
§1.2 The real physical mechanism of generating gravity and the essential nature of gravity

In recent years, there have been increasing evidence suggests that the gravitational force acting between the sun and the planet, between the planet and its moons, and between any two the planetary bodies is a low-energy-density electromagnetic force acting between celestial bodies. However, the main reason for why mainstream physicists have been unable to discover the ultimate cause and essence of gravity is the misleading and confining effects of Newton's classical gravity and Einstein’s general relativity, because both of which provide merely the non-essence-revealing kinematic description of gravity within a mathematical frame in which the inert mass of all moving bodies will not change because there is no physical relationship of nonequivalent mass-energy exchange between these gravitationally interacting bodies. Plus, the fanatical belief in the validity of Einstein’s general relativity has led mainstream scientifi c journal editors to reject all papers that confl ict with Einstein's theory. As an amateur astrophysicist, my new views on the causes and essence of gravity are unlikely to be published in mainstream physics journals, and even websites like arXiv.org had refused to publish my paper. Therefore,here, through a self-publishing, I am able to publish my new physical ideas on the causes and essence of gravity based on my conclusive idea that the gravity acting between the sun and planets, and between any two planetary bodies, is just a different form of electromagnetic interaction that is generated by a macro-micro-unifi ed common physical mechanism that generates all forms of electromagnetic interaction forces, including the interatomic electromagnetic bonding force (chemical bond). In other words, all other types of fundamental interactions, like gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, are essentially the electromagnetic interaction which manifests in different ways. The detailed description is presented as the following.

Through the coevolutionistic-idea-based logic reasoning and a broad collection of various direct and indirect evidence, I propose that the gravity acting between the Sun and all system’s planets is surely an gravito-electromagnetic bonding force characterized by low energy density and a low flux penetrating through a large cross-sectional area. The physical mechanism by which the gravito-electromagnetic bonding force is generated is the Solar-Stator and Planetary-Rotor integrated complex dynamo mechanism(the SSPR-dynamo mechanism). In this physical scenario, our solar system as a whole can be taken as a giant complex dynamo system in which the Sun actually act as a central stator while all the surrounding planet actually act as a group of planetary rotors. Since the Sun's magnetic fi eld extends to the outer edge of the Oort Cloud (more than a light year away), it is physically possible that every planet wrapped in the heliomagnetic sheath can be plausibly viewed as a moving rotor. In this physical scenario, the magnetic fi eld lines of every planet in a dynamical state of orbiting-rotating-synchronized motion are frequently intercutting and entangling with the magnetic fi eld lines of the Sun at all times, the mechanism of which will inevitably create a large number of bidirectionally-flowing electromagnetic wave energy-carrying particle streams that are always in a state of frequently intercutting and mutually entangling motions on every step of their oppositely moving toward the two mass centers of the Sun and a planet. When a large number of bidirectionally-moving particles streams are collectively entangling with each other, they form an invisible rope-like gravito-electromagnetic bond that seamlessly connects the sun and every planet.This kind of new physical picture suggests that the real medium for mediating the macroscopic gravitoelectromagnetic interaction force between the sun and planets is not photons, but a large amount of bidirectionally-fl owing electromagnetic wave energy-carrying particle streams that are always in a state of frequently intercutting and collectively entangling motion. The observed photons are only transient products produced by the mechanism of intercutting and entangling behavior of the bidirectionallymoving electromagnetic wave energy-carrying particle streams. Therefore, the energy of these bidirectionally-moving particle streams or the strength of the electromagnetic interaction force is actually determined by several physical parameters, like the mean frequency of their intercutting and entangling motions, averaged energy density of the bidirectionally-moving electromagnetic streams, and the averaged mass density and the averaged strength of any two electromagnetically interacting bodies. It turns out that the gravity acting between the sun and planet is essentially a different form of low-energy-density and large cross-sectional penetrating electromagnetic force or gravito-electromagnetic force. However, the gravito-electromagnetic force itself is merely an apparent physical effect with its essential nature being the underlying mechanism of nonequivalent mass-energy exchange and asymmetrical mass-hybridization.So, from the classical understanding of gravity as an attractive force that makes bodies move around with each other to the new understanding of gravity as a different form of electromagnetic interaction force that enable any two electromagnetically interacting bodies to perform the physical activity of nonequivalent mass-energy exchange is surely a paradigm-shifted revolution of theoretical physics. So, the author believe that such a paradigm-shifted revolution in the understanding the mechanism and nature of gravity makes it possible to discover the ultimate loop-free theory that can correctly explain the origin and evolution of the solar system. UTpHj3dAqQzFmpw7ua4g8ynM7DoBzx/y88gjJ8VELl9JJAWR27s4sp4cEdMps/Vb
