
Lesson 3
The Beauty of Black Valley
-Beautiful Water

The beauty of Wansheng lies in its winding Black Valley,stacked distant mountains,shrouded mist,continuous valleys and ink wonderland.

Water is the soul of Black Valley. The silky and soft Mengsha Waterfall,the rushing Dragon Waterfall,the magnificent Flying Fish Waterfall,countless hanging springs,flying streams,cliffs and mist form a fresh and distant ink painting.

Mengsha Waterfall

Mengsha Waterfall is the most elegant and beautiful waterfall among the 72 waterfalls in Black Valley. It flows down the cliff slowly and looks graceful across the river,just like a white gauze dancing in the wind. It is like a dream,so it is called Mengsha Waterfall.

Dragon Waterfall

Dragon Waterfall usually has a small amount of water,just like flying flowers and splashing jade. In spring and summer,especially after heavy rains,the waterfall is very spectacular. It is seven or eight meters wide,hanging in the mountains. The water flows straight down 3 000 chi . The sound of water resounds through the whole valley like a roaring dragon with extraordinary power,so it is called Dragon waterfall.

Flying Fish Waterfall

Flying Fish Waterfall is one of the most surprising waterfalls in Black Valley Scenic Spot. The drop is about 80 meters. In the rainy season of summer,the waterflow can reach 5 tons per second. Because of the fish shape,it is named Flying Fish Waterfall.


Words and expressions 生词和短语

beauty ['bjuːtɪ] n. 美丽

lie in在于

winding ['wɪndɪŋ] adj. 蜿蜒的

stack [stæk] v. 使……成叠

distant ['dɪstənt] adj. 遥远的

shroud [ʃraʊd] v. 隐藏,遮盖

mist [mɪst] n. 薄雾

continuous [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj. 连续的

wonderland ['wʌndəlænd] n. 仙境

soul [səʊl] n. 灵魂

silky ['sɪlkɪ] adj. 如丝绸一样的

Mengsha Waterfall梦纱瀑

Dragon Waterfall神龙瀑

magnificent [mæɡ'nɪfɪsnt] adj. 宏伟的

Flying Fish Waterfall飞鱼瀑

countless ['kaʊntləs] adj. 无数的

cliff [klɪf] n. 峭壁

form [fɔːm] v. 形成

elegant ['elɪɡənt] adj. 优雅的

graceful ['ɡreɪsfl] adj. 优美的

gauze [ɡɔːz] n. 薄纱

amount [ə'maʊnt] n. 数量

splash [splæʃ] v. 泼洒

jade [dʒeɪd] n. 玉,翡翠

spectacular [spek'tækjələr] adj. 壮观的

straight [streɪt] adv. 径直地

resound [rɪ'zaʊnd] v. 回荡

roar [rɔː(r)] v. 吼叫,咆哮

extraordinary [ɪk'strɔːrdənərɪ] adj. 非凡的

water flow流量

Notes to the texts 课文注解

1. The beauty of Wansheng lies in its winding Black Valley,stacked distant mountains,shrouded mist,continuous valleys and ink wonderland.万盛之美,美在黑山幽谷,远山层叠,薄雾笼罩,峡谷连绵,水墨仙境。

此句中,lie in意为“位于/在于……”。例如:The car accident lied in his carelessness.这次车祸在于他的粗心。

2. It is like a dream,so it is called Mengsha Waterfall.它如梦似幻,故名梦纱瀑。

此句中,be called意为“被叫作……”。例如:The little boy is called Tom.这个小男孩被叫作Tom。

3. It is seven or eight meters wide,hanging in the mountains.瀑布有七八米宽,挂在山间。

此句中,hanging是现在分词作状语,与句子主语是主动关系,意为“挂在……”。例如:The woman is sitting on the grass,reading a book.这个女人坐在草坪上看书。

4. Flying Fish Waterfall is one of the most surprising waterfalls in Black Valley Scenic Spot.飞鱼瀑是黑山谷景区最令人惊叹的瀑布之一。

此句中,one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数,意为“最……之一”。例如:Chongqing is one of the most beautiful cities in China.在中国,重庆是最美丽的城市之一。

Translation of the reading texts 课文译文





梦纱瀑是黑山谷 72 瀑中最雅致、最漂亮的瀑布。它沿着崖壁缓缓流下,隔河望去,婀娜多姿,宛如一袭白纱,随风轻舞。它如梦似幻,故名梦纱瀑。




飞鱼瀑是黑山谷景区最令人惊叹的瀑布之一。其落差约 80 米,夏天雨季,水流量可达五吨/秒。因瀑布的形态似鱼,故名飞鱼瀑。

Homework 家庭作业

Answer the questions

1. How many waterfalls are mentioned in this text?

2. Can you describe these waterfalls in this text? Pr5zfBaXJiY2yPy5Y6ZGhMhTPsTfBNKWwjwI55sOy9BkACHShKC5EPDDgmtjmQBA
