
§1.1 The true physical relationship between the Sun and planets

I firmly believe that the basic premise for discovering the ultimate loophole-free astrophysical theory that can correctly explain the origin and evolution of the solar system is to fi rst establish a series of correct worldviews or cosmic perspectives in our brains. One possible breakthrough that could profoundly revolutionize our worldview and change our scientific paradigm lies in radically changing our current misconception about the physical relationship between the sun and planets. I even assert that a correct understanding of the true physical relationship between the sun and planets will lead to the ultimate discovery of the real physical mechanism of generating the gravity acting between the sun and planets, the earth and its big moon, and between all kinds of gravitationally-bonding bodies, as well as the ultimate uncovering of the essential nature of gravity, and the ultimate discovery of a correct theory to explain the origin of the solar system. For this reason, I would like to start my journey of exploring the mystery of the origin and evolution of the solar system with the exploration of the true physical relationship between the sun and planets.

Due to the limitations of the traditional kinematic descriptions of gravity provided by Newton’s classical physics and Einstein's General relativity, the true physical relationship between the sun and the planets has long been misunderstood in such a way that the sun can only emit its matter-energy unidirectionally to the planets without absorbing any form of matter-energy from the planets. On the other hand, the planets are believed to be forcibly (or passively) accepted the matter-energy from the sun without any feedback action of actively emitting their own matters and energies to the sun. In other words,since the initial formation of the solar system, all planets within the solar system have long been enjoying the “free energy lunch” provided by the “generous sun” without giving anything back to the sun (the purport of which will hereafter be called the “free solar energy paradox” or “non-exchanging paradox”).This is perhaps the biggest blunder the physicists could have made in the history of science and it’s also the most erroneous worldviews or cosmic perspective being established in our human brain. Such a wrong worldview has played a crucial role in misleading our understanding of the true physical relationship between the sun and the planets and is also the biggest ideological obstacle that hindered astrophysicists from unraveling the mystery of the origin of the solar system. Fortunately, the wisdom hidden in the Taoist naturalistic philosophy of ancient China—the principles of Yin-Yang dialectics and the holistic way of scientifi c thinking—which work as a philosophical inspiration and a thought compass may help humanity unravel the mystery of the origin of the solar system. According to the basic principles of Yin-Yang dialectics, everything in the universe can be classifi ed into the Yin-natured things that are characterized by the basic properties of releasing dark-cold-contracting energy while bearing negative charge and the Yangnatured things that are characterized by the basic properties of releasing photothermal-expanding energy while bearing positive charge. So, the principle of Yin-Yang dialectics codifi es a basic physical idea that any given pair of Yin-Yang coupled objects must have a relationship of coexistence and coevolution by means of performing the physical activity of mutually energy supporting and bilaterally mass-energy exchanging. So, if we apply this philosophical principle of Yin-Yang dialectics to the study of the physical relationship of the Sun and planets, a lot blurring concepts about the basic physical properties of the sun and planets would become crystal clear. In this sense, we can take all the system’s planets collectively as the Yin-darkcold-natured bodies while taking the Sun as a Yang-photothermal-natured body. From the point of holistic view, the solar system is essentially a holistic coevolution system in which the sun that acts as a Yang-natured body must have two basic physical properties of radiating out its photothermalexpanding wave energy and ejecting its positively charged particles (dominated by positively charged particles) while the planets that collectively act as a group of Yin-natured bodies that must have two basic physical properties of injecting their dark-cold energy in form of a lance-shaped planet-ejected sunwardstreaming electromagnetic particle jets (with a lance-shaped jet head pointing the sun’s core) that can be injected into the sun’s core and the planetary-sourced energy jet should be dominated negatively charged particles relative to the sun. In other words, If the physical relationship between the sun and the planet really follows the philosophical principle of the Yin-Yang dialectics, then the true physical relationship between the sun and the planet should be a relationship of mutually energy supporting and bilaterally matter-energy exchanging, rather than a unilateral relationship in which the sun only releases energy to the planet without absorbing any form of planetary energy as we currently understand it.

Based on the logical reasoning starting from the philosophical inspiration of Yin-Yang principle and a large amount of modern observational evidence, [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] I assert that the true physical relationship between the sun and the planets must be one that strictly follows the Taoism’s YinYang law and I also made my fi nal conclusion that the solar system is essentially a coevolution system in which the sun and planets are coevolving by means of performing their physical activity of nonequivalent mass-energy exchange and asymmetrical mass-energy hybridization. In thither words, the gravitational interaction between the sun and planets is merely an apparent physical effect behind which the underlying physical mechanism that supports the inter-solar-planetary gravitational interaction is the physical mechanism of the bilateral and nonequivalent mass-energy exchange and asymmetrical masshybridization. This is the core idea of the theory of star-planet coevolution and is also the breakthrough point that inspired me to discover the cause and nature of gravity—the gravity is essentially the special form of electromagnetic force generated by the SSPR-dynamo mechanism (the solar-stator and planetaryrotor naturally-integrated complex dynamo mechanism) and the essential nature of electromagnetic interaction is the underlying mechanism of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange and asymmetrical mass-energy hybridization between the sun and planets (detailed description about the SSPR-dynamo mechanism will be followed in section 1.2). However, the non-equivalent mass-energy exchange mechanism operating between the Sun and the planets does not determine which side is the mass gainer and which side is the mass loser. So it is necessary to formulate four fundamental laws of star-planet coevolution to help us identify the mass gainer and the mass loser between the sun and planets. Thus,a complete description of the physical process of how the sun and its planets are coevolving by means of performing the physical activity of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange is successfully formulated and the whole physical picture of the origin of the solar system is clearly demonstrated (for detailed description please read chapter 2).

In addition to theoretical requirements, consider the basic facts that Mercury, Mars, and the Moon are all in a process of rapid shrinkage, that the Earth's magnetic fi eld is rapidly weakening, and that the Sun's luminosity and solar magnetic fi eld are both in a long-term trend of strengthening, and so on. I came up with a very counter-intuitive conclusion that the Sun is the only mass gainer in the solar system and all the system’s planets are mass losers. This view is summarized as the second law of star-planet coevolution,or the second law of non-equivalent star-planet mass energy exchange, which states that for a given time interval, the amount of mass-energy that the sun absorbed from the planets is always greater than that of the mass-energy that the sun released to the planets. This is a crucial step that led me to discover the ultimate physical mechanism that generates gravity and essential nature that hides behind the apparent physical effect of gravity, and is also a thought-compass that guided me to develop the theory of starplanet coevolution. This new physics theory can not only successfully explain the origin and evolution of the solar system, but also successfully explain all physical phenomena that occur within the sun earth system at a high level of simplicity, self-consistency and falsifi ability. Even more surprisingly, the author found that the theory of star-planet coevolution can be easily upgraded to the master-key theory of explaining all physical phenomena occurring in the sun-earth system by generalizing some of the basic physical laws, principles, and mechanisms contained in the theory into the macro-micro-unified level.It seems that this so-called master-key theory has a potential to become the best version of the theory of everything (for detailed description please read chapter 5). Some of the online readers told me that they have already perceive this potential from the content of next section, in which the author proposed a plausible physical mechanism of how can the sun and planet work together to co-generate the gravitoelectromagnetic bonding force between them and why the electromagnetic interaction must be the only fundamental interaction that allow the sun and its planets to perform the physical activity of nonequivalent mass-energy exchange, and why the other fundamental interactions, gravity, strong and weak nuclear interactions are the simply the different forms of electromagnetic interaction which generates and act in different space-time and mass-energy scales. Uma58BZDtepiUnzQnlgXKm6bN4JljNaQR36R7RiE7Y1alk4xhDzCjskIHmLrB2X8

