
§2.1 The philosophical inspiration of the Yin-Yang dialectics of Taoism and the holistic view of TCM

The Yin-Yang dialectics of Taoism and the holistic view of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) both played a crucial philosophical inspiration role in inspiring me to discover the stellar-merger origin model to explain the origin of the solar system. Firstly, according to Taoism's basic philosophical guiding principle of exploring the laws of nature, the most basic laws and mechanisms of nature must be hidden behind the most common natural phenomena. Inspired by the philosophical wisdom of Taoism, I began to ponder that the mystery of the origin of the solar system must be hidden behind the most common astronomical phenomena that occur in the stellar world since our solar system is just an ordinary planetbearing single star system. There is no doubt that, in our Milky Way Galaxy, the star-pairing phenomena,which manifest as various types of binary-star systems, and the stellar-merger events, which may manifest as various types of supernova explosion, are the most common astrophysical phenomena occurring in the stellar world. Therefore, the physical mechanisms and laws governing the origin and evolution of the solar system are likely to be hidden behind the commonly seen binary-star systems and the frequently occurred stellar-merger events. And I also believe that, by combining the ancient Taoist way of philosophical thinking with the modern-west way of physical thinking, I may develop a powerful new mode of scientifi c thinking that is totally based on the correct worldview, I call this new mode of scientific thinking the“Neophilosophsical thinking mode” which help may discover a new physical theory that can explain the origin and evolution of the solar system with a high degree of self-consistency and falsifi ability.

I hypothesized that, if the solar system were the daughter single star system that originated from a stellar-merger event, the mass of the parent binary-star system will then be completely inherited by the daughter solar system. This picture can immediately help us fi nd a plausible physical mechanism to explain the initial formation of the young Sun. However, the problem with this stellar-merging model is that it is diffi cult to directly discover the physical mechanisms of planetary formation in the scenario of stellar-merger. I have been puzzled for a long time about how to fi gure out the mechanism of planetary formation in the scenario of stellar-merger without any results until one day when I was preparing for my favorite food—“sauteed egg with chopped tomato”, I took two eggs and one tomato out of my refrigerator and put them on the kitchen counter, and I looked at the fresh eggs for a few seconds and suddenly, the philosophical wisdom hidden in the Yin-Yang dialectics of Taoism had once again come into play. Taoists believes that any two coupled components in all kinds of binary systems in the universe can be endowed with a generalized biological properties of gender—the male body and female body. This means that any two component stars of a binary system can be classifi ed as a male-component star and a femalecomponent star. In this way, during the merger process, the female-component star may eject its coregestated embryonic metallic karyospheres (dubbed the giant iron eggs) —the massively matured planetary embryos of next-generation planets—into the circumstellar space to give birth to a clutch of new born daughter planets just like hens laying eggs. Thus, I came up with an idea that planetary embryos may like a clutch of star-core-gestated mass-growing “giant iron eggs” that were originally implanted in the core of its mother star via a putative mechanism of stellar-merger-caused embryonic metallic karyosphere implanted plasmatic fusion occurring during the process of the 2-in-1 merger of the parent binary system and later, when these star-core-gestated “giant iron eggs” evolved into a massively matured status, they could be ejected out into space by their mother star (a female-mother-natured component star of a mergephased binary system) via a putative mechanism of what I called the stellar-merger-activated metallic karyosphere-ejection. I was so excited about this great metaphoric idea and I coined the metaphorical nickname “Wei Ju’s Egg” that is also an important scientifi c pet just like Schrödinger's Cat because it’s really helped me to describe my groundbreaking hypothesis that planetary embryos of all planets in the universe should be originally a clutch of star-core-gestated high-density metallic karyospheres that grow in mass via a star-core-operated mechanism of what I called even mass-coating. In this physical scenario, the mechanism by which the heavy metal elements synthesized in star core is stellar magnetic fi eld confi ned and stellarplanetary double magnetic fields co-energized and stellar-planetary double-sourced electromagnetic jets colliding. The process of heavy elements synthesis and the process of planetary embryos growing in mass are consecutively proceeding processes by which the freshly synthesized heavy elements would be evenly electromagnetically coated onto the spinning bodies of star-core-gestated planetary embryos until they grow up to their massively matured status, before being ejected out into space to become a clutch of fully-fl edged newborn planets. In this sense, I believe that the newly coined concept of “Wei Ju’s Egg”, as a scientifi c metaphor, should have the same scientific value as Schrodinger’s Cat. If Schrodinger’s Cat can help us understand the principle of quantum superposition, then “Wei Ju’s Egg” can also help us understand the starcore origin theory concerning the initial region and physical mechanism of planet formation.

Besides the several other differences in the aspects of physical mechanisms, there is a key criterion that makes the classical planetary formation model and my star-core-origin model radically different form each other is the initial formation region of the planetary embryos. This is a decisive criterion of choosing one between two. There is no third choice. As far as the initial region of planet formation is concerned,all the traditional theories concerning the planet formation can be classified as the circumstellar origin theories which hold that the planetary embryos originally formed from the protoplanetray disc surrounding the protostar, while my theory of star-planet coevoluton can be classifi ed as the star-coreorigin theory, which holds that the initial formation region and the subsequent mass-growing region of a planetary embryo lie within the core of its mother star. In the second physical picture, a clutch of starcore-gestated planetary embryos (termed as the embryonic metallic karyospheres) that were originally implanted in the core of their mother star and were continuously growing in mass therein until they become massively matured before being be ejected out by their mother star to become a clutch of newly formed young planets via the putative stellar-merger-caused karyosphere-ejection.

As mentioned-above, both the Taoist’s Yin-Yang way of dialectical thinking and the holistic view of TCM gave me some valuable insights into the questions of planetary formation. According to the Taoist’s way of viewing things, all physically pairing objects can be generally classified into a Yin-negative natured body and a Yang-positive-natured body by assigning them the generalized physical nature. Based on the Taoist’s Ying-Yang classifi cation of things, Taoist natural philosophy also holds that all physicallypairing bodies can also be classifi ed into a more generalized nature-revealed concept of a male-father body and a female-mother body. Based on this idea, I hypothesize that, if the physical mechanism of planetary formation is really hidden behind commonly seen stellar-merger events, then the two component stars of a contact binary system can be classifi ed into a male-father component star and a female-mother component star by assigning them the basic biophysical properties according to the roles they played in the cyclicallyoccurred life-relaying processes in which a parent binary-star system are merging into a daughtergeneration single star system. In this physical scenario, the planets of the solar system, can be regarded as a clutch of mass-matured planetary embryos of the daughter-generation planets, like a clutch of “giant metal eggs”, can be plausibly given life by its mother star— the female-mother component star of a merging-phased parent binary-star system—through a plausible physical mechanism of stellar-mergercaused ejection of the mass-matured embryonic metallic karyospheres that were originally gestated in the core of the female-mother component star of a merging-phased parent binary-star system. This stellarmerger origin hypothesis implies that the daughter-generation planets as a clutch of mass-matured metallic planetary embryos being ejected by their mother star can be distributed into the circumstellar space and revolve around the newborn daughter-generation single star that also formed in the same stellar-merger event through a putative mechanism of what I suggested “stellar-merger-caused seminal core-implanted plasmatic fusion”. By following this thought map, an initial blurred physical picture became gradually clear that our solar system, being a daughter product, originated from a once merged parent binary-star system (the parent binary-star system). Thus, I proposed a hypothesis that both the young Sun and its orbiting planets would have formed from the same stellar-merger event occurred at least 10 billion years ago. In other words, the two fundamental physical mechanisms, the mechanism of the Sun formation and the mechanism of planet formation, could operate synchronously in the same process of stellar-merger in which one pair of parent binary-star system merged into a daughter single star system. The masses of the female-mother-natured component star and the male-father-natured component star can be completely inherited by the daughter single star system by following the universal law of double-sourced parental matter-gene inheritance. fAunnYteGWMfTI4mO+R9vpg5/A2UdrPTKuvSlg2HlNu8zKlfVklk17Dred/Mhlp3
