid 避免 celebrate 庆祝 defer 推迟

deny 否认 escape 逃脱 fancy 喜爱

imagine 想象 resist 抵制

appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt]

词根记忆 ap(表加强)+preci(价值)+ate(做)→肯定价值→欣赏,赏识

vt. 欣赏,赏识,重视

〔真〕 Most of all, these new adults must feel that they are respected and supported by a family that appreciates them. 最重要的是,这些刚刚成年的人必须感受到,他们得到了欣赏他们的家人的尊重和支持。


〔真〕 appreciate the economic value of trust 意识到信任的经济价值


〔例〕 We appreciated the help of our friends. 我们对朋友们的帮助心怀感激。

〔派〕 appreciation ( n. 欣赏;理解;感激)

〔参〕 depreciate ( v. 贬值;折旧)

host [həʊst]

n. 主人

〔例〕 The host opened the champagne to welcome his guests. 主人开启香槟酒迎接客人。


〔真〕 the host country 东道国,主办国

(of) 许多,大量

〔真〕 Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of examples of the social cure in action. 曾获普利策奖的罗森伯格提供了许多社会疗法的实例。


〔例〕 Many hosts start their show with a monologue. 很多节目主持人都以一段独白开场。

vt. 主持(节目、活动等);主办

〔例〕 People believe that there will be television chat shows hosted by robots. 人们相信以后会出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目。

creature [ˈkriːtʃə]

来自 create ( vt. 创造)

n. 动物;生物

〔例〕 Computers lack the drives and emotions of living creatures . 电脑缺乏生物所具有的动力和情感。

〔真〕 wild creatures 野生动物


〔真〕 creature of habit 严守习惯的人

stuff [stʌf]

n. 物品;东西

〔真〕 Supermarkets contain a lot of stuff . 超市里有很多东西。// The problem with being a grown up is that there’s an awful lot of serious stuff to deal with. 长大成人的问题在于有很多严肃的事情要处理。

(hot stuff) 技艺很高的人,高手

〔真〕 stalk around thinking we’re hot stuff 到处溜达,以为我们是大人物

vt. 填满,塞满

〔例〕 Under her bed, they found a bag stuffed with money. 他们在她的床底下发现了一个装满钱的袋子。


〔真〕 stuffed animals 动物标本

〔参〕 staff ( n. 全体职员)

hence [hens]

ad. 因此,由此

〔例〕 The mortgage of your land was paid in full and hence you “bought the farm.” 你的土地抵押贷款已全部付清,因此可以说你“买下了这个农场”。


〔真〕 thousands of years hence 几千年之后

initial [ɪˈnɪʃl]

词根记忆 init(开始)+ial(…的)→开始的

a. 最初的,开始的,第一的

〔真〕 initial draft 初稿

n. (名字的)首字母

〔例〕 The clerk wrote his initials on the sales receipt. 业务员在销售收据上签上了自己名字的首字母。

〔派〕 initially ( ad. 最初,开始)

contemporary [kənˈtemprəri]

词根记忆 con(共同)+tempor(时间)+ary(…的)→同时代的

a. 现代的,当代的

〔真〕 Chinese contemporary art 中国当代艺术 // In our contemporary culture, the prospect of communicating with—or even looking at—a stranger is virtually unbearable. 在我们的当代文化中,与陌生人交流,甚至与陌生人对视,几乎是无法忍受的事情。


〔例〕 The notion that early cave dwellers were contemporary with the dinosaurs is absurd. 认为早期穴居者与恐龙属于同一时代的观点是荒谬的。

atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪə]

词根记忆 atmo(空气)+sphere(球体)→围绕地球的空气→大气,大气层

n. 大气,大气层;空气

〔真〕 Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. 地球大气层确实在变暖,而且这个问题主要是人为造成的。


〔真〕 Those men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness. 这些人著述颇丰,并在各地广泛发表,在新、旧大陆都拥有读者,给新英格兰带来浓郁的求知氛围。

〔派〕 atmospheric ( a. 大气的,大气层的)

interference [ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns]

n. 干涉,干预

〔例〕 This is a private matter and your interference is not welcome. 这是私人问题,请勿干涉。

〔真〕 government interference 政府干预


〔例〕 The harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved. 电磁干扰的危害还有待证实。

statistic [stəˈtɪstɪk]

n. [pl.] 统计数字,统计资料 ;统计学

〔真〕 Machine learning often provides a more reliable form of statistics , which makes data more valuable. 机器学习常常提供更可靠的统计数字,使数据更有价值。

〔派〕 statistician ( n. 统计学家;统计员);statistical ( a. 统计的);statistically ( ad. 统计学上)

peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliə]

联想记忆 和particular ( a. 特殊的,独特的)一起记

a. 怪异的,不寻常的

〔真〕 The peculiar part is that the journal that the editor is supposedly working for is not profiting at all. 奇怪的是,据说编辑为之工作的期刊根本不盈利。

(to) 特殊的,特有的

〔真〕 geographic conditions peculiar to America 美国特有的地理条件

〔派〕 peculiarity ( n. 怪癖;特点)

aggressive [əˈgresɪv]

词根记忆 ag(表加强)+gress(走)+ive(…的)→一直往前走的→积极进取的

a. 侵略的,好斗的,富有攻击性的

〔真〕 Eye contact can be aggressive . 眼神接触可能具有挑衅意味。


〔真〕 What would an aggressive , ambitious, effective plan look like?一个积极进取、雄心勃勃、行之有效的计划是什么样的?

〔派〕 aggressiveness ( n. 进取精神)

〔同〕 militant ( a. 好战的);enterprising ( a. 有进取心的)

esteem [ɪˈstiːm]

联想记忆 e(音似:一)+stee(看作steel,钢铁)+m(看作man,人)→一个有钢铁般意志的人值得尊敬→尊敬

vt. 尊重,尊敬

〔例〕 I admire Anna’s abilities and esteem her character. 我钦佩安娜的能力,也敬重她的人品。

n. 尊重,敬重

〔例〕 My esteem for your family is very sincere. 我对你们家人的尊敬是非常诚挚的。

〔派〕 esteemed ( a. 受尊敬的);disesteem ( n./v. 轻视)

〔同〕 regard ( n. 尊重)

〔参〕 self-esteem ( n. 自尊心)

commit [kəˈmɪt]

词根记忆 com(共同)+mit(送)→承诺全部送交→承诺;送交

vt. 承诺,保证

〔真〕 We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. 我们需要他们把美国想象成一个可以让他们暂时有所作为的地方,而不必承诺永远留在这里。


〔例〕 A robbery was committed in this district last night. 昨晚该区发生了一起抢劫案。


〔真〕 commit suicide 自杀


〔真〕 commit to its long-term growth 致力于长期发展


〔派〕 commitment ( n. 承诺;奉献)

odd [ɒd]

联想记忆 两个奇数(odd)相加(add)得偶数

a. 奇怪的,古怪的,反常的

〔例〕 Tina wears rather odd clothes. 蒂娜身着奇装异服。


〔真〕 odd jobs 零工,零活儿


〔真〕 But in my experience, using such methods to free up the odd 30 minutes doesn’t work. 但就我的经验而言,用这种办法来腾出30分钟的时间是行不通的。


〔真〕 odd number 奇数

classify [ˈklæsɪfaɪ]

vt. 将…分类,将…归类

〔真〕 to classify trivial facts 对琐碎的事实进行分类 // classify consumers into smaller groups 将消费者分成更小的群体 // be classified as voluntary part-time workers 被列为自愿兼职工作者

〔派〕 classification ( n. 分类;类别) ds+vdlBB38YVEubA1INSnBd5NmFqIeVml1PlTCjMhKtHEob7zNMQMAVy5V4jNroB
