
2.2 论文摘要

2.2.1 会议论文摘要的格式

英文会议论文摘要的书写格式和要求,要严格按照征文通知(call for paper)进行准备。有的会议只要求论文摘要,这种情况下摘要可以长一些。全文以另外的专集形式出版。下面是Monduzzi Editore-International Proceedings Division出版专集的通知:

Email: bmezxxie@ public.cta.cq.cn


Workcode: D219C0054

Dear Doctor Yonghong Niu,

We would like to inform you that we have been appointed to publish the proceedings of the above mentioned congress. The proceedings, published on CD-Rom and in a volume, will contain the extended version(4 pages)of the congress works.

The proceedings will be published in time for the congress and sent to Current Contents of ISI * , Philadelphia, USA to be indexed. All of our proceedings have been indexed, providing researchers with easy and accurate access to our authors’works.

As the publication is entirely self-financed, the author's contribution is necessary. Therefore a fee(US ﹩/Euro 398)is required to cover the costs of publication and will entitle you to receive 50 covered reprints and a copy of the proceedings on CD-Rom. Related payment information can be found on our website. If you prefer to receive a volume instead of a CD, please inform us by fax before the deadline.

In order to include your work in the publication, please submit it through our website before January 24, 2003. http://www.monduzzi.com/proceedings/info.asp? wk=D219C0054.


* Institute for Scientific Information

Please note that in order to activate the upload procedure, you must use your work code D219C0054. If you are not able to submit your article through our website, please contact us by fax+39 051 370529 for mailing instructions.

For reasons of uniformity, we would like to remind you that each article should adhere to the limit of 4 pages, including any space needed for illustrations and the bibliography. When you write the text, please carefully follow our instructions found on our website.

We trust in your close collaboration to guarantee the completeness of the work.


The Editorial Secretariat

Note: This message will be followed shortly by fax or letter.


Monduzzi Editore-International Proceedings Division

Editorial Secretariat

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会议论文长度有不同的要求,如 2 页或 4 页(主旨报告和特邀报告除外)。这里只给出只要求摘要的会议(XII World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology)的征文通知和例子(图 2.1)。

图 2.1 会议征文通知

2.2.2 会议论文摘要的投递

现在,国际会议的论文摘要都以网络(WEB)方式在线(online)提交,会议网站(WEB site)有专门的论文摘要投递页,如果要求全文的话,还有专门的全文投递页。投递论文或摘要时要求提供作者的简要信息。投递成功后,会在作者的电子邮件上返回一个作者ID(identifier)和论文(或摘要)ID,以便查询。论文须经过同行专家评议(peer review)。如果被接受,除了电子邮件通知外,作者也可通过ID在线查询。下面是返回的接受论文的电子邮件和注册表(registration form)(图 2.2):

18 October 2002

Ms. Yonghong Niu

Department BME

Chongqing University of Medical Sciences


400016, China

By email bmezxxie@ public.cta.cq.cn

Dear Ms. Niu,

Re: * XII World Congress on Cardiac Pacing & Electrophysiology

Abstract Acceptance

On behalf of the XII World Congress on Cardiac Pacing & Electrophysiology Scientific Program Committee, I would like to inform you that your abstract as shown in the following has been selected for presentation at the Scientific Session in Hong Kong, February 19-22, 2003.

Presenting Author: Ms. Yonghong Niu

Your abstract Number: 1.3-006

Your abstract Category: 1.3


You will be informed of the exact date, time, and format of your presentation soon.

Please confirm your acceptance of invitation and register for the Congress before November 15, 2002; failure to do so may result in loss of your place on the program and the publication of your abstract in the official abstract book with PACE.

All presenting authors will receive a 50% discount off from the full registration fee. If you have made full payment prior to this notification, you may request a 50% registration refund via the official website at www.icpes.com. Co-author can also register and obtain housing at www.icpes.com.

This letter is an official letter to notify the acceptance of your abstract for you to arrange your arrival and visa application. Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact our secretariat office via fax(852-27358282)or email(2003@ icpes.com).

Thank you again for your support of this World Congress. I look forward to seeing you in Hong Kong in February 2003.

Yours sincerely,

Hung-Fat Tse, MD        Chu-Pak Lau, MD

Chairmen, Abstract Committee        Chairman, Scientific Committee

* 注:关于Re:

Re是一个介词( prep. ),不是前缀或缩写。有“关于(concerning,regarding),事由(remark),参考(in reference to),依照(according to),如果(in the case of)”等汉语意义。见:Longman,Dictionary of Contemporary English. World publishing Corporation,1987:862.金山词霸(电子辞典).郑易里.英华大辞典.时代出版社,1963:1072.

图 2.2 会议注册表

2.2.1 只要求论文摘要的会议的例子(四要素的结构式英文论文摘要)

XII World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology 上提出。


Dongying Zhang * , Yonghong Niu ** , Zhangyong Li ** , Yun Song ** , Zhengxiang Xie **
* Dept. of Cardiology, The 1st Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences, Chongqing 400016, China

** Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences, Chongqing 400016, China

Introduction Shihara's paper suggested that it implies Trp64Arg genotype if the power spectrum of heart period signal(HPS)in the stand-up is higher than the supine. The reverse is Trp64Trp genotype.

Methods The HPS power spectrum of 56 healthy(male: 28, female: 28; age: 32.27 ± 12.79 years old)was divided into 3 bands. Ultra-low frequency band(ULF)is 0.002-0.04 Hz. Low frequency band(LF)is 0.04-0.14 Hz. High frequency band(HF)is 0.14-0.5 Hz. The individuals that power of HPS in the stand-up is higher than in the supine were assigned to the US group. The rest were SU group. The spectral parameters were computed respectively.

Results The significant difference of total power of HPS in two groups wasn't in the stand-up but in the supine(606.075±1, 043.456 vs. 2, 979.38±1, 752.54, p <0.001). The differences of power in ULF and HF of HPS in the supine in two groups are significant too.

Conclusions The two phenotypes of HPS spectrum in the stand-up relative to the supine may reflect the different genotypes. It suggested that the method may be used to predict genotype(polymorphisms).


引论 Shihara的论文提示,如果立姿心动周期信号的功率谱高于卧姿,则意味着是Trp64Arg基因型。反之为Trp64Trp基因型。

方法 将健康人(男:28,女:28;年龄:32.27+/-12.79 岁)的HPS功率谱分成三带。超低频带:0.002~0.04 Hz;低频带:0.04~0.14 Hz;高频带:0.14~0.5 Hz。将立姿心动周期信号的功率谱高于卧姿的人分为US组。其余为SU组。

结果 不是两组的立姿功率谱有显著差异,而是卧姿功率谱有显著差异(606.075 ±1 043.456 vs. 2 979.38±1 752.54, p <0.001)。两组的卧姿HPS的ULF和LF带功率也有显著差异。

结论 立姿相对于卧姿HPS功率谱的两种表现型可能反映了不同的基因型。提示该方法或许可用于预测基因型(多态性)。

2.2.2 只要求论文摘要的会议的例子(非结构式英文论文摘要)

Development of a Piezoelectric Sensor for Detection of Low Endotoxin Concentration

X.L. Xiong,X. Wang,S.X. Cai
Key Lab of Biomechanical & Tissue Engineering under Ministry of Education Chongqing University,Chongqing,China,400044

Endotoxin(ET)is responsible for many of the patho-physiological effects associated with gram negative bacilli(GNB)infection. Detection of their concentration precisely is very useful for diagnosis and treatment of these ET-caused diseases. A piezoelectric biosensor, which combined the bulk acoustic wave(BAW)technique with the gelation reaction between tachypleus amebocyte lysate(TAL)and ET, was applied to detect ET concentration. This method depended on the fact that while the viscosity and density of the mixture increased, and as a result, the resonance frequency decreased correspondingly after TAL was mixed with the solution containing ET. The test results showed that the time that the maximal frequency shift of the sensor achieved was linearly related to the logarithm of ET concentration in the range of 1 pg/ml-10 ng/ml. The maximal value of the d f / d t (the time derivate of frequency shift f )was also linearly related to the logarithm of ET concentration in the range of 0.1 pg/ml-10 ng/ml. The detection time was shortened and the detectability was decreased using the second calibration method. The proposed sensor was much simpler and lower detectability for detection of ET than the traditional methods.

2.2.3 期刊论文摘要

期刊论文摘要按期刊的“征文通知”“征稿简则”“稿约”“投稿须知”“call for paper”或“instruction for authors”等文件要求书写,与论文一起投递。也有结构式英文摘要和非结构式英文摘要。几种摘要格式的例子已列于 2.1 节。

2.2.3 期刊论文摘要例子

Abstract: A new statistical signal processing method, which was called independent component analysis(ICA)was used to extract sub-signals of heart rate variability(HRV). Ten healthy volunteers(4F, 6M)were involved in this study. Electrocardiogram(ECG)recording was consisted of 6 min when the volunteer was lying and another 6 min when the volunteer was standing. HRV was extracted from ECG. According to time-delay, HRV was divided into five groups as mixed signals.Five signals were reconstructed into two groups by ICA and the rebuilt two signals were transformed by Fourier transformation. Results showed that one group signal component centralized in low frequency(called IC1); the other did in high frequency(called IC2). The power of IC1 was significantly increased(P & LT; 0.05)while that of IC2 had no significant change(P & GT; 0.05)and the ratio of IC1 to total power was significantly increased(P & LT; 0.01)from lying to standing. Comparing the two postural results, it shows that IC1 may express sympathetic activity, and IC2 represents parasympathetic activity. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous function can be evaluated respectively and quantificationally by data and graphs from the two decomposed components. As an electro-physiological method, it can assist the investigation about the tension of autonomic nervous, myocardial bioelectricity activity, as well as myocardial cell membrane characters.©; 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Key Words: independent component analysis; heart rate variability; autonomic nervous system; nervous tension; excitability; permeability; membrane

( From Li ZY , Li B , Xie ZX COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 42(2): 131135 MAY 10 2005) Kj3V5CjavJw5cfYXEZMl9H9QxqPbc0pClAcf97fZcdeKAoAfArSny1trXPEDo5Tr

