
Day 02


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numerous / ˈnjuːmərəs /

a. 众多的,许多的

When you study an author's writing style, don't stop on a single one, but explore numerous styles instead. 在研究一位作家的写作风格时,不要只停留在一种风格上,而要探索多种风格。(2021.6)

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frequency / ˈfriːkwənsi /

n. 发生率,频率;频繁

Within the next 20 years, space planes could be taking off for the Moon at the same frequency as airplanes flying between New York and Los Angeles. 在未来20年之内,航天飞机将能够像在纽约和洛杉矶之间穿梭的飞机一样频繁地飞往月球。

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/ ˈætrɪbjuːt / n. 属性,特征 / əˈtrɪbjuːt / v. …归因于;认为是 …所为(或所说、所写、所作)

attribute sth. to... 把某事归因于……

Mississippi's success is attributed to implementing reading methods supported by a body of research known as the science of reading. 密西西比州的成功要归功于实施了被称为阅读科学的大量研究所支持的阅读方法。(2023.6)

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contribution / ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn /

n. 贡献;捐献;投稿

make a contribution to 捐赠,捐献给;为……做出贡献

With their valuable skills and experience, elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society. 凭借宝贵的技能和经验,老年人可以继续为社会做出重大贡献。(2023.12)

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refrain / rɪˈfreɪn /

v. 克制,节制;避免 n. 一再重复的话;副歌

refrain from (doing) sth. 避免做某事

You hear the refrain all the time: the U.S. economy looks good statistically, but it doesn't feel good. Why doesn't ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness? 你一直听人们重复说:美国经济从数据上看很好,但人们感觉并不好。为什么财富的不断增加没有促进幸福水平的不断提高呢?

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grasp / graːsp /

v. 抓牢;理解 n. 紧握;理解

Like its modern-day kin, it appears to have moved mostly by leaping between twigs, which it grasped with all four limbs. 与其现代同族一样,在小树枝之间跳跃似乎是它(眼镜猴)最主要的运动方式,跳跃时它用四肢抓住枝条。

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security / sɪˈkjʊərəti /

n. 保护措施;保安部门;保证;安全;抵押品;(pl.) 证券

security guard 保安人员

Police and fire services will spend the next 48 hours assessing the“ security and safety”of the 850-year-old structure. 警方和消防部门将利用接下来的48小时评估这座有着850年历史的建筑的“安全性”。(2021.6)

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/ ˈfræɡmənt / n. 碎片,片段 / fræɡˈment / v. 破裂,分裂,打碎

Scientists have picked up fragments of people's thoughts by decoding the brain activity caused by words that they hear. 科学家们已经可以通过分析由听到的话语所引起的大脑活动来获取人们思想的片段。

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foster / ˈfɒstə(r) /

v. 促进;抚育 a. 通过收养而产生家庭关系的

foster father/mother 养父/母

One of the keys to enjoying good health is simply doing your part to foster healthy cell renewal. 享受健康的关键之一就是尽自己的一份力量促进健康细胞的更新。(2022.12)

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enterprise / ˈentəpraɪz /

n. 企业;事业;进取心;事业心

private enterprise 民营企业;私营企业‖enterprise culture 企业文化

The enterprise has excellent prospects. 这家企业的前景极好。

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silicon / ˈsɪlɪkən /

n. 硅,硅元素

Silicon Valley 硅谷 ‖silicon chip 硅片

Silicon Valley and the tech industry have led the region into a period of unprecedented wealth and innovation. 硅谷和科技产业引领该地区进入了一个前所未有的财富和创新时期。(2023.3)

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celebrate / ˈselɪbreɪt /

v. 庆祝;祝贺;歌颂

Just over a decade into the 21st century, women's progress can be celebrated across a range of fields. 人类迈入21世纪仅十多年的时间,女性在一系列领域已取得了值得庆贺的进步。(2013.12)

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donation / dəʊˈneɪʃn /

n. 捐赠,赠送;捐款;捐赠物

She's too mean to make a donation . 她很小气,不肯捐款。

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antique / ænˈtiːk /

a. 古老的,年代久远的;过时的;古董的

antique shop 古董店

He wears designer clothes and drives an antique car. 他穿着名牌衣服,开着一部古董车。

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critical / ˈkrɪtɪkl /

a. 批评的;极重要的;危急时刻的;决定性的

critical thinking 批判性思维 ‖ be of critical importance 至关重要的

But there's no denying ethical leadership is at least a critical step in the right direction. 但不可否认的是,道德领导力至少是朝着正确方向迈出的关键一步。(2021.12)

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prevalent / ˈprevələnt /

a. 普遍存在的,流行的,盛行的

prevalent trend 流行趋势

It is found that perfectionism is getting more and more prevalent among college students. 研究发现,完美主义在大学生中越来越普遍。(2023.6)

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suffer / ˈsʌfə(r) /

v. 受痛苦;忍受,容忍;容许;遭受

suffer from 忍受,遭受

“I have often thought,”Ms. Milkman says,“that these extracurricular jobs were an effort on the part of the workers to regain their dignity after suffering the degradation of repetitive assembly line work in the factory.”“我经常想,”米尔科曼女士说,“工人们忍受了工厂生产流水线上磨灭人性的重复劳动,这些业余工作能够帮助他们重新找回尊严。”(2013.6)

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facial / ˈfeɪʃl /

a. 面部的;面部用的;表面的 n. 美容;面部按摩

facial expression 面部表情

Peter didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change. 彼得没有答话,脸上的表情也毫无变化。

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extensive / ɪkˈstensɪv /

a. 广阔的,广大的;大量的;广泛的

As machine learning algorithms improve and as they train on more extensive data sets, larger parts of everyday life are likely to become utterly predictable. 随着机器学习算法的改进和在更广泛的数据集上进行训练,日常生活中更多的事情可能变得完全可以预测。(2023.6)

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pause / pɔːz /

n. 暂停;间歇 v. 暂停,停顿;中止;踌躇

give pause to 使踌躇

The scene inside the Home Depot on Weyman Avenue here would give the old-time American craftsman pause . 韦曼大街上美国家居连锁店家得宝里面的情形,将会使美国旧时的手工艺人流连忘返。(2013.6)

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moral / ˈmɒrəl /

a. 道德的;道义上的;品行端正的 n. 品行;寓意

moral standards 道德水准

People who regularly express gratitude can benefit in moral terms. 经常表达感激之情的人会在道德方面受益匪浅。(2023.6)

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clumsy / ˈklʌmzi /

a. 笨拙的;复杂难懂的;得罪人的

He is clumsy with his hands. 他的手很笨。

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announce / əˈnaʊns /

v. 宣布;述说;声称;预告

The RSC was calling a press conference to announce the theatre's closure. 皇家莎士比亚剧团那时正在召开新闻发布会,宣布剧院关闭。

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concentrate / ˈkɒnsntreɪt /

v. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集

concentrate on 集中精力于;全神贯注于

He must concentrate his energies on treating addiction first. 他必须首先集中精力治疗毒瘾。

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committee / kəˈmɪti /

n. 委员会

Furthermore, ethics committees should make it mandatory for researchers to share their results with the public. 此外,伦理委员会应强制要求研究人员与公众分享研究成果。(2023.12)

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fiction / ˈfɪkʃn /

n. 小说;虚构,编造;谎言

science fiction 科幻小说

That is no fact but fiction . 那不是事实,是虚构出来的。

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highlight / ˈhaɪlaɪt /

v. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮 n. 最精彩的部分

Highlight only those achievements that make you the best candidate for the job. 只突出那些让你显得最适合这个职位的成就。

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empire / ˈempaɪə(r) /

n. 帝国;帝王统治,君权

The French empire had expanded largely through military conquest. 法兰西帝国的扩张主要靠军事征服。

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proud / praʊd /

a. 自豪的;得意的;自负的

proud of 为……而感到骄傲

He felt proud that he was a do-it-yourselfer himself. 他为自己是一位DIY达人而感到骄傲。(2013.6)

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venture / ˈventʃə(r) /

v. 敢于;冒险;投机 n. 企业;风险;冒险

joint venture 合资公司‖venture on 冒险;鼓起勇气前进

Don't venture into the jungle without a guide. 没有向导,不要冒险进入丛林中。

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/ ˈestɪmət / n. (对数量、成本等的)估计,估价;报价;判断 || / ˈestɪmeɪt / v. 估价;估算

accurate estimate 准确估计 ‖ it is estimated (that)... 据估计……

In fact, it has been estimated that there are fewer monolingual speakers in the world than bilinguals and multilinguals. 事实上,据估计,世界上只讲一种语言的人比讲两种语言和多种语言的人更少。(2023.12)

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registration / ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn /

n. 登记;注册;挂号

registration form 登记表,注册表

The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1986. 登记表显示他的出生日期是1986年8月2日。

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assign / əˈsaɪn /

v. 分配;指派;将财产过户

assign to 指派;分配给

I've been assigned to cover the governess's speech today. 我今天被指派去报道女州长的讲话。(2014.6)

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emergency / iˈmɜːdʒənsi /

n. 紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻

in an emergency 在紧急情况下

The hospital will cater only for emergencies . 那家医院只看急诊。

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religion / rɪˈlɪdʒən /

n. 宗教;宗教信仰

freedom of religion 宗教自由

Li Ming got religion about a year back. 李明一年前有了宗教信仰。

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occupy / ˈɒkjupaɪ /

v. 占据,占领;居住;使忙碌

occupy in 从事

Men still occupy more positions of power than women. 担任要职的男性仍然比女性多。

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realistic / ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk /

a. 现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的

Stop daydreaming and be realistic . 别空想了,现实点。

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apply / əˈplaɪ /

v. 申请;使用;涉及

apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某事物 ‖ apply sth. to sth. 将某事物运用于某事物

Examine the skills and knowledge that you have and identify how they can apply to your desired occupation. 检查你所拥有的技能和知识,弄清楚如何能将它们应用到你渴望的职位上。

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inland / ˈɪnlænd /

a. 内陆的,内地的

This company is mainly dealing with inland trades. 这家公司主要从事国内贸易。

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contaminate / kənˈtæmɪneɪt /

v. 污染,弄脏;玷污

contaminate environment 污染环境

Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste. 大部分海岸已受到核废料污染。

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electronic / ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk /

a. 电子的;电子设备的 ‖ (pl.) n. 电子学;电子工业

electronic products 电子产品 ‖ electronic warfare 电子战

In a division of electronics engineers, who are designing equipment so advanced that they work in teams of up to 150. 在一个电子工程师组成的部门,他们都是设计先进设备的,所以他们组的成员智商高达150。(2013.6)

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toxic / ˈtɒksɪk /

a. 有毒的,引起中毒的

Of course cities still need to foster standard public health practices, such as separating toxic facilities from homes and restricting heavy truck traffic through dense residential areas. 当然,城市仍然需要促进标准的公共卫生实践,例如将有毒设施与住宅分开,限制重型卡车通过密集住宅区。(2023.12)

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county / ˈkaʊnti /

n. (英国、爱尔兰的)郡;(美国等的)县

county boundaries 郡分界线

He had been to the Orange County when he was a child. 他小时候去过奥兰治县。

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curb / kɜːb /

v. 控制,抑制,限制 n. 起控制(或限制)作用的事物;路边

curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀

That conclusion was reinforced by another finding: that their opposition appeared to soften when that fiscal burden decreased, as occurred with welfare reform in the 1990s, which curbed immigrants' access to certain benefits. 另一项发现更进一步证实了这一结论——20世纪90年代的福利改革限制了移民获得某些福利,从而使财政负担减小,这时,反对者们的态度也缓和了。(2011.6)

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ingenious / ɪnˈdʒiːniəs /

a. 精巧的,精妙的;心灵手巧的;机敏的

It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious way of saving energy. 设计出如此精妙的节约能源的方法需要有极大的想象力。

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intricate / ˈɪntrɪkət /

a. 错综复杂的

One biologist shared an intricate analogy involving a library, books, paper, a recipe, ingredients, and a cake to explain the process behind vaccines. 一位生物学家分享了一个复杂的比喻,用图书馆、书籍、纸张、食谱、配料和蛋糕来解释疫苗背后的过程。(2022.6)

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conspicuous / kənˈspɪkjuəs /

a. 易见的,明显的;显著的;惹人注意的;出类拔萃的

conspicuous by one's absence (本应在场)因缺席而惹人注意

Recent years have seen conspicuous development in space technology. 近几年航空科技有了显著发展。

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simplify / ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ /

v. 简化;使单纯;使简易

Our aim is to simplify the complex social security system. 我们的目的是要简化复杂的社会保险体系。

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primitive / ˈprɪmətɪv /

a. 原始的;简陋的 n. 原始派画家

It is a primitive instinct to escape from a place of danger. 逃离危险的地方是一种原始本能。

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feature / ˈfiːtʃə(r) /

n. 特征,特点;专题节目 v. 为特色,是 的特征;起重要作用

geographical features 地理特征;地貌

This year's challenge will feature a far more elite field, which includes Ryan Hall, America's fastest marathon runner. 今年的挑战赛将有更多的精英选手参加,其中包括美国跑得最快的马拉松运动员瑞安·霍尔。(2022.12)

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embody / ɪmˈbɒdi /

v. 具体表现,体现;包括,包含

embody in 体现在……

We honor them not only because they are guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of service: a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves. 我们尊敬他们,不仅因为他们捍卫了我们的自由,更因为他们代表着服务的精神,他们自愿追寻比自身的价值更伟大的意义。

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scratch / skrætʃ /

v. 挠痒;抓破;刮坏;刮去;刮出刺耳声 n. 划痕;搔痒

scratch pad 便签本;暂存器 ‖ scratch sb. from sth. 取消某人做某事的资格

They can attend to several things at once in the mental scratch pad called working memory, an essential skill in this era of multitasking. 他们可以在被叫做“工作存储器”的大脑暂存记忆区中同时兼顾几件事,在同时处理多项任务的时代,这是一种必不可少的技能。(2012.6)

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historical / hɪˈstɒrɪkl /

a. (有关)历史的;历史学的;历史题材的

During the historical progress, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. 在历史进程中,人类只有在遭受了灾难打击之后才会对避免灾难严肃对待。

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release / rɪˈliːs /

n. 发行 v. 释放;松开;发泄;免除;发布

release... from... 把……从……中解脱出来‖on release(电影)在公映,发行

It includes accounting for any piece of debris they plan to release over 5mm that might stay in orbit for 25 years or more. 它包括对他们计划投放的超过5毫米且可能会在轨道上停留25年或更长时间的碎片进行说明。(2019.6)

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furthermore / ˌfɜːðəˈmɔː(r) /

ad. 此外,而且

Furthermore , by gauging the reactions to our self-disclosures we learn what types are acceptable or unacceptable with particular people and in specific situations. 此外,通过测量自我表露的反应,我们得知与特定的人和在特殊的情况下,哪些类型是可以接受的,哪些类型是不可接受的。(2012.12)

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stationary / ˈsteɪʃənri /

a. 不动的,静止的;不变的,稳定的

a stationary population 稳定的人口

For example, an inability to perceive movement even though the individual can see stationary objects results from damage to part of the temporal lobe, and an inability to recognise faces is caused by damage to the fusiform gyrus. 例如,一个人即使可以看见静止的物体,也不能感知运动,是由于他的部分脑颞叶受到了损伤;而不能识别人的样貌,则是因为纺锤形脑回受到了损伤。

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radical / ˈrædɪk(ə)l /

a. 根本的;激进的,极端的 n. 激进分子

He pledged radical measures to snap Japan out of its long economic funk and restore pride to a country nearly overwhelmed by a sense of decline. 他采取激进措施使日本摆脱长期的经济萧条,并使这个几乎被经济衰退之势击垮的国家重塑信心。

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evaporate / ɪˈvæpəreɪt /

v. (使)蒸发;(逐渐)消失

We just make some half-hearted resolution and it evaporates after a week or two. 我们没有完全下定决心,而这些决心会在一两周后消失殆尽。

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balance / ˈbæləns /

v. 使保持平衡;权衡 n. 天平,秤;平衡

balance between ……间的平衡

Broadly, the 2016-2020 dietary recommendations aim for balance : More vegetables, leaner meats and far less sugar. 从广义上讲,2016-2020年的膳食指南旨在实现平衡:多吃蔬菜,多吃瘦肉,少吃糖。(2020.12)

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/ kənˈvɜːt / v. (使)转变,转化;(使)皈依 || / ˈkɒnvɜːt / n. 改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人

convert into/to sth. 可转变为某事物

Dakota Gasification of North Dakota captures CO 2 at a plant that converts coal into synthetic natural gas. 北达科他州的达科他气化公司在一家将煤转化成合成天然气的工厂收集二氧化碳气体。(2012.6)

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ritual / ˈrɪtʃuəl /

n. 程序,礼节;老规矩,惯例 a. 仪式上的,庆典的;老套的,惯常的

She went through her usual ritual of making sure all the doors and windows were locked before she left for work. 出门上班前,她按照惯例检查了家里所有的门窗是否都已锁上。

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ambitious / æmˈbɪʃəs /

a. 有野心的,有雄心的

This is ambitious in any circumstances, and in a divided and unequal society the two ideals can clash outright. 这在任何情况下都是一个有野心的目标,在一个阶层分化的不平等的社会中,这两种理想可能会直接发生冲突。(2019.12)

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precaution / prɪˈkɔːʃn /

n. 预防措施,预防

precaution against... 预防……

A few precautions can help most climbers avoid altitude sickness. 一些预防措施可以帮助大多数爬山者避免高原反应。(2012.12)

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dilemma / dɪˈlemə /

n. (进退两难的)窘境,困境

be in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地

She was in a dilemma whether to go to see him or not. 她不知道该不该去见他。

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derive / dɪˈraɪv /

v. 获得;追寻 …的起源

derive from... 起源于……,来自……

The strongest incentives for energy conservation will derive from the market itself. 对能源节约的最有效的刺激来自于市场本身。

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counter / ˈkaʊntə(r) /

v. 反驳;抵制 n. 柜台;反驳 ad. 逆向地,相反地

counter... with... 用……反驳…… ‖ run counter to... 与……背道而驰 ‖ under the counter 秘密地,非法地

Schweitzer concedes his research runs counter to a very large body of literature that commends the many benefits of goal-setting. 施魏策尔承认他的研究与大量推崇目标设定有诸多好处的文献正好相反。(2012.6)

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roar / rɔː(r) /

v. 咆哮;叫喊;呼啸而行 n. 咆哮,吼叫(声)

The comedian's hilarious imitation of the politician was greeted with a roar of laughter. 该喜剧演员对政治家的滑稽模仿引起了哄堂大笑。

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destructive / dɪˈstrʌktɪv /

a. 引起破坏(或毁灭)的,破坏(或毁灭)性的

If we acknowledge that human manipulation of the Earth has been a destructive force, we can also imagine that human endeavours can help us build a less destructive world in the centuries to come. 如果我们承认人类对地球的操纵是一种破坏性力量,那么我们也可以想象,人类可以通过努力在未来几个世纪建立一个破坏性较小的世界。(2020.12)

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dedicate / ˈdedɪkeɪt /

v. …奉献给;(在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词;为(建筑物等)举行落成典礼

dedicate oneself to 献身于

This novel is dedicated to my dear parents. 谨以此小说献给我亲爱的父母。

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cling / klɪŋ /

v. 坚持,墨守;紧贴;附着

cling to 坚持;依附;粘住;依靠

He tells the story of a patient, a first-time mother who complained that her young son was always clinging to her, wrapping himself around her legs wherever she went. 他举了一位病人的例子:初为人母的她抱怨年幼的儿子总是黏着她,不管她去哪里,她儿子总是缠着她。(2013.12)

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/ səˈbɔːdɪnət / n. 下级 a. 隶属的,从属的,下级的;次要的 / səˈbɔːdɪneɪt / v. (把 …)置于次要地位,(使 …)从属于

subordinate to... 从属于……

The musically adept are better able to concentrate on a biology lesson despite the noise in the classroom or, a few years later, to finish a call with a client when a colleague in the next office starts screaming at a subordinate . 擅长音乐的人更能够在并不安静的生物课上集中注意力;数年之后,隔壁办公室同事大声训斥下属的时候,这些(擅长音乐的)人更有可能与客户完成电话沟通。(2012.6)

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tissue / ˈtɪsjuː /

n. (动植物细胞的)组织;纸巾;(用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸

a box of tissue 一盒纸巾 ‖ a tissue of lies 一派谎言

When a patient needed a new organ, such as a kidney, the surgeon would contact a commercial organ producer, give him the patient's immunological profile and would then be sent a kidney with the correct tissue type. 当病人需要一个新的器官,例如肾,外科医生会联系器官商业生产商,给他提供病人的免疫档案,然后就可以收到一颗组织类型适合的肾。

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stumble / ˈstʌmbl /

v. 绊脚;跌跌撞撞地走;结结巴巴地说话 n. 绊脚;出错

stumble over sth. 被某物绊倒

It is more of a haphazard stumble , and then a dawning sense of opportunity that is seized upon by those destined to become entrepreneurs. 更多的是一次偶然的失足,然后开始看到一线机会,而那些注定成为企业家的人抓住了这个机会。

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indignant / ɪnˈdɪɡnənt /

a. 愤怒的,愤慨的

be indignant at/about sth. 对某事表示愤怒的

They were indigant that they hadn't been invited. 他们因没有受到邀请而愤愤不平。

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intrinsic / ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk /

a. 固有的,内在的,本质的

be intrinsic to 是……固有的

Diamonds have little intrinsic value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity. 钻石没有多少内在价值,它们的价格几乎完全取决于其稀有程度。


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flank / flæŋk /

v. 两侧有 …,位于 …两侧 n. 肋;侧翼

He entered, flanked by two bodyguards. 他在左右两名保镖的陪同下走了进来。

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cosy/-zy / ˈkəʊzi /

a. 温暖舒适的;友好的,融洽的

Her room is small yet cosy . 她的房间很小,但很舒适。

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secular / ˈsekjələ(r) /

a. 世俗的,非宗教的;长期的,不朽的

She still believes in perpetual love in this secular world. 在这个世俗的世界她仍然相信有天长地久的爱情。

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gorgeous / ˈɡɔːdʒəs /

a. 极其漂亮的,极其吸引人的;令人十分愉快的

Her paintings are a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colours. 她的油画色彩斑斓,变化万千。

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chapel / ˈtʃæpl /

n. 小教堂,小礼拜堂

They go to the chapel at nine. 他们九点钟去教堂。

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esteem / ɪˈstiːm /

v. & n. 尊重,敬重

He stands high in the esteem of his colleagues. 他深受同事的尊敬。

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tangle / ˈtæŋɡl /

v. (使)缠结在一起 n. 乱成一团;纷乱,混乱

He tried to kick the pajamas loose, but they were tangled in the satin sheet. 他想把睡衣踢掉,可是它却和缎子床单绞到了一块儿。

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manoeuvre / məˈnu:və(r) /

n. 熟练的动作;策略,巧计,花招(=maneuver)

It was a brilliantly planned and executed manoeuvre . 这是一条设计和执行都很出色的策略。

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hum / hʌm /

v. 哼(曲子);发出嗡嗡响;忙碌,活跃 n. 嗡嗡声,低沉而持续的嘈杂声

The new leader soon made things hum . 没多久新领导就使一切活跃起来了。

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militia / məˈlɪʃə /

n. 民兵组织,自卫队

That morning the president reviewed the armed forces and the militia . 那天上午,该国总统检阅了武装部队和民兵。

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retention / rɪˈtenʃn /

n. 保持,保留;滞留;记忆力

The old man pleaded for the retention of the inn. 那个老年人请求保留这间小旅店。

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outflow / ˈaʊtfləʊ /

n. 外流;流出

The outflow of gold can temporarily finance the balance of payments deficit. 黄金外流可以暂时填补国际收支的逆差。

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insurgency / ɪnˈsɜːdʒənsi /

n. 暴动,叛乱

The government took action to defeat insurgency . 政府采取行动战胜了叛乱。

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wrench / rentʃ /

v. 猛扭,猛拧,猛拉 n. 扳手,扳钳

He felt someone wrench the suitcase from his hand. 他感觉有个人在使劲拽他手里的手提箱。

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buzz / bʌz /

v. 发出嗡嗡声;(头脑)充满想法 n. 嗡嗡声,蜂鸣声

Bees were buzzing around the flowers. 蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡地飞舞。

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sober / ˈsəʊbə(r) /

v. (使)清醒;(使)严肃 a. 清醒的;严肃的

I drank a cup of strong tea to sober myself up. 我喝下一杯浓茶让自己清醒一下。

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frantic / ˈfræntɪk /

a. (因极端焦虑恐惧而)发疯似的,情绪失控的;紧张忙乱的

She was frantic to finish the report on schedule. 她十万火急地要按预定时间完成报告。

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porch / pɔːtʃ /

n. 门廊,走廊

I sat on the porch for a long time, waiting for my emotions to calm down. 我在门廊里坐了好久,等待着我的情绪平静下来。

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outreach / ˈaʊtriːtʃ /

n. 外展服务,拓展的服务

Educational and outreach programmes continued to be an important part of the organisation's activities. 教育及外展计划仍是该组织活动的重头戏。

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verdict / ˈvɜːdɪkt /

n. 裁决,裁定;判决;正式决定;意见

Three judges will deliver their verdict in April. 三名法官将在4月份做出裁决。

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amplify / ˈæmplɪfaɪ /

v. 详述,阐述;增强

You'd better amplify your statement so that we can fully understand it. 你最好详细解释一下你的说法,以便我们完全理解。

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slump / slʌmp /

v. 暴跌,剧降;倒下 n. 突然下跌;锐减

The government popularity in the country has slumped to its lowest level since the 1970s. 该国政府的民众支持率暴跌至20世纪70年代以来的最低水平。

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inborn / ˌɪnˈbɔːn /

a. 天生的,与生俱来的

Confidence is built, not inborn . 信心是建立起来的,不是天生的。

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scarcity / ˈskeəsəti /

n. 不足,短缺,稀少

If there is a scarcity of anything, prices of that thing go up. 如果任何物品出现短缺,那该物品的价格就会上涨。

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reversible / rɪˈvɜːsəbl /

a. 可恢复原状的,可逆的;可两面穿的,正反两用的

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Review Day 02
