
Lesson 4
The Green of Black Valley
-Green Gorge

In Black Valley,the spiritual mountains,beautiful water,dense forests,ancient and green gorges,high and towering cliffs,wonderful streams and flying waterfalls,flowing water and deep pools,cool wind and clean oxygen,floating bridges,suspension bridges and plank roads are all vividly impressed in my mind,which makes me feel that no other gorge can be equal to it after enjoying through this gorge.

Dragon Gorge

Dragon Gorge is 1 200 meters long with thousands of twists and turns. The winding path is like a snake. The narrowest part is only 2 meters and the widest part is less than 30 meters. On both banks,there are many stacked mountains,strange rocks,thousands of cliffs,many flowing rocks and continuous waterfalls. It is named after the Dragon Spring,which is the only tribute spring in the ancient Yelang Country.

Jinji Gorge

Jinji Gorge has a“V”shape gorge with a total length of 360 meters and a vertical height of nearly 500 meters. The rock walls on both sides are stacked one after another,the mountains are magnificent and steep,the current is rushing,and the peaks are inserted into the sky. In the bamboo thicket of the valley,in addition to the amazing flowers and plants,there is often a unique bird species in China-the famous red belly bird just for watching at home and abroad. Therefore,it is named Jinjin Gorge.

Black Monkey Gorge

The total length of Black Monkey Gorge is 420 meters,and the narrowest part is only 2 meters. The dangerous peaks on both sides overlap and interlock,and the bank wall tilts more than 90 degrees. You can hardly see the sun all the year. Even in the middle of summer,when the sun is shining,the air is cool. Black Monkey Valley gets its name because of Francois langur-a national first-class protected animal,which often climbs,jumps and plays here.


Words and expressions 生词和短语

spiritual ['spɪrɪtʃuəl] adj. 灵魂的

dense [dens] adj. 浓密的

towering ['taʊərɪŋ] adj. 高耸的

stream [striːm] n. 小溪

oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒən] n. 氧气

floating bridge浮桥

suspension bridge吊桥

plank road栈道

vividly ['vɪvɪdlɪ] adv. 栩栩如生地

impress [ɪm'pres] v. 给……留下印象

Dragon Gorge神龙峡

twists and turns迂回曲折

winding ['wɪndɪŋ] adj. 蜿蜒的

narrow ['nærəʊ] adj. 狭窄的

stack [stæk] v. 使……层叠

name after以……命名

tribute ['trɪbjuːt] n. 贡品

Jinji Gorge锦鸡峡

total ['təʊtl] adj. 全部的

vertical ['vɜːtɪkl] adj. 垂直的

height [haɪt] n. 高度

steep [stiːp] adj. 陡峭的

current ['kʌrənt] n. 水流

insert [ɪn'sɜːt] v. 嵌入

thicket ['θɪkɪt] n. 灌木丛

in addition to除……之外,还……

amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ] adj. 令人惊叹的

unique [ju'niːk] adj. 独一无二的

red belly bird红腹锦鸡

at home and abroad国内外

Black Monkey Gorge黑猴峡

overlap [ˌəʊvə'læp] v. 重叠

tilt [tɪlt] v. 倾斜

degree [dɪ'ɡriː] n. 度数

Francois langur黑叶猴

Notes to the texts 课文注解

1.…,which makes me feel that no other gorge can be equal to it after enjoying through this gorge.这一切都让我感觉到,游过此峡之后,再没有其他的峡谷能与之媲美了。

此句中,which引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语,指代前面整个句子。例如:Mary passed the important exam,which made her parents very happy.玛丽通过了这个重要的考试,这让她的父母非常高兴。

2. Dragon Gorge is 1 200 meters long with thousands of twists and turns.神龙峡全长 1 200 米,峡谷千曲百折。

此句中,with是介词,意为“有……”。例如:Jinji Gorge has a“V”shape gorge with a total length of 360 meters and a vertical height of nearly 500 meters.锦鸡峡呈“V”形,全长 360 米,垂直高度近 500 米。

3. It is named after the Dragon Spring,which is the only tribute spring in the ancient Yelang Country.其因沟内有被视为古夜郎国唯一贡泉的“神龙泉”而得名。

此句中,name after意为“以……名字命名”。例如:The school is named after that famous professor.这所学校是以那位著名教授的名字命名的。

4. In the bamboo thicket of the valley,in addition to the amazing flowers and plants,there is often a unique bird species in China...在峡谷内的竹灌丛中,除有令人叹绝的奇花异草外,常有中国特有鸟种……

此句中,in addition to意为“除……以外,还……”。例如:In addition to my studies,I take part in a lot of interesting activities.除了学习以外,我还参加许多有趣的活动。

Translation of the reading texts 课文译文




神龙峡全长 1 200 米,峡谷千曲百折,曲径如走蛇,最窄处只有 2 米,最宽处近 30 米。两岸群山层峦叠嶂,怪石嶙峋,峭壁千仞,岩多流纹,飞瀑不断。其因沟内有被视为古夜郎国唯一贡泉的“神龙泉”而得名。


锦鸡峡呈“V”形,全长 360 米,垂直高度近 500 米。两侧岩壁层层叠叠,山势雄奇险峻,水流奔腾湍急,夹岸峰插云天。在峡谷内的竹灌丛中,除有令人叹绝的奇花异草外,常有中国特有鸟种、驰名中外的观赏鸟——红腹锦鸡出没,因此得名“锦鸡峡”。


黑猴峡全长 420 米,最窄处仅 2 米宽。两崖险峰重叠,犬牙交错,崖壁倾斜超过 90 度,长年累月难见天日。即使在烈日高照、炎热难耐的盛夏,这里也是凉风嗖嗖、寒气袭人。其因有国家一级保护动物黑叶猴经常攀跳、嬉戏于此而得名。

Homework 家庭作业

Answer the questions

1. What is the main idea of this text?

2. How many gorges are mentioned in this text?

3. What are characteristics of these gorges in this text? V2eZQWEeI3wr2IhN80ySDpXQ26TUQaRQIdrp1jek1rHmP7LGr3Mh/96pfkzNxKDj
