Students should take full advantage of the university’s facilities. 学生应该充分利用大学的设施。
The children from poor families were at a distinct disadvantage . 来自贫困家庭的孩子们处于明显的弱势地位。
These measures are intended to help the disadvantaged . 这些措施旨在帮助弱势群体。
The lower tax rate is particularly advantageous to poorer families. 低税率对于较为贫困的家庭尤其有利。
We have advanced greatly in our knowledge of the universe. 在认识宇宙方面,我们已经取得长足进步。
The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students. 该课程适合初学者及高阶学生。
All she was interested in was the advancement of her own career. 她的兴趣全在拓展自己的事业上。