
Day 01


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confront / kənˈfrʌnt /

v. 面临,遭遇;处理,解决;面对,(与某人)对质

confront sb. with sth. 与某人当面对质 ‖ be confronted with sth. 面对(某事物)

This means, when confronted by an entitled team member, an ethical leader is significantly disinclined to accommodate their demands. 这意味着,当面对争取权益的团队成员时,一个有道德的领导者明显不愿满足他们的要求。(2021.12)

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emit / iˈmɪt /

v. 发出,散发(光、热、声音、气等)

Soil tilling releases carbon dioxide, and delivery vehicles emit exhaust.土壤耕作会释放二氧化碳,运输车辆会排放废气。(2020.12)

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depress / dɪˈpres /

v. 使压抑,使沮丧;使萧条

Wet weather always depresses her. 阴雨天总使她心情抑郁。

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mood / muːd /

n. 心情;语气;气氛

a man of moods 喜怒无常的人

Draper says we often feel stuck in a rut if we wear the same clothes—even if they're our favorites—thus opting for an item you don't wear often, or adding something different to an outfit, such as a hat, can positively shift your mood . 德雷珀说,如果我们穿同样的衣服,即使是我们最喜欢的衣服,我们也常常会有一成不变的感觉,因此选择一件你不经常穿的衣服,或者在装束中添加一些不同的东西,比如帽子,可以积极地改变你的情绪。(2021.12)

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preference / ˈprefrəns /

n. 偏爱;偏爱的事物

preference for 对……的偏好

Where does the seemingly irrational human preference for over-imitation come from? 人类对过度模仿的偏好看似不合理,这种偏好从何而来?(2023.6)

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enthusiasm / ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm /

n. 热心,热忱,热情;热衷的事物

enthusiasm about/for... 对……的热情

It seems unlikely that spiders will ever attract the same level of human enthusiasm as bees, birds or butterflies, in spite of their unique status as nature's spinners. 蜘蛛似乎不太可能像蜜蜂、鸟类或蝴蝶那样吸引人类的热情,尽管它们有着大自然的纺织工这个独特的身份。(2023.12)

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route / ruːt /

n. 路线;航线;途径 v. 按某路线发送;给 …规定路线

shorten the route 缩短路程

The conventional wisdom held that productivity growth was the only route to higher wages. 传统观点认为,生产率增长是提高工资的唯一途径。(2023.12)

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symptom / ˈsɪmptəm /

n. 症状;征兆

The researchers found that writing as few as three weekly thank-you notes over the course of three weeks improved life satisfaction, increased happy feelings and reduced symptoms of depression. 研究人员发现,在三周的时间里,每周仅仅写三封感谢信就能提高生活满意度,增加幸福感,减少抑郁症状。(2023.6)

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virtually / ˈvɜːtʃuəli /

ad. 几乎,差不多

virtually impossible 几乎是不可能的

There's virtually no limit to how much of that can be saved, as prototype“zero-energy homes”in Switzerland and Germany have shown. 实际上在这方面可能节约的能源数量是无穷无尽的,就像瑞士和德国的“零耗能家庭”样板房所展示的那样。

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corporate / ˈkɔːpərət /

a. 公司的,法人的;共同的

corporate finance 公司的财务 ‖ corporate responsibility 共同的责任

As corporate layoffs increased, that part has eroded. 随着公司解雇人数的增加,这一部分已经被削弱了。

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detail / ˈdiːteɪl /

n. 琐事;细节,详情 v. 详述

go into detail(s) 详细叙述;逐一说明

One should create a solid statement in a dozen or so sentences that describe in detail how they see their life related to work. 一个人应该创造出十来句坚定的宣言,具体描述他怎样把生活同工作联系起来。

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approach / əˈprəʊtʃ /

v. 接近;着手处理 n. 方法;接近;路径

approach to 类似;约等于;……的办法

The authors, who focus on education in England, offer a number of sensible recommendations, some of which are an attempt to alleviate the uninspiring and fact-based approach to education that has crept into policy in recent years. 作者们关注英国教育,他们提出了很多明智的建议,其中一些建议试图减少近年来开始影响政策的、缺乏启发性和基于事实的教育方法。(2021.6)

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funeral / ˈfjuːnərəl /

n. 葬礼;麻烦事

Most of those attending the funeral stood silently showing little emotion. 出席葬礼的人大多都面无表情地静静站着。

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postpone / pəˈspəʊn /

v. 使 …延期;把 …放在次要地位;把 …放在后面;延缓

He had to postpone ideas of a career and stay at home. 他不得不暂缓就业打算而待在家里。

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consultant / kənˈsʌltənt /

n. 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生

In one experiment, people were told to play the role of consultants and bill their time at either nine dollars an hour or ninety dollars an hour. 在一次实验中,人们被要求扮演顾问的角色,并且每小时有9美元或者90美元的报酬。(2014.6)

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degree / dɪˈɡriː /

n. 程度,等级;度;学位;阶层

by degrees 逐渐地;慢慢地 ‖to some degree 在某种程度上

Honorary degrees are often conferred on non-academic leaders in the arts, business, and politics. 荣誉学位通常授予艺术界、商界和政界这些非学术领域的领军人物。(2014.6)

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polish / ˈpɒlɪʃ /

v. 擦光,磨光;修改,润色 n. 光泽剂;擦亮,磨光

polish off 草草完成;打败‖polish up 改善;润色;使完美

She gave her counter a polish with a soft duster. 她用软抹布擦亮了自己的柜台。

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volume / ˈvɒljuːm /

n. 量,大量;体积;音量;卷

Though a significant body of research has examined dog cognition previously, the authors of this new study found little to warrant the volume of work that has been devoted to the topic. 尽管之前有大量研究对狗的认知进行了探讨,但这项新研究的作者们发现,几乎没有什么能证明已经在该课题上所投入的工作量。(2023.6)

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paste / peɪst /

v. 粘贴 n. 面团;糨糊

Help me to paste up these notices. 请帮我把这些布告贴在墙上。

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wander / ˈwɒndə(r) /

v. 徘徊;漫步;迷路;离题;游荡

wander about 徘徊;流浪

He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task. 他克制着自己的想法不偏离任务。

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boom / buːm /

v. 轰鸣,轰响;迅速发展,激增,繁荣昌盛 n. 激增,繁荣;突然风靡的时期

boom out 以低沉有力的声音说(话)

A vocal minority is even calling on officials to punish those who are benefitting from the economic and housing boom . 少数人甚至呼吁官员惩罚那些从经济和房地产繁荣中获利的人。(2023.3)

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awake / əˈweɪk /

a. 醒着的;警惕的 v. 觉醒,意识到;醒来;被唤醒

stay awake 保持清醒‖awake from 从……中醒来;察觉

She had been drinking mugs of coffee to keep herself awake . 为让自己保持清醒,她一杯接一杯地喝咖啡。

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deputy / ˈdepjuti /

n. 代理人,代表 a. 副的;代理的

Kevin will be my deputy while I am away. 我不在时凯文将是我的代理人。

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snap / snæp /

v. 突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上;厉声说 n. 猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断

in a snap 马上,立刻‖snap at 咬;抓;厉声说

She broke off the twig with a snap . 她啪的一声把那根树枝折断了。

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coward / ˈkaʊəd /

n. 胆小鬼,懦夫

Only a coward would run from danger. 只有懦夫才临危脱逃。

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phrase / freɪz /

n. 短语,习语

It's difficult to tick off in a phrase . 很难用一句话概括。

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wrap / ræp /

v. 包;缠绕

wrap up 包起来;席卷而去;伪装

Then she stood up, wrapping her coat around her angrily. 然后她站了起来,怒气冲冲地穿上了大衣。

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delete / dɪˈliːt /

v. 删除

delete from 删除;从……上删掉

She also deleted files from the computer system. 她还从计算机系统里删除了文件。

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attack / əˈtæk /

n. 攻击;抨击;疾病发作 v. 攻击;抨击;腐蚀

attack on 攻击‖under attack 受到攻击;在攻击之下

Janet James was 22 years old when she was diagnosed with MS—a disease that attacks the body's nerves. 珍妮特·詹姆斯22岁时被诊断出患有多发性硬化症(MS),这是一种会破坏人体神经系统的疾病。(2013.12)

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reality / riˈæləti /

n. 现实;实际;真实

in reality 实际上;事实上

The concept reality means to each of us what we perceive, what we experience. 真实这一概念对我们每个人都意味着我们感知的一切,我们经历的一切。

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missile / ˈmɪsaɪl /

n. 导弹;投射物

The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target. 导航系统失灵,导弹未能命中目标。

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profit / ˈprɒfɪt /

n. 利润;利益 v. 获利;有益

profit from 得益于;利用‖net profit 净利润

The company hopes to break even this year and return to profit next year. 该公司希望今年实现收支平衡,在明年重新盈利。

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sign / saɪn /

n. 迹象;符号;姿势 v. 打手势;在 …上签名

But EIA noted many coal-fired universities have signed onto the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, which was launched in 2007. 但是美国能源信息管理局指出,许多烧煤的大学已经签署了2007年启动的《美国高校校长气候承诺》。(2022.12)

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guide / ɡaɪd /

n. 指南;向导;入门书 v. 引导;带领;操纵

It's designed to guide early-career scientists through a confidential, rigorous process of introspection to create a customized career plan. 该应用程序通过秘密而严格的内省程序来打造个性化的职业规划,为职业生涯刚起步的科学家提供指导。

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lobby / ˈlɒbi /

n. 大厅;休息室;会客室 v. …进行游说

Reporters and photographers were crowded into the lobby . 记者和摄影师都挤进了大厅。

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claim / kleɪm /

v. 声称;要求;索要 n. 声明;所有权;索赔

claim(that)... 声称 ‖ it is claimed that... 据称

Researchers now claim that earlier research on bilingual education was seriously flawed. 研究人员现在声称,早期的双语教育研究存在严重缺陷。(2020.9)

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captain / ˈkæptɪn /

n. 队长,首领;船长;上尉;海军上校

The captain ordered all passengers and crew into lifeboats. 船长命令所有乘客和船员都坐上救生艇。

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pure / pjʊə(r) /

a. 纯的;纯真的;干净的

It's entirely pure research. 这完全是纯理论研究。

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viewer / ˈvjuːə(r) /

n. 观察者;观看者;电视观众

These images are likely to evoke a strong response in the viewer . 这些图像可能会在观众中产生强烈反响。

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outbreak / ˈaʊtbreɪk /

n. (暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生

It started as what seemed like a lethal outbreak in Mexico, and then spread north of the border. 起初这种流行病看起来好像是一种爆发于墨西哥的致死病,接下来传播到北部边界。

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allege / əˈledʒ /

v. 断言;宣称;提出 …作为理由;指控

But critics allege that by making electronic copies of these books without first seeking the permission of copyright holders, Google has committed piracy. 但是,批评者们称,在没有事先征得著作权人许可的前提下,谷歌将这些图书制成电子版已经构成了侵权。(2011.12)

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normally / ˈnɔːməli /

ad. 通常,正常情况下;正常地;平常地

The small gravitational pull created by the rotating space city would allow space-tourists and residents to walk around and function normally within the structure. 旋转的太空城市所产生的微小引力使太空游客和居民可以在建筑内自由行走和正常活动。

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privacy / ˈprɪvəsi /

n. 隐私,秘密

invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)

The Federal Trade Commission has come up with timely recommendations to protect privacy online. 联邦贸易委员会针对保护网络隐私提出了及时的建议。

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budget / ˈbʌdʒɪt /

n. 预算 v. …编入预算

budget (sth.) for/at (sth.) 谨慎花钱;把……编入预算

The computer science field is growing faster than schools can keep up because of budget constraints and a lack of skills training for teachers. 由于预算限制和教师缺乏技能培训,计算机科学领域的发展速度超过了学校的发展速度。(2022.9)

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destiny / ˈdestəni /

n. 命运,天数

Even those who disagreed with her never doubted the strength of her convictions and her unwavering belief in Britain's destiny in the world. 连那些与她持不同观点的人都不曾质疑她信仰的力量,也不曾质疑她对英国未来在世界上的命运的坚定信念。

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facilitate / fəˈsɪlɪteɪt /

v. 促进;使容易;帮助

Virtually every activity that entails or facilitates in-person human interaction seems to be in the midst of a total meltdown as the coronavirus outbreak erases Americans' desire to travel. 随着冠状病毒的爆发,美国人的旅行欲望消失殆尽,几乎所有需要或促进人际交往的活动似乎都处于全面崩溃之中。(2020.12)

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revolve / rɪˈvɒlv /

v. 旋转,环绕,转动

revolve around/round sb./sth. 围绕;以……为中心

The discussion revolved around the question of changing the party's theme. 讨论的中心问题是改变派对的主题。

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descend / dɪˈsend /

v. 下降;下倾;降临

descend to sth. 降低身份去做 ‖ descend into sth. 逐渐陷入

You may have heard of the Blessed Mountain. It is the highest mountain in our world. Should you reach the summit you would have only one desire, and that to descend and be with those who dwell in the deepest valley. 你也许听说过那座福山。它是世上最高的山。一旦你登上顶峰,你就只有一个愿望,那就是往下走入最深的山谷里,和那里的人民一同生活。

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hunt / hʌnt /

v. 打猎;搜寻;追捕 n. 搜寻;打猎

hunt for sth. 搜寻某物 ‖ hunt sb. down 追捕某人

What's hot for 2007 among the very rich? A $7.3 million diamond ring. A trip to Tanzania to hunt wild animals. 2007年富豪们最热门的话题是什么?价值730万美金的钻戒。坦桑尼亚狩猎野生动物之旅。

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deadly / ˈdedli /

a. (可能)致命的;彻底的;非常有效的;枯燥的 ad. 极其,非常

a deadly weapon/disease 致命的武器/疾病 ‖ deadly poison 剧毒

Without the atmosphere, we would be forced to seek shelters, as there would be nothing to protect us from the sun's deadly rays. 没有这种环境,我们将被迫寻找藏身处,否则我们将裸露在太阳致命的光线下失去保护。(2012.12)

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status / ˈsteɪtəs /

n. 法律地位;身份;状况

status quo 现状

A recent study, conducted by Emory University's Erika Hall, found that“Black”people are viewed more negatively than“African Americans”because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status . 最近由埃默里大学的艾丽卡·霍尔开展的一项研究发现,人们认为“黑人”这个称呼比“非裔美国人”更负面,这是因为人们认为两者在社会经济地位上存在差异。(2015.12)

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doctrine / ˈdɒktrɪn /

n. 教义,教条;主义;正式声明

If Americans could only free themselves from their antigovernment doctrine , they would begin to see that America's problems are not insoluble. 如果美国人能够将自己从反政府的信条中解放出来,他们就会发现美国的问题并非不能解决。(2012.6)

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heap / hiːp /

n. 一堆;许多 v. 堆积;在 …上放很多(东西)

heaps of 一大堆,许多 ‖ in a heap 成山,成堆

Behind a heap of blackened oak beams that lay piled up where they had fallen, daylight from vast holes in the cathedral roof lit a golden cross over a statue by Nicolas Coustou, which appeared to have escaped damage. 一些被熏黑的橡木横梁掉在了地上,就那样堆在原处。后面,阳光从大教堂屋顶的大洞照射进来,在尼古拉斯·库斯托的一尊雕像的上方形成了一个金色的十字,这尊雕像似乎没有受损。(2021.6)

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manufacture / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r) /

v. 制造;加工;捏造 n. 制造;工业品

Facing fierce competition from other companies, the automobile manufacturer is considering launching a promotion campaign. 面对来自其他公司的激烈竞争,这家汽车制造商正在考虑开展促销活动。(2012.6)

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distinct / dɪˈstɪŋkt /

a. 明显的;截然不同的;独特的

be distinct from sth. 与……截然不同

For lack of distinct culture, some places will not attract tourists any more. 由于缺乏独特的文化,一些地方不再吸引旅游者。

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ascertain / ˌæsəˈteɪn /

v. 查明,弄清

He does not need to ascertain that certain result. 他没有必要去查明那个确定的结果。

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fund / fʌnd /

n. 基金 v. …提供资金,拨款给

raise funds 募集资金,筹款 ‖ a fund of sth. 丰富的……

Today, the European Union is creating a $580 billion fund to ward off sovereign collapse. 如今,欧盟正在建立一个5 800亿美元的基金来防止主权瓦解。(2012.6)

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curl / kɜːl /

v. (使)卷曲;蜷缩;(使)呈螺旋状移动 n. (一缕)卷发;螺旋状物

curl sth. up 使某物成卷曲状

Where today parents save first curls as a souvenir of babyhood, in the 19th century it became fashionable to work the hair of a dead beloved into a locket, bracelet or even a ring. 如今父母们把孩子出生时的卷发留作他们儿时的纪念;而19世纪则流行把去世的挚爱亲友的头发装进吊坠、手镯甚至是戒指里。

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brilliant / ˈbrɪliənt /

a. 巧妙的;很成功的;明亮的;聪颖的;杰出的

Brilliant lights blazed everywhere on Spring Festival Eve, which looked magnificent. 除夕夜到处灯火辉煌,格外壮观。

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aggravate / ˈæɡrəveɪt /

v. 加重,使恶化;使恼火

Climate change is aggravated by the emissions of greenhouse gases from chemical and natural fertilisers used in agriculture which increased by more than a quarter between 2000 and 2010. 农业使用的化学肥料和天然肥料排放的温室气体在2000年至2010年间增加了四分之一以上,加剧了气候变化。(2022.12)

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threaten / ˈθretn /

v. 威胁,恐吓;可能来临

threaten sb. with sth. 以某事威胁某人

Some argue that people are anxious and feel threatened by an inflow of new workers. 一些人认为人们因新劳动者的流入而感到不安和受到威胁。(2011.6)

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drift / drɪft /

n. 流动;水流;意义 v. 漂流,漂移

drift away 渐渐散去 ‖ drift off (to sleep) 入睡,睡着

As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away? 随着奥巴马开始执政,那些关心政治的年轻人是会继续支持他们的总统及其工作议程,还是会逐渐远离呢?(2010.6)

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justify / ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ /

v. 证明 …有理;为 …辩护;对 …做出解释

As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for. 耶鲁大学的法学教授安妮·阿尔斯托特认为,要想使父母的支持合法化,就必须先把“家庭”定义为一种社会善举,且从某种意义上来说,社会需要为这种善举买单。(2010.6)

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alternative / ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv /

n. 可供选择的事物 a. 可供替代的;非传统的

And for more than a decade, the web created an alternative space that threatened television's grip on society. 十多年来,网络创造了一个替代空间,威胁着电视对社会的控制。(2021.12)

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intensity / ɪnˈtensəti /

n. 强烈;紧张;强度

The number is based on intensity of the signal, its duration and information content. 这个数字是根据信号的强度、持续时间长短和信息内容得到的。

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output / ˈaʊtpʊt /

n. 输出;产出量 v. 输出

Today, factory output generates just 12% of GDP and employs barely 9% of the nation's workers. 如今,工厂产值仅占国内生产总值的12%,从业人数也只占全国劳动力的9%。(2013.6)

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formula / ˈfɔːmjələ /

n. 公式;分子式;方案;配方;配方奶

His first lecture was delivered on Nov. 4, 1915, and it explained his new approach, though he admitted he did not yet have the precise mathematical formula of it. 他在1915年11月4日第一次发表演说,虽然他承认他还没有关于新方法的精确的数学公式,但是他还是在演说中解释了他的新方法。

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inherent / ɪnˈherənt /

a. 固有的,内在的,难免的

inherent quality 固有性质

There is inherent persuasiveness in some voices. 有些人的声音天生具有一种说服力。

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intellectual / ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl /

a. 智力的,脑力的;有才智的

intellectual development 智力发展

No one knows the precise use Google will make of the intellectual property it has gained by scanning the world's library books. 没有人知道谷歌通过扫描世界各地图书馆藏书获得这些知识产权的真正用意何在。(2011.12)

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elderly / ˈeldəli /

a. 较老的,上了年纪的 n. 老人

Elderly people with a low intake of vitamin B12 and folate may be twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. 维生素B12及叶酸摄入不足的老年人患老年痴呆症的可能性是摄入足量之人的两倍。

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concern / kənˈsɜːn /

v. 牵涉,影响;涉及,关于;使担忧 n. 担忧;关心

be concerned with... 与……有关‖ concern about 担心,忧虑

But if it is enacted, Google will in effect be off the hook as far as copyright violations in the US are concerned . 但是(这一和解)如果执行,就美国的版权侵权问题来说,谷歌实际上是不会有麻烦的。(2011.12)

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evade / ɪˈveɪd /

v. 逃避;规避;逃脱

The draft rules followed the surprise suspension of a $37 billion stock offering by billionaire Jack Ma's Ant Group Co., making clear that no company can evade the government's regulation. 亿万富豪马云的蚂蚁集团意外暂停了370亿美元的股票发行,随后反垄断条例草案出台,明确了任何公司都不能逃避政府的监管。(2022.9)

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theme / θiːm /

n. (文章等的)主题,题目;(乐曲的)主旋律

the main theme 主题

All his articles seemed an expression of the same theme . 他所有的文章好像都反映了同一个主题。

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court / kɔːt /

n. 法院;全体出庭人员;(网球等的)球场;王宫

settle... out of court 庭外和解‖ hold court with sb.(讲趣闻或笑话)逗乐某人

It is by no means certain that the settlement will be enacted—it is the subject of a fairness hearing in the US courts . 这一协议不一定会执行,因为它关乎美国法院听证会公平公正的主题。(2011.12)

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lane / leɪn /

n. 小巷,胡同;乡间小路;车道;跑道

Technology can be hugely useful in the fast lane of modern living, but we need to stop it from taking over. 科学技术在现代生活的“快车道”(指快节奏的现代生活)上是极其有用的,但我们要阻止生活被科学技术控制。


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malicious / məˈlɪʃəs /

a. 怀有恶意的,恶毒的

The malicious rumors compromised the teacher's good reputation. 恶毒的谣言毁了那位教师的好名声。

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illiterate / ɪˈlɪtərət /

a. 不识字的,文盲的;(因未受教育而)满纸错别字的,病句连篇的 n. 文盲

About half the population in the country is still illiterate . 这个国家大约有一半人口仍是文盲。

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handicraft / ˈhændikrɑːft /

n. 手工艺,手艺;手工艺品

Yiwu is known for its handicraft products. 义乌因出产手工艺品而闻名。

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reckless / ˈrekləs /

a. 轻率的,鲁莽的,不顾后果的

The young man is charged with causing death by reckless driving. 这名年轻男子被控危险驾驶致人死亡。

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commend / kəˈmend /

v. (公开地)赞扬;推荐,推崇

I should like to commend it to him as a reference book. 我愿意将它推荐给他当做参考书。

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ammunition / ˌæmjuˈnɪʃn /

n. 弹药;依据,证据

The soldiers went on firing until they ran out of all their ammunition . 士兵们不停地射击,直到他们用尽所有的弹药。

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prosecute / ˈprɒsikjuːt /

v. 起诉;继续(做某事)

In view of the boy's age, the police have decided not to prosecute . 考虑到男孩的年龄,警方决定不起诉他。

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huddle / ˈhʌdl /

v. 挤在一起;缩成一团 n. 聚在一起的一群人,杂乱的一堆东西

My mother tells me not to huddle all the boxes into the closet. 妈妈告诉我不要把盒子全都塞进壁橱。

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fracture / ˈfræktʃə(r) /

v. (使)断裂,(使)折断;(使)分裂 n. 骨折,骨裂;裂缝,裂痕

The crack eventually caused the chord to fracture . 裂纹最终致使弦杆断裂。

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metallic / məˈtælɪk /

a. 金属声的,叮当声的;尖利刺耳的

A sharp metallic rapping came on the door. 门上响起一阵刺耳的金属敲击声。

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clarity / ˈklærəti /

n. 清楚,清晰;清晰的思维(理解、记忆)能力

He does know with some clarity what kind of book he wants to write. 他清楚地知道他要写什么样的书。

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crowning / ˈkraʊnɪŋ /

a. 最高的;无比的

At that time, he made a crowning error in strategy and direction. 那个时候,他在战略和作战指挥方面,犯下了一个极大的错误。

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liaison / liˈeɪzn /

n. 联络,联系;联络员,联系人;私通

She wondered if there had been liaison between the two groups. 她怀疑这两个组织是否有过什么联系。

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stun / stʌn /

v. 使大吃一惊;使晕过去

When they told me that the boy had gone missing I was totally stunned . 当他们告诉我说那个男孩不见了时,我完全惊呆了。

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aloft / əˈlɒft /

ad. 在高处,在空中

Some birds fly hundreds of feet aloft . 有些鸟儿在数百英尺的高处飞翔。

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perplex / pəˈpleks /

v. 使困惑,使茫然,使费解

This problem is hard enough to perplex even my teacher. 这个问题确实很难,甚至连我的老师都迷惑不解。

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impetus / ˈɪmpɪtəs /

n. 刺激,推动,促进;冲力,动量

The policy of reform and opening-up gave a powerful impetus to the modernisation of our country. 改革开放为我国的现代化发展注入了强大动力。

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signpost / ˈsaɪnpəʊst /

v. 路标指示;清楚地表明 n. 路标;线索,迹象,征兆

The town isn't very well signposted . 这个乡镇的路标指示得不是很清楚。

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spectrum / ˈspektrəm /

n. 幅度,范围;光谱;频谱

He'd seen her moods range across the emotional spectrum . 他见识过她的情绪波动会有多大。

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smuggle / ˈsmʌɡl /

v. 偷偷携带,夹带;走私,偷运

The police have foiled an attempt to smuggle a bomb into the airport. 警方挫败了一场企图将炸弹偷偷带入机场的阴谋。

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defiance / dɪˈfaɪəns /

n. 违抗,拒绝服从

The young man's defiance of the law cost him his life. 这个年轻人因藐视法律付出了生命的代价。

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bruise / bruːz /

v. (使)碰伤,擦伤;打击,挫伤(某人的自信心) n. 青淤,伤痕,擦伤

My father bruised his finger with a hammer. 我爸爸的手指被锤子砸伤了。

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flatter / ˈflætə(r) /

v. 奉承,讨好,向 …谄媚;使(某人)显得漂亮,使(某物)显得更重要(或更好)

Cristina was the kind of person who would flatter you to your face, and then slander you behind your back. 克里斯蒂娜是那种当面奉承你,背地里造谣中伤你的人。

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evacuate / ɪˈvækjueɪt /

v. 撤离,撤出;使所有人撤离(某地),撤空

The fireman will instruct you how to evacuate the building if a fire breaks out. 消防员将会告诉你万一着火如何逃离这栋建筑物。

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flutter / ˈflʌtə(r) /

v. 飘扬,飘动;振(翼),拍打(翅膀) n. 振动;扑动

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Review Day 01
