

ADP 资源耗竭潜力因子(Abiotic Depletion Potential)

ANN 人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Network)

BEES 建设项目生命周期环境影响定量评价模型(Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability)

BELES 建筑环境负荷评价体系(Building Environment Load Evaluation System)

BEPAS 建筑工程环境表现分析系统(Building Environmental Performance Analysis System)

BIM 建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)

BRE 英国建筑研究院(Building Research Establishment)

BREEAM 建筑研究院环境评估方法(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)

CASBEE 建筑物综合环境性能评价体系(Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency)

CF 特征化因子(Characterization Factor)

CLCD 中国生命周期参考数据库(Chinese reference Life Cycle Database)

CSWD 中国典型气象年数据(Chinese Standard Weather Data)

DeST 建筑热环境设计模拟工具包(Designer's Simulation Toolkit)

DGWI 建筑动态暖化效应(Dynamic Global Warming Impact)

DT 决策树(Decision Tree)

DLCA 动态全生命周期评价(Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment)

EDIP 工业产品环境设计法(Environmental Design of Industrial Products)

EI99 生态指数法(Eco-Indicator 99)

EII 环境影响指数值(Environmental Impact Index)

ELCD 欧洲生命周期数据库(European reference Life Cycle Database)

EPS 环境优先战略法(Environmental Priority Strategies)

GBTool 绿色建筑评价工具(Green Building Tool)

GHG 温室气体(Greenhouse Gas)

GIS 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System)

GWP 全球变暖潜能值(Global Warming Potential)

ID 基础清单数据集(Inventory Dataset)

IPAC 中国能源环境综合政策评价模型(Integrated Policy Assessment model of China)

IPCC 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

ISO 国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)

LCA 全生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment)

LCI 全生命周期清单(Life Cycle Inventory)

LEED 建筑设施环境影响评级系统(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

MAS 多主体建模(Multi-Agent System)

ML 机器学习(Machine Learning)

NBIMS 国家建筑信息模型标准(National Building Information Modeling Standard)

PR 多项式回归(Polynomial Regression)

rdd 资源耗竭度(resource depletion degree)

RF 随机森林(Random Forest)

RFID 射频识别检测(Radio Frequency Identification Devices)

SBTool 可持续建筑工具(Sustainable Building Tool)

SETAC 国际环境毒理学和化学学会(Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)

SVM 支持向量机(Support Vector Machines)

WBS 工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure)

WEEE 废弃物估算与环境影响评价(Waste Estimation and Environmental Impact Evaluation)

WF 权重因子(Weighting Factor)

WTP 社会意愿支付法(Willingness-to-pay)

XGBoost 极端梯度提升(eXtreme Gradient Boosting) Kpiifck2e5wm4crAxYp5bNXPDwVKzwTyzR5H8Nnx8cLjzvB3qbVuSd7qQgGjSqy8
