
2.1 结构式英文摘要和非结构式英文摘要

2.1.1 结构式英文摘要

结构式英文摘要有固定的结构要素,像格律诗,初学者容易掌握,多数是 4 要素结构,也有5 要素,6 要素,甚至有 8 要素的(如《中国组织工程研究与临床康复杂志》)。这些要素有:



③[材料],[对象]和方法([materials],[subjects]and methods)


[地点和对象(setting and participants)]


[主要观察指标(main outcome measures)]}





不同的期刊对摘要的结构要求不同,作者一定要仔细阅读“征文通知”“征稿简则”“稿约”“投稿须知”“call for paper”或“instruction for authors”等文件对摘要书写的规定。可参见例2.1.1。

2.1.2 非结构式英文摘要

非结构式英文摘要应该用 300 字(或 300 英文实词)左右高度概括地描述工作的主要内容,包括方法、核心结果和结论,不应该只用一句话说本文干什么,可参见例 2.1.1 和例 2.1.3。

2.1.3 摘要的位置

对于英文期刊,英文摘要置于作者(或作者单位)之后,文体(paper body或称为正文:main text)之前,多数由关键字“abstract”打头;对于中文期刊,有几种情况:一些置于中文摘要之后,一些置于中文摘要之前,一些置于参考文献之后。

2.1.1 置于中文摘要之后的例子(非结构式英文摘要,引自《生物医学工程学杂志》)

Beta肾上腺素能受体 3 种亚型基因的 5 位点SNP基因型的组合分布 *

谢正祥 1,2Δ 牛永红 1,2 马厚勋 1 李章勇 1 殷跃辉 2
1(重庆医科大学生物医学工程研究室 重庆 400016)
2(重庆医科大学第二附属医院重庆市心律失常治疗中心 重庆 400010)

摘要 用DNA提取试剂盒抽提 338 例受试者外周血DNA,用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性及等位基因特异性PCR技术获得Beta-AR 3 种亚型基因的 5 个位点的SNP基因型。用聚类分析技术获得了 338 例受试者的Beta-AR 3 种亚型基因的 5 个位点的SNP基因型组合的自然分布特征,共发现了 67 种组合类型。SNP基因型组合的自然分布的前 5 位有:(1)B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/R389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/E27+B3-AR W/W64 有 40 人,出现概率为 11.83%。(2)B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/R389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/Q27+B3-AR W/W64 有 33 人,出现概率为 9.76%。(3)B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/G389+B2-AR R/G16+B2AR Q/Q27+B3-AR W/W64 有 19 人,出现概率为 5.62%。(4)B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/G389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/E27+B3-AR W/W64 有 16 人,出现概率为 4.74%。(5)B1-AR S/G49+B1-AR R/R389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/E27+B3-AR W/W64 有 13 人,出现概率为3.85%。总样本与女、男亚组间及女、男亚组间SNP的组合分布间具有较好的相关性。

关键词 Beta 肾上腺素能受体( Beta-AR )单核苷酸多态性 组合分布

Genotype Combination Distribution of 5-Site SNPs in 3 Subtypes of Beta Adrenoceptor *

Xie Zhengxiang 1,2Δ ,Niu Yonghong 1,2 ,Ma houxun 1 ,Li Zhangyong 1 ,Yin Yuehui 2

1( Department of Biomedical Engineering in Chongqing University of Medical Sciences , Chongqing 400016)

2( The Chongqing Treatment Center of Arrhythmia , the 2nd Attached Hospital , Chongqing University of Medical Sciences , Chongqing 400010)

ABSTRACT: DNA was extracted from the peripheral vena blood of 338 subjects using BLOOD DNA MINI KIT. 5 site SNP in 3 subtypes of Beta-AR were genotyped by PCR-RFLP(polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism)and allele-specific primer PCR techniques. The genotypes combination distribution of SNP at 5 site in the 3 subtypes of Beta-AR were determined by clustering analysis technique. The natural combination distribution characteristics for SNP at 5 site in the 3 subtypes of Beta-AR in 338 subjects were gotten. Sixty-seven combination types were found.The preceding 5 combinations in the natural combination distributions of the SNP were: (1)The genotype combination of forty subjects was B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/R389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/E27+B3-AR W/W64, its probability was 11.83%.(2)The genotype combination of thirty-three subjects was B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/R389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/Q27+B3-AR W/W64, its probability was 9.76%.(3)The genotype combination of nineteen subjects was B1-AR S/S49+B1AR R/G389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/Q27+B3-AR W/W64, its probability was 5.62%.(4)The genotype combination of sixteen subjects was B1-AR S/S49+B1-AR R/G389+B2-AR R/G16+B2AR Q/E27+B3-AR W/W64, its probability was 4.74%.(5)The genotype combination of thirteen subjects was B1-AR S/G49+B1-AR R/R389+B2-AR R/G16+B2-AR Q/E27+B3-AR W/W64, its probability was 3.85%. The obvious correlations exist among full sample and female or male subgroup, and between female subgroup and male subgroup.

Key Words: Beta adrenoceptor polymorphisms combination distribution

2.1.2 置于中文摘要之前的例子(四要素摘要)

β1 肾上腺能受体基因Ser49Gly多态性与原发性高血压相关性研究

牛永红 马厚勋 李章勇 谢正祥
(重庆医科大学 重庆 400016)

Correlation of β 1 -adrenoceptor Gene Ser 49 Gly Polymorphism with Essential Hypertension

Niu Yonghong Xie Zhengxiang et al.
(Chongqing University of Medical Sciences,Chongqing 400016)

ABSTRACT: Objectives: To study the role of β1-adrenoceptor gene Ser49Gly polymorphism in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension(EH). Methods: 80 EH and 85 normotensive subjects were selected to genotyped at Ser49Gly of the β1-adrenoceptor gene by the technique of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP). Results: The frequencies ofβ1-adrenoceptor genotypes Ser/Ser, Ser/Gly and Gly/Gly were 0.79, 0.21 and 0 in EH respectively and 0.80, 0.19 and 0.01 in control group respectively( p >0.5). The allelic frequencies of Ser and Gly were 0.89 and 0.11 respectively in both the control and EP group. There were no differences between these two groups( p >0.5). The Ser/Gly distributions of both groups were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Conclusion: No association was found between β1-adrenoceptor gene Ser49Gly polymorphism and the pathogenesis of EH in Chinese in this research.

Key Words: essential hypertension; β1-adrenoceptor; gene polymorphism

摘要:目的:探讨β1 肾上腺能受体(以下简称β1 受体)基因Ser49Gly多态性在原发性高血压(essential hypertension,EH)发病机制中的作用。方法:选择 80 例EH患者及 85 例正常对照者,应用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism,PCR-RFLP)技术分析该基因多态性。结果:EH组和对照组的Ser/Ser,Ser/Gly和Gly/Gly基因型频率分别为:0.79,0.21,0 和 0.80,0.19,0.01( p >0.5)。Ser和Gly的等位基因频率在高血压组和对照组均分别为 0.89 和 0.11,两组间无差异( p >0.5)。这两组的Ser/Gly多态性分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg定律。结论:在所研究的中国人群中,β1 受体基因Ser49Gly多态性与原发性高血压的发病无联系。

关键词:原发性高血压;β1 肾上腺能受体;基因多态性


2.1.3 摘要置于参考文献之后的例子(非结构式英文摘要)


马厚勋 1 谢正祥 2

摘要:一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)催化阳离子氨基酸L-精氨酸的氧化反应生成L-瓜氨酸和一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)。其产物NO可通过依赖cGMP(环磷酸鸟苷)途径与非依赖cGMP途径发挥其复杂的生理学功能。本文就NOS三种同工酶的基因结构、表达调节与其影响因素以及它们与心功能调节及其他生理、病理学等方面研究进展进行简要综述。

关键词:一氧化氮合酶 一氧化氮 基因 组织分布 心脏功能



[1]Forstermann U, Gath I, Schwarz P, et al. Isoforma of nitric oxide synthase[J].Biochemical Pharmacol, 1995, 50: 132-133.


[74]Feelisch M, Stamler JS. Donors of nitrogen oxides. In: Feelisch M, Stamler JS, eds. Nitric Oxide. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1996: 69-114.

Nitric Oxide Nitric Oxide Synthase and Cardiac Function

Ma Houxun 1 ,Xie Zhengxiang 2

1 (Department of Geriatric. The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences.Chongqing 400016.)

2 (Department of BME. The College Of Basic Medical Sciences, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences.Chongqing 400016.)

Abstract ]Nitric oxide synthases(NOSs)catalyze the conversion of the cationic amino acid L-arginine to L-citrulline and nitric oxide(NO). NO plays its complex biological roles by a dependent cycle guanine monophosphate(cGMP)pathway and an independent cGMP pathway. In this article, we focused on the gene structure, regulation of gene expression and their influence factors in three isoforms of NOS. We also reviewed the study progresses in the regulation of cardiac contractile function and other physiological and pathophysiological roles of NOS.

Key Words nitric oxide nitric oxide synthase gene distribution in tissue cardiac function

(引自《中国医学生物技术应用杂志》,2003,1(2):18-29) Osesw8sz/ysGlgGm8/wIeEiU7K2XUTiosm0/QZyCNcTtMIAxeJ8h8DnOKc4+SPbf
