
§1.4 The hypothesis of the stellar-merger origin of the Solar System

Based on the logical inference of the physical implication of the mechanism of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange between the Sun and planets, the masses of all the solar system’s planets will steadily decreasing while the solar mass will steadily increasing as the total mass of the solar system is approximately conserved. This means that at any given time interval, the total mass lost by all the planets in the solar system should be approximately equal to the mass added by the Sun. Howeverthe process of the planetary mass being gradually transferred to the Sun does not mean that a planet will directly teleport its constituent atoms or molecules to the Sun, instead, according to the author-proposed atommesom-lepton fragmentation mechanism, all the constituent atoms of a planet will be fi rstly fragmented into subatomic particles with their masses being at the leptonic level, the whole process for the planet’s constituent atoms to be fragmented into leptonic particles will be completed within the range of a planet’s magnetic sheath, mostly within the range of a planet’s Van Allen Radiation Belt. And all these planet-sourced leptons will be mixed up into the jet streams of a planet-ejected sunward-streaming electromagnetic wave-energy-carrying particle-energy jet being injected into the Sun’s core to become the raw materials for Sun to synthesize the heavy metal elements (for the detailed description, please read the relative contents in chapter-2 and chapter-3). Based on this idea, I conclude that, in the long-distance future, the masses and energies of the solar system’s planets will be completely transferred into the core of the sun, where the masses of the current-evolving planets will be converted into the body masses of the sun-core-gestated embryonic metallic karyospheres—the high-metallicity planetary embryos of nextgeneration planets. At this time, the Sun, or more accurately, the whole solar system as a whole, will evolve to be a giant-core-gestated component star of next-generation contact binary-star system, with the potential companion star being most likely evolved from the current alpha-Centauri system. Following this new physical idea, the mechanism-based physical scenario will naturally enable the author to propose a hypothesis of the stellar-merger origin of the solar system. For detailed description of how the solar system could originate from a stellar-merger even and the detailed explanation about the relevant physical laws, principles, and mechanisms involved in the process of the origin and evolution of the solar system,please refer to Chapter 2, for the detailed picture of the origin of the solar system. pNxNOmXwyGraOdpnkZqMRnNWFIbBvJThrudKY2Gd9T25DW82ZTH7iChiXTxgWxff
