




中国气候变化事务特使 原国家环境保护总局局长







英国议会上院议员 英国前外交大臣 英国前财政大臣

Liu Xiaoming was the longest-serving Ambassador to date of the People’s Republic of China to the United Kingdom and his tenure covered a period in which China’s importance as an economic and a strategic power increased enormously. It also coincided with significant high points and low points in the UK-China relationship. This collection of essays by Ambassador Liu reflects that evolution of the UK-China relationship over the period of his tenure and also throws important light on how China wished to present its growing power to a Western audience. Over the eleven years he was in London, Liu Xiaoming became a major player in the conduct of UK-China relations and this collection represents an important historic record.

—Rt Hon the Lord Hammond of Runnymede
Former Foreign Secretary of State
Former Chancellor of the Exchequer







The Icebreakers helped reopen an old road of connectivity between China and the UK following the 1949 assumption of national leadership in China by the CPC. it was not a simple road because of fundamental political opposition but the natural flow of trade was rebuilt, and then the flow of people to people.

Later after 2012 China had returned to its economic clarity and global role.At the same time China played an increasing role in the world due to its rediscovered economic strength, and due to the emergence of Asia as a political centre of the world. Asia emerged based on low labour costs and then on innovation. China trod a similar path.

China from attending the United Nations from 1971 grew to be an important part of world discussions about global issues. In this period after 2012 friends like the Icebreakers suggested China’s voice needed to be more easily heard and more in the language of our nations (in the West).

Ambassador Liu Xiaoming was a pioneer in this opening of China to Western minds and learnt to attend media conferences and TV shows. But it was his speeches which resonated the most. Here was a senior Chinese diplomat who could play the Western presenters at their own game in their own language.

And so his speeches became more important as they told the bigger story in words that were easily understood. His grasp of English was very valuable, as was his grasp of the ways of Western peoples.

He was not afraid to confront necessary truths and stand his ground. He would have helped younger diplomats to learn how to speak and present to Western audiences. He helped transform the role of Chinese diplomacy to the global stage, and that impact will be felt for many decades ahead.

He is a true Icebreaker.

—Stephen Perry
Chairman, The 48 Group Club
Awardee of China Reform Friendship Medal


英国议会上院议员 英国首相撒切尔夫人外事顾问

Liu Xiaoming was a formidable and successful Ambassador for China to the United Kingdom and this collection of his speeches shows why. An Ambassador’s job is to make sure that his government’s policies and views are as widely known and as well explained as possible. Ambassador Liu undertook that task with enthusiasm, not just through his trenchant speeches but also in newspaper articles and television interviews. He spoke in every part of the United Kingdom and to a wide variety of audiences from the seat of privilege at Eton College, to senior military oficers, universities and seminars on Marxism. And he spoke more often in public than any other foreign Ambassador. The speeches were the more efective because of his remarkable command of the English language and his long experience of the United Kingdom, serving as Ambassador for a record-breaking eleven years.His time as Ambassador spanned both high points and low points in the relations between Britain and China, including the period he proclaimed as the Golden Era.But of one thing we could always be sure: whether welcome or unwelcome, we all knewwhat China’s governmentthought,thanksto hisdiligence and his speeches.

—Lord Powell of Bayswater
Foreign Policy Adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher




英国社会科学院院士 英国社会学学会前会长

During Ambassador Liu Xiaoming’s 11 year tour of duty in the UK that began in 2010 he delivered over 700 speeches. For his mission he coined the acronym IDEA to summarise its purposes: expanding common interests; promoting dialogue; exploring co-operation; accommodation in bilateral relations.

Tell China’s Story contains just 35 gems from that extraordinary IDEA treasure trove. They were ofered to the military, to young leaders, to business people,and many more, and delivered in all the corners of the UK. They reflect the most positive aspects of China-UK relations in what he called its Golden Era.

Two aspects of his thinking contribute much more widely to our shared future than just to the UK and make his speeches worthy of attention by a world-wide readership. One is a continuing emphasis on the core ideas that China brings to international order, co-operation, openness, harmony, rule-based governance.The other exposes fully the special features of China’s culture that provides its unique selling points: Marxism with Chinese characteristics, the wisdom of Confucius and Sun Tzu, the century old Communist Party.

Throughout, incidental remarks make the reader sit up and think. China has more neighbouring countries on its borders than any other state. China provides more UN peacekeepers than any other nation. Let us reflect on how those two facts might be connected. Then go back and read more of this remarkable collection of insights.

—Martin Albrow
Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences
Former President of the British Sociological Association


英国皇家学会前会长 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者

Ambassador Liu Xiaoming was China’s long serving Ambassador to the UK, who gave many speeches in accomplished English to a wide range of audiences during his time of service at the London Embassy. These are being published in a number of volumes of which Tell China’s Story is the first,which focuses on China’s recent development. Liu Xiaoming is an articulate speaker knowledgeable about China and its place in the world, who in these texts explains much about modern China and its people. The prose is lively, challenging, sometimes controversial, but always interesting and informative. It is important that China and the world understand each other better, and this book is a very useful step on the path leading to better mutual understanding.

—Sir Paul Nurse
Chief Executive of the Francis Crick Institute
Former President of the Royal Society
Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine


英国议会上院议员 英中贸易协会名誉主席 英国财政部前首席商业大臣

It is rare for any Ambassador to be in London for over a decade but even rarer for an Ambassador to develop such a public profile as Ambassador Liu Xiaoming. In his speeches and articles Ambassador Liu was a prolific interpreter of Chinese policies to a British audience and a regular and pointed commentator on the China-UK relationship. Ambassador Liu’s speeches and articles are an important resource for anyone interested in how China presented itself to the world in the second decade of the twentieth century and on how it saw the twists and turns in the UK-China relationship.

—Lord Sassoon
Honorary President of the China-Britain Business Council
Former First Commercial Secretary to the Treasury


英国政府“一带一路”特使 英国汇丰集团前主席

For anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of China, how it sees itself, how it envisages its role in the world and how it has achieved the enormous strides it has in terms of its development and opening-up, would do well to read the speeches of Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, delivered while he was Ambassador to the UK. The Ambassador is a consummate storyteller, unafraid to tackle complex issues openly and clearly and draws the reader into a world that may be unfamiliar or confusing, even challenging to them, leaving them with a greater understanding of what can be achieved through mutual respect and a willingness to grasp opportunities of mutual interest to build a world of shared prosperity.

—Sir Douglas Flint
UK Special Envoy to Belt and Road Initiative
Former Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings



Liu Xiaoming brought to his record-breaking decade as Ambassador a high level of intellect, understanding and sometimes pungent humour, mixed with a forceful defense of Chinese interests. Across many fields of politics, economics,education, culture and social affairs, he never left his audiences in any doubt of his wish for Britain to play a strong role as partners to China in a complex multilateral world. The collected work of his speeches epitomises this approach—a rich testament to an extraordinary period in UK-Chinese relations.

—Dr David Marsh
Chairman of the Oficial Monetary and
Financial Institutions Forum



A staunch defender of closer economic ties between China and the UK, Liu Xiaoming is, at heart, a reformer, a man with one eye on the future as well as a deep understanding of the past.

In a speech to the Oxford and Cambridge Club in 2019 he makes the point that China is still a developing country, albeit the biggest one in the world.

To read these speeches is to gain a deeper understanding of a country that,he says, is determined to“keep its doors open to the world and to deepen its reform.”

—Lord March
The Duke of Richmond and Gordon
President of the British Automobile Racing Club



This is a very valuable collection of Liu Xiaoming’s speeches to mark his extraordinary time and tenure as Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Court of St James’s—the United Kingdom—from 2010 to 2021. The breadth and depth of the subjects covered, the key audiences addressed, and the skill and style with which Ambassador Liu seeks to explain China’s reform and opening-up are all truly impressive. This collection of speeches will stand as a remarkable testimony to his time of service in the UK, and to his commitment to promoting better understanding of China.

—Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles
Chair of the China-Britain Business Council
Former British Ambassador to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan anprgCfD2Ao1p2aXj64It5dKplQD0jK+ay3T+qK6Q6BnErd9DhHAyqXF/G7unoRW
