

The currently-accepted solar nebula theory is full of loopholes, and many of its predictions directly conflict with the modern observations. The theory's extremely poor self-consistency, falsifiability, and poor predictive power strongly suggest that the theory is fundamentally wrong. The correct explanation of the physical phenomena occurring in the solar system, especially those that occurring within the SunEarth system, must be based on a foundation of a correct theory of the origin and evolution of the solar system. Therefore, the work to discover this ultimate theory that can correctly explain the origin and evolution of the solar system is the most-important scientifi c work. To discover the ultimate theory one must has a correct way of physical thinking determined by a correct way of philosophical thinking, which enable us to establish a series of correct worldviews. A correct way of philosophical thinking can serves as an indispensable thought-compass that may guide us to the correct direction towards the discovery of the correct theory of the origin and evolution of the solar system.

One of the most reliable philosophical principles tells us that the most fundamental physical mechanisms involved in every scientific field must be hidden behind the most common natural phenomena that occur in that fi eld. In this sense, in order to discover the correct astrophysical theory of the origin and evolution of the solar system, one must fi rst identify the most commonly occurring physical phenomena in the stellar world, obviously, the phenomena of star-pairing or the widely existence of binary systems, and the stellar-merger events are undoubtedly the most common astrophysical phenomena occurring in all galactic systems. According to this idea, the author, as an amateur astrophysics enthusiast,has come up with an idea (since 1986) that the mystery of the origin of the solar system may be hidden behind the two most commonly occurring astrophysical phenomena in our Milky Way galaxy, that are,the phenomena of star-pairing or binary systems and the frequently occurring stellar-merger events.Based on this idea, the author postulated that there must be an internal link between the stellar-merger events and the origin of the solar system. The author, as an amateur astrophysicist, has initiated his theory formulation and the related evidence collection work since 1986 after his graduation from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with master degree of medicine and his TCM background enable him to gain new insights into the process of the origin and evolution of the solar system by perceiving the common mechanisms and principles shared by the astrophysical process of the origin and evolution the stellar systems (both single and binary) and the process of the birth and the biological process of the birth and development of the advanced life forms occurring on earth, which led him to discover the “unifi ed principle of double-sourced matter-gene inheritance” that is shared by both the astrophysical process of the stellar systems and the biological process of the advanced living systems occurring on earth (such as mammal), and to formulate two sets of strict criteria to identify the two component stars of a parent binary system as a male-father-natured component star and a female-mother-natured component star according to their roles played in the process of a parent binary-star system merging into a daughter planet-bearing single solar-like star system.

After thirty years of evidence collection, the author proposed a novel theory, called the Theory of Star-Planet Co-evolution, which holds that the solar system, as a progeny or daughter single-star system,originated form an stellar-merger event by which a parent binary-star system merged into a solar-like planet-bearing single star system which should happened at least one 10 billion years ago. In this physical scenario, the mechanism by which the sun is formed is stellar-merger-caused seminal core-implanted (or seminal metallic karyosphere-implanted) plasmatic fusion; whereas, the mechanism by which the planet is formed is stellar-merger-triggered ejection of the mass-matured embryonic metallic karyospheres(mass-matured planetary embryos) that were originally gestated in the core of the female-mother-natured component star of a merge-phased parent binary system. The mechanism by which the entire solar system is formed is the actions of intercutting-and-entangling of the magnetic fi elds’ lines between the magnetic field of the newborn sun and the magnetic fields lines of the newborn planets, forming the invisible helical-like gravito-electromagnetic bonds connecting the central sun and its orbiting planets (detailed descriptions are provided in chapter 2). This theory is able to successfully explain not only the processes of the origin and evolution of the solar system but also the fundamental physical phenomena occurring in the solar system, especially those that occurring within the Sun-Earth system.

More surprisingly, the author seemed to have found the breakthrough point at which the work of unifying the four fundamental interactions into a macro-micro-unifi ed single interaction is now becoming possible. Because the author found that the gravity that acts a bonding force connecting the sun and each planet is actually a special form of macroscopic attraction-dominant electromagnetic force (the so-called macroscopic gravito-electromagnetic force) that can be produced by the so-called

“Stellar Stator and Planetary Rotor Integrated complex dynamo mechanism” (SSPR-dynamo mechanism) through the actions of the intercutting-and-entangling of the magnetic fields lines of any two electromagnetically bonding spinning objects—which has been considered to be a macro-microunifi ed universal physical mechanism of generating all forms of electromagnetic interaction force. In this physical picture, since the Sun's effective magnetic fi eld extends to the outer edge of Oort Cloud with a distance of about two light years away, this means that the far-reaching magnetic fi eld lines (including the visible strong regions and the invisible weak regions) of the two-light-year scaled solar magnetic fi eld and the short-reached magnetic fi eld lines of each planet that are always in a rotating-orbiting-synchronized motion status are in a constant action of intercutting-and-entangling with each other, the process of which will naturally create a large number of invisible bidirectional-flowing electromagnetic wave-energycarrying particle streams that are always in a frequently intercutting-and-entangling status on every single step of their oppositely moving towards the cores of the sun and a planet. This means that a large numbers of the invisible bidirectional-fl owing and highly-intertwined helical-like electromagnetic wave-energycarrying particle streams should be the real mediator of the gravito-electromagnetic force and the photons that have long been misunderstood as the mediator of electromagnetic force is actually the transient products produced by the actions of the frequently intercutting-and-entangling of the bidirectional-fl owing electromagnetic particle streams.

This is a fully testable or falsifi able mechanism that can be conducted by experimentalists in groundbased or space-based labs. The everyday dynamo mechanism by which the electromagnetic force is produced is essentially the action of the intercutting-and-entangling of the magnetic fi elds lines between the magnetic fi eld of the magnets and the integrated magnetic fi eld of the rotor—the integrated atomic nuclear magnetic fi elds of all metal atoms that make up the metal coil of the rotor.

Logically speaking, the existence of a large number of bidirectional-flowing particle streams between any two electromagnetically bonding objects means that the electromagnetically interacting objects must be in a dynamical status of performing the activity of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange. In this sense, the author asserts that an electromagnetic interaction force acting between any two objects is only an apparent physical effect or apparent physical phenomenon, the essential nature of electromagnetic force behind the apparent physical force-acting effect of electromagnetic interaction is the operation of an underlying universal mechanism of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange between the electromagnetically bonding (interacting) objects. Thus, the author came out with a testable conclusion that gravito-electromagnetic force acting between the sun and each planet is merely an apparent physical the effect, the essential nature of the gravito-electromagnetic force between the sun and each planet is the underlying mechanism of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange. It turns out that the solar system as a whole is a holistic coevolutionary system in which the sun and planets are coevolving by means of performing an activity of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange, which is the core idea of the theory of star-planet coevolution.

Based on the central mechanism of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange, the author postulates that the solar system, as a daughter single-star system, originated from an event of the stellar-merger of a parent binary-star system. The detailed description of this process is elucidated in chapter 2 of this book.The author will use just several suggested fundamental laws, principles and mechanisms proposed in chapter 2 to explain all physical phenomena occurring in the solar system in chapter 3, especially those that occurring in the sun-earth system, including the explanations of the fundamental physical mechanisms causing the sunspot and the 11-year sunspot cycle, and the mechanisms of causing the sunspot cycleassociated El Niño-La Niña alternating cycle.

Written by Dr. Wei Ju
June 25th, 2024 in Cheng Du city, Sichuan Province, China mtEcDc/0zPeDo0K1DK0Nm09pc4KYToXiRaqgE8c8wcsBjHFSdF9aOTzICW7qrlxw
