
2.4 英语论文摘要的写作

论文摘要的写作首先要学会模仿,然后是要遵循规定。可以根据自己的情况,采用翻译式的写法,即先写好中文摘要,然后翻译成英文摘要,这是初学者常采用的方法。也可采用直接(用英语)思维式的写法,在经过一段时间锻炼并取得一定经验后,可采用这种方法。写作者一定要仔细阅读“征文通知”“征稿简则”“稿约”“投稿须知”“call for paper”或“instruction for authors”等文件对摘要书写的规定。以下为 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 期刊的“guide for authors”中对摘要的要求:

The abstract is the part of your paper which will be read by the largest number of scientists so it plays a crucial role. The abstract is a condensation of the information(facts)in the paper; it is not a description of the contents of the paper. The abstract should present as much as possible of the qualitative and quantitative information contained in the paper yet it should be brief(50-250 words), specific and self-contained.

The abstract may include the following:

1. The context for the work.

2. The purpose or objectives of the work(what was the research question or problem and why it is important).

3. Theoretical or experimental methods used.

4. Results(qualitative and quantitative).

5. Conclusions and their limitations(what was the meaning of the results).

6. Safety information concerning dangerous compounds or procedures if relevant.

If the paper reports a new instrument or method then the abstract should include a description of its advantages and disadvantages compared with other established techniques. The abstract should not include trivial experimental details, references, figures or equations.

2.4.1 传统观点

摘要写作的传统观点是:对于人称,提倡第三人称;对于时态,描述自己的工作用一般过去时态,描述客观规律用一般现在时态,特别强调完成时,可用完成时态;对于语态,多用被动语态。在写摘要时,多采用第三人称,过去时态,恰当使用被动语态,慎重使用完成时态。在采用结构式摘要的写法中,对“目的”的描述,可直接采用动词不定式,如例 2.1.2。

2.4.2 现代观点

现在的趋势是强调自由的写法,不拘泥于上述的训诫,特别是 Nature 系列刊物, Science PNAS 等著名刊物。但是在摘要的写作时除了严格按期刊要求与建议外,在摘要中排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;不要把引言中出现的内容写入摘要;不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价);不简单重复题名中已有的信息;不用非公知公用的符号、术语以及缩略语、略称、代号;不要分段等事项应引起作者注意。

2.4.3 Science 关于摘要的说明

Science WEB site的“Information and Help for Science Authors”中的“Preparing Your Initial Manuscript”一节关于如何写摘要时写道:

Abstracts explain to the general reader why the research was done and why the results are important. The abstract should be 100 words or less,convey(传达)the paper's main point,and outline the results or conclusions.”

2.4.1 Science 中摘要的实例

Science 18 July 2003: Vol. 301. no. 5631, pp. 367-370.


DNA: A Programmable Force Sensor

Christian Albrecht, Kerstin Blank, Mio Lalic-Mülthaler, Siegfried Hirler, Thao Mai, Ilka Gilbert, Susanne Schiffmann, Tom Bayer, Hauke Clausen-Schaumann, Hermann E. Gaub

Direct quantification of biomolecular interaction by single-molecule force spectroscopy has evolved(属慎用的现在完成时态)into a powerful tool for materials and life sciences. We introduce an approach in which the unbinding forces required to break intermolecular bonds are measured in a differential format by comparison with a known reference bond(here,a short DNAduplex). In addition to a marked increase in sensitivity and force resolution,which enabled us to resolve singlebase pair mismatches,this concept allows for highly specific parallel assays. This option was exploited to overcome cross-reactions of antibodies in a protein biochip application.

2.4.4 Nature 关于摘要写法的说明

“Articles have a summary, separate from the main text, of up to 150 words, which does not have references, and does not contain numbers, abbreviations, acronyms, or measurements unless essential. It is aimed at readers outside the discipline. This summary contains a brief account of the background and rationale of the work, followed by a statement of the main conclusions introduced by the phrase‘Here we show’or its equivalent.”

2.4.2 Nature 中关于摘要的实例

Nature 435, 58-65(5 May 2005)| doi: 10.1038/nature03504.

Lipoprotein Particles Are Required for Hedgehog and Wingless Signalling

Daniela Panáková 1, 2 , Hein Sprong 2, 3 , Eric Marois 1 , Christoph Thiele 1 and Suzanne Eaton 1


Wnt and Hedgehog family proteins are secreted signalling molecules(morphogens)that act at both long and short range to control growth and patterning during development. Both proteins are covalently modified by lipid, and the mechanism by which such hydrophobic molecules might spread over long distances is unknown. Here we show that Wingless, Hedgehog and glyco-phosphatidylinositol-linked proteins copurify with lipoprotein particles, and co-localize with them in the developing wing epithelium of Drosophila . In larvae with reduced lipoprotein levels, Hedgehog accumulates near its site of production, and fails to signal over its normal range. Similarly, the range of Wingless signalling is narrowed. We propose a novel function for lipoprotein particles, in which they act as vehicles for the movement of lipid-linked morphogens and glycophosphatidylinositol-linked proteins. QoNwzbGApJwquQ73kjMtGqfRnlU+IO9rMSgjTB/p0v921yODHqe7YMMJWtihxcAe
