Listed companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities. 上市公司发布年度报告,告知公众上一年的活动。
The couple always celebrate their wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant. 这对夫妇总是去豪华饭店就餐来庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。
The committee has just published its biannual report. 委员会刚刚公布了半年报。
The Olympic Games is a quadrennial gathering of athletes from around the world. 奥运会是全世界运动员四年一度的盛会。
We face the perennial problem of not having enough money. 我们长期面临资金不足的问题。
Millennials have grown up with the Internet and can’t imagine a world without it. 千禧一代在互联网环境中长大,无法想象没有互联网的世界会是什么样的。