
Day 05


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commit / kəˈmɪt /

v. 做(错或非法的事),犯(罪);承诺

commit a crime 犯罪 ‖ commit sb./oneself to (doing) sth. 承诺、保证做某事

So if you want to compliment someone on the work they have done and imitate it, just make sure you do it the right way to avoid committing plagiarism. 因此,如果你想赞美别人的作品并模仿他们的作品,就要确保你的方法正确,以避免抄袭。(2021.6)

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calorie / ˈkæləri /

n. 卡,卡路里

Now, however, experts are warning that aiming for a diverse diet may actually lead to just eating more calories , and, thus, to obesity. 然而,现在专家们警告说,追求多样化的饮食实际上可能会导致摄入更多的卡路里,从而导致肥胖。(2023.3)

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craft / krɑːft /

n. 手艺;技巧 v. (尤指用手工)精心制作

Meanwhile, New Orleans officials have crafted a plan to use buses and trains to evacuate the sick and the disabled. 同时,新奥尔良的官员们已经拟定了一个使用公共汽车和火车疏散病人和残疾人的计划。

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/ ˈsɜːveɪ / n. 民意调查;勘测;全面评述 || / səˈveɪ / v. …进行民意调查;审视;勘测;鉴定

A 2018 survey found that almost 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates before hiring them. 2018年的一项调查发现,近70% 的雇主在聘用应聘者之前会使用社交媒体对其进行筛选。(2021.12)

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image / ˈɪmɪdʒ /

n. 形象;画像

Humans, says Edward M. Hallowell, have the ability to call up images of bad things that happened in the past and to anticipate future events. 爱德华·M. 哈洛韦尔说,人类拥有回忆过去发生的不好的事情的情景和预测未来事件的能力。

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consensus / kənˈsensəs /

n. 意见一致,共识

reach consensus 达成共识

There is consensus among most educators that coding should be taught in schools but should not replace foreign language. 大多数教育工作者一致认为,编码应该在学校教授,但不应该取代外语。(2022.9)

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array / əˈreɪ /

n. 大堆;陈列;一系列;衣服,服装

an array of 一大群的,一堆的 ‖ array oneself 盛装打扮

People with autism are also said to have weak central coherence—the ability to synthesise an array of information, such as verbal and gestural cues in conversation. 自闭症患者据说也存在中心聚合能力较差的问题,即他们不能整合大量的信息,比如谈话中的话语或手势等信息。

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theoretical / ˌθɪəˈretɪkl /

a. 理论上的;理论上存在的;假设的

Marconi's example demonstrates that theoretical concepts and experiments complement each other in making progress in science and technology. 马可尼的例子表明,理论概念与实验相辅相成,共同推动科技进步。(2021.6)

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hemisphere / ˈhemɪsfɪə(r) /

n. (地球的)半球;(大脑的)半球;(球体的)半球

The right hemisphere of our brain is the one that feels, perceives, tastes, and so forth. 我们大脑的右半球掌管感觉、认知、审美等。

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species / ˈspiːʃiːz /

n. 种,物种;类型

The researchers made specific comparisons between the different species in different categories of intelligence. 研究人员对不同物种的不同智力类别进行了具体比较。(2023.6)

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refer / rɪˈfɜː(r) /

v. 参考;涉及;提到;查阅;委托;归诸于

refer to... as 把……称作……‖refer to 参考;查阅;涉及;指的是

Dementia refers to the loss of cognitive abilities, and one of its most common forms is Alzheimer's disease. 痴呆症是指认知能力的丧失,最常见的形式之一是阿尔茨海默氏病。(2023.12)

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reference / ˈrefrəns /

n. 提及;参考;推荐信

reference to sb./sth. 提及某人/某物 ‖ in/with reference to... 关于……

But a passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration. 《魅力》杂志最近在一篇简介中简短提到,她一天工作20个小时,引来一片赞叹之声。(2020.9)

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breathe /briːð /

v. 呼吸;呼气;低声说

breathe in 吸入‖breathe out 呼出

Hold your breath for a count of five, then slowly breathe out. 屏住呼吸数五下,然后慢慢地呼气。

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anxious / ˈæŋkʃəs /

a. 焦急的;渴望的;令人焦虑的;流露出忧虑的

anxious about 为……担心;对……着急‖anxious for 为……而焦虑

Most parents are anxious for their children's advancement. 大多数父母都为自己孩子的进步感到焦虑。

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personality / ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti /

n. 性格;气质;名人;性格鲜明的人;特征

personality cult 个人崇拜

While most previous studies on how well people know themselves have been done on long-term personality traits, this new study probes how well people understand how they are acting from one moment to the next. 虽然之前大多数关于人们对自己了解程度的研究都是针对长期性格特征进行的,但这项新研究探究的是人们对自己从一个时刻到下一个时刻的行为的了解程度。(2023.6)

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purse / pɜːs /

n. 钱包,钱袋;女用小提包

She looked at me and then reached in her purse for cigarettes. 她看了看我,然后手伸向手袋掏香烟。

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logo / ˈləʊɡəʊ /

n. 商标,徽标,标识

You can use the logo in all your promotional material. 你们可以将这个标志用在所有的宣传材料中。

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suppose / səˈpəʊz /

v. 假定;猜想,推测;认为

be supposed to do 应该做……

A father who is rarely at home because he's always working sends the message that men are supposed to earn money. 父亲因为总是要工作而很少在家,所以会传递出这样的信息:男人应该赚钱。(2013.6)

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defensive / dɪˈfensɪv /

a. 防御用的,防守的;辩护的;自卫的 n. 守势;辩护

on the defensive 处于防御状态

He smiled, not wanting to put the woman on the defensive . 他笑了笑,不想让那个女子产生抵触情绪。

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fantastic / fænˈtæstɪk /

a. 空想的,异想天开的;奇异的,古怪的;极好的

fantastic job 干得太好了;好样的

There would be a fantastic welcome awaiting her back here. 为了迎接她回来,这里将举行一个热烈的欢迎仪式。

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applause / əˈplɔːz /

n. 热烈鼓掌;喝彩,欢呼

But hold the applause . 但是先不要急着鼓掌。(2013.12)

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reform / rɪˈfɔːm /

n. 改革,改良,改造;改正 v. 改善;改革;重组

reform and opening-up 改革开放

Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasants. 经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。

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sum / sʌm /

n. 金额,款项;总数 v. 概括;估量,判断

a large sum of money 一大笔钱 ‖ to sum up 概括起来说,总之

A review of studies published last year found that cognitive advantages failed to appear in 83 percent of published studies, though in a separate analysis, the sum of effects was still significantly positive. 一项对去年发表的研究的回顾发现,83%的已发表研究中没有出现认知优势,不过在另一项分析中,这些效应的总和仍然是非常积极的。(2020.9)

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wonder / ˈwʌndə(r) /

n. 惊奇;奇观;奇人;奇迹 v. …感到好奇;惊奇;感到诧异;想弄明白

no wonder 难怪‖wonder about 对……感到奇怪;对……感到疑惑

If the planet is doomed, people wonder , why do anything? 人们觉得,如果地球注定要毁灭,采取行动又有何用?(2013.6)

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mercy / ˈmɜːsi /

n. 宽容;怜悯;幸运;侥幸

without mercy 残忍地;毫不留情地‖have mercy on 对……表示怜悯

Kelly prayed that God would judge her with mercy . 凯莉祈求在接受审判时能得到上帝的怜悯。

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protect / prəˈtekt /

v. 保护,防卫;警戒

protect against 使免受‖protect from 使免受,保护

Unfortunately, many American universities seem awfully busy protecting their brand name and not nearly busy enough protecting the pursuit of knowledge. 不幸的是,许多美国大学似乎非常忙于保护自己的品牌形象,而对于追求知识的保护却显得热情不足。(2014.6)

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skeptical / ˈskeptɪkl /

a. 怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的(=sceptical)

Some teachers are skeptical of how well the program can help students learn. 有的教师怀疑这个项目到底能怎样帮助学生学习。

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disorder / dɪsˈɔːdə(r) /

n. 混乱;骚乱 v. 使失调;扰乱

in disorder 混乱;狼狈不堪;杂乱地‖mental disorder 精神病;心理失常

When returning back, she discovered the room to be in disorder . 回到家后,她发现屋子里乱七八糟。

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boil / bɔɪl /

v. 煮沸,烧开;使 …激动;使 …蒸发 n. 煮沸,沸腾

come to the boil 达到沸点‖bring to the boil 使沸腾;使事情难于处理;使处于危急关头

He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea. 他除了烧水沏茶以外无事可做。

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merchant / ˈmɜːtʃənt /

n. 商人;批发商;店主

He won the credit of being an honest merchant . 他赢得了诚实商人的声誉。

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waterproof / ˈwɔːtəpruːf /

a. 防水的,不透水的 v. 使防水 n. 防水材料

It is completely waterproof , light and comfortable. 它防水性能非常好,轻巧而舒适。

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cruel / ˈkruːəl /

a. 残酷的,残忍的;使人痛苦的;无情的

cruel to 对……残忍

Don't you think it's cruel to cage a creature up? 你不认为把动物关进笼子里太残忍了吗?

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describe / dɪˈskraɪb /

v. 描述,形容;描绘

describe as 描述为‖describe with 用……描述

Because he's on the run from what he describes as a disease that preys on every artist:“ease of use”. 因为他在躲避“易用性”,一种据他说折磨着每一名艺术家的“疾病”。(2013.12)

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ache / eɪk /

n. 疼痛 v. 疼痛;渴望

aches and pains 不适;各种各样的病痛‖ache for 想念,渴望

Please take the children out, their noise is making my head ache . 请把孩子们领出去,他们吵得我头痛。

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passport / ˈpɑːspɔːt /

n. 护照,通行证;手段

For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport . 出国度假需持有效护照。

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immigrant / ˈɪmɪɡrənt /

n. 移民,侨民

Ms. Milkman, the sociologist, argues that American craftsmanship isn't disappearing as quickly as some would argue—that it has instead shifted to immigrants . 社会学家米尔科曼女士称,美国的手工艺并不像某些人认为的那样正在迅速消失,相反,手工艺在移民的手中传承了下来。(2013.6)

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ancestor / ˈænsestə(r) /

n. 祖先,祖宗;被继承人

ancestor worship 祖先崇拜

No one knows what ancient savage ancestors of ours first began to make use of fire. 没有人知道我们的哪个古代原始祖先首先开始使用火。

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compensate / ˈkɒmpenseɪt /

v. 弥补;补偿,给(某人)赔偿

compensate sb. for sth. 补偿某人某物

Higher prices, called price premiums, can be justified as a way to compensate farmers for providing ecosystem services and avoiding environmental damage or external costs. 较高的价格(称为价格溢价)合情合理,可以作为对农民提供生态系统服务和避免环境损害或外部成本的一种补偿方式。(2020.9)

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whisper / ˈwɪspə(r) /

v. 低声说;私语;密谈;沙沙地响 n. 低语,耳语

in a whisper 低声地,悄声地

He whispered the message to David. 他悄声把这个消息告诉了戴维。

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smash / smæʃ /

v. 打碎;猛烈撞击;撞毁(车辆) n. 破碎声;撞碎声;扣球

smash sth. down 击倒

In 2004, NASA scientists announced that there was a chance that Apophis, an asteroid larger than two football fields, could smash into Earth in 2029. 在2004年的时候,美国航空航天局的科学家们宣布,阿波菲斯这个比两个足球场还大的小行星可能会在2029年撞击地球。

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vitamin / ˈvɪtəmɪn /

n. 维生素

There are many nutrients that are thought to be potentially protective for cancer, including vitamin D, selenium, carotenoids, other antioxidants, and specific fatty acids. 有很多营养素被认为有潜在的抗癌功效,包括:维生素D、硒、类胡萝卜素、一些其他的抗氧化剂和一些特定的脂肪酸。

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apparatus / ˌæpəˈreɪtəs /

n. 仪器;(尤指政党或政府的)机构,组织

breathing apparatus 呼吸器

I nearly suffocated when I entered the burning building without breathing apparatus . 当我未佩戴呼吸器进入那座燃烧着的大楼时,我差一点窒息了。

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intact / ɪnˈtækt /

a. 完好无损的,完整的

She emerged from the trial with her property and reputation intact . 她获释了,财产和名誉丝毫未受损害。

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subscribe / səbˈskraɪb /

v. 订阅,订购;同意,赞成

The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled children are unsuitable for ordinary schools. 当局不再支持残疾儿童不适合入读普通学校的观点。

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/ ˌʌpˈdeɪt / v. 使现代化;更新;向 …提供最新信息 / ˈʌpdeɪt / n. 更新

So in October 1915 Einstein threw himself into a month-long frantic endeavor in which he returned to an earlier mathematical strategy and wrestled with equations, proofs, corrections and updates that he rushed to give as lectures to Berlin's Prussian Academy of Sciences on four successive Thursdays. 所以在1915年10月,爱因斯坦进行了一个月的疯狂努力。他回到早些时候的数学策略,着力于方程式、证明、修改和更新,心急地连续四个星期四在柏林普鲁士科学院做讲座。

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licence/-se / ˈlaɪsns /

n. 许可证,执照

a driving licence 驾驶执照 ‖ under licence 获得许可

It can include them in subscription deals sold to libraries or sell them individually under a consumer licence . 它(谷歌)可以将这些图书包括在出售给图书馆的订阅协议中,也可以按照消费许可单独出售。(2011.12)

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religious / rɪˈlɪdʒəs /

a. 宗教的;虔诚的

Students may choose among 6,000 public, private, nonprofit, for-profit, or religious institutions of higher learning. 学生可以在6 000所公立、私立、非营利、营利或宗教性的高等院校中进行选择。(2012.6)

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shed / ʃed /

n. 棚屋,小屋;厂房 v. 摆脱,去除;使脱落;使蜕下

a bicycle shed 自行车棚 ‖ shed a large number of jobs 大批裁员

The result could be a group of young people that, like their boomer parents, grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy they've inherited from Generation X. 其结果可能是:一群年轻人就像二战后出生在生育高峰期的父辈一样,伴随着强烈的使命感长大,并且褪去他们从X一代(指在60年代后期和70年代出生的美国人)继承下来的冷漠形象。(2010.6)

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immune / ɪˈmjuːn /

a. 有免疫力的;不受影响的;免除的

be immune to... 对……有免疫力 ‖ be immune from... 免除……

In the past five years it has become clear that the immune system often prevents tumours by identifying and eliminating malignant cells at an early stage of development. 在过去的五年里,免疫系统通常在癌症早期通过识别和消灭癌细胞控制肿瘤生长的事实已变得明晰起来。

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shaft / ʃɑːft /

n. 一道(光、阳光等);轴;(电梯等的)垂直通道

a lift/elevator shaft 电梯井 ‖ give sb. the shaft 亏待某人

Shafts of fear ran through him as he heard footsteps behind him on a cold night. 在一个寒冷的夜里,他听见身后有脚步声,这让他感到毛骨悚然。

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supreme / sjuːˈpriːm /

a. (级别或地位)至高无上的;(程度)很大的,最大的

He is the supreme exponent of English realistic literature. 他是英国现实主义文学的重要代表。

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/ ˈpætnt / n. 专利权 v. 获得专利权 / ˈpeɪtnt / a. 有专利的;专利生产的

the US Patent Office 美国专利局 ‖ patent medicines 专利药品

These same universities are also the institutions producing the greatest share of PhD graduates, science citations, patents and licence income. 同样,这些大学也是培养出最多博士生、发表最多科研成果、获得最多专利和特许收入的机构。(2011.12)

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disaster / dɪˈzɑːstə(r) /

n. 灾难,灾祸;不幸

disaster area 灾区

They'd lost their home and many or all of their possessions through fires, floods, earthquakes, or some other disasters . 他们在火灾、水灾、地震或其他灾难中失去了家园和许多抑或是所有的财产。

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consistent / kənˈsɪstənt /

a. 一致的;连续的;符合的;相互连贯的

be consistent with sth. 与某事物一致的

Additionally, these leaders are consistent in their standards. 此外,这些领导人的标准始终如一。(2021.12)

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thoughtful / ˈθɔːtfl /

a. 沉思的;体贴的;深思熟虑的

a thoughtful approach 深思熟虑的对策

What traffic teaches us is that reckless and uncontrolled change is as likely to harm us as it is to benefit us, and that thoughtful regulation is necessary for a better future. 交通给我们的启示是,不计后果和无节制的变化既有可能给我们带来危害,也有可能给我们带来益处,为了更美好的未来,有必要进行深思熟虑的监管。(2010.12)

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collide / kəˈlaɪd /

v. 相撞;冲突

collide with 碰撞

If the aims of two countries collide , there may be a war. 如果两国的目标冲突,就可能发生战争。

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summit / ˈsʌmɪt /

n. 山顶;峰会

summit meeting 峰会,首脑会议

Population aging is on every agenda, from G8 economic conferences to NATO summits . 从八国首脑经济会议到北大西洋公约组织峰会,人口老龄化都被提上日程。(2010.12)

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modify / ˈmɒdɪfaɪ /

v. 调整;缓和;修饰

modify one's diet 调节某人的饮食 ‖ modify one's behaviour 使某人的行为更容易让人接受

Is the experience of having a charismatic black president modifying lingering racist attitudes? 经历了这位有魅力的黑人总统,存在已久的种族主义态度是否会改变呢?(2010.6)

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/ ˈdɪskɔːs / n. 论述;谈话;演讲 || / dɪsˈkɔːs / v. 演说;谈论;讲述

The subject of automation and its role in our economy has taken hold in American public discourse . 自动化及其在经济中的作用已成为美国公众讨论的主题。(2021.12)

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publicity / pʌbˈlɪsəti /

n. 为公众所知、所见之状况;宣传(业务);传播工作

He released an article under a fictitious name to avoid publicity . 他用假名发表文章以避免引起公众注意。

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election / ɪˈlekʃn /

n. 选举,推选(尤指从政);当选

general election 大选,普选 ‖ run for election 参加竞选

As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders. 当埃琳·怀特看到大选结果倾向于巴拉克·奥巴马获胜时,她感觉肩上的负担卸了下来。(2010.6)

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cassette / kəˈset /

n. 盒式磁带;胶卷盒

Georgia's governor even proposed giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette . 佐治亚州州长甚至提议给该州每一个新生儿发一张古典音乐CD或一盒古典音乐磁带。(2012.6)

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gaze / ɡeɪz /

n. & v. 凝视,注视

gaze at sb./sth. 凝视某人/某物

Millions looked skyward Sunday to gaze upon the spectacular light show known as the annular solar eclipse, where the moon passes in front of the sun, leaving only a bright ring of light. 周日,数百万人仰望天空,凝视着被称为环形日食的华丽的光秀——月亮从太阳前面经过,只留下明亮的光环。

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steer / stɪə(r) /

v. 驾驶(船、汽车等),行驶;引导

Many find it difficult to steer away from a career path or make a change, even if it doesn't feel right. 许多人发现即使感觉不对,也很难转换其职业道路或是做出改变。

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graphic / ˈɡræfɪk /

a. 图表的,绘画的;生动的 n. 图表

a graphic record of 以图表形式记录的

About a year ago, I flew to Singapore to join the writer Malcolm Gladwell, the fashion designer Marc Ecko and the graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister in addressing a group of advertising people on“Marketing to the Child of Tomorrow.”大约一年前,我飞抵新加坡,与作家马尔科姆·格拉德韦尔、时尚设计师马克·埃克以及平面设计师斯蒂芬·施德明一起给一群广告行业的人士讲授“向明天的孩子推销”的课程。(2012.12)

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satisfactory / ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri /

a. 令人满意的,够好的

She has got a satisfactory job in another company. 她已经在另外一家公司找到了满意的工作。

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mysterious / mɪˈstɪəriəs /

a. 神秘的;故弄玄虚的

As recently as 40,000 years ago there were three other species of human on Earth: Neanderthals in Europe, the“hobbits”of Flores, in Indonesia, and a recently discovered and still mysterious group of creatures called the Denisovans, who lived in Central Asia. 早在4万年前,地球上还存在另外三个人种:欧洲的尼安德特人,印度尼西亚佛洛里斯岛上的“霍比特人”,以及最近才发现的一个叫丹尼索瓦人的神秘人种,该人种曾居住在中亚。

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condense / kənˈdens /

v. (由气体)冷凝;(使)浓缩,(使)变浓;压缩(文字、信息等)

condense... into... 使……凝结为……

You can condense the soup by boiling it for several minutes. 你可以煮几分钟把汤熬浓。

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remark / rɪˈmɑːk /

n. 谈论;引人注目 v. 说起,谈论;评论

remark on/upon sb./sth. 谈论、评论某人/某事

He also famously remarked that all of man's problems come from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone. 他也曾有句名言:人们所有的问题都源于不能在房间里独自静坐下来。(2012.12)

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multitude / ˈmʌltɪtjuːd /

n. 众多,大量;群众

The explosive growth of Internet services such as e-mail, music downloads, video streaming, Internet television and, above all, the web itself, with its multitude of applications, has overwhelmed the digital world's capacity to reflect upon what has passed before. 互联网服务爆炸性的增长,比如电子邮件、音乐下载、视频观看、互联网电视,尤其是网络本身以及众多应用,远远超过了数字世界反映以前发生事件的能力范围。

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loyalty / ˈlɔɪəlti /

n. 忠诚,忠实

loyalty to/towards... 忠诚于……

Firms invest a lot on the image of their brands to foster sales and loyalty . 各公司在品牌形象上投入了很多,以促进销售和提高品牌忠诚度。

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awkward / ˈɔːkwəd /

a. 棘手的;笨拙的;令人尴尬的

Einstein also took time off from furiously revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango with his competitor Hilbert. 在近乎疯狂地修改他的方程式期间,爱因斯坦还抽出时间和他的竞争对手希尔伯特一起跳一种令人尴尬的方丹戈双人舞。

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fibre/-er / ˈfaɪbə(r) /

n. 纤维;纤维素;纤维制品

wool fibres 羊毛纤维 ‖ plant fibres 植物纤维

Green vegetables contain more fibre than other foods. 绿色蔬菜比其他食物纤维含量高。

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senator / ˈsenətə(r) /

n. 参议员

He serves as a Democratic senator for Texas. 他是得克萨斯州的民主党参议员。

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fatal / ˈfeɪtl /

a. 致命的;灾难性的

All medicines have side effects, some of which can be fatal . 所有药物都有副作用,有些副作用甚至可能是致命的。


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curfew / ˈkɜːfjuː /

n. 宵禁,宵禁时间

The military authorities lifted the curfew on the city. 军事当局撤销了对该市的宵禁。

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embed / ɪmˈbed /

v. …嵌入,把 …插入;深信,强烈感受(思想、态度、感情等)

A piece of glass was embedded in the little girl's hand. 一块玻璃扎在那个小女孩的手上。

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cordial / ˈkɔːdiəl /

a. 热情友好的 n. 果汁

He received us and had a cordial talk with us. 他接待了我们,并和我们亲切地交谈。

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whirl / wɜːl /

v. (使)急转,(使)迅速旋转;头晕眼花 n. 旋转,回旋

The smoke began to whirl and grew into a monstrous column. 浓烟开始盘旋上升,形成了一个巨大的烟柱。

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/ rɪˈbaʊnd / v. 反弹,回升 / ˈriːbaʊnd / n. 处于情绪波动的状态

His shot in the 31st minute of the game rebounded from a post. 在比赛进行到第31分钟时,他的一记射门击中门柱弹了回来。

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distil(l) / dɪˈstɪl /

v. 提炼,提取;蒸馏

The notes he had brought back were waiting to be distilled into a book. 他带回来的笔记尚待整理成书。

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radiate / ˈreɪdieɪt /

v. 散发,流露,焕发;发射(光和热);从中心散开

Most of Britain's motorways radiate from London. 英国多数汽车道都是从伦敦向四面八方延伸的。

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grid / ɡrɪd /

n. 金属格栅;坐标方格;电力网

They are installing a cattle grid in the bridge. 他们正在桥上加装拦畜沟栅。

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relish / ˈrelɪʃ /

v. 喜爱,喜欢 n. 享受,乐趣;调味品

He relishes the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down. 他喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。

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validate / ˈvælɪdeɪt /

v. 证实;使生效;使得到认同

The Academy Awards appear to validate her career. 奥斯卡金像奖似乎是对她事业的肯定。

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inductive / ɪnˈdʌktɪv /

a. 归纳的,归纳法的

Bacon's greatest contribution to philosophy was the inductive method. 培根在哲学上最伟大的贡献是归纳法。

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endow / ɪnˈdaʊ /

v. 向(院校、医院等)捐款,资助

The old man endowed the hospital with half of his fortune. 这位老人把他一半的财产捐赠给了这所医院。

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compile / kəmˈpaɪl /

v. 编写,编纂;编制

It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary. 编纂一部好词典要花费多年的心血。

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omelette / ˈɒmlət /

n. 煎蛋(卷)

Can your mother cook an omelette ? 你妈妈会做煎蛋卷吗?

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dilate / daɪˈleɪt /

v. 扩张,张大,膨大

The lungs dilate when breathing. 呼吸时肺部扩张。

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tempo / ˈtempəʊ /

n. 速度;节奏,步调

Radio, television and the Internet have stepped up the tempo of the news. 广播、电视以及互联网提高了新闻传播的速度。

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intermediary / ˌɪntəˈmiːdiəri /

n. 调解人,中间人

The two men disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary . 这两人彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中间人处理。

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discern / dɪˈsɜːn /

v. 觉察出,弄清楚,辨明;看出,辨认出

Some people find it difficult to discern blue from green. 有些人难以辨别蓝绿两种颜色。

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prose / prəʊz /

n. 散文

Her prose is written in elegant language. 她的散文文笔优雅。

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aerospace / ˈeərəʊspeɪs /

n. 航天航空专业,宇航工业 a. 航空和航天(工业)的,宇航的

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Aerospace Museum? 请问航空航天博物馆怎么走?

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diagnosis / ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs /

n. 诊断,判断

She was hospitalised for diagnosis and treatment. 她入院接受诊疗。

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definitive / dɪˈfɪnətɪv /

a. 最具权威的,最可靠的;最终的,确定的

My boss disagreed, but he didn't say anything definitive . 尽管我的老板不同意,但是他没有把话说绝。

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pervasive / pəˈveɪsɪv /

a. 到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的

Nowadays, involuntary unemployment is pervasive in America. 如今,在美国非自愿性失业普遍出现。

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psychiatric / ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk /

a. 精神病学的,精神病治疗的

He's been committed to a private psychiatric hospital. 他已被收进一家私立精神病院。

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illuminate / ɪˈluːmɪneɪt /

v. 阐明,解释,使易懂;照射,照亮,照明

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Review Day 05
