
Lesson 1
Welcome to Wansheng

Wansheng District is located in the south of Chongqing and is at the border of south Chongqing and north Guizhou Province,approximately 70 kilometers to the central urban area of Chongqing and can be reached by car within one hour. It covers an area of 566 square kilometers,including 8 towns and 2 streets with a total population of 240 000. It was under the jurisdiction of Zhenzhou (an administrative region in Tang Dynasty) in AD 642. Wansheng has a history of nearly 1 400 years. It was formerly named as Nantong Mining District in 1955 and renamed as Wansheng District in 1993. It was established as Wansheng Economic and Technological Development Zone in 2011 (hereafter“Wansheng District”for short),governed by Chongqing Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government. With its profound cultural heritage and unique ethnic customs,Wansheng is like a pearl along“the Three Gorges Outer Ring Tourism Line”in the south of Chongqing.

Wansheng is a city in transition. Wansheng began to extract coal on a large scale from 1938. Its coal output once accounted for one quarter of the whole Sichuan's and a half of the whole Chongqing's coal production after the founding of the People's Republic of China,making a significant contribution to the coal,iron and steel industry of Chongqing and even the whole China. In 2009,Wansheng was listed among the second batch of resource-exhausted cities in China and now has achieved preliminary outcomes in transformation. The output of coal mining industry accounts for 5% of the total industrial output value,dropping from 72%,the highest level in history. The regional economy changes from“underground”to “on the ground”,“black”to “green”and “single”to “variety”.Wansheng was awarded as one of the 7 excellent cities in the 2017 National Transformation Performance Assessment of Resource-Exhausted Cities.

As a tourist district,Wansheng has 22 scenic spots,such as Black Valley and Longlin Stone Forest ( a national 5A scenic area),Ordovician Geological Park,Golden Beach,Qingshan Lake National Wetland Park,Mushroom Park and so on. Wansheng is China's favorable tourist district,the national health city,the national leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration district,the national pilot district of tourism reform and innovation and the only national pilot district of resource-based city's tourism transformation and development. Wansheng is promoting the development of all-area tourism,and speeding up the construction of national model area for global tourism.

Wansheng is also a district of sports.After more than ten years of exploration,Wansheng has gradually established a new industrial model which now combines the development of cultural tourism with sports. Wansheng is the hometown of badminton and the national reserve base of high-level badminton talents where about 36 famous badminton coaches and athletes like Zhong Bo and Zhang Yawen have been cultivated. Besides,Wansheng is the district in contact with the development of National Fitness Program designed by the State Council,the national demonstration base of sports industry,the first national roller skating training base and the first orienteering training base in China. Wansheng is actively carrying out the national fitness strategy to build a healthy and lively city,and is also speeding up the construction of the national extreme sports base,national sports and health demonstration city,and national sports tourism demonstration district.


Words and expressions 生词和短语

district ['dɪstrɪkt] n. 区域;行政区

approximately [ə'prɒksɪmətlɪ] adv. 大约

jurisdiction [ˌdʒʊərɪs'dɪkʃən] n. 管辖区

administrative [əd'mɪnɪstrətɪv] adj. 行政的

establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ] vt. 建立;确立

municipal [mjuː'nɪsɪpl] adj. 市政的

profound [prə'faund] adj. 深远的

heritage ['herɪtɪʤ] n. 遗产

unique [ju'niːk] adj. 独一无二的

ethnic ['eθnɪk] adj. 种族的;少数民族的

pearl [pɜːl] n. 珍珠

extract [ik'strækt] v. 提取;提炼

transition [træn'ziʃn] n. 转变;过渡

significant [sɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的

preliminary [prɪ'lɪmɪnərɪ] adj. 初步的

contact ['kɒntækt] n. 交往;联系

the State Council国务院

orienteer [ˌɔːrɪen'tɪə(r)] vi. 进行定向赛跑

speed [spiːd] n. 速度 vi. 快速行进

demonstration [ˌdemən'streɪʃn] n. 示范

Notes to the texts 课文注解

1. Wansheng District is located in the south of Chongqing.万盛位于重庆南部。

此句中,be located in意为“位于,坐落于”,相当于“lie in”。例如:Chongqing is located in / lies in the southwest of China.重庆位于中国西南部。

2. It covers an area of 566 square kilometers.万盛占地 566 平方千米。

此句中,cover an area of意为“占地面积”。例如:It covers an area of 566 square kilometers.它占地 566 平方千米。

3. The output of coal mining industry accounts for 5% of the total industrial output value.煤炭采掘业产值占工业总产值的 5%。

此句中,account for意为“解释;占……比例”。例如:People who are in favor of the idea account for 45%。支持这个主意的人占 45%。

Translation of the reading texts 课文译文


万盛(经济技术开发区)位于重庆南部,地处渝黔边界,距重庆主城70 千米,1 小时车程即可到达。万盛面积 566 平方千米,辖 8 镇 2 街,总人口 24 万。万盛在唐贞观十六年(642 年)属溱州,至今有近 1 400 年建制史。1955 年设立南桐矿区,1993 年更名为“万盛区”,2011 年设立万盛经济技术开发区(以下不加区别,简称“万盛区”),由重庆市委、市政府直接管理。它以深厚的人文底蕴和独特的民族风情,成为重庆之南、“三峡外环旅游线”上的一颗璀璨明珠。

万盛是一座转型城市。万盛于 1938 年开始大规模采煤,曾被誉为“抗战煤都”。中华人民共和国成立后,其煤炭产量一度占四川的 1 /4、重庆的 1 /2,为重庆乃至国家煤炭、钢铁工业作出了重大贡献。万盛产业发展长期“一煤独大”,2009 年被列入全国资源枯竭型城市,目前转型取得初步成效:煤炭采掘业产值占工业总产值的比重由历史最高 72%下降到5%,地区经济实现从“地下到地上、黑色到绿色、单一到多元”的转变,2017 年,万盛在资源枯竭型城市转型绩效考核中获评全国 7 个优秀城市之一。

万盛是一座旅游城市,拥有 5A级景区黑山谷·龙鳞石海和奥陶纪国家地质公园、板辽湖金沙滩、青山湖国家湿地公园、蘑菇总动员等 22 个景区景点,是中国优秀旅游城市、国家卫生城市、全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范区、国家级旅游业改革创新先行区、全国唯一的国家资源型城市旅游转型发展试点区,正在推进全域旅游发展,加快建设国家全域旅游示范区。

万盛是一座体育城市。经过 10 年的探索,万盛逐渐形成了一种旅游业和体育业相结合的产业模式。万盛是羽毛球之乡,也是国家羽毛球高水平体育后备人才基地,先后培养输送了钟波、张亚雯等 36 名知名羽毛球教练员和运动员。万盛是国务院“全民健身计划”研制工作联系城市、国家体育产业示范基地、全国首个全项目轮滑赛训基地、全国首个定向运动训练基地,正在推进全民健身国家战略的实践,打造活力之城、健康万盛,加快建设全国极限运动基地、全国全民运动健康模范城市、全国体育旅游示范区。

Homework 家庭作业

Answer the questions and give a brief introduction of Wansheng in not more than 100 words.

1. Where is Wansheng located?

2. How much land does Wansheng cover?

3. What reasons led to Wansheng's transition? T+gFtjioLg/hHyBDUuK4EnVeGvzPtgZ0ei7rwgborcpHuyKGwbvMiufbLou1q7Mf
