




With the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the deepening of the Belt and Road Initiative,the western region is becoming increasingly important in Chinaƴs economic development. The western logistics and trade corridor,as an important channel connecting the western region of China with neighboring countries and regions,is of great significance in promoting the economic development of the western region and enhancing Chinaƴs overall competitiveness.Therefore,how to jointly construct a high-level western logistics and trade corridor has become an urgent problem to be solved. This chapter aims to provide valuable reference for the high-level co-construction of the western logistics and trade corridor,focusing on the institutional framework,transportation network,and regional collaborative development mechanism. By relying on data analysis,it summarizes the development status and effectiveness of the western logistics and trade corridor from the perspectives of foreign trade characteristics,changes in trading partners,and the development of the logistics industry. Based on this,it reveals the problems and weaknesses of the western logistics and trade corridor. The research finds that the construction of the western logistics and trade corridor has many development difficulties in terms of foreign trade,logistics transportation,inter provincial cooperation and so on. The slow pace of opening up and intensified international competition,as well as relatively backward infrastructure and lagging industrial development internally,have had a significant impact on the high-level coconstruction of the western logistics and trade corridor. Solving these development difficulties is a necessary path for the construction of the corridor. Therefore,this chapter proposes a set of targeted solutions and measures:first,by strengthening cross-border cooperation to promote foreign trade;second,by improving the level of logistics to facilitate transportation; third,by improving coordination mechanisms and developing service platforms. Only by continuously promoting infrastructure construction,optimizing the layout of logistics networks,improving service quality,and strengthening regional cooperation,can we promote the high-level development of the western logistics and trade corridor,thus making contributions to Chinaƴs economic development.


高水平共建西部物流贸易大通道,不仅是畅通物流通道,更是构建经济走廊,其基础是路通,核心是产业,目标是共享,机制是共建。作为西部地区经济社会发展的重要引擎,高水平共建西部物流贸易大通道需要西部地区各省份齐心协力,坚持创新引领与协同高效、市场主导与政府推动,做到陆海统筹与双向互济、贯通南北与强化辐射,努力将西部陆海新通道打造成为更加开放、便捷、高效的经济走廊,促进中西部地区经济的发展和繁荣。 UhFC4VXF2/UrbDPjG0XhVJvtPQ8n7BSak24389mHX9smzVg7kokgYESKDiyXRCc0
