
Section A

1. Watch a video about how to answer questions( the PREP method )and complete the activities.

Before-watching Questions

Have you ever been asked a question and your mind goes blank or you ramble and fail to make a coherent point? Instead, wouldn’t you like to answer questions in a way that makes you sound clear and confident?

How to Answer Questions: the PREP Method


PREP is an approach described in the book Speaking Up: Surviving Executive Presentations .

After-watching Activity

Provide information as required according to what you’ve heard in the video.

1) PREP is an acronym in which:

P stands for ______________________.

R sands for ______________________.

E stands for ______________________.

P stands for ______________________.

2) According to the video,where wouldbe goodto go onthe speaker’s nextvacation?

P: ______________________.

R: ______________________.

E: ______________________.

P: ______________________.

2. Based on the definitions given below, identify facts and opinions with F and O in the following statements.


A fact is a statement that can be proven true or false.

An opinion is an expression of a person’s feelings that cannot be proven.

Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are meant to deliberately mislead others.

( ) 1) When eggs are dropped on the floor, they break.

( ) 2) Fried eggs are the most delicious breakfast.

( ) 3) Cats make the best pets.

( ) 4) More people stopped smoking last year than the previous two years.

( ) 5) Surfing the web is more fun than watching TV.

( ) 6) College students would benefit greatly from participating in debate.

( ) 7) At least half of all automobile accidents involved alcohol.

( ) 8) Cycling is a truly enjoyable form of exercise.

( ) 9) “Spam” is the e-mail equivalent of junk mail.

( ) 10) Scientists recently discovered that COVID-19 is airborne. FW21ZmEanccIUR6SHlyZfo7FRpz5hBTK2Yoh0BOG/ElyUqPRSjZQBge6sDo7k6DA
