
§2.2. Several putative mechanisms and laws proposed to explain the origin and evolution the solar system

Based on above-mentioned assumptions, I have proposed a stellar-merger origin model for describing the process of the origin and evolution of the solar system. This model holds that the solar system, as a daughter-generation single star system, originated from a stellar-merger of its parent binarystar system that occurred at least 10 billion years ago, rather than a nebula collapse caused by a supernova explosion occurred 4.6 billion years ago. The reason why I have largely increased the timescale of the solar system’s history is because my suggested mechanism of asteroids formation is radically different from the traditional mechanism of asteroid formation. The new model holds that asteroids are actually the debris of the ripped remains of a life-ending planet who’s body (iron core) were thermal-magnetically ripped into pieces by the combination effects of the Sun’s strong magnetic fi eld and the Sun’s milliondegree atmospheric temperature as the result of my suggested law of planetary orbital decay, rather than the precursor materials of the forming planets (for detailed explanation please read the content of asteroid formation). So, the timescale of the age of the solar system’ should be the sum-up value of the timescale of average lifespan of planets (about 10 billion years) plus the value of the age of asteroids (about 4.6 billion years) measured by the method of radioisotope dating. The stellar-merger origin model codifi es the two basic concepts: (1) the origin of the Sun and the origin of the solar system’s planets occurred in the same time of the same stellar-merger event occurred in at least 10 billion years ago. (2), the total mass of the daughter solar system is approximately equal to the total mass of its parent binary-star system, which means that the masses of the two parent component stars in the binary system had been totally inherited by the daughter solar system by following the universal law of double-sourced matter-gene inheritance.Here, the concept of matter-gene can be defi ned as a group of unique complex ratios of some particular isotopes and isomers that were inherited by the Sun and the planets via the stellar-merger mechanism.So, the law of double-sourced matter-gene inheritance seems to be a basic universal law shared by both the advanced terrestrial lives and the celestial life systems. If the law of double-sourced matter-gene inheritance is proved to true, then the Taoist’s view that all forms of lives, either celestial life form or the advanced terrestrial life form, share the common nature of cyclically life-relaying process of all kinds of life forms. Undoubtedly, the above-mentioned Taoist naive naturalistic worldview is actually full of superb philosophical wisdom because of its crucial role in inspiring new physical ideas.

§2.2.1 The mechanism of planet formation

The mechanism by which the planet is formed is stellar-merger-caused metallic karyosphareejection. In this physical scenario, when one pair of contact binary-star system evolved into its merging phase, the velocity of their mutual-orbiting motion will be greatly accelerated as the distance between the two approaching component stars is quickly shortened because of the law of (approximate) conservation of angular momentum. As the speed of the mutually orbiting of the approaching component stars is accelerating, the centrifugal force acting on the core-gestated embryonic metallic karyospheres of the two merging component stars will increase exponentially to such a great strength that the core-gestated metallic karyospheres of merging component stars will be thrown out of their plasma envelopes into the circumstellar space. At this time, one of the component star, called the female-mother-natured component star, would use this highly strengthened centrifugal force to eject out all its core-gestated mass-matured embryonic metallic karyospheres into the local circumstellar space, giving birth to a clutch of newborn daughter-generation planets. The star-core-origin scenario described in the theory of star-planet coevolution is diametrically different from that of the circumstellar-origin scenario described by the solar nebular theory in terms of the location of planet formation.

Because of the principle of orthogonal axial intersectional intercutting and entangling of the magnetic fi elds lines of any two electromagnetically acting bodies is a universal mechanism operating on all kinds of two-body system, therefore, the spin axes of mutually orbiting and quickly approaching component stars is always perpendicular to one another. As is seen in the physical scenario of the colliding-caused decaying particles shown by LHC collaborates, the motion tracks of all these thrown-out metallic karyospheres are nearly circular, therefore, some of these thrown-out metallic karyospheres will be forcibly sent to a far-reaching circumstellar space to become the newly-formed daughter-generation young planets, almost in the same time, the seminal metallic karyospheres ejected by the male-father component star will be directly injected into the core area of the female-mother and fi rmly implanted within in the core. The trajectory of seminal metallic karyosphere ejected by the male-father component star should be a circular path as the seminal karyospheres would fl y back into the core of the stellar-merger-created newborn daughter star (resembles the Indian boomerangs) to become the seminal embryonic metallic karyospheres (the massly-immatured seminal core) of the daughter star. And all these seminal embryonic karyospheres that had been implanted into the core of the daughter star would automatically become the embryonic nuclei of the star-core-gestated mass-growing embryonic metallic karyospheres, just like the current sun-core-gestated the mass-growing planetary embryos of the next-generation planets. For detailed explanations regarding the process of how could these star-core-gestated embryonic metallic karyospheres grow in mass in the core of their mother star (via the suggested mechanism of even mass-coating which is synchronized with the process of the star-core-based heavy elements synthesis), please read the content of section-3, the essential nature of the evolutionary process of the solar system).

In terms of the entire process of planetary formation, the physical process can be roughly divided into three stages:

Stage-1, the stage 1 is the seed core-implantation stage or the seminal core-implantation stage, in which the seminal planetary embryos are seeded in the core of their mother star, the process of which is called the stellar-merger-caused seminal core—implanted plasmatic fusion, or the seminal giant metal nuclei-implanted plasmatic fusion. Metaphorically, it resembles the process of a fertilized egg being implanted in the uterus of an advanced terrestrial life. In this sense, the core of current Sun is like a giant celestial uterus in which the mass-growing embryonic metallic karyosphere—the mass-evolving planetary embryos of next-generation planets are growing in an irreversible process until one day in the distant future they become massively-matured.

Stage-2, the stage-2 is the planetary embryos’ mass-growing (mass-evolution) stage in which the star-core-gestated planetary embryos grow in mass until they become massively matured before being ejected out by their mother star. This is the longest process of the whole life of a planet growing up from a planetary embryo. The mechanism by which the planetary embryo grows in body mass is even masscoating, in this physical scenario, a large amount of freshly synthesized heavy metal elements in the star core (via the suggested mechanism of the Sun’s magnetic fi eld confi ned solar-planetary double-sourced particle jets colliding) are constantly electromagnetically coated on the surfaces of the star-core-gestated spinning metallic karyospheres, which enable the high density planetary embryos grow in masses at an accelerate mass-growing rate. In the same time, the quantum-tunneling mechanism would enable these star-core-synthesized energetic neutrons of the highest energy level to penetrate into the nuclei shells of the atoms lie within the very center of the planetary embryos, which could create a group of ultra-heavy mega-nuclear elements (UMNEs)—a group of extremely yet-known heavy elements that could be million times heavier that the heaviest known element. The physical process of the current evolving solar system is essentially the process of planetary formation at stage-2 (for detailed explanation of how a star-coregestated planetary growing in mass, please read the content of section 3 and 4).

Stage-3, stage 3 is also called the stage of stellar-merger-caused ejection of the mass-matured planetary embryos, or metaphorically, the planetary embryos laboring stage (or the giant metal egg-laying stage), in which a clutch of the mass-matured metallic planetary embryos are being ejected out into space by their mother star (the female-mother component star of merging binary star system) via the suggested mechanism of stellar-merger-caused metallic karyosphere-ejection.

(1)Several initial physical properties of the young planets

There are several basic physical parameters of a newly formed planet will reach the highest value in the whole life of an evolving planet and later, all these basic physical parameters of an evolving planet will gradually decay in the process of its subsequent evolution. These basic physical parameters include: the highest speed of rotation; the biggest orbital radius; the strongest strength of its magnetic fi eld; the highest mass-density (corresponding the highest metallicity) and the biggest volume of body mass. The reason why the above-mentioned multiple physical parameters of an evolving planet will decay synchronously by following an irreversible trend is because of the existence of the fundamental mechanism of nonequivalent matter-energy exchange between the Sun and planets. Modern observations show that the strength of the earth’s magnetic fi eld, the value of the earth’s mass, the strength of the earth’s mass-based gravitational attraction to its big, the earth’s rotational speed, the length of the earth’s orbital radius, are all decay synchronously by following an unstoppable trend, while the value of the Sun’s mass-energy scale will increase by following an irreversible mass-energy-increasing trend. The detailed physical explanation for how the mass-energy of an evolving planet could be transformed into the Sun’s core to be converted into the body masses of the sun-core-gestated embryonic metallic karyospheres (the planetary embryos of next-generation planets) will be followed in section 3.

§2.2.2 The mechanism of the Sun formation

The mechanism by which the sun is formed is stellar-merger-caused seminal metallic karyosphereimplanted plasmatic fusion (or simply called the seminal-core-implanted plasmatic fusion). In this physical scenario, when the distance between two merging component stars becomes so narrow that the velocity of their mutually orbital motion creases exponentially because of the law of conservation of angular momentum. Thus, the centrifugal force acting on their cores also increases considerably.In this physical scenario, the mechanism by which the female-mother component star ejected its coregestated mass-matured metallic karyospheres will enable the female-mother component star to create a vacuum space which is helpful for the mother component star to attract the in-coming seminal metallic karyospheres that is ejected by its male companion star (the male-father component star). In this physical scenario, almost at the same time, when the female-mother component star ejected the mass-matured embryonic metallic karyospheres nuclei from its core into the surrounding space, a stream of seminal metallic karyospheres ejected by the male-father component star would be immediately implanted into the core of the female-mother component star. Once the male-father component star has lost its seminal metallic karyospheres, its plasma shell will naturally merge with that of the female-mother component star under the action of gravito-electromagnetic force. Thus, two parent component stars merge into a newborn daughter single star, forming the nascent Sun. So, the mechanism of stellar-merger-caused seminal coreimplanted plasmatic fusion is a viable physical mechanism by which the Sun is formed.

In contrast to the initial status of the physical parameters of the newly-formed young planets,the initial mass-energy scale of the newly-formed young Sun is in the lowest level in its’ life, later, in the subsequent evolutionary process, which is essentially the process of non-equivalent mass-energy exchange between the Sun and planets (or the sun-planet coevolution process), the Sun will keep gaining its body mass via the physical mechanism of the bilateral and non-equivalent inter-solar-planetary massenergy exchange. As the Sun keeps increasing in mass while the planets keep losing their masses, it will defi nitely be a result of such a irreversible process that, in the far distant future, the masses of the currentevolving planets in the solar system will be completely transferred into the Sun’s core to be converted into the body masses of the Sun-core-gestated embryonic metallic karyospheres—the planetary embryos of next-generation planets. For detailed explanation about the mechanisms and laws involving the process of the solar system’s mass-energy transference from the planets to the sun’s core (the law of solar-end mass-energy transference), and how the solar system as a whole would evolve to be a giant-core-gestated female-mother component star of a next-generation binary system (with its future companion star being evolved from the current Alpha Centauri System), please read the contents of next section.

The process in which two parent contact component stars merges into a daughter single star is also a process in which the barycenter originally lies in between two component stars shift to the core of the daughter-generation single star, the mechanism of which is therefore called the interstellar barycenter shift. As the nascent Sun become the new gravitational center, all the infant planets, as the results of stellar-merger-caused metallic karyosphere ejection, will be gravito-electromagnetically attracted by the Sun and permanently revolve around it. In this physical scenario, as the magnetic field of the nascent Sun reaches out to at least 1 light-year away from its core, therefore, the magnetic fi elds’ lines of all the newborn planets revolving around the Sun that serve as a group of planetary-rotor, will naturally intercut and entangle with the magnetic fi eld lines of the Sun that serves as a stellar-stator, creating a solar-stator and planetary-rotor integrated complex dynamo system(the SSPR-dynamo system), the mechanism of which is then called the SSPR-dynamo mechanism. So, the plausible mechanism by which the entire solar system is formed is SSPR-dynamo mechanism. The detailed description of the formation of the solar system is presented in the following section.

§2.2.3 The mechanism of the formation of the whole solar system

The mechanism by which the whole solar system is formed is intercutting and entangling of the magnetic fields lines between the new born young Sun and young planets, or the stellar-stator and planetary-rotor combined dynamo mechanism (SSPR-DM). In this physical scenario, a newly formed daughter generation star, like our young energetic Sun, serves as central stellar-stator as its far-reached strong magnetic fi eld extends to the outer edge of Oort Cloud (a distance of more than 1 light-year), in which the newly formed young and energetic planets, with their initial magnetic fi elds being the strongest level, would serve as a group of planetary-rotors, and the magnetic fi eld lines of every newborn planet will be frequently intercutting and entangling with the magnetic fi eld lines of the young Sun—the centralstellar-stator, forming a cluster of invisible radial-confi gured gravito-electromagnetic bonds. These sunplanet-connecting bonds are functioning as both an electromagnetic force-mediator and a mass-energy exchanging channel simultaneously. The principle that describes the dual-natured functions of the sunplanet-connecting gravito-electromagnetic bond is called the principle of tunnel-bond duality (or the principle of channel-bond duality), which is also the best description of the dualistic-natured functions of the inter-atomic electromagnetic bond (the chemical bond). Thus, the principle of tunnel-bond duality is a macro-micro-unifi ed fundamental physical principle that can be used to be a unifi cation element to propound the theory of everything (for detailed explanation, please read the content of chapter 5).

Once the solar system was initially formed, it naturally becomes a coevolutionary system in which the Sun and its orbiting planets must coevolve by means of performing the physical activity of bilateral and non-equivalent mass-energy exchange. The coevolution process of the Sun and planets is supposedly governed by the four suggested laws of star-planet coevolution, which is characterized by an inversely coherent changes in mass-energy scales of the Sun and planets. The laws and mechanisms that are proposed to govern the physical process of the coevolution of the Sun and planets will be explicitly explained in Chapter 3.

§2.2.4 The formation of the earth-moon system

One of the most perplexing questions about the origin of the solar system is how the Earth-Moon system was formed. The currently accepted theory concerning the formation of the Earth-Moon system is giant impact hypothesis (GIH), which holds that a 45-degree oblique titanic collision between the protoearth and a Mars-sized planetary object (named Theia) led to the formation of the Earth-moon system. Although the GIH model can explain several aspects of the Earth-moon system, but it is still full of loopholes. The reason why the author believes that the GIH model cannot be correct is that this model is based on a completely wrong physical mechanism of protoplanet formation. The precondition for any theory to correctly explain the formation of earth-moon system is that such a theory or model must be built on a solid basis of the correct mechanism of planet formation. In this sense, GIH model is based on a circumstellar origin theory in which the solar system’s planets are thought to be created on a circumstellar proplanetary disc through the mechanism of accretion. If all kinds of circumstellar origin theory concerning the planet formation are proved wrong, then the GIH model will naturally falsifi ed.

The theory of star-planet coevolution holds that the whole process of planet formation, starting from the fi rst stage of a seminal planetary embryo being initially implanted into the core of its mother star (via the mechanism of stellar-merger-caused seminal core-implanted plasmatic fusion) to the fi nal stage of the planetary embryo growing up into a massively matured status, occurs within the core region of its mother star. Therefore, our new theory concerning the formation of Earth-Moon system is based on the starcore origin theory, which holds that the Earth and its big moon were originally two embryonic metallic karyospheres that had been gestated in the core of their mother star for at least ten-billion years and the whole process by which the Earth-represented and the moon-represented embryonic metallic karyosheres gained their body masses to their massively matured status occurs within the core region of their mother and later grew were ejected out into space to become the fully-fledged planets via the mechanism of stellar-merger-trigged metallic karyosphere ejection, a process in which the seminal core is implanted into the core of its mother star to its massively matured status, the whole process of a planet formation can only occur within the core of the mother star (star-core origin theory). So, the new mechanism of the formation of the Earth-Moon system is gravito-electromagnetic capture (totally different from the classical capture theory). This new electromagnetic capture theory is diametrically different from the classical capture theory because it is based on a new mechanism of planetary formation—the star core origin theory. In contrast, the GIH is based on the classical circumstellar origin theory which put the initial location of planet formation on a circumstellar disc. In the new physical scenario, both the Earth and its big moon were originally two star-core-gestated massively matured embryonic metallic karyospheres that were gestated in the core of the same female-mother-natured component star of a parent contact binary-star system, and later, the Earth-represented metallic karyosphere and Moon-represented metallic karyosphere were sequentially ejected out into space (by the same mother-natured component star of a merge-phased parent binary-star system) to become two fully-fl edged newborn baby planets via the mechanism of stellar-merger-trigged metallic karyosphere-ejection. In this physical scenario, when one pair of binary-star system evolved into its merge-phase, the distance between the two component stars will be rapidly shortening while the velocity of their mutually-orbiting is also accelerating, the process of which could generate a exponentially-increased strong centrifugal force because of the law of approximate conservation of angular momentum, which enable a female-mother-natured component star to eject a clutch of massively matured embryonic metallic karyospheres into local space, which led to the newborn baby planets. The Earth- and the Moon-represented metallic karyospheres are just members of the many metallic karyospheres being ejected out by the same mother star of the same merge-phased parent binary system. In this physical scenario, both the earth-mass metallic karyosphere and the moon mass metallic karyosphere were ejected by the same mother star, when the two metallic karyospheres are approaching each other via a circular trajectory path, their rotational axes will be automatically adjusted to be perpendicular to one another and their magnetic fields lines will be intercut with each other by following the micro-macro-unifi ed universal principle of orthogonal axial intersectional intercutting of magnetic fi elds lines. The mechanism by which the pluto-charon system is formed is exactly the same as the earth-moon system.

The reason for each planet to be distributed in different orbits is that, during the stellar-merging process, the ejection momentum that were applied on each metallic karyosphere are different.

The should be mainly two reasons for the four inner four terrestrial planets to generally have less mass than the four outer Jovian planets: 1), the ejection force acting on the mass-matured metallic karyosphere of Jovian sizes are much bigger. 2), the four inner terrestrial planets had generally experienced a more mass-loss because of the mechanism of non-equivalent inter-solar-planetary massenergy exchange. In this physical scenario, the process of planetary orbital decay and the process of planetary mass-decreasing are totally synchronized physical process of planetary evolution.

(1)Explanation for why the moon’s near side (the moon’s earth-facing side) is always faces the Earth permanently at all time?

As explained above, because the rotational axes of the Earth and its big moon are always perpendicular to each other, therefore, the moon’s near side (the earth-facing side) faces the Earth permanently at all time while the moon’s far side (moon’s back side) cannot be directly seen from the earth-based observer. This is what I believed the only correct physical explanation for why the Earth-based observer cannot directly see the moon’s far side. The classical explanation for this phenomenon occuring the earth-moon system matter is synchronous rotation— which is fundamentally incorrect. As opposed to the classical explanation of the synchronous rotation, we believe that the correct mechanism for explaining the phenomenon that the Moon’s near side faces the Earth at all time (the Earth-based observer cannot directly see the Moon’s far side) is orthogonal axial intersectional intercutting-and-entangling of the Earth’s magnetic fi eld lines and the Moon’s magnetic fi eld lines, which manifests as a stable threedimensional spatial relationship in which the Earth’s rotational axis and the Moon’s rotational axis are always perpendicular to each other. Because the rule of orthogonal axial intersectional intercutting-andentangling of magnetic fi elds lines of two bodies is universal, therefore, this rule applies to every binary system in both micro-particle and macro-celestial worlds. This is the reason why we see in every binary system, either a micro-particle binary system such as a positron-electron-paired micro-binary system,or a macro-celestial binary system, such as a binary-star system, or the Milky Way-Andromeda coupled binary-galaxy system, the rotational axes of the two component bodies are always perpendicular to each other. In the case of Milky Way-Andromeda Binary galaxy system, the Andromeda galaxy is observed to be a spindle-like shape is because that the rotational axis of the Andromeda galaxy is perpendicular to that of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Ultimately, the mechanism by which the Earth-Moon system is formed is orthogonally gravitoelectromagnetic capture of the two sequentially ejected two massively matured metallic karyospheres that were sequentially ejected out by the same female-mother-natured component star of the solar system’s parent binary-star system that gave the new life of the current evolving solar system via the mechanism of stellar-merger. And the Earth-Moon system is just one of the many daughter products produced by the same stellar-merger event, and the solar system as a whole is the biggest daughter product produced by the stellar-merger event. This means that the life-relaying processes of a parent binary-star system evolving into a daughter planet-bearing single star system is orderly managed.

The process of the formation of the Earth-Moon system is just a normally occurred harmonious process since the universe is orderly managed holistic system. No such thing as violent giant impact between two fully-fledged protoplanets, nothing is violent, nothing is chaotic, but everything is harmoniously processed and orderly managed. The human subjectively-viewed violent processes proceeded during the life-relaying processes in which a parent binary-star system ended its life by merging into a daughter-generation single star system by which the daughter Sun and the daughter planets are formed are totally harmonious processes which resemble the harmonious life-relaying processes occurring in the world of the advanced terrestrial lives. In this sense, the ejection of a plant seed and the ejection of a massively matured embryonic metallic karyosphere are essentially the same type of the harmonious process occurring in the life-relaying cycles of different worlds and the two types of life-relaying cycles share a common law of double-sourced matter-gene inheritance.

Based on the idea that the rotational axis of the Earth and the rotational axis of the Moon are perpendicular to each other, which is considered to be the physical consequence of the rule of orthogonal axial intersectional intercutting of the magnetic fi elds lines of two electromagnetically bonding bodies,I have further confi rmed the rotational direction of the Earth’s moon through a carefully time-dependent dynamical observations to the moon’s near side and the image analysis to the astronomic photos of showing the moon’s back side, I concluded that if an Earth-based observer views the moon’s near side from the perspective of the Earth for a consecutive 5-10 hours, he or she will fi nd that the moon rotational direction is clockwise. On the contrary, while a satellite-based observer views the moon’s far side (back side) from the perspective of a satellite, he or she will fi nd the moon’s rotational directional is counterclockwise. This cross-proved by the NASA-released astronomical photos that reflect the topological structure of the moon’s back side, people can easily fi nd that there is a propeller-like mark made by many overlapping asteroid impact craters (resembles the four spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy) that clearly show that, if an artifi cial satellite-based observer views the moon’s back side from the perspective of the satellite, the moon’s rotational direction is surely counterclockwise.

(2) Several characteristics and physical properties of the early earth-moon system

The early Earth-Moon system is very different from the current Earth-Moon system in several physical parameters and characteristics as described as follows:

(A), the mass density of the early Earth and the early Moon are much higher than the current Earth and current moon because all the metallic karyospheres are composed mainly of uranium and transuranium elements (by mass) when they were ejected out by their mother star and their crusts are covered by a thin layer of iron-family elements. There is no atmosphere cover the early Earth and early Moon because all the gaseous elements occurring on today’s Earth are originally transmuted from the transuranium elements through various known modes and yet-known modes of radioactive and non-radioactive decay. The potential law that the dictates the process of the planet-based elemental transmutation is a mass-decaying-trended law or the law of uranium-to-hydrogen trended elemental transmutation (for detailed explanation please read the contents of chapter 3). In other words, the oxygen,hydrogen, helium, carbon, etc. are essentially the results of the law of planet-based mass-decaying trended elemental transmutation. In short, the early Earth and the early are much more heavier and denser than the current-evolving Earth and the current-evolving moon.

(B)The distance between the early Earth and early moon is much shorter than the today’s distance between the Earth and the moon, the spatial relationship between the early Earth and early moon may be zeros meter—a kind of rigid body-touching status with their rotational axes being perpendicular to each other and the moon’s polar region may scratch on the Earth’s solid body which may have produced multiple parallel lines of scratches that are parallel to the Earth’s equatorial line. As the Earth and the Moon’ are both undergoing an unstoppable process of mass decay and magnetic fi eld decay, their bodies become lighter and lighter and their magnetic fi eld strength become weaker and weaker, therefore, the gravito-electromagnetic bonding force acting between the Earth and the moon become weaker and weaker, which manifests as the lunar recession phenomenon. As the body masses of the current Earth and current moon will continuously decay, the gravito-electromagnetic bonding force acting between the Earth and moon will become increasingly weaker and weaker until one day in the future the Earth’s moon will escape the Earth’s gravito-electromagnetic bonding force to become an independent dwarf planet orbiting the Sun in an orbit lies between the Mars and the Jupiter to become a member of main asteroid belt, which means the future Earth will has no natural satellite orbiting about it as the Earth’s mass and its magnetic field decaying to such a level that causes the future Earth to have no ability to generate a gravito-elelctromagnetic bonding force to capture a big moon. The future Earth will become a non-satellite-bearing planet just the current Venus and Mercury, with its orbital radius being gradually decaying to the orbit of the current Venus and then to the orbit of the current Mercury, and ultimately to the Sun’s atmosphere where the future aged life-ending Earth will be thermal-magnetically ripped into pieces of various sizes and irregular shapes to become many asteroids.

(C) The rotational velocity of the Earth and of the moon will continuously slow down as their orbital radii (their averaged distance from the Sun) are shortening at an accelerating orbital decay rate. And the future Earth-Moon system will inevitably collapse when the grvito-electromagnetic bonding force acting between the Earth and moon become increasingly weaker and weaker to such a weak strength that the moon will escape the Earth’s gravito-electromagnetic bonding force to become a dwarf planet move into the asteroid belt as the consequence of the suggested law of planetary mass-energy decay. The reason why the process of planetary evolution is dictated by the law of planetary mass-energy decay is because that the suggested fundamental mechanism of non-equivalent matter-energy exchange between the Sun and the planets is a central physical mechanism that is operated in between any two electromagnetically bonding objects which works in both micro-particle world and macro-celestial world.

(3) Explanation of the lunar recession phenomenon

As explained above, when the Earth-moon system was initially formed via the stellar-merger-resulted mechanism of gravito-electromagnetic capture, the initial distance between the young Earth and the young moon is extremely narrow because both the young Earth and young moon the initially strong were born with their intrinsic strong magnetic fields by which an extremely strong gravito-electromagnetic interaction could be generated via the mechanism of orthogonal axial intersectional intercutting and entangling of their magnetic fi elds lines. So, it is possible for the young Earth and the young big moon to form a rigid body-body touching and scratching geometric spatial relationship in the early history of the Earth-moon system. And later, due to the mechanism of non-equivalent matter-energy exchange between planets and the Sun, the masses and the magnetic fields strength of both the Earth and its big moon are undergoing an unstoppable decaying process which causes the gravito-electromagnetic interaction between the Earth and its moon to become increasingly weaker and weaker, which is the real physical cause leads to the lunar-recession phenomenon.

(4) Explanation for why there are more craters on the far side of the moon than on the near side of the moon?

The reason why the moon’s far side has greater numbers of craters than on its near side is that the rotational axis of the moon is perpendicular to that of the Earth, therefore, there is a polar gravitomagnetic vortex formed on the moon’s polar region. Similarly, there are also two polar gravito-magnetic vortices formed on the earth’s two polar regions, when the asteroids moving towards the earth’s polar region, most of them will be pushed away from the earth’s upper-polar region all the way to the moon’s back side due to the combination effects of the out-streaming solar wind and the earth’s gravitational slingshot effect, and these asteroids that are carried to the moon’s back side will be pulled back to impact on the moon’s far side due to the combined effects of the moon’s polar magnetic vortex-pulling effect generated on the moon’s north polar region and the earth’s magnetic fi eld lines reconnection. Because the moon’s rotational axis is perpendicular to that of the earth, therefore, the streams of asteroids impacted on the moon’s back side will create the whirlpool-like images than can be observed on the NASA-published photos of the far side of the moon.

§2.2.5 The formation of the asteroids and comets and their similarity in chemical composition

According to the solar nebular theory, planets, asteroids and comets formed at the same time and by the same mechanism—accretion of building materials from the same protoplanetary disc. In other words,the asteroids and comets are thought to be the remnants of the planet-building process. Based on this idea, the mainstream scientists use the method of radioisotope dating of the sample material of asteroids to estimate the age of the solar system and conclude that age of the solar system is about 4.6 billion years or so. As opposed to this view, the theory of star-planet coevolution holds that the mechanism by which the asteroids and comets are formed is thermal-magnetic ripping, which views the asteroids and comets as the debris of the remains of a life-ending planet that died before Mercury, rather than the precursors of the protoplanets. In this physical scenario, when an aged planet evolved into its life-ending stage (just like the current planet Mercury that is essentially a naked metal core of dying planet), because the process of planetary evolution is supposed to be governed by the suggested law of synchronous decay of the massenergy of a planet, therefore, a variety of physical parameters of an evolving solar system planet, such as the rest mass, magnetic fi eld strength, rotational velocity, and orbital radius, undergo an irreversible process of synchronous decay. When the orbital radius of a life-ending planet decays to the Sun’s upper atmosphere - a critical distance at which the mechanism of solar thermal-magnetic ripping kicks in. In this physical scenario, the Sun's atmospheric high temperature of about million-degree Celsius is hot enough to melt a rocky planet into a liquid plasma fl uid, and the sun’s powerful magnetic fi eld will tear the melting planet apart into a large number of irregular fragments. When two chunks of half-molten fragments collide with each other, they will be bonded together to form a snowman like or a peanut like asteroids, like the asteroid Arrokoth.

Under the combined actions of the out-push force generated by of the out-streaming solar wind and the convection of the putative radial magnetohydrodynamic whirlpool-like vortices that are suggested to exist in interplanetary space. The fragments of the remains of the dead planets are transported to different planetary orbits to become different types of asteroids and comets. Most of the debris was captured by Jupiter's gravity, forming the asteroid's main belt. The remaining debris was transported to the Kuiper Belt to become the comets. Based on this asteroid-and comet-forming scenario, the author concluded that the age of the solar system should be the total time equals to the average lifespan of the solar system’s planets which is about 10 billion years. Let’s say, there is at least one dead planet that had experienced the process of the solar thermal-magnetic ripping, therefore, the age of the solar system should be at least 10 billion years, rather than 4.6 billion years. Metaphorically, the main-belt of asteroids lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter should be viewed as the “public comic cemetery of the solar system” , where the debris of the remains of the once dead planets that were fragmented by the suggested mechanism of solar thermal-magnetic ripping are buried. Logically, the mechanism of solar thermal-magnetic ripping,which is proposed to explain the formation of asteroids and comets is consistent with the suggested law of planetary evolution.

It must be specially emphasized that the mechanism of dwarf planet formation is exactly the same as that of the main planets, but the dwarf planets can be understood to be the “premature infant planet” of the mass-immature type.

The similar chemical compositions of asteroids and comets

Because the asteroids and comets originated by the same mechanism of solar thermal-magnetic ripping and have the same planetary source of make-up material, therefore, the basic chemical compositions of both are essentially the same, modern observational and comet-sampling experiments show that all kinds of comets are made of the similar rocky materials, nothing special. The water molecules contained in the comet tails is the same kind of mineral water contained in all kinds of rocky asteroids. So, there is no such thing as a chemical difference between icy comets and rocky comets. All kinds of asteroids and comets are chemically similar because of their same formation mechanism and same material source—the fragments of the remains of the same dead planet that were produced by the same physical astrophysical mechanism of solar thermal-magnetically ripping.

§2.2.6 The mechanism of even distribution of the comet-like rocky objects

As above-explained, when the dead planet will be ripped up into a large number of irregular fragments that will be evenly distributed into a belt-like asteroids belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter as well as the comet belt lies in Kuiper belt., the mechanism of which is called even-mass distribution of planetary fragments.

§2.2.7 The formation of sun-core-oriented radial magnetohydrodynamic whirlpool-like vortices (which pull the comets down to the sun)

The combination mechanisms of the intercutting and entangling of the magnetic fi elds’ lines between the solar magnetic fi eld and the planetary magnetic fi elds and the interplanetary orbital interactions will produce many invisible sun-oriented radial magnetohydrodynamic whirlpool-like short-lived vortices that are created periodically to have a short life which serves as a periodically whirlpool-dragging force that pull the comets down to the sun, creating the periodical comets. This means that the traditional calculated orbits to explain the occurrence of the events of the long-period comets is totally wrong.

§2.2.8 The 77-year periodically “coming-back event”of Halley’s comet cannot be the same object but the different comet-like objects

The combination effects produced by the mechanism of even-fragment distribution and the drag mechanism of the sun-oriented radial magnetohydrodynamical whirlpool-like vortices will create the periodical comets. This comet-forming scenario implies that the Halley's comet cannot be the same object that repeatedly graze the sun again and again in several centuries. Instead, the author propose that for every event of the “coming back” Halley’s comet, they are actually different comet-like objects with different shapes and different masses but the similar chemical composition. This view can be easily tested by close-up observations of several times to see the difference in shapes and colors, etc. the author believes that for every time of the coming-back event of Harlley’s comet, the object of Harlley’s comet will be totally evaporated into a cloud of gases and dusts and cannot survive the fiction-burn of solar winds. The reason for Harlley’s comet to come-back repeatedly at a regular periodical frequency is that the periodically formation of the sun-oriented radial magnetohydrodynamical whirlpool-like vortices as the result of the interplanetary orbital interactions between the Saturn and Jupiter as well as the orbital interaction between Uranus and Neptune. The maximum inter-Uranus-Neptune orbital l resonance is about 80 years, therefore, the short-lived radial magnetohydrodynamical whirlpool-like vortices is created for every 80-yr cycle which pulls the comet of the Harlley’s comet-size towards the Sun, creating the“Harlley’s comet coming-back event”. //DAiKFTeUbEUc7TY7rPbVkNWCO+cBGBWih9P0EdVSef1HgSRxxfo4qs0SLvhtgT
