
Section A

Part One 1-minute Dictation

Directions: Listen to the following passage about lifelong education. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed,listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings,the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase,with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.


Follow-up Questions

1. According to the passage, what does lifelong education mean?

2. What factors may contribute to the popularity of lifelong education?

Part Two 5-minute Video

A. Cultural Notes

European integration is the concept of the many countries of Europe integrating to align themselves more closely with the intention of thereby creating an environment conducive to trade, business, and tourism. European integration is the main goal of the EU and has come about through the work of the EU and the Council of Europe.

The concept of European integration first came about in 1923 when Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote about it in his Pan-Europa manifesto. The concept was then passed around and grew further as a response to World War II leading to the creation of a Council of Europe in 1949. The European Union was then established in 1993 by the Treaty of Maastricht.

Since then many changes have been made by the European Union that have steered towards successful European Integration. The introduction of the Euro for instance to the 16 countries in the Eurozone has helped to create a single currency to facilitate trade and tourism. At the same time the EU has abolished many border controls and the European Customs Union defines an area where there are no customs on goods travelling between countries.

European integration if successful has many potential benefits and should conceivably strengthen alliances, build on the economy, and allow Europe to compete more equally with Asia and America. European integration is an ongoing process with many countries still joining the Euro-Slovakia for instance joining as recently as 2009, and it is speculated that there could be an integrated European army in the distant future. There is no “ fixed end point” for European integration, so only time will tell how successful this campaign is and what results it will yield.

B. Video Viewing

First Viewing

Directions: Please watch a video about European Lifelong Learning Program and summarize the main idea of the video in one sentence


Second Viewing

Directions: Watch the video again. After finishing watching the video a second time, you are required to give short answers to the following five questions.

(1)According to the video, what are the main challenges in our times?


(2)What is a basic requirement for personal and social development and economic success?


(3)How does the European lifelong learning program contribute to personal development and economic success for individuals and for society as a whole?


(4)What have the experiences gained in the proceeding programs shown?


(5)How has the European lifelong learning program 2007—2013 been evaluated?


Third Viewing

Directions: Watch the video again. While watching, you are required to make notes on details and get ready to summarize the video orally or in written form. The following table will help you organize the concerned information about the European Lifelong Learning Program in the video.

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