
Strengthening Party-Building

Focusing on the overall requirement of learning ideology to strengthen party spirit and emphasizing practical work to achieve new accomplishments,the STA thoroughly carried out the thematic education on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and utilized it to unify thinking and strengthen the ideology of the Party. The STA took simultaneous steps to implement five key measures including theoretical study, investigative research, promoting development, reviewing and rectifying issues, and establishing systems and regulations. Furthermore, it took three important measures as a breakthrough including strengthening Party building in the county-level tax authorities and in the grassroots-level Party organizations, creating “Feng-qiao style” tax ofices(including branches and service halls) in the new era, and optimizing taxpayer service by organizing leaders to experience the roles of taxpayers by participating in tax procedures so as to efectively advance the top-down Party-building and continuously improve the eficiency of grassroots level governance. Through further expanding and refining the work mechanism of “Strengthening Party-building by Vertical Collaboration and Horizontal Work Integration”, 100%, 98% and 94% of tax authorities at the provincial level, the municipal level and the county level were rated as “Outstanding” in the Party-building work assessment by the local governments. FKZqy6dOaPyGNE+9JL/khhuepq1Nd4iNSp73FNfZwixXXdyZ5QLw0ZN627J6XZbG
