





Listen to the following passage.Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning.For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds.The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.You will then be given ONE minute to check through your work once more.

Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.



In this section you will hear a talk.You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.While listening, you may look at the task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable.You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

Now listen to the talk.When it is over, you will be given TWO minutes to check your work.


In this section you will hear two conversations.At the end of each conversation, five questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY.After each question there will be a ten-second pause.During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.

Now, listen to the conversations.

Conversation One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.

1.A.She is ready to get her degree.

B.She now lives in Porter Dormitory.

C.She is in her fourth year in college.

D.She majors in economics.

2.A.She does not have any other place to go.

B.She does not have enough credit.

C.She loves the dorm so much.

D.She has to do student teaching.

3.A.Because she is going to graduate soon.

B.Because the dormitory needs to be repaired.

C.Because she said that she would not need the room before.

D.Because there are not enough rooms for foreign students.

4.A.The female student has been on campus longer.

B.The female student's best friends live in the dorm.

C.The foreign student does not know the area.

D.The foreign student receives better grades.

5.A.Find another dorm room on campus.

B.Ask her professor for help.

C.Talk to the incoming foreign student.

D.Live off-campus with her friends.

Conversation Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.

6.A.To get a letter of recommendation for her.

B.To seek information on what jobs are available.

C.To get his opinion on life in a large city like London.

D.To inquire about her academic future.

7.A.Work in the city council.

B.Teach college students.

C.Be a psychologist.

D.Be a teacher or counselor.

8.A.She found applying to graduate schools is fun.

B.She majors in educational psychology.

C.She is experienced in teaching children.

D.She prefers to study in a big foreign city.

9.A.It's an exciting city.

B.It's best for learning education.

C.It has pleasant weather.

D.It has top education programs.

10.A.Only apply to famous schools in big cities.

B.Consider applying to schools in different places.

C.Study in London and meet new people.

D.Get a Master's degree in education.


There are twenty sentences in this section.Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

11.This is an illness that can result in total blindness_______ left untreated.





12.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.Forty miles is a short drive in a car.

B.No one except his parents think he is clever.

C.Neither Peter nor I am attending the meeting.

D.Few friends of mine are really lazy.

13.The injured woman died_______ loss of blood.





14.Let's have dinner together,_______?

A.shan't we

B.won't we

C.will we

D.shall we

15.Which of the following italicized parts modifies a verb?

A.She found him friendly.

B.You made me happy.

C.He is athletic and runs fast.

D.Please leave me alone.

16._______, he does not finish the task.

A.As clever he is

B.As he is clever

C.Clever as he is

D.Clever as is he

17.Which of the following contains an adverbial clause of cause?

A.Poor as he is, he is happy.

B.I will sign the paper as soon as I receive it.

C.As he got up late, he missed the school bus.

D.I'll behave toward them as I would like to be treated.

18.What does “He can't see you quickly enough” mean?

A.He desires to see you as soon as possible.

B.He will not see you quite soon.

C.He cannot see you as you want.

D.He is too busy to see you quickly.

19.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.I cannot help but feel sorry for his loss.

B.We cannot but reading books to increase our knowledge.

C.I cannot help admiring her kindness and honesty.

D.I cannot but feel excited whenever I visit China.

20.Which of the following sentences expresses a positive meaning?

A.I understand little of what the old man said.

B.Scarcely anybody believes that.

C.We can hardly praise his achievement too much.

D.Years later he found he could hardly recognize his hometown.

21.It is not so much the words_______ the ideas they express that count.





22.Mistakes don't just happen; they occur for a reason.Find out the reason, and then make the mistake become_______.





23.The old man can't get_______ because he is still very weak.





24.You have to_______ that you finish your homework before you go to bed.





25.Jack was the only one of the few men who_______ won the award.





26.A thief_______ Darcy's house last night.

A.broke away

B.broke off

C.broke out

D.broke into

27.Surgical techniques are constantly being refined .The underlined part means_______.





28.The great writer_______ his pen.

A.lives by

B.lives on

C.feed on

D.live off

29.It was requested that all of the equipment______ in the agreed time.


B.would be erected

C.be erected

D.will be erected

30.Hopes of an imminent deal to end the crisis appeared to have been dashed.The underlined part means_______.






Decide which of the words given in the box below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blank.The words can be used ONCE ONLY.Mark the letter for each word on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

A.achieving B.as C.expectancy D.filling E.grade F.large-scale G.lifespan H.previously I.realize J.regardless K.scored L.short-tempered M.speaking N.stage O.written

Do you wander aimlessly through life, taking each day as it comes? New research published shows that at any age, having a sense of purpose could add your (31)______.“Our findings find that setting important goals for life can actually help you live longer, (32)_______ of when you'll find your purpose,” says lead researcher Dr.Patrick Hill.

Purposefulness has (33)______ been found to be one of the strongest predictors of longevity,but this is the first study in which this effect was studied specially.Hill examined data from a (34)______ longitudinal(持续的)study of health conducted in the US amongst adults between the ages of 20 and 75.As a measure for the level of purpose in life,the researchers used the scores participants had given when rating themselves against three statements: “Some people wander aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them”; “I live life one day at a time and don't really think about the future”; and “I sometimes feel (35)______ if I've done all there is to do in life”.

Fourteen years after (36)______ in this questionnaire, 9% participants had passed away.Those alive had (37)______ significantly higher on self-reported purpose in life, which is surprisingly consistent across all age groups.And this shows the significance of finding a purpose at any (38)______ in adult life.

It is still unknown through which mechanisms a sense of purpose may increase a person's life (39)______.It is possible that those with a clear purpose could be getting more physical exercise, or enjoying the benefits of (40)_______ their goals regularly.



In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple choice questions.For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.


(1) Gravity is one of those things we take completely for granted.And there are two things about it that we take for granted: the fact that it is always there, and the fact that it never changes.If the Earth's gravity were ever to change significantly, it would have a huge effect on nearly everything because so many things are designed around the current state of gravity.

(2) Gravity is an attractive force between any two atoms.Let's say you take two golf balls and place them on a table.There will be an incredibly slight gravitational attraction between the atoms in those two golf balls.If you use two massive pieces of lead and some amazingly precise instruments, you can actually measure an infinitesimal attraction between them.It is only when you get a gigantic number of atoms together, that the force of gravitational attraction is significant.

(3) The reason why gravity on Earth never changes is because the mass of the Earth never changes.A change in mass great enough to result in a change in gravity isn't going to happen anytime soon.

(4) But let's ignore the physics and imagine that, suddenly there was no force of gravity on planet Earth.This would turn out to be a pretty bad day.We depend on gravity to hold so many things down—cars, people, furniture, pencils and papers on your desk, and so on.Everything would start to float.What's more, two of the more important things held on the ground by gravity are the atmosphere and the water in the oceans, lakes and rivers.Without gravity, the air in the atmosphere would immediately leap into space.This is the problem the moon has—the moon doesn't have enough gravity to keep an atmosphere around it, so it's in a near vacuum.Without an atmosphere, any living thing would die immediately and anything liquid would boil away into space.

(5) In other words, no one would last long if the planet didn't have gravity.

(6) If gravity were to suddenly double, it would be almost as bad, because everything would be twice as heavy.There would be big problems with anything structural.Houses, bridges, skyscrapers, table legs and so on are all sized for normal gravity.Most structures would collapse fairly quickly if you doubled the load on them.

(7) What this answer shows you is just how integral gravity is to our world.We can't live without it.It is one of the true constants in our lives.

41.What will happen if the gravity suddenly disappeared?

A.Nothing on Earth will begin to float.

B.The air will leap into space in a minute.

C.Some of the living things will die gradually.

D.Water is everywhere on Earth.

42.Which of the following will be greatly influenced if gravity were to suddenly double?






(1) Every generation puts its stamp on the American Dream.But none have re-engineered the term quite like Millennials(千禧一代,1984~1995年出生),who mostly want to travel and not work slavishly for the man.

(2) The American Dream has been part of our culture since the 1930s, and has at times referred to home ownership, a good job, retirement security, or each generation doing better than the last.Now comes a new young adult population to say it means none of that; the dream is really about day-to-day control of your life.

(3) In a new poll, 38% of Millennials say travel is part of the American Dream,exceeding the 28% who name secure retirement.They identify the dream of home ownership at a far lower rate than Gen X(X一代,20世纪60~70年代出生)and baby boomers(婴儿潮一代,1946~1964年出生).Meanwhile,26% of Millennials cite self-employment as part of the dream—more than Gen X (23%) and older boomers (16%), according to MassMutual's study The 2013 State of the American Family.

(4) These attitudes make a lot of sense in the context of the era that Millennials have come of age.Home ownership?Many of them saw the foreclosure(取消抵押品赎取权)crisis up close.A good job?The rate of 16-to 24-year-olds out of school and out of work is unusually high at 15%.Many college graduates have taken jobs that don't require a degree.

(5) What about retirement security? Again,this generation has seen the retirement hopes of its parents fade with lackluster(乏善可陈的)investment results and crumbling pensions.It seems the Great Recession left its mark.As a group,Millennials prize job mobility, flexible schedules, any work that is more interesting than punching a keyboard, and the ability to travel and be with friends.Millennials (11%) are far more likely than boomers (3%) to identify close friends as part of their family.

(6) The landscape is different for young adults today, and the level of frustration has been increasing since the recession.A true American Dream has to feel attainable, and many Millennials aren't feeling they can attain much more than a day-to-day lifestyle that suits them.

(7) They aren't alone, by the way.Some 45% of older boomers agree that the American Dream is slipping away—up from 30% two years ago.Boomers still cling to the old American Dream of financial independence (80%) and home ownership (78%).But for a large number of the population those dreams too are starting to feel elusive(难以实现的).

43.What can we learn from MassMutual's study?

A.Compared to travel, retirement security is dreamt by more Millennials.

B.Self-employment is more cited as part of the American Dream by some Millennials.

C.Most Millennials view travel as part of the American Dream.

D.None of Millennials select home ownership as part of the American Dream.

44.What contributed to the attitude of Millennials to the American Dream?

A.Few households face foreclosure.

B.Youth unemployment is unusually high.

C.Most people get satisfied results in investment.

D.Retired people could get more pensions.

45.What's older boomers' attitude towards the American Dream?

A.Quite optimistic.

B.Slightly pessimistic.




(1) More than 15 million Americans undergo surgery each year, but some elective operations may be more about the surgeon's preference than about the patient's need for the procedure.So how do you make sure that when your doctor suggests surgery, it's the best decision for you?

(2) Never choose surgery without exploring nonsurgical options first, advises Joshua Jacobs, president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and chairman of orthopedic surgery at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.In general, surgery is recommended only when less invasive treatments have failed or when it's clear that a surgical repair will deliver a better result than nonsurgical treatments, Jacobs says.

(3) Some orthopedic procedures, such as joint replacements, involve devices made by multiple companies.In cases where more than one product can do the job, “ask your surgeon: Why this device?” Jacobs says.“What's been your experience with this particular one?” Ask if there are any studies or statistics on this particular product that show how it compares to others.

(4) Proceed with extra caution if your doctor is recommending a brand-new procedure or device.Whenever a new surgical technique comes out, “everyone's excited about the newest thing and they jump on the bandwagon, but you really need to wait and see what the outcomes will be,” says Frederick L.Greene, a clinical professor of surgery at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and a member of the American College of Surgeons' Patient Education Committee.Sometimes the novel thing turns out to be no better or even worse than the older, more established one.Many hospitals are now selling robotic surgery for elective procedures, but such shiny new technologies aren't always your best choice, Greene says.

(5) Beware of hospitals and doctors with a financial interest in an expensive procedure, says Rosemary Gibson,an editor for the journal JAMA Internal Medicine and the author of The Treatment Trap.A 2012 study found that information about robotic gynecologic(妇产科医学的)hospital websites provided an incomplete picture of the benefits and risks of such procedures,and in August,researchers at Johns Hopkins University published a study suggesting that complications from robotic laparoscopic(腹腔镜检查)may be underreported.Gibson says that when doctors or hospitals purchase expensive equipment such as robotic surgical tools,they have an incentive to overuse it so they can offset their costs.

(6) Before you schedule surgery, ask your surgeon how long it will take to recover and what limitations you'll face during the post-op period, Jacobs says.Also find out what you can do to maximize your recovery.Some operations require physical therapy or other recoveries to achieve best results.

(7) Only agree to surgery once you understand what results you can expect and how these compare to your other options.

46.What's the author's attitude toward a new procedure?

A.He welcomes it heartily.

B.He doesn't like it at all.

C.He thinks it should be tested.

D.He would be the first to try it.

47.Why does the hospital publish incomplete information about robotic gynecology?

A.Because the hospital doesn't clearly know about robotic gynecology.

B.Because the hospital wants to mislead its patients.

C.Because something is wrong with the hospital's website.

D.Because many patients don't understand the information.

48.According to this article, what should we do when we are in a hospital?

A.Listen to the doctors and take all their advice.

B.Do not trust the doctors and turn to other solutions.

C.Be watchful while listening to the doctors.

D.Always be ready to new medical treatments.


(1) In March 2012, at a jewelry show in Switzerland, watchmaker Hublot unveiled what news reports hailed as the world's most expensive wrist watch—a timepiece(钟表计时器)encrusted with 1,282 diamonds,including six stones that weighed more than three carats(克拉)apiece.It took 17 workers 14 months to set all the stones in the one-of-a-kind timepiece.The price tag?Five million dollars.The company's president, Jean-Claude Biver, told the reporter that it'd be hard to make a pricier watch than this one, given that “the surface of a watch is limited” and there just isn't much room for more bling.

(2) Hublot's over-the-top(奢侈的)watch is an elegant piece of wrist candy,to be sure, even if you wouldn't dare to wear it on the street without an armed escort.But if you're concerned about actually using a watch to tell time, this one probably isn't that great of a choice, since there's so much glitter on the face that the positions of the hour, minute and second hands are tough to discern.Also, there's no digital display and no stopwatch mode, so it wouldn't be very useful if you want to keep track of your pace when you go for a jog in the park.In comparison, a humble Timex Ironman T5E321, the sort of watch you can purchase on Amazon.com for as little as $47,can do all of that and far more.It has a back-lit(背光)display that you can read clearly even at night,and if you're a traveler, you can set it to flip between two different time zones.In a pinch, it even can double as an alarm clock.

(3) But most importantly, the $5 million watch doesn't necessarily keep time more accurately than a $47 watch—at least to any degree you could discern.In a study published in Horological Journal in 2008, a researcher from the National Institute of Standards and Technology used sophisticated scientific equipment to test the performance of four cheap watches, including a counterfeit Rolex purchased from a street vendor for $15.He found that all four were astonishingly precise, to within a few thousandths of a second per day.

(4) So for strictly utilitarian(实用的)purposes,the answer to the question we've posed is a simple “no”.But “better” is subjective, and people pick watches for a lot of other reasons besides telling time.

49.What do we know about the world's most expensive wrist watch?

A.It was unveiled at a jewelry show in May 2012.

B.It was priced at five million dollars.

C.It was made by 17 workers for 14 years.

D.It was decorated with six diamonds.

50.What does the author think about the most expensive watch?

A.The watch is not worth that amount of money.

B.The watch is not safe for people to wear casually.

C.The watch is easy to be read during the night.

D.The watch is more useful for it has lots of functions.


In this section there are five short answer questions based on the passages in Section A.Answer the questions with NO more than TEN words in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.


51.What's the author's purpose of writing this passage?


52.What does the American Dream mean for Millennials?


53.What does the sentence “ they jump on the bandwagon ” mean (Lines 2~3, Para.4)?


54.What does the study published in Horological Journal in 2008 prove?

55.What's the author's attitude toward expensive watches?


Can online shopping make us smart consumers? This has been an intensely discussed question for years.The following are opinions from both the supporters and the opponents.Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.





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