
§1.3 The evidence chain and the suggestion of experimental test

To construct a chain of evidence to prove the existence of a non-equivalent mass-energy exchange mechanism operating between the sun and the planets requires two sets of evidence:

(1) The existence of a planet-ejected sunward-streaming particle-energy jet streams. As long as it can be proved that there is a planet-sourced particle streams fl owing from a planet to the Sun, then it can be naturally proved that there is a bidirectionally-fl owing particle streams existing between the sun and the planets. And the existence of such a bidirectional-fl owing particle streams will naturally prove the existence of a bilateral mass-energy exchange between the Sun and planets. However, the evidence of bidirectional-fl owing of particle streams between the sun and the planet can only prove the existence of bilateral mass-energy exchange mechanism between the sun and the planet, but it cannot prove whether the bilateral mass-energy exchange process follows the equivalent mass-energy exchange law or the nonequivalent mass-energy exchange law. So we need a second set of evidence.

(2) The evidence of planetary mass-energy decreasing trend,since the total amount of mass-energy of the solar system is approximately conserved, therefore, if we can fi nd any kind of evidence that can prove that the planets are continue to weaken will prove that the bilateral mass and energy exchange process between the sun and the planets follows the non-equivalent exchange law.

Since the total mass and energy scale of the solar system is approximately conserved, any evidence that can prove that the solar system’s planets are undergoing an irreversible mass-energy decaying process can naturally prove that the bilateral mass-energy exchange between the sun and planets follows the nonequivalent mass-energy exchanging law. The following physical phenomena identifi ed by the author that occur in the solar-terrestrial system can serve as evidence:

About three types of plasma-jet colliding phenomena occurring between solar photosphere plasma shells and the earth direction ejected planetary jets have been confirmed from the NASA-published astronomical pictures (the exact info for citation is needed), and the author named them respectively based on energy gradients: the photosphere plasma-splashing effect, the photosphere shell-perforation effect, and the complete photosphere shell-piercing effect.

From the NASA-published astronomic pictures, the author found that, during the sunspot maximum,there is a clear plasma-jet colliding phenomena occurring on the surface of the solar photoshere on the sun’s earth-facing side, which is created by a particle-energy jet stream clearly ejected from the earthdirection perfectly in line with the maximum alignment of Venus-Earth-Jupiter. These plasma shelljet colliding effects clearly show that the planet-ejected sunward-streaming particle-energy jets that are ejected from the Venus, Earth and Jupiter respectively seem to be superposed to have formed a resultant jet with its lance-shaped jet-head pointing to the Sun, the energy density of this Venus-Earth-Jupiter coformed resultant planetary jet must be exponentially increased to such a high level that the plasma shell of the solar photosphere is being violently impacted by the resultant jet. In the photosphere plasmasplashing picture, it shows that there is bow-like plasma crater being created on the sun’s earth-facing side and there are large scale of liquid like solar plasma are forced to splashed around the edge of quasisymmetric plasma crater, which refl ects the helical dynamic property of this spiral-in planetary jets. In the photosphere-perforation scenario, the photosphere plasma shell of the sun’s earth-facing side is punctured with many holes as the result of plasma shell-jet colliding mechanism between the solar photosphere and the Venus-Earth-Jupiter resultant jet. In the complete photosphere shell-piercing scenario, the entire Sun is being completely pierced from its earth-facing side all the way to its back side—the whole body of our giant Sun was totally pierced through, at this time, the NASA-published picture shows that there are many bright points representing the locations of solar fl ares are presented on the straight section line connecting the earth with the sun. So, the photosphere-piercing effect indicates that the energy level of the Venus-Earth-Jupiter’s resultant jet reached the highest level. The pictures of showing the three types of (solar) plasma-jet (planetary) colliding phenomena have inspired me to successfully discover the exact physical mechanisms of creating the sunspot and the formation of sunspot's 11-year cycle (for detailed explanation please read the Chapter 4 for the new explanation of Sunspot formation). Now, as abovementioned, the evidence that can prove the existence of planet-ejected sunward-streaming electromagnetic wave energy-carrying jet streams can only prove the existence of a physical mechanism of bilateral massenergy exchange between the Sun and planets, but not necessarily prove that such a bilateral mass-energy exchange process follows the law of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange.

(2) The evidence chain that proves the planetary mass-energy decreasing trend and the solar mass energy increasing trend contains three pieces of evidence: the Moon is shrinking, [5] [12] [13] the Mercury is shrinking, [11] and the Mars is also shrinking. The recent NASA-report about the researches on exoplanets showed that the occurrence of planetary shrinking phenomena is not limited to the terrestrial planets in our solar system, and the exoplanets are also shrinking. [14] This suggests that the planetary shrinking is a universal process. According to Einstein's principle of mass-energy equivalence, the fact that the Earth’s magnetic fi eld is steadily decaying, [15] [16] implies that the Earth is also undergoing an irreversible process of mass-energy decay. Again, according to the Einstein’s principle of mass-energy equivalence, the confirmed fact that the Sun’s luminosity and magnetic field are both in an increasing process [17], suggests that the total amount of the Sun’s mass-energy scale is irreversibly increasing as the result of the universal mechanism of the non-equivalent mass-energy exchange between the Sun and planets.

The author’s suggestion of the method of designing experimental test scheme:

In order to verify the existence of the sun-earth-connected gravito-electromagnetic bond, I suggest that astrophysicists may consider a method of integrating several different types of astronomic telescopes,for example, the X-ray sensitive telescope, gamma-ray sensitive telescope, radio-wave sensitive telescope,into 3-in-1 integrated telescope to absorb multi-spectra simultaneously, the method of which may enable the scientists to capture the images of the bidirectional-flowing electromagnetic wave energy-carrying jet streams, and it may also enable astronomers to capture the image of the sun-earth-connected gravitoelectromagnetic bond. wYPzJ+ZKMYuqKe8My1mBe2iWEdDh8wHeXDv4ArYIbBYjdycdVyoBTRVmF31NgGPR
